• Title/Summary/Keyword: 활동공간

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Development and Research for the Professional Brand of TV Broadcasting Program -By focusing the actually proved study for news program brand- (TV 방송 프로그램의 전문 브랜드 개발 연구 -뉴스 프로그램 브랜드의 실증연구를 중심으로-)

  • Jeong, Bong-Keum;Chang, Dong-Ryun
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.1 s.59
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2005
  • In the age of digital culture, TV broadcasting is exercising more influence as a information and communication medium compared to past. With the appearance of satellite broadcasting service in 2002, the broadcasting environment became a diversified field of local TV, cable TV, satellite, internet, etc. and created the time of multi-media and multi-channel. This ongoing change of broadcasting environment made the passive audience of the past, active image makers and new accepters, participants and users of communications, who know how to choose and use media as the active centerpiece, The active acceptor as the centerpiece of channel selections has become the center of the broadcasting, whereby they pick up and enjoy their favorite TV programs and came to remember the list of their favorite channels and zap them finally. In this point of spotting their favorite channels and improving the degree of recognition for the channels, the development of the noticeable brand for a particular program has made a great contribution. The aim of this study, therefore, is to recognize the factors, which are important in the habits of watching TV and to develop professional brands for TV broadcasting programs. The range of the survey for this study was home news programs and broadcasting stations abroad, which were on air from March to May in 2004. The focus of the survey was universal and professional news programs. Through this study, it was ascertained that, in the case of news, developing a brand for an anchor as well as for a professional brand of TV program could be an important element.

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A Study on the Characteristics of One-Person Household in Local Small and Medium Cities (지방 중소도시 유형별 1인 가구 특성연구)

  • Ahn, Jung-Geun;Kim, Dong-Sung;Park, Cheol-Heung
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2020
  • In modern society, the number of one-person households is increasing significantly. In particular, one-person households have rapidly increased around local small and medium-sized cities. This study examines the characteristics of local small and medium-sized cities by factor and cluster analysis. Analysis of variance are applied to the characteristics of one-person household in different local cities to find the relationship between different types of cities and the characteristics of one-person households. As a result of the study, local small and medium-sized cities are classified into growth stagnation cities, industrial leading cities, regional base cities, and population outflow cities. It is also found that there are several different types of local cities based on the characteristics of one-person households. The growth stagnation city is a city where the regional economy is revitalized due to the development of regional industries in the past. One-person households have a small age group in their 30s and 40s, which are the basis of industrial activities. They have a high proportion of older generation living in more than three rooms in their homes. It is necessary to supply long-term public rental housing and share houses for older generation. The leading city of the industry is a city where the local economy is revitalized as workers are concentrated. One-person households are evenly distributed among all age groups, and the apartment occupancy rate is the highest compared to other types. It is necessary to provide happy housing for youth generation and reconstruction or renovation housing of manhood generation. The regional base city leads the regional base function and the regional economy, but it has reduced workers. Many of one-person households are younger than 30 years old and college educated. They are also high rate of unmarried and live at one room as rental houses. It is needed to expand the supply of small houses such as apartments, officetels and rented houses for youth generation. The population outflow city has a slow local economy and a rural residential environment. It is found that the households of one-person households have high rate of bereavement and the age. They live more than four rooms in single-family homes. It is necessary not only to provide welfare housing but also to create a sound residential environment where cultural exchange is possible.

A Study on the Semiotic Discourse of Color Expression in Impressionism Paintings -Focus on Works of Impressionism - (인상주의 회화에서 색채 표현의 기호적 담론 연구 -인상주의 작품 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Ryu, Joo-Hyun
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.40
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    • pp.521-549
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    • 2015
  • We recognize all objects by seeing. However, we are not sure that the things we see through our eyes are their essence. Here comes my question: What does it mean that humans see and recognize things? The things we see are images and so I consider recognizing an object as semiosis via our visual sensation and brain. That is because objects are defined not by their essence but as symbols we recognize. In the era of post-modernism art is a voluntary creative activity that creates a kind of spiritual value and plays an important role for appreciators who realize the fact to enjoy the life value. This paper focused on the art putting aesthetic value on humans' recognition and explored works of art in a visually perceptible way through semiosis. That is because art, an act of creating things, is symbolic and closely linked to semiotic system. Furthermore, derivative visual signs can be considered to be in line with the viewers' visual perception. If we interpreted by recognizing the works of art along with symbol, we can enjoy the works in depth through recognizing their color or shape. Therefore, I intended to discourse on color perception focusing on colors in order to analyze the relationship between art and symbol in the process of recognizing works of art. This paper looked into background of color recognition, status of colors and ways of expression for impressionist who painted with various colors and examined colors as a sensory language. In the process of interpreting art works by communication between the artist and viewers, the role of color is considered as visual symbol through the artist's experience, consciousness, emotions, and their senses. It can be interpreted the visual language through signification of the symbols when the colors are formed in works of art as a recognizable space. Therefore we expect to study in the Visual arts to be the colors symbolic analysis is extended to more effective communication tool.

A Study on Needs of 'Strolling (Yu)' at the Fine Arts Education - Focused on Oriental Painting - (미술교육에 있어서 '노닐음(遊)'에 대한 필요성 연구 - 동양화를 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Gyeong-Cheol
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.12
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    • pp.97-124
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    • 2007
  • The paper examined whether the fine arts education needed concept of 'Yu' that was suggested by, 'Soyoyu' of Jangja, a representative philosopher of Doka. At first, the paper defined concept of 'Yu' of Jangja as well as background and needs of the fine arts education, and investigated values of 'Yu' of the Oriental painting in aesthetic way to examine whether today's Yu concept can be applied to modern Oriental fine arts education to express. Chapter 2 examined concept and thought of 'strolling (Yu)', and Chapter 3 did background and needs of the fine arts education. Chapter 4 examined an access to practical technique education of the Oriental painting through 'strolling (Yu)': At first, the chapter investigated 'Heosil' of space concept that was researched at Chapter 2, 'Pilmuk' of expression technique, and 'Saeui' of state of spiritual canvas of painters. The findings were as follow: Firstly, when relation between Yu and Oriental paintings was investigated based on formative idea, 'Heo' reminded appreciators of association of ideas, hint and imagination, etc by, 'Sil' that other objects disclosed intrinsic attributes so that it indicated border of positive forgetfulness expressed by artists to have same border between 'Heo' and 'Yu'. Therefore, both 'Heo' and 'Sil' could build up expression as well as appreciation ability by experiencing formative idea to develop creativity and to build emotion and to cognize needs of the fine arts education. Secondly, the artistic state of 'Shin', 'Ki (Simjae)', 'Jeonshin' and, Saeui', etc could be expressed with strength and weakness of both Yin and Yang of Pilmuk. Therefore, the Pilmuk were linked even with creation of both Hyeongsa and artistic form of Saeui. Therefore, freedom at border of spiritual 'strolling' could produce creative power being expressed by thinking, natural appreciation ability, and education that could judge values of aesthetic culture. Therefore, cultivation of aesthetic eye, development of creativity, build up of formative ability and education of human nature, etc could keep identity of the Oriental fine arts education at various modern fine arts.

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Status of Birds and countermeasures of the crop damage by the birds at Reed Marsh of Sihwa Lake (시화호 갈대습지의 조류상 및 농작물 피해 대처방안)

  • Lee, Si-Wan;Song, Min-Jung;Kang, Tae-Han;Yoo, Seung-Hwa
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.105-120
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out at Reed Marsh of Sihwa Lake from July 2003 to June 2004. We observed total(sum of maximum population) 5,752 individuals of 70 species including 12 species of ducks, 10 species of egrets, 6 species of wagtails and buntings, 4 species of eagles. The most dominant species was Spotbill Duck(Anas poecilorhyncha - 3,518 individuals, 61.16%), and other species were Mallard(Anas platyrhynchos - 540 individuals, 9.39%), Great Reed-Warbler(Acrocephalus arundinaceus - 217 individuals, 3.77%). Reed Marsh of Sihwa Lake were observed many kinds of protected species such as Great Bittern(Botaurus stellaris), Mandarin Duck(Aix galericulata), Chinese Sparrow Hawk (Accipiter soloensis), Eurasian Sparrow Hawk(Accipiter nisus), Japanese Buzzard(Buteo buteo), Hen Harrier(Circus cyaneus), Eurasian Hobby(Falco subbuteo), and Common Kestrel(Falco tinnunculus). Since the Reed Marsh of Sihwa Lake arrived many individuals of waterbird, crop damage by the waterbird occurred in the surrounding rice fields. It was an area adjacent to the reed marsh of sihwa lake such as Yoopori and Samhwari Bibongmyoun, Yamokri Maesongmyoun Hwaseong City. Bird of crop damage was ducks openly. The most species was Spot-billed Duck. Crop damage types by the Spot-billed Duck were grazing, used the grain up or lower in quality with step on the rice. Crop damage size was about 560bags of rice during the one month on August 2002. In 2003, After carrying out the various crop damage reduction countermeasures, which measured crop damage size in 2002's crop damage area. It happened about 152bags of rice during the two months from on August to September 2003. Migration routes of Spot-billed Duck were that it was migrated from up the sihwa lake to reed marsh. It took a rest at reed marsh and migrated the surrounding rice fields for the feeding action. In 2002, it was migrated direct from up the sihwa lake to in surrounding rice fields. But as environment of reed marsh was improved better than 2002, it was migrated to reed marsh because of reducing the energy attrition rate. Crop damage reduction countermeasures are get on ears to use explosion machine, searchlight, start-gun and patrol at regular intervals. Which was an effect short term. Indirect method is to make a feeding area of substitution at up the sihwa lake and reed marsh of sihwa lake.

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An Exploratory Study on the Media Experience of Village Community Media Producers Focusing on the Production, Tasks and Policy Implications of Community Media in Jeju (마을공동체미디어 생산자의 미디어 경험에 관한 탐색적 연구 제주지역 공동체미디어의 생산과 과제, 정책적 함의를 중심으로)

  • Jung, Yong Bok
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.81
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    • pp.153-186
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of village community media in Jeju by looking at the value that it's participants have experienced in the production process. Therefore, this study focused on the creation and production process of village community media, the specific value reflected in this process as well as how to activate and operate it sustainably through in-depth interviews with 12 media participants in Jeju community. As a result of the analysis, firstly, we were able to see that the migrants who are not the indigenous became the center of village community media creation in Jeju and they felt very personal 'fun', 'enthusiasm' and 'satisfaction'. It was also completely open to access and participate in village community media and its contents were filled with stories of everyday life of village residents and hidden stories of old people in the village that were not recorded. The characteristic of the production process of village community media was the horizontal communication and it reflected well the opinions of individual media participants even if it had a joint meeting. Second, as a result of examining the values applied to the production process by village community media participants, they regarded the connection of communication by voluntary participation and restoration of communities through activation of communication in functionalism as an important value. Finally, as a result of examining the challenges and development plans for sustainable management of community media in Jeju, it was required the active participation of village residents, ensuring space for village community media, providing insufficient broadcasting equipment, and the budget support from local governments, etc. It was once again confirmed that the provision of a support system for the stable activities of local governments is an urgent task for sustainable village community media.

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A Study of the Effect of Port Characteristics on the Growth of Port Cities -Based on Pyeongtaek and Gwangyang Ports- (항만입지특성이 항만도시성장에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 -평택항과 광양항을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jeoungho;Choi, Byungdae
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.163-185
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    • 2014
  • The growth of a city requires substantial resources, an appropriate environment, and the alignment of several factors. City growth also evolves through changes in its history, culture, economics, societies, groups, and government systems. However, current port city development plans designed to encourage the growth of local businesses fail to provide the support needed for both the city and businesses. The recent actions of urban administrations and federal and local governments have revealed that they have yet to create a mature decentralized management system, or perhaps have ignored the reality of needing one. Taking a clear look at the differences between port regions, such as Gwangyang and Pyeongtaek, and understanding their effect on city growth would be a prudent course of action when preparing for future developments. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between ports and cities by analyzing the effect of port characteristics on nearby city growth. This study used a comparison analysis to determine how port characteristics affected the growth of Pyeongtaek and Gwangyang. One result of this analysis showed that an increase in the number of goods being imported or exported had a positive effect on the growth of both port cities, In this respect, an aggressive plan and cooperation between the federal and local government should occur simultaneously. Furthermore, efficient local policies that focus on the increase of personnel and material resources should be pursued as a standard strategy, which would also promote the international status of these locations. The results of this study show the importance of government cooperation. The federal government should lead with aggressive strategies that aim to optimize efficiency, while the local government should provide the necessary assistance and coordination in order to achieve optimal results.

Growth of two mud shrimps (Upogebia major and Austinogebia wuhsienweni) settled in Boryeong and Hongseong tidal flat (보령과 홍성 갯벌에 착저한 쏙 2종(Upogebia major and Austinogebia wuhsienweni)의 성장)

  • Song, Jae-Hee;Ahn, Hyun-Mi;Jeung, Hee-Do;Chung, Sang-Ok;Kang, Hee-Woong
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.217-227
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the initial growth, burrowing depth, and relative growth of mud shrimps (Upogebia major and Austinogebia wuhsienweni), living in damaged high density tidal flat shellfish farms form 2008 in the Western coast of Korea. By August, young mud shrimps (Upogebia major), which had settled down on the tidal flats in early May, grew to more than 10 mm in carapace length (CL). At the end of the first year, their CL and total length (TL) increased to 14.21 mm and 42.28 mm, respectively. The inhabiting depth of the young mud shrimps (Upogebia major) increased rapidly up to about 6 months after stocking (5 cm in July, 12.5 cm in September, and 28 cm in November, respectively). The inhabiting depth of adult mud shrimps in their burrows was about 10-93 cm during the year. As results, the analysis of the relative growth between the carapace length (CL) - the total length (TL) and the CL - total wet weight (TWW), the total wet weight of mud shrimps at Boryeong Saho (inner part of the Cheonsu-bay) was estimated to be 1.2-4 g heavier than those of Boryeong Jugyo (Outer part of the Cheonsu-bay) tidal flat. The young mud shrimps primarily grew from April to October. It is therefore crucial to observe whether the settlement of young mud shrimps on tidal shellfish farms from May to June to minimize the damage of shellfish farms by newly stocked young mud shrimps. In addition, it is recommended that young mud shrimps grown in fisheries be harvested before they dig deep into the sediment until early December.

Multi-dimensional Security Threats and Holistic Security - Understanding of fusion-phenomenon of national security and criminal justice in post-modern society - (다차원 안보위협과 융합 안보)

  • Yun, Min-Woo;Kim, Eun-Young
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.31
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    • pp.157-185
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    • 2012
  • Today, the emergence of cyberspace and advancement of globalization caused not only the transformation of our productive and conventional life but also the revolutionary transition of use of destructive violence such as crime and warfare. This transition of environmental condition connects various security threats which separatedly existed in individual, local, national, and global levels in the past, and transformed the mechanical sum of all levels of security threats into the organic sum of multi-dimensional security threats. This article proposes that the sum of multi-dimensional security threats is caused by the interconnectivity of various different levels of security threats and the integrated interdisciplinary perspective is essential to properly understand the fundamental existence of today's security problem and the reality of fear that we face today. The holistic security, the concept proposed here, is to suggest the mode of networked response to multi-dimensional security threats. The holistic security is suggested to overcome the conventional divisional approach based on the principle of "division of labor" and bureaucratic principles, which means more concretely that national security and criminal justice are divided and intelligence, military, police, prosecution, fire-fighting, private security, and etc. are strictly separated into its own expertise and turf. Also, this article introduces integrated security approaches tried by international organization and major countries overseas with the respect of the holistic security. The author have spent some substantial experience of participant observation, meetings, seminar, conference, and expert interviews regarding the issues discussed in the article in various countries including the United States, Russia, Austria, Germany, Canada, Mexico, Israel, and Uzbekistan for the last ten years. Intelligence and information on various levels of security threats and security approaches introduced in this paper is obtained from such opportunities.

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Analysis of Traffic Accidents Injury Severity in Seoul using Decision Trees and Spatiotemporal Data Visualization (의사결정나무와 시공간 시각화를 통한 서울시 교통사고 심각도 요인 분석)

  • Kang, Youngok;Son, Serin;Cho, Nahye
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.233-254
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the main factors influencing the severity of traffic accidents and to visualize spatiotemporal characteristics of traffic accidents in Seoul. To do this, we collected the traffic accident data that occurred in Seoul for four years from 2012 to 2015, and classified as slight, serious, and death traffic accidents according to the severity of traffic accidents. The analysis of spatiotemporal characteristics of traffic accidents was performed by kernel density analysis, hotspot analysis, space time cube analysis, and Emerging HotSpot Analysis. The factors affecting the severity of traffic accidents were analyzed using decision tree model. The results show that traffic accidents in Seoul are more frequent in suburbs than in central areas. Especially, traffic accidents concentrated in some commercial and entertainment areas in Seocho and Gangnam, and the traffic accidents were more and more intense over time. In the case of death traffic accidents, there were statistically significant hotspot areas in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Guro-gu, Jongno-gu, Jung-gu and Seongbuk. However, hotspots of death traffic accidents by time zone resulted in different patterns. In terms of traffic accident severity, the type of accident is the most important factor. The type of the road, the type of the vehicle, the time of the traffic accident, and the type of the violation of the regulations were ranked in order of importance. Regarding decision rules that cause serious traffic accidents, in case of van or truck, there is a high probability that a serious traffic accident will occur at a place where the width of the road is wide and the vehicle speed is high. In case of bicycle, car, motorcycle or the others there is a high probability that a serious traffic accident will occur under the same circumstances in the dawn time.