• 제목/요약/키워드: 화성 분석

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A Nutrition Survey of the Rural Elderly in Hwaseung' Kyeonggi Province (일부농촌지역(一部農材地域) 노인(老人)들의 영양상태(營養狀態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Seo, Jung-Sook;Lee, Eun-Wha;Mo, Su-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 1982
  • A survey was carried out to determine the nutritional status of rural elderly. Determination was made on 50 persons, aged 60 years and over, in the rural area of Paltan-myeon, Hwaseong-kun, Kyeonggi province from June 1 to August 20, 1980. Grains provided 82$\sim$85% of total energy input most nutrient intake was from vegetable foods. Daily energy intake was not sufficient as 77.2$\sim$89.8% of RDA. The energy input percentage of carbohydrate: fat: protein was 79 : 10 : 11. showing higher dependance on carbohydrate. The protein intake only met 53.7$\sim$65.3% % of RDA. The contribution of animal proteins to total protein was only 12.2$\sim$12.4%, far below the recommended allowance. Both calcium and iron was insufficiently ingested as 40.6$\sim$55.7% and 72.0$\sim$92.0% of RDA, respectively. The intake of vitamin A and ascorbic acid almost reached RDA whereas the intake of thimin, riboflavin and niacin was not sufficient as 63.0$\sim$97.0%, 51.0$\sim$58.5% and 59.1$\sim$83.9% of RDA, respectively. 32% of the subjects were higher blood pressure than 160/95 mmHg proven to be hypertension. The correlation coefficients between clinical sign score, index of appetite, balance of meal and nutrient intake were significant. (P<0.05)

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Analyses of Nutrients and Antinutrients of Rice Cultivars (국내 주요 쌀 품종별 영양성분 및 주요 항영양인자 분석)

  • Kyoun, Oh-Yun;Oh, Sang-Hee;Kim, Hyun-Ju;Lee, Jeong-Hee;Kim, Hyoung-Chin;Yoon, Won-Kee;Kim, Hwan-Mook;Kim, Mee-Ree
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.22 no.6 s.96
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    • pp.949-956
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    • 2006
  • Eleven rice varieties, five normal-yielding and six high-yielding, were examined for proximate composition, mineral and fatty acid composition, and antinutrients. The proximate rice compositions for moisture, crude protein, crude fat, carbohydrate, crude fiber and crude ash were 10.70${\sim}$15.88%, 5.03${\sim}$7.73%, 0.45${\sim}$1.33%, 74.56${\sim}$82.05%, 0.30${\sim}$0.73% and 0.31${\sim}$0.91%, respectively. The proximate composition of the various rice varieties was not significantly different except for moisture and carbohydrate. The contents of saturated fatty acid, monounsaturated fatty acid and polyunsaturated fatty acid of the rice varieties were 22.45${\sim}$25.99%, 36.50${\sim}$44.99% and 32.01${\sim}$46.02%, respectively. Several high-yielding rices varieties had higher oleic acid or linoleic acid. Ilmi and Nampyung had high oleic acid contents at ever 40%, and Dongjin No. 1, IlPum, Junam and Seachuchung had high linoleic acid contents at over 37%. The major minerals of rice were K and Mg and their respective contents were 85.62% and 25.55%. High-yielding rice varieties had significantly higher Mn and Na contents and lower Mg and Fe contents than normal-yielding rice varieties (p<0.05). Antinutrients such as lectin, phytic acid and trypsin inhibitor were not detected in any of the rice varieties.

Feed Value and Yield Potential of Main Whole-Crop Silage Rice Cultivars with Harvesting Time in the Central Plains of Korea (중부 평야지에서 사료용 벼 주요품종의 수확시기 별 사료가치 및 수량성)

  • Ahn, Eok-Keun;Won, Yong-Jae;Park, Hyang-Mi;Jung, Kuk-Hyun;Hyun, Ung-Jo
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    • v.63 no.4
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    • pp.294-303
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    • 2018
  • To set an optimal harvest time for five main whole-crop silage (WCS) rice cultivars, Nokyang (Ny), Mogwoo (Mw), Mogyang (My), Nokwoo (Nw) and Yeongwoo(Yw), based on feed value and dry matter yield, we analyzed water content (WC), feed values such as percent crude protein (CP), crude fat (CF), crude ash (CA), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), estimated total digestible nutrients (TDN), and calculated their dry matter yield (DMY). These parameters were estimated at the booting stage and every 10 days from start of heading to 45 days after heading (DAH) to identify the optimal harvest time for these rice varieties. In all varieties, except Ny, the WC was about 65% on the $30^{th}$ DAH. In terms of WC, it is judged that there would be no major problem in preparing high quality silage when harvested between 20~30 DAH for Ny and about 30 days for the other cultivars. The CP and CA decreased significantly as the harvest time was delayed in all varieties (p<0.05). However, the CF in the tested varieties generally declined as DAH increased, and then increased again(p<0.05). The decrease in ADF and NDF was significantly different from the booting stage to 45 DAH in all varieties (p<0.05) and the estimated TDN increased gradually in all varieties as the harvest time was delayed. The TDN of all varieties, except Nw, was over 70% around 30 DAH. As harvest time was delayed, the DMY for all WCS rice increased significantly (p<0.05). The maximum DMY for each cultivar was observed at 45 DAH, however, no significant difference (p<0.05) was seen after 40 DAH for Ny and Yw, 30 DAH for Mw and Nw, and 20 DAH for My. Considering these results and others factors such as lodging, shattering, digestibility of grains, conversion of eating rice, etc., the optimal harvest time for silage use of all WCS rice tested was generally the yellow ripening stage, at about 30 DAH (30~40 DAH for Ny and Mw, and 30 DAH for My, Nw and Yw).

A Practical Method to Quantify Very Low Fluxes of Nitrous Oxide from a Rice Paddy (벼논에서 미량 아산화질소 플럭스의 정량을 위한 실용적 방법)

  • Okjung, Ju;Namgoo, Kang;Hoseup, Soh;Jung-Soo, Park
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.285-294
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    • 2022
  • In order to accurately calculate greenhouse gas emissions in the agricultural field, Korea has been developing national-specific emission factors through direct measurement of gas fluxes using the closed-chamber method. In the rice paddy, only national-specific emission factors for methane (CH4) have been developed. It is thus necessary to develop those for nitrous oxide (N2O) affected by the application of nitrogen fertilizer. However, since the concentration of N2O emission from rice cultivation is very low, the QA/QC methods such as method detection and practical quantification limits are important. In this study, N2O emission from a rice paddy was evaluated affected by the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, by taking into account both method detection and practical quantification limits for N2O concentration. The N2O emission from a rice paddy soils affected by the nitrogen fertilizer application was estimated in the following order. The method detection limit (MDL) of N2O concentration was calculated at 95% confidence level based on the pooled standard deviation of concentration data sets using a standard gas with 98 nmol mol-1 N2O 10 times for 3 days. The practical quantification limit (PQL) of the N2O concentration is estimated by multiplying 10 to the pooled standard deviation. For the N2O flux data measured during the rice cultivation period in 2021, the MDL and PQL of N2O concentration were 18 nmol mol-1 and 87 nmol mol-1, respectively. The measured values above the PQL were merely about 12% of the total data. The cumulative N2O emission estimated based on the MDL and PQL was higher than the cumulative emission without nitrogen fertilizer application. This research would contribute to improving the reliability in quantification of the N2O flux data for accurate estimates of greenhouse gas emissions and uncertainties.

Assessment of Region Specific Angstrom-Prescott Coefficients on Uncertainties of Crop Yield Estimates using CERES-Rice Model (작물모형 입력자료용 일사량 추정을 위한 지역 특이적 AP 계수 평가)

  • Young Sang, Joh;Jaemin, Jung;Shinwoo, Hyun;Kwang Soo, Kim
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.256-266
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    • 2022
  • Empirical models including the Angstrom-Prescott (AP) model have been used to estimate solar radiation at sites, which would support a wide use of crop models. The objective of this study was to estimate two sets of solar radiation estimates using the AP coefficients derived for climate zone (APFrere) and specific site (APChoi), respectively. The daily solar radiation was estimated at 18 sites in Korea where long-term measurements of solar radiation were available. In the present study, daily solar radiation and sunshine duration were collected for the period from 2012 to 2021. Daily weather data including maximum and minimum temperatures and rainfall were also obtained to prepare input data to a process-based crop model, CERES-Rice model included in Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT). It was found that the daily estimates of solar radiation using the climate zone specific coefficient, SFrere, had significantly less error than those using site-specific coefficients SChoi (p<0.05). The cumulative values of SFrere for the period from march to September also had less error at 55% of study sites than those of SChoi. Still, the use of SFrere and SChoi as inputs to the CERES-Rice model resulted in slight differences between the outcomes of crop growth simulations, which had no significant difference between these outputs. These results suggested that the AP coefficients for the temperate climate zone would be preferable for the estimation of solar radiation. This merits further evaluation studies to compare the AP model with other sophisticated approaches such as models based on satellite data.

SHRIMP Zircon U-Pb Age and Geochemistry of Igneous Rocks in the Ssangyong and Yongchu Valleys and Mungyeong Saejae Geosites, Mungyeong Geopark (문경지질공원 쌍룡계곡, 용추계곡, 문경새재 지질명소 화성암류의 SHRIMP 저어콘 U-Pb 연령과 지구화학)

  • Wonseok Cheong;Yoonsup Kim;Giun Han;Taehwan Kim
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.73-94
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    • 2023
  • We carried out the sensitive high resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) zircon U-Pb age dating and whole-rock geochemical analysis of granitoids and felsic porphyries in the Ssangyong Valley, Yongchu Valley, and Mungyeong Saejae geosites in the Mungyeong Geopark. The igneous rocks crop out in the western, northwestern and central parts of the Mungyeong city area, respectively, and intruded (meta)sedimentary successions of the Ogcheon Metamorphic Belt, Cambro-Ordovician Mungyeong Group and Jurrasic Daedong Group. The U-Pb isotopic compositions of zircon from two felsic porphyries and one granite samples in the Ssanyeong Valley yielded the Cretaceous intrusion ages of 93.9±3.3 Ma (tσ), 95.1±4.0 Ma (tσ) and 94.4±2.0 Ma (tσ), respectively. On the other hand, a felsic dike sample and a granite in the Yongchu Valley and a porphyritic granite in the Mungyeong Saejae had intrusion ages of 90.2±2.0 Ma (tσ), 91.0±3.0 Ma (tσ) and 88.6±1.5 Ma (tσ), respectively. Based on the average standard error calculated in combination with results of previous studies in this area (Lee et al., 2010; Yi et al., 2014; Aum et al., 2019), the geochronological results show that spatial variation in intrusion age of ~5 Myr between the Ssangyong (94.5±0.2 Ma) and Yongchu Valleys (89.7±0.4 Ma) is apparent. The geochemical compositions of major and trace elements in the samples showed an affinity of typical post-orogenic granite, indicating their petrogenesis during the late stage of Early Cretaceous magmatic activity possibly in association with subduction events of the Izanagi Plate.

Impacts of Climate Change on Rice Production and Adaptation Method in Korea as Evaluated by Simulation Study (생육모의 연구에 의한 한반도에서의 기후변화에 따른 벼 생산성 및 적응기술 평가)

  • Lee, Chung-Kuen;Kim, Junwhan;Shon, Jiyoung;Yang, Woon-Ho;Yoon, Young-Hwan;Choi, Kyung-Jin;Kim, Kwang-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.207-221
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    • 2012
  • Air temperature in Korea has increased by $1.5^{\circ}C$ over the last 100 years, which is nearly twice the global average rate during the same period. Moreover, it is projected that such change in temperature will continue in the 21st century. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential impacts of future climate change on the rice production and adaptation methods in Korea. Climate data for the baseline (1971~2000) and the three future climate (2011~2040, 2041~2070, and 2071~2100) at fifty six sites in South Korea under IPCC SRES A1B scenario were used as the input to the rice crop model ORYZA2000. Six experimental schemes were carried out to evaluate the combined effects of climatic warming, $CO_2$ fertilization, and cropping season on rice production. We found that the average production in 2071~2100 would decrease by 23%, 27%, and 29% for early, middle, and middle-late rice maturing type, respectively, when cropping seasons were fixed. In contrast, predicted yield reduction was ~0%, 6%, and 7%, for early, middle, and middle-late rice maturing type, respectively, when cropping seasons were changed. Analysis of variation suggested that climatic warming, $CO_2$ fertilization, cropping season, and rice maturing type contributed 60, 10, 12, and 2% of rice yield, respectively. In addition, regression analysis suggested 14~46 and 53~86% of variations in rice yield were explained by grain number and filled grain ratio, respectively, when cropping season was fixed. On the other hand, 46~78 and 22~53% of variations were explained respectively with changing cropping season. It was projected that sterility caused by high temperature would have no effect on rice yield. As a result, rice yield reduction in the future climate in Korea would resulted from low filled grain ratio due to high growing temperature during grain-filling period because the $CO_2$ fertilization was insufficient to negate the negative effect of climatic warming. However, adjusting cropping seasons to future climate change may alleviate the rice production reduction by minimizing negative effect of climatic warming without altering positive effect of $CO_2$ fertilization, which improves weather condition during the grain-filling period.

Soil Texture, Electrical Conductivity and Chemical Components of Soils under the Plastic Film House Cultivation in Northern Central Areas of Korea (중북부지역(中北部地域) 시설원예지(施設園藝地) 토양(土壤)의 토성(土性), 염농도(鹽濃度) 및 화학성분(化學成分)의 조성(組成))

  • Jung, Goo-Bok;Ryu, In-Soo;Kim, Bok-Young
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 1994
  • This survey was conducted to investigate the factors affecting on salt accumulation and chemical components of soils cultivated with horticulture crops in plastic film houses. The soil samples were taken from 40 sites in the northern central areas of Korea and were analyzed for the chemical properties and soil separates. The data were evaluated with soil texture and years of cultivation as major factors. The results are summarized as follows : 1. The chemical properties of surface soils in plastic film house were pH 5.80, EC $3.59mScm^{-1}$, O.M. 4.20%, Av. $P_2O_5$ 1,178ppm, $NO_3-N$ 180ppm, Av. $SO_4{^{2-}}$ 353ppm, $Cl^-$ 240ppm, Ex. Na 0.40me/100g. 2. Compared to the outside soil of plastic film house, the inside soil had 2.5~3 times higher contents of $NO_3-N$, Av. $SO_4{^{2-}}$ and $Cl^-$, 1.2~1.8 times higher exchangeable base elements, and 2.8 times higher electrical conductivity. But pH value of the inside soil was lower than the outside soil by 0.3 pH unit. 3. Soil texture classification showed that sandy loam, loam and silt loam were 32.5 %, 37.5 %, and 30.0 %, respectively. The contents of $NO_3-N$, Av. $SO_4{^{2-}}$, $NH_4-N$ and EC value were very high in silt loam soils. Av. $P_2O_5$ content and pH value of sandy loam soils were higher than those of silt loam and loam soils. 4. The contents of O.M. and Av. $P_2O_5$ were higher in long term cultivation, but the contents of $NO_3-N$, Av. $SO_4{^{2-}}$, $Cl^-$, Ex. Mg and Ex. Na including EC of the soil with 2~4 years cultivation were higher than those of the soil with above 5 years cultivation. 5. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that contribution degree of soil chemical properties to the EC was high in the order of $NO_3-N$ > Av. $SO_4{^{2-}}$ > Ex. Na > $Cl^-$ > Av. $P_2O_5$ > $NH_4-N$ > Ex. Mg>Ex. Ca. Among the soil chemical properties the contribution of anions was remarkably high. 6. EC value correlated with ${\sum}A$(total content of anions)as $r=0.932^{**}$ and with ${\sum}C$(total content of cations) as $r=0.452^{**}$.

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Occurrence and Geochemical Characteristics of the Haenam Pb-Zn Skarn Deposit (해남 연-아연 스카른광상의 산상과 지화학적 특성)

  • Im, Heonkyung;Shin, Dongbok;Heo, Seonhee
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.363-379
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    • 2014
  • The Haenam Pb-Zn skarn deposit is located at the Hwawon peninsula in the southwestern part of the Ogcheon Metamorphic Belt. The deposit is developed along the contact between limestone of the Ogcheon group and Cretaceous quartz porphyry. Petrography of ore samples, chemical composition of skarn and ore minerals, and geochemistry of the related igneous rocks were investigated to understand the characteristics of the skarn mineralization. Skarn zonation consists of garnet${\pm}$pyroxene${\pm}$calcite${\pm}$quartz zone, pyroxene+garnet+quartz${\pm}$calcite zone, calcite+pyroxene${\pm}$garnet zone, quartz+calcite${\pm}$pyroxene zone, and calcite${\pm}$chlorite zone in succession toward carbonate rock. Garnet commonly shows zonal texture comprised of andradite and grossular. Pyroxene varies from Mn-hedenbergite to diopside as away from the intrusive rock. Chalcopyrite occurs as major ore mineral near the intrusive rock, and sphalerite and galena tend to increase as going away. Electron probe microanalyses revealed that FeS contents of sphalerite become decreased from 5.17 mole % for garnet${\pm}$pyroxene${\pm}$calcite${\pm}$quartz zone to 2.93 mole %, and to 0.40 mole % for calcite+pyroxene${\pm}$garnet zone, gradually. Ag and Bi contents also decreased from 0.72 wt.% and 1.62 wt.% to <0.01 wt.% and 0.11 wt.%, respectively. Thus, the Haenam deposit shows systematic variation of species and chemical compositions of ore minerals with skarn zoned texture. The related intrusive rock, quartz porphyry, expresses more differentiated characteristics than Zn-skarn deposit of Meinert(1995), and has relatively high$SiO_2$ concentration of 72.76~75.38 wt.% and shows geochemical features classified as calc-alkaline, peraluminous igneous rock and volcanic arc tectonic setting.

Fluid Inclusion and Stable Isotope Studies of the Kwangsin Pb-Zn Deposit (광신 연 - 아연 광상의 유체포유물 및 안정동위원소 연구)

  • Choi, Kwang-Jun;Yun, Seong-Taek;So, Chil-Sup
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.505-517
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    • 1997
  • Lead and zinc mineralization of the Kwangsin mine was formed in quartz and carbonate veins that filled fault-related fractures in the limestone-rich Samtaesan Formation of the Chosun Supergroup and the phyllite-rich Suchangni Formation of unknown age. A K-Ar date of alteration sericite indicates that the Pb-Zn mineralization took place during Late Cretaceous (83.5 Ma), genetically in relation to the cooling of the nearby Muamsa Granite (83~87 Ma). Mineral paragenesis can be divided into three stages (I, II, III): (I) the deposition of barren massive white quartz, (II) the main Pb-Zn mineralization with deposition of white crystalline quartz and/or carbonates (rhodochrosite and dolomite), and (III) the deposition of post-ore barren calcite. Mineralogic and fluid inclusion data indicate that lead-zinc minerals in middle stage II (IIb) were deposited at temperatures between $182^{\circ}$ and $276^{\circ}C$ from fluids with salinities of 2.7 to 5.4 wt. % equiv. NaCl and with log $fs_2$ values of -15.5 to -11.8 atm. The relationship between homogenization temperature and salinity data indicates that lead-zinc deposition was a result of fluid boiling and later meteoric water mixing. Ore mineralization occurred at depths of about 600 to 700 m. Sulfur isotope compositions of sulfide minerals (${\delta}^{34}S_{CDT}=9.0{\sim}14.5$ ‰) indicate a relatively high ${\delta}^{34}S_{{\Sigma}S}$ value of ore fluids (up to 14 ‰), likely indicating an igneous source of sulfur largely mixed with an isotopically heavier sulfur source (possibly sulfates in surrounding sedimentary rocks). There is a remarkable decrease of calculated ${\delta}^{18}O$ value of water in hydrothermal fluids with increasing paragenetic time: stage I, 14.6~10.1 ‰; stage IIa, 5.8~2.2 ‰; stage IIb, 0.8~2.0 ‰; stage IIc, -6.1~-6.8 ‰, This indicates a progressive increase of meteoric water influx in the hydrothermal system at Kwangsin. Measured and calculated hydrogen and oxygen isotope values indicate that the Kwangsin hydrothermal fluids was formed from a circulating (due to intrusion of the Muamsa Granite) meteoric waters which evolved through interaction mainly with the Samtaesan Formation (${\delta}^{18}O=20.1$ to 24.9 ‰) under low water/rock ratios.

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