• Title/Summary/Keyword: 환경수용력

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Emergy Carrying Capacity of Sungap-do, An Uninhabited Island in Korea (무인도서 선갑도의 에머지 환경수용력 평가)

  • Kang, Dae-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.60-67
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    • 2010
  • For sustainable use of the resources of uninhabited islands of Korea, their ecological economic potential needs to be fully integrated into their management policy and the carrying capacity of the islands should be evaluated before using or developing them. The emergy methodology was used to evaluate the ecological economic value and carrying capacity of Sungap-do which is an uninhabited island in Incheon, Korea. The system boundary for the emergy evaluation of the island included the sea area within 1km from the high tide level, following the management boundary for the uninhabited islands of Korea stipulated in the Law on the Conservation and Management of Uninhabited Islands. The total renewable emergy input to Sungap-do was $1.04{\times}10^{20}$ sej/yr from tidal energy. The annual ecological economic contribution of the island was evaluated high at 29.9 billion Em₩/yr. If Sungap-do were developed to the national average, its carrying capacity was 6,586 persons at the current living standard of Korea. The carrying capacity of Sungap-do for the long-term sustainability scenario was 2,337 persons at the same living standard as in the developed scenario. When only emergy contribution of the land area was considered, the carrying capacity of Sungap-do sharply decreased to 14 persons for the developed scenario and 5 persons for the long-term sustainability scenario. The carrying capacity of the uninhabited islands of Korea including Sungap-do, thus, needs to be considered from the initial stage of utilization or development projects to sustain the ecosystem benefits and their sustainable uses.

Trend and Affecting Factors of Ecological Deficit in North Korea (북한의 생태적자 추이 및 영향요인 분석)

  • Yeo, Min Ju;Kim, Yong Pyo
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.56-72
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    • 2018
  • North Korea has been in ecologically deficit state since 1966, despite of lack of energy and food resources. Trends of the Biocapacity (BC), the Ecological Footprint (EF), and the Ecological Deficit (ED) of North Korea were shown and five factors influencing on the Overshoot Rate (OSR) which is the ratio of the BC and the EF in North Korea was analyzed in this study. The five factors consist of two factors affecting to the EF and three factors affecting to the BC in North Korea. Two of the five factors are affecting to the EF those are population, the EF per capita (EFPC) which indicates the individual environmental consumption intensity, and three are affecting to the BC those are the land area, the yield factor, and the value multiplying the equivalence factor and the intertemporal yield factor. The EF has contributed more than the BC to the OSR. From 1966 to mid-1990s, the EFPC was the most contributing factor at about 60%, and after mid-1990s, population at about 40~60%. Contribution ratio of land area and the yield factor have increased after mid-1990s up to 15% and 18%, respectively. The BC of cropland which has decreased due to a decrease in productivity. In order to reduce the ED of North Korea, improvement of productivity of cropland and restoration of forest. Forest area has decreased significantly since 1990 in NK. And ways to solve the food shortage problem which influences on decrease of both productivity of cropland and forest area.

A Study on the Carrying Capacity of Donggung and Wolji, Gyeongju - Centering around the Physical.Psychological Carrying Capacity - (경주 동궁과 월지의 적정수용력 연구 - 물리적 심리적 수용력을 중심으로 -)

  • Pan, Xiang;Xu, Huan;Kang, Tai-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2012
  • The main objective of this study is to reveal the basic information for structuring the subsequent information monitoring and early warning system and configuring the sustainable programme management of Donggung and wolji, Gyeongju which was much utilized as historic garden with the physical carrying capacity and the psychological carrying capacity according to on-spot observation and survey. The physical carrying capacity can be calculated with landscape node spatial capacity, road spatial capacity and other spatial capacity and the psychological carrying capacity can be calculated with vision, hearing, touch, action feeling and satisfaction. The number of actual tourists was lower than the carrying capacity in daytime, but it was about twice as great as that in the night. And because the tourists were mainly tour groups, the time of environment damaged was short and fixed. The management improvement program was brought forward centre around the results.

Calculating the Carrying Capacity and Management Planning of the Gwangneung Area (관광지의 적정 수용력 산정과 관리 방안 연구 - 광릉지역을 사례로 -)

  • Kim Sunhee
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.3 s.108
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    • pp.321-334
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    • 2005
  • This study aims to calculate reasonable carving capacity of the Gwangneung area and to review its tourism policies from the perspective of the tourist's demands. According to the analysis results, The socio-psychological carrying capacity by targeted intervals of time is generally underestimated and less than desired. Parking lots followed by stores and then roads are the biggest issues weighing down the area's carving capacity Also, another finding shows that the physical carrying capacity, analyzed based on area use, is estimated for 600 tourists and 130 cars. This study recommends following that Gwangneung establish various tour programs linking its cultural and historical sites to forest and ecological resources. Further to this, Gwangneung might be better off exerting efforts to developing environmental education programs and training more cultural and ecological guides. The findings necessitate that should be made off limits to cars, and instead servicing the area with shuttle buses. Management offices can also be classrooms used for cultural, historical and ecological education and exhibitions. Other findings suggest an expansion of convenience facilities such as more potable water stations, benches, resting areas and a continued monitoring of tourism activities in the area.

Direction for Improving Management Model based on Carrying Capacity for Managing natural resources in ecotourism area : Focused on Getz, LAC, VIM and VERP (생태관광지역 자연자원 관리를 위한 수용력 기반 관리모델 개선방향 : Getz, LAC, VIM, VERP 관리모델을 중심으로)

  • Park, Hong Chul;Oh, Choong Hyeon
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.107-133
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    • 2014
  • The eco-tourism has caused a variety of problems between use and conservation. The situation requires introduction of scientific management techniques, such as controlling the number of visitors to the destination and identifying appropriate carrying capacity. Getz, LAC, VIM and VERP have been developed for this purpose and they are the management model based on carrying capacity that have been explored for introduction and application in Korea. However, it is necessary to modify and supplement the management model to suit the purpose of ecotourism characteristics and the status of ecotourism in Korea. Therefore, we identified the problems of the existing management model and presented three improvements. strengthen the interdependent linkages between carrying capacity and the management goals; improve the tourism opportunity distribution model; improve the phased management. It will help many ecotourism sites to effectively manage the impacts of visitors in Korea with a minimum amount of effort and costs.

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A Study on the Estimation of Ecological Footprint in Gyeongsangbuk-do for Comparison of Environmental Capacity of Each Local Government (자치단체별 환경용량 비교를 위한 경상북도지역 생태발자국 추정연구)

  • Kang, Kee-Rae;Kim, Hee-Chae;Kim, Dong-Pil;Oh, Hyun-Kyung;Cho, Kwang-Jin;Shin, Young-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.769-778
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    • 2014
  • The rapid urbanization and increase in population due to industrialization have led to the extension of cities and the reduction in naturality as a necessity. Now, it is the biggest threat to virtuous circle of ecosystem. With the expansion of common recognition that this ecological crisis would be accompanied by the crisis of mankind, many countries all around the world are conducting researches to indicate the optimum consumption level of individual as an index in addition to cross-national environmental indicators such as ESI, EPI and SDI, by measuring environmental consumption of state, local government or individual, and comparing each region. Based on this background, this research was carried out to estimate the environmental capacity of 23 local government in Gyeongsangbuk-do. The result of EF estimation showed that EF value necessary for life per head in Gyeongsangbuk-do was 0.9534, and it showed an ecological deficit of 25.3 percent when analyzing it in consideration of the ecological capacity. Also, among the local governments in Gyeongsangbuk-do, Youngduk-gun displayed the highest EF, and Ulleung-gun displayed the lowest EF. But when analyzing the ecological deficit in consideration of the ecological capacity of each region, Gumi-city showed the greatest ecological deficit, and Youngyang-gun showed the biggest ecological capacity. The environmental capacity estimated in this study is to digitize the ecological capacity and ecological deficit of each local government in Gyeongsangbuk-do. The estimated optimum environmental capacity of each local government suggests the scale of environmental preservation and proper development and furthermore, could be used as fundamental data for persuading members of each local government when selecting a location of development facility or preservation area.

Improvement of Sustainable National Park Management System: focusing Establishment of Management Based Environmental Capacity (지속가능한 국립공원의 관리체계 개선방안: 환경용량 기반의 u-Park 체계 수립을 중심으로)

  • Son, Min-Ho;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Song, Chul-Chul
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.51-84
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    • 2006
  • The current study suggested plans to maintain excellent natural environment of national parks by prohibiting excessive use and introduced the concept of environment capacity using GIS. This paper is that researches on National Parks in the past studied were mostly on the natural resources, human resources, facilities and visitors as well as standard for management of these issues from individual perspective, this study defined concept of integrated (principle of overlay) carrying capacity. It also estimated environmental ecological conservation value considering ecological conservation and environment-ecological index and estimated visit attraction index based on attraction value of nature and facilities in the parks. And it suggested management index as a management plan for effective analysis and management of carrying capacity. As a result, in case of Mt. Jiri National Park, Grade 5 area requiring inducement occupied 71% while Grade 1 area requiring dispersion occupied 0.1%, which means the necessity of appropriate dispersion in the site. Moreover, this research aims to find a monitoring method, utilizing the concept of ubiquitous, for the continuous systematic monitoring on immense natural resources, facilities, and visitors. The continuable national park management plan was proposed by establishing quantitative, and qualitative objective of the environment capacity from the decision based on GIS public opinions from the gathered information. Through the GIS public opinion system and ubiquitous based technology, I propose the effective management technology method for national park.

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Estimation of Stocking Density using Habitat Suitability Index and Ecological Indicator for Oyster Farms in Geoje-Hansan Bay (서식적합도와 생태지표를 이용한 거제한산만 굴양식장의 입식밀도 산정)

  • Cho, Yoon-Sik;Lee, Won-Chan;Hong, Sok-Jin;Kim, Hyung-Chul;Kim, Jeong-Bae;Park, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.185-191
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    • 2012
  • Most of Korean farms have been developed in the semi-closed bay, and its position is very vulnerable to the coastal contamination due to the long term and the high density. So, mariculture management is very essential for the sustainable aquaculture. Some of the specific ways would be the assessment of the optimal stocking density for mariculture management zone and this has to consider both the suitable site selection and the assessment of ecological carrying capacity. Habitat suitability index(0.0 totally unsuitable habitat, 1.0 optimum habitat) and ecological indicator(Filtration pressure indicator) was used to assess the stocking density for oyster farms in Geoje-Hansan Bay. Geoje Bay showed the higher habitat suitability index value 0.75 than Hansan Bay 0.53, indicating that Geoje Bay is more suitable for oyster farming. Ecological indicator showed different stocking density according to the coastal characteristics in Geoje-Hansan Bay. Consequently, it is desirable that the stocking density in Geoje Bay should reduce average 40% and Hansan Bay, average 60% than present, in order to meet the ecological carrying capacity. The assessment of the stocking density could solve various problems such as the coastal contamination, environmental aggravation and the productivity decrease and this study could be a scientific basis to establish the policies for mariculture management.