• Title/Summary/Keyword: 환자의 접근

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Therapeutic Effect of Amantadine in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients : Two Cases and Review (외상성 뇌손상 환자에서 Amantadine의 치료적 효과 : 2증례 및 고찰)

  • Jung, Han Yong;Lee, Soyoung Irene;Kim, Yang Rae
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.156-161
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    • 2001
  • We reported two cases of amantadine treatment in traumatic brain injury patients and reviewed the literature of amantadine treatment of those patients. Problems with short-term memory, attention, planning, problem solving, impulsivity, disinhibition, poor motivation, and other behavioral and cognitive deficit could occur following traumatic brain injury or other types of acquired brain injury. This report described results of amantadine using in two patients with this type of symptom profile. Patients received neuropsychiatric examination as well as BPRS and Barthel index. These patients were improved, respectively from 57 point to 82 point(case 1), from 85 to 94(case 2) in Barthel index, and from 66 point to 35 point(case 1), from 55 to 32 point(case 2) in BPRS. These two patients did not reveal any other adverse effect. The rationale for using amantadine were discussed.

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Effects of Self-motivated Virtual Reality Exercise Program on Heart Rate Variability and Quality of Life in the Hemodialysis Patients (자기주도 가상현실 운동프로그램이 혈액투석환자의 심박변이도, 삶의 질에 미치는 효과)

  • Cho, Hye-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.5578-5584
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    • 2014
  • In this study, 46 patients from a local hemodialysis center were enrolled to assess the effects of a self-motivated virtual reality (VR) exercise program on the heart rate variability and quality of life control in hemodialysis patients. The VR group (n = 23) completed a VR exercise program, where the subjects performed the exercise 40 min per session, 3 sessions per week, for 8weeks. After the exercise program, the heart rate variability and quality of life were measured. The VR group showed significant improvement in the heart rate variability and quality of life. The self-motivated VR exercise program provided both the role of supervisor as well as feedback, which is important for hemodialysis patients.Therefore, a self-motivated VR exercise program may be a useful tool for improving the psychosocial function in chronic disease patients undergoing hemodialysis.

Nursing Approach of an Offered Blanket on the Anxiety of Patients Undergoing Brain MRI (담요제공이 Brain MRI 검사를 받는 환자의 불안에 미치는 간호중재적 접근)

  • Park, Jin-Yeong;Kim, Kye-Ha
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.623-632
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of an offered blanket on the anxiety of patients undergoing brain MRI. The participants were 52 patients who underwent brain MRI in C university hospital of G city. Blanket was applied to the experimental group (n=26) before MRI. Data were collected from May to December 2015, and analysed using the chi-squared test, the independent t-test, and repeated measures ANOVA. The results showed that there was no significant difference in the anxiety measured by STAI of the two groups. But, the level of anxiety measured by the visual analog scales was reduced in the experimental group (t=-2.75, p=0.008). There were no difference in the blood pressure and pulse rate in the experimental and control groups. Therefore, further study is needed to decrease the level of anxiety of patients undergoing brain MRI.

Moving Patterns of Patients and Its Implication for Regional Unbalance in Health Resources (환자이동현황을 고려한 병상공급 방향)

  • Yun, Heesuk
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.41-78
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    • 2007
  • Due to the concern of regional unbalance relating to healthcare resources, the government has set up a plan to expand public healthcare services and a policy to manage the supply of hospital beds. However, it is not clear what standards are needed to measure the degree of unbalance, and to what extent the gap needs to be narrowed. Unlike the previous methodology comparing the proportions of patients who move out from their administrative district to receive medical services, this study examines the inconvenience gap patients experience when they have to move out from their actual living area. The logit and multinomial logit models are employed. The regional unbalance decreases when the degree of movement is measured based on the living area. This result implies that essential standard for achieving regional balance relating to medical services need to be based not on the even distribution of medical resources, but the complications of regional people that require proper medical services.

Alexithymia in Patients with Tension-Type Headache (긴장성 두통 환자에서의 감정표현 불능증)

  • Shin, Dong-In;Ham, Byung-Joo;Kwon, Ho-In;Park, Gun-Woo;Kim, Leen;Suh, Kwang-Yun
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.56-60
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    • 2002
  • Objective: Various psychological factors influence the occurrence of tension-type headaches. The aim of this study is to compare the level of alexithymia between tension-type headache patients and normal controls. Methods: Sixty-six subjects with tension-type headaches and 59 controls were studied. The Beck Depression Inventory and Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20K) were administered to the tension-type headache group and TAS-20K to the normal control group. Results: Compared with normal controls, the tension-type headache group had significantly higher alexithymia scores. There was also significant association between the level of alexithymia and the severity of the depression in tension-type headache patients. Conclusions: These findings suggest that patients with tension-type headaches have difficulty in expressing their emotions. And in patients with tension-type headaches, the more alexithymic they are, the more depressive.

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Design of outside orbit style supersonic waves multi curer for Fracture patient's type (radish stimulation, radish invasion) rehalibitation promotion) (Fracture 환자의 유형(무자극, 무침습) 재활촉진을 위한 외부궤도형 초음파 다층치료기의 설계)

  • Kim Whi-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.245-252
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    • 2006
  • Estrangement hierarchical by bipolarization is deepened and time space that social welfare by graying corresponds great so. Specially, is real condition that indifference by patient's increase which is solitary life string is come to involve by social Voblem. Together, Jaetaek bone fracture patient's ratio is zooming. <중략>Supersonic waves operation frequency used on both end because do 1mHz, 1.3mHz, supersonic waves origination that have 1.5mHz's Piezo-ceramic crystal tranducer material each 4 premature senilitys in this research, and outside diameter according to impedance and Phase d used Gakgak4mm, 5.4mm, Dukke0.5mm, transformer deuce of length 70mm. Manufactured, and investigated supersonic waves distribution chart by capacity 50m W. Supersonic waves used by diagnosis mainly but is seen to become convenient medical treatment mounting in bone fracture patient's treatment if supplement clinically. If supplement system furthermore, is going to apply to osteoporosis patient, and this research tried to design poetic theme width directly and study rain standardization special qualify and approach basic form because do modelling.

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Gait Initiation in a Patient With Spastic Hemiplegia Cerebral Palsy With and Without a Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthosis: A Pilot Study (강직성 편측 뇌성마비 환자의 보행 기시에 미치는 동적 단하지 보조기의 효과: 사전연구)

  • Jeon, Hye-Seon;Senesac, Claudia;Kaufman, Elizabeth
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2000
  • 본 연구는 강직성 편측 뇌성마비 환자의 보행 기시(gait initiation)의 특성을 파악하고, 동적 단하지 보조기(dynamic ankle foot orthosis : DAFO)가 이런 환자들의 보행 기시에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 실시하였다. 연구대상자는 19세 선천성 강직성 우측 뇌성마비를 가진 여자 대학생이었다. 연구대상자는 4개의 다른 보행 기시 조건에서 각 조건당 7회의 보행 기시를 하였는데, 각각의 보행 기시 조건은: 1) 보조기 없이 좌측 하지로 보행 기시; 2) 우측 하지 보조기 착용 상태에서 좌측하지로 보행 기시; 3) 보조기 없이 우측 하지로 보행 기시; 4) 우측 하지 보조기 착용 상태에서 우측 하지로 보행 기시였다. 두개의 힘 판(force plate) 위에서 본인이 선택한 가장 편안한 방법과 속도로 2 m를 걷도록 하였다. 연구대상자가 보행 기시를 하는 동안 양쪽 가자미근과 앞정강근에 부착된 4개의 표면 전극으로부터 근 전도 신호와 보행 기시를 하는 연구 대상의 양 발 아래 놓인 두개의 힘 판의 자료를 분석하여 체중(body weight : BW)으로 정량화 하였다. 실험결과는 각 조건마다 7회 실시된 측정값들의 평균을 이용하였다. 본 사전연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 보행 기시 전 양다리로 선 상태에서 환측보다 건측으로 많은 체중지지를 하였으나(환측 42.57%BW, 건측 58.03%BW) 보조기의 착용이 환측으로의 체중지지를 향상시켰다(환측 44.46%BW, 건측 55.54%BW). 2. 보행 기시 중 가자미근과 앞정강근의 동시수축(coactivation)이 계속되었는데 이러한 양상은 보조기의 착용 유무에 따라 크게 달라지지 않았다. 3. 힘 판에서 들어온 지면 반발력(ground reaction force)의 수직 분력(vertical element, Fz)과 전후 분력(anterior-posterior element, Fx)을 분석한 결과, 건측 다리로 보행 기시를 할 때 보조기 착용은 가속을 촉진시켜 역학적으로 유리하였다. 이상의 연구 결과는 보조기의 착용이 건측 다리로 보행 기시를 할 때 미치는 신경학적, 역학적 장점들에 대한 구체적 연구의 필요성 및 근거를 제시하고, 환자들의 보행훈련 접근에 보다 효율적인 보행방법을 소개하는데 이용될 수 있다.

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Digital approach integrating 3D facial scan and a virtual mockup for esthetic restorative treatment: A case report (심미보철 수복을 위한 3차원 안면스캔과 가상 보철물 시각화를 이용한 디지털 치료 증례)

  • Mai, Hai Yen;Choi, Yong-Do;Lee, Du-Hyeong
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.425-431
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    • 2019
  • This clinical case report describes the digital workflow that combines a face scan, cone beam computed tomography and an intraoral scan to visualize the outcome of prosthodontic treatment in the anterior region. This approach improves communication between clinic, laboratory and patients. A patient with healthy general condition came for a restorative treatment to treat post-traumatic central incisors of maxilla. A virtual patient replica was made by incorporating a face scan, cone beam computed tomography and an intraoral scan. Design mockup of definitive restorations was shown to the patient and modified according to the patient's desire. This digital workflow facilitates the fabrication of optimal esthetic restorations, and enhances the predictability of outcome of restorations.

Blockchain-based Electronic Medical Record Sharing FrameworkUsing Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Cryptography for patient's anonymity (환자의 익명성이 보장되는 암호문 정책 속성중심 암호를 활용한 블록체인 기반 전자의무기록 공유 프레임워크)

  • Baek, Seungsoo
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 2019
  • Medical record is part of the personal information that values the dignity and value of an individual, and can lead to serious social prejudice and disadvantage to an individual when it is breached illegally. In addition, the medical record has been highly threatened because its value is relatively high, and external threats are continuing. In this paper, we propose a medical record sharing framework that guarantees patient's privacy based on blockchain using ciphertext policy-based attribute based proxy re-encryption scheme. The proposed framework first uses the blockchain technology to ensure the integrity and transparency of medical records, and uses the stealth address to build the unlinkability between physician and patient. Besides, the ciphertext policy attribute-based proxy re-encryption scheme is used to enable fine-grained access control, and it is possible to share information in emergency situations without patient's agreement.

Convergence study of oral-related quality of life and changes in oral health behavior in adult patients before and after correction using the Daily Activity Oral Impact Index (OIDP) (일상활동구강영향지수(OIDP)를 이용한 성인환자의 교정전후 구강관련 삶의 질과 구강보건행동 변화의 융합적 연구 (20대를 중심으로))

  • Lee, Yeon-Kyoung;Kim, Min-A
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 2021
  • The present study surveyed 300 adults who completed orthodontic treatment to determine their oral health-related quality of life and changes in oral health behavior in orthodontic patients. The collected data is analyzed using the spss 22.0 program. Before orthodontic treatment, social factors (4.68) had the lowest associated quality of life score, and after orthodontic treatment, socially related quality of life showed the highest increase at 3.72 points. Changes in oral health behavior showed that many phosphorus scaling increased by 1.28 points after correction compared to before correction. As oral health quality of life and oral health behavior have changed through orthodontic treatment, dental professionals need to take appropriate management of each patient's individual quality through health education. Appropriate management needs to be developed.