• Title/Summary/Keyword: 활용도

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A Study on Recent Research Trend in New Product Development Using Keyword Network Analysis (키워드 네트워크 분석을 이용한 NPD 연구의 진화 및 연구동향)

  • Pyun, JeBum;Jeong, EuiBeom
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.119-134
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    • 2018
  • Today, many firms face the environment of high uncertainty and severe competition due to the rapid technology development and the diverse needs of customers. In the business environment, one of the most important ways to gain sustainable competitive advantage and future growth engine is related to NPD (New Product Development), which is a very important issue for practice and academia. Thus, this study intends to provide new values to practitioners and researchers related to NPD by analyzing current research trends and future trends in NPD field. For this, we bibliometrically analyzed keyword networks which consist of keywords that were already published in the eminent journals from Scopus database to generate insights that have not been captured in the previous reviews on the topic. As a result, we could understand the extant research streams in NPD field, and suggest the changes of specific research topics based on the connected relationships among keywords over the time. In addition, we also foresaw the general future research trends in NPD field based on the keywords according to preferential attachment processes. Through this study, it was confirmed that NPD keyword network is a small world network that follows the distribution of power law and the growth of network is formed by link formation by keyword preferential attachment. In addition, through component analysis and centrality analysis, keywords such as Innovation, New product innovation, Risk management, Concurrent engineering, Research and development, and Product life cycle management are highly centralized in NPD keyword network. On the other hand, as a result of examining the change of preferential attachment of keywords over the time, we suggested the required new research direction including i) NPD collaboration with suppliers, ii) NPD considering market uncertainty, iii) NPD considering convergence with the other academic areas like technology management and knowledge management, iv) NPD from SME(Small and medium enterprises) perspective. The results of this study can be used to determine the research trends of NPD and the new research themes for interdisciplinary studies with other disciplines.

Applications of Prescriptions Including Astragali Radix and Angelicae gigantis Radix in Dongeuibogam (동의보감(東醫寶鑑) 중(中) 황기(黃芪)와 당귀(當歸)가 배오(配伍)된 방제(方劑)의 활용(活用)에 대한 고찰(考察))

  • Kwon, Hyun-Kyong;Kook, Yoon-Bum
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2011
  • Objectives : This study was performed to investigate applications of 171 prescriptions including Astragali Radix and Angelicae gigantis Radix in Dongeuibogam. Methods : 171 prescriptions including Astragali Radix and Angelicae gigantis Radix which have been used separately or concurrently in Oriental Medicine for a long time as a treatment for various disease in Dongeuibogam were studied through order of frequency, symptoms, dosages, etc. Results : 1. 27 times(15.79%) prescriptions are recorded in intumescence chapter, 21 times(12.28%) in fatigue chapter, 11 times(6.43%) in women chapter and 9 times(5.26%) in anus chapter, which are arranged in order of frequency. 2. Yin-yang deficiency treat herbs are ranked top, eliminating intumescence methods, bloody stool, discharging blood from one's vagina, yang deficiency treat herbs are ranked in order of frequency among 107 symptoms in prescriptions including Astragali Radix and Angelicae gigantis Radix. 3. The dosages of Astragali Radix which is more used than Angelicae gigantis Radix are ranged from 3 puns:1 pun ~ 2 nyangs:1.5 nyangs. 1 jeon:5 puns is recorded 8 times(14.29%), 2 jeon:1 jeon is 7 times(12.50%), 1 jeon:3 puns and 1 jeon:7 puns are 24 times(11.2%), 1 nyang is 21 times(9.8%), same amount is 11 times(5.1%), 5 pun is 4 times(7.14%) each, 1.5 jeon:5 puns is 3 times(5.36%) used among 56 prescriptions including Astragali Radix and Angelicae gigantis Radix. 4. The dosages of Astragali Radix which is used same amount Angelicae gigantis Radix are ranged from 2.5 puns each ~ 2 nyangs each, 2.5 chons, same amount each. 1 jeon each is recorded 36 times(38.71%), 1 nyang each is 15 times(16.13%), 0.7 jeon each is recorded 12 times(12.90%), 0.5 jeon each is recorded 6 times(6.45%) used among 93 prescriptions including Astragali Radix and Angelicae gigantis Radix. 5. The dosages of Astragali Radix which is less used than Angelicae gigantis Radix are ranged from 3 puns:7 pun ~ 5 nyangs:12 nyangs. 1 jeon:1.5 jeons is recorded 3 times(13.64%), 0.8 jeon:1 jeon and 1 nyang:2 nyangs are 2 times(9.09%) each, the others are 1 time(4.55%) used among 22 prescriptions including Astragali Radix and Angelicae gigantis Radix. 6. The dosages of (Astragali Radix $\gg$ Angelicae gigantis Radix), (Astragali Radix = Angelicae gigantis Radix) and (Astragali Radix $\ll$ Angelicae gigantis Radix) which are recorded by counts (decoction groups: the other groups) are 52:4(92.86%:7.14%), 70:23(75.27%:24.73%), 13:9 (59.09%:40.91%) respectively. 7. The less using dosage of Astragali Radix and Angelicae gigantis Radix has a more percentage of decoctions groups, The more using dosage of Astragali Radix and Angelicae gigantis Radix has a more percentage of the other groups except decoctions. The less using prescriptions have an effects of controling yin and yang, enhancing blood and chi, etc, as a whole. The more using prescriptions as a form of compound powder have an effects in incurableness disease, chronic diseases, etc. Conclusions : The 171 prescriptions including Astragali Radix and Angelicae gigantis Radix in Dongeuibogam are mainly composed of Dangguibohyul-tang, Samool-tang, Sagoonja-tang and Gobangpoong-tang, Gamri-hwan, etc.

Clothing Purchase Behavior of Adolescents by the Consumer Awareness (청소년의 소비자 의식과 의복구매행동)

  • 김종희;조현주
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.67-78
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    • 2003
  • To investigate the consumer awareness and clothing purchase behavior of adolescents, questionnaire was administered to 639 middle and high school students in Daegu. The results were as follows. 1. The consumer awareness of adolescents was analyzed to 4 factors. consciousness of right. consumer information, brand-orientedness and responsibility. Respondents were clustered into three groups : utility-oriented group, brand-oriented group, and consumerism-oriented group. 2. Respondents bought their clothes at specialty stores primarily. They used ´products´, ´family's or friends advices´, and ´purchase experiences´ as information sources. The important criteria for selecting clothes were ´design´, ´price´, and ´suitability´ for oneself. Dissatisfactions after purchasing clothes were with ´price´, ´service´, ´sewing´, and ´size´. The complaining behaviors which respondents did mainly were ´telling friends about dissatisfaction with their purchased clothes´, ´asking for change dissatisfying products or asking for refund´ and ´asking for mending´. 3. Information sources were categorized into 3 factors: ´neutral information source´, ´personal information source´ and ´commercial information source´. Criteria for selecting clothes were factor-analyzed into ´harmony´, ´fashion´ and ´management of clothes´. ´The factors of dissatisfactions with purchased clothes were ´appearance´, ´quality´ and ´service´. 4. The differences by the consumer awareness in clothing purchase behaviors among consumer groups : In information sources. criteria for selecting clothes, complaining behaviors. purchasing places. three consumer groups were different significantly.

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The Development of a Model for Selecting Method of Entry for Apartment in Remodeling an Underground Parking Lot (지하주차장 리모델링 공사시 주동진입방법 선정 모델 개발)

  • Song, Nak-Hyun;Jung, In-Su;Lee, Chan-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2009
  • It is expected that the number of apartment complexes in Korea that are over 20 years old will rapidly increase to more than 3,500,000. Consequently, the remodeling of these buildings is being revitalized throughout the country. Among the requirements for such remodeling, the expansion of parking lots has considerable weight. When enlarging a parking lot, the access route from an underground floor to the main building (i.e., the means of entry into the main building) determines the possibility of vertical enlargement for elevators, the size of the parking lot, the construction period, and construction expenses, etc. When enlarging an underground parking lot of an apartment complex, the access between the main building and the parking lot, as well as the inhabitants' requirements for entering the main building, are generally determined based on the designer's experience, rather than on the exact estimation of the peculiarity of the complex. In order to resolve such a problem, when enlarging an underground parking lot, a systematic and rational method is needed for selecting the means of entry into the main building. In this study, a selection model is derived for the method of selecting an access route into the main building when constructing an underground parking lot, in order to provide a reasonable decision-making process. A research method was investigated for determining the access route into the main building when enlarging a parking lot. On the basis of research carried out through in-depth interviews with experts, the characteristics for each means of entry into the main building were analyzed and the factors affecting the selection of the access route were deduced. The affecting factors selected were construction efficiency, convenience efficiency and economic efficiency. Weight values were then estimated for the selected affecting factors by applying the AHP method. Results showed that convenience efficiency, which gained the highest value, is the most important factor in selecting the means of entry into the main building. The most suitable means of entry into the main building was also suggested after estimating the applicability of the site by selecting complexes with remodeling possibility. This study will be applied as a reference for selecting the means of entry into the main building when constructing an underground parking lot particularly for older apartment complexes.

Antioxidant Activity and Main Volatile Flavor Components of Mulberry Wine Fermented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae B-8 (토종발효미생물을 이용한 오디 발효주의 항산화 활성 및 향기성분 분석)

  • Chae, Kyu Seo;Jung, Ji Hye;Yoon, Hae Hoon;Son, Rak Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.43 no.7
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    • pp.1017-1024
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    • 2014
  • This study was carried out to develop mulberry wines fermented with traditional microorganisms (Saccharomyces cerevisiae B-8). S. cerevisiae B-8 is a traditional fermentation microorganism isolated from domestically grown Rubus occidentalis. Each S. cerevisiae B-8 and Fermivin was inoculated into mulberry up to $1{\times}10^9$ CFU/kg, followed by incubation at $25^{\circ}C$ for 10 days. Mulberry fermented with S. cerevisiae B-8 (MBB) had a high alcohol content (16.47%), and the fermentation rate of MBB was faster than that of mulberry fermented with Fermivin (MBF). The total polyphenol and flavonoid contents of MBB were higher than those of MBF. DPPH radical scavenging activity of MBB was as high as that of MBF. ABTS radical scavenging activity of MBF was higher than those of MBB and mulberry juice (MBJ). In addition, reducing power of MBB was much higher than other samples. Flavor constituents of the two fermented wines were analyzed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Twenty-three compounds from the sample were separated and identified as fifteen esters, six alcohols, an aldehyde, and an acetate. Particularly, tetradecanoic acid, ethyl ester of orris and violet flavor were ten times more abundant in MBB than in MBF. Several ester components were two times more abundant in MBB than in MBF. In conclusion, current findings indicate that MBB might have better antioxidant activities with flavor, which contributes to improved wine production with high quality and function.

Effects of Angelica keiskei Koidzumi and Turmeric Extract Supplementation on Serum Lipid Parameters in Hypercholesterolemic Diet or P-407-Induced Hyperlipidemic Rats (명일엽과 울금 추출물의 투여가 고콜레스테롤식이와 P-407로 유도한 고지혈증쥐의 혈중 지질 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Tae-Hyun;Son, Yeon-Kyung;Hwang, Keum-Hee;Kim, Mi-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.708-713
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    • 2008
  • The effects of administration alone or mixed of Angelica keiskei and turmeric extract on blood lipids were evaluated in hypercholesterolemic diet or P-407-induced hyperlipidemic rats. In the study 1, female Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 160-180 g were divided into each groups and fed high cholesterol diets for 8 weeks. Experimental groups were administered with following diets: basal diet (Normal), high cholesterol diets (1% cholesterol). We did the oral administration for evaluation in experimental groups: C (vehicle), A (angelica extract), T (turmeric extract), AT (angelica extract, turmeric extract/ 1:1 complex). The concentrations of serum total cholesterol, and LDL-cholesterol were decreased by 6.8%, 9.8% in A group, by 22.1%, 28.8% in C group and by 28.2%, 35.6% in AT group, compared to the C group, respectively. HDL-cholesterol levels were not different among the experimental groups. In the study 2, we induced the hypertriglyceridemia in rats by intraperitoneal injection of P-407 (0.5 g/kg) once per three days. From the next day after P-407 injection beginning, we did the oral administration as the study 1. Angelica keiskei extract, turmeric extract and complex extract decreased serum triglyceride by 17.2%, 19.7% and 48.3%, respectively. These results suggested that Angelica keiskei and turmeric extract complex might have synergistic effect in lowering total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride in hyperlipidemic rats.

Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Pan Bread Made with Various Amounts of Squeezed Perilla Leaf Juice (깻잎착즙액을 이용하여 제조한 식빵의 이화학적 및 관능적 특성)

  • Oh, Suk-Tae;Kim, Kee-Hyuk;Kim, Won-Mo;Lee, Gyu-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.46 no.7
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    • pp.833-840
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    • 2017
  • For wide application of perilla leaf, which has various healthy functions and can be easily cultured across Korea, the physicochemical and sensory properties of pan bread made with various amounts of squeezed perilla leaf juice (SPLJ) were analyzed. When dough characteristics were analyzed by using farinograph, consistency and dough development time were not significantly different between the control and bread dough made with various amounts of SPLJ, whereas dough stability time increased with increasing SPLJ amount. Expansion rate of dough decreased with increasing SPLJ amount. The volume, specific volume, and baking loss rate of pan bread made with various SPLJ amounts decreased with increasing SPLJ amount. Pan bread crumb colors became thickened and greenish with increasing SPLJ amount. For physical properties of pan bread made with various SPLJ amounts, springiness and cohesiveness decreased with increasing SPLJ amount, whereas brittleness, chewiness, and hardness increased with increasing SPLJ amount. In the sensory strength analysis, pore uniformity and soft texture decreased with increasing SPLJ amount, whereas crumb color (dark greenish), perilla leaf odor, perilla leaf taste, and chewing texture increased with increasing SPLJ amount. In the overall acceptance analysis, 1.5% SPLJ was the most preferred with a score of 7.10. However, statistical differences between 1.5% and 1.0% SPLJ were not detected at P<0.05. In the partial least squares analysis, consumers liked bread with a green crumb color, perilla leaf odor, perilla leaf taste, and soft and chewing texture. In conclusion, physicochemical properties of pan bread made with SPLJ were less desirable than those of the control; however, consumer acceptance of pan bread made with 1.5% SPLJ was shown the highest. Therefore, methods for increasing physicochemical properties of pan bread made with SPLJ need to be developed for wide application of perilla leaf.

Effect of Fermented Cirsium japonicum Extract on Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (엉겅퀴 발효 추출물을 통한 남성 갱년기 증상 개선 효과)

  • Jeong, Byung Seo;Kim, Seong Hoon;Kim, Hyun Pyo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.46 no.7
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    • pp.790-800
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    • 2017
  • As men get older, total testosterone levels decline gradually, and concentrations of free and bioavailable testosterone decline sharply with each decade beyond their 30s. Andropause or testosterone deficiency syndrome (TDS) is defined as a decrease in sexual satisfaction or decline in general well-being accompanied by low levels of testosterone in older men. This male climacteric is characterized by nervousness, reduced potency, decreased libido, irritability, fatigue, depression, memory problems, sleep disturbances, and hot flushes. Cirsium japonicum (CJ) is used as a traditional medicine for hemorrhage, blood congestion, and inflammation in Korea. However, there is no report on the efficacy of CJ treatment for TDS. In this study, we observed the mitigating effect of CJ extract (CE) and fermented CJ extract (FCE) on symptoms of TDS. In elderly male rats, total and testosterone levels, hind limbs muscles, forced swimming time, and total and motile sperm counts significantly increased after daily intake of CE and FCE for 6 weeks. In contrast, sex hormone binding globulin, retroperitoneal fat, total serum cholesterol, and triglyceride levels were significantly reduced in CE and FCE groups. However, there was no difference in prostate specific antigen, aspartate aminotransferase, and alanine aminotransferase levels among all groups, which means CE and FCE did not have putative adverse effects. In a cell experiment, we also observed that CE and FCE enhanced expression of genes related to testosterone biosynthesis but reduced genes involved in testosterone conversion. On the whole, these positive effects on TDS were greater in FCE compared to CE. Thus, these results suggest the potential of FCE as a promising natural product for recovering testosterone levels and alleviating TDS.

Shear Strength and Erosion Resistance Characteristics of Stabilized Green Soils (토양안정재를 혼합한 녹생토의 전단강도 및 침식저항특성)

  • Oh, Sewook;Jeon, Jinchul;Kim, Donggeun;Lee, Heonho;Kwon, Youngcheul
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2015
  • With the rising interest in the environment, more attention on ecological restoration for damaged slope surface to restore its original state has been drawn. Generally, the most useful method is vegetation based spray work. This method uses green soil including sewage sludge, sawdust, paper sludge, and weathered granite soil. However, because there are neither accurate information nor test values about green soil, green soil is often lost by environmental factors such as rainfalls and strong winds. To solve the problem of green soil, it is necessary to prepare design standards about green soil, and conduct studies to deal with green soil loss in consideration of various variables including basic material property, soil quality of slope surface, and weather. This study was conducted in the mixture of green soil and eco-friendly soil stabilizer. With green soil, basic material property test and compaction test were conducted for the analysis on the basic characteristics of green soil. In the mixture with soil stabilizer at a certain ratio, we conducted shear strength test depending on the ratio in order to analyze the maximum shear strength, cohesion and the change in internal friction angles. Furthermore, in the mixture ratio of green soil and soil stabilizer, which is the same as the ratio in the shear strength test, an inclination of slope surface was made in laboratory for the analysis on erosion and germination rate. Finally, this study evaluated the most effective and economic mixing ratio of soil stabilizer to cope with neighboring environmental factors. According to the test, the shear strength of green soil increased up to 51% rely onto the mixing ratio of and a curing period, and its cohesion and internal friction angle also gradually increases. It is judged that the mixture of soil stabilizer was effective in improving shear strength and thereby increased the stability of green soil.

A Study on the Distinct Element Modelling of Jointed Rock Masses Considering Geometrical and Mechanical Properties of Joints (절리의 기하학적 특성과 역학적 특성을 고려한 절리암반의 개별요소모델링에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Seok-Bu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 1998.05a
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    • pp.35-81
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    • 1998
  • Distinct Element Method(DEM) has a great advantage to model the discontinuous behaviour of jointed rock masses such as rotation, sliding, and separation of rock blocks. Geometrical data of joints by a field monitoring is not enough to model the jointed rock mass though the results of DE analysis for the jointed rock mass is most sensitive to the distributional properties of joints. Also, it is important to use a properly joint law in evaluating the stability of a jointed rock mass because the joint is considered as the contact between blocks in DEM. In this study, a stochastic modelling technique is developed and the dilatant rock joint is numerically modelled in order to consider th geometrical and mechanical properties of joints in DE analysis. The stochastic modelling technique provides a assemblage of rock blocks by reproducing the joint distribution from insufficient joint data. Numerical Modelling of joint dilatancy in a edge-edge contact of DEM enable to consider not only mechanical properties but also various boundary conditions of joint. Preprocess Procedure for a stochastic DE model is composed of a statistical process of raw data of joints, a joint generation, and a block boundary generation. This stochastic DE model is used to analyze the effect of deviations of geometrical joint parameters on .the behaviour of jointed rock masses. This modelling method may be one tool for the consistency of DE analysis because it keeps the objectivity of the numerical model. In the joint constitutive law with a dilatancy, the normal and shear behaviour of a joint are fully coupled due to dilatation. It is easy to quantify the input Parameters used in the joint law from laboratory tests. The boundary effect on the behaviour of a joint is verified from shear tests under CNL and CNS using the numerical model of a single joint. The numerical model developed is applied to jointed rock masses to evaluate the effect of joint dilation on tunnel stability.

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