• Title/Summary/Keyword: 화상 처리

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Multi-purpose System for Transmitting Images/voices Based on MPEG-4 Streaming (MPEG-4 스트리밍 기반의 다목적 영상/음성 전송 시스템)

  • 박성욱;황수철;박종욱
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2001
  • Real-time multimedia transmit services like internet broadcasting, web-based education, chatting, conference, circumference observation etc. by using internet are given a great deal of weight on most recently internet services. In these way, various internet services are presented and there applications are also gradually spreaded because of improvement MPEG and streaming processing techniques. But currently internet service is a development of system which has independent function of above services. And a research and development of system which have a multipurpose internet service are insufficiency. In this paper, we design and develop system(RealCam SUN A/V) for transmitting images and voices based on MPEG4 streaming. As a result of our research, it made possible to transmit images with 15 frame/sec in 160×120 frame size at 56Kbps and 30 frame/sec in 640×480 frame size at 512Kbps. And also we can apply this system as multipurpose function to circumference observation and internet broadcasting etc., by transmitting voices, images and control signal simultaneously.

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The Weldability Estimation for the Purpose of Real-Time Inspection and Control (실시간 검사 및 제어를 목적으로 한 용접성 평가)

  • Lee, Jeong-Ick
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.605-610
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    • 2008
  • Through welding fabrication, user can feel unsatisfaction of surface quality because of welded defects, Generally speaking, these are called weld defects. For checking these defects effectively without time loss effectively, weldability estimation system setup is an urgent thing for detecting whole specimen quality. In this study, by laser vision camera, catching a rawdata on welded specimen profiles, treating vision processing with these data, qualitative defects are estimated from getting these information at first. At the same time, for detecting quantitative defects, whole specimen weldability estimation is pursued by multifeature pattern recognition, which is a kind of fuzzy pattern recognition. For user friendly, by weldability estimation results are shown each profiles, final reports and visual graphics method, user can easily determined weldability. By applying these system to welding fabrication, these technologies are contribution to on-line weldability estimation.

Stripping of High-Dose Ion-Implanted Photoresist Using Co-solvent and Ultra-sonication in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (초임계이산화탄소 내에서 공용매 및 초음파를 이용한 고농도이온주입 포토레지스트의 제거)

  • Kim, Seung-Ho;Lim, Kwon-Taek
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2009
  • A high-dose ion-implanted photoresist (HDIPR) was stripped off from the surface of a semiconductor wafer by using a mixture of supercritical carbon dioxide and a co-solvent. The additional ultrasonication improved the stripping efficiency remarkably and thus reduced the stripping time by supplying physical force to the substrate. We investigated the effect of co-solvents, co-solvent concentration, and stripping temperature and pressure on the stripping efficiency. The wafer surfaces before and after stripping were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and by an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer. The HDIPR could be stripped off completely in 3 min with 10%(w/w) acetone/sc$C0_2$ mixture at 27.6 MPa and 343 K.

Methods of Incorporating Design for Production Considerations into Concept Design Investigations (개념설계 단계에서 총 건조비를 최소로 하는 생산지향적 설계 적용 방법)

  • H.S.,Bong
    • Bulletin of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.131-136
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    • 1990
  • 여러해 전부터 선박의 생산실적이나 생산성 관련 자료를 기록하고 보완하는 작업을 꾸준히 개선토록 노력해온 결과중 중요한 것 하나는, 선박의 여러 가지 설계 검토과정에서 충분히 활용할 수 있는 함축성 있고 믿을만한 형태의 생산정보를 제공해줄 수 있게 되었다는 것이라고 말 할 수 있겠다. 이러한 자료들은 생산계획상 각 단계(stage)에서의 작업량, 예상재료비와 인건비의 산출등이 포함될 수 있으며, 선박이나 해상구조물의 전반적인 설계방법론(design methodology)을 개선코자 한다면 ''생산지향적 설계(Design for Production)''의 근간이 되는 선박건조전략(build strategy), 구매정책(purchasing policy)과 생산기술(production technology)에 대한 폭넓은 지식이 한데 어우러져야 한다. 최근에는 CIMS의 일부분에서 보는 바와 같은 경영관리, 설계 및 생산지원 시스템의 도입으로 이와 같은 설계 프로세스의 추진을 가능케하고 있다. 이와 병행하여 설계를 지원하기 위한 전산기술, 특히 대화형 화상처리기술(interactive graphics)의 발달은 설계자가 선박의 형상이나 구조 배치를 여러 가지로 변화시켜 가면서 눈으로 즉시 확인할 수 있도록 설계자의 능력을 배가시키는데 크게 기여하고 있다. 여러 가지의 설계안(alternative design arrangement)을 신속히 만들어내고 이를 즉시 검토 평가할 수 있는 능력을 초기설계 단계에서 가질 수 있다면 이는 분명히 큰 장점일 것이며, 더구나 설계초기 단계에 생산관련인자를 설계에서 고려할 수 있다면 이는 더욱 두드러진 발전일 것이다. 생산공법과 관련생산 비용을 정확히 반영한 각 가지의 설계안을 짧은 시간내에 검토하고 생산소요 비용을 산출하여 비교함으로써, 수주계약단계에서 실제적인 생산공법과 신뢰성있는 생산실적자료를 기준으로 하여 총 건조비(total production cost)를 최소로 하는 최적의 설계를 선택할 수 있도록 해 줄 것이다. 이제 이와 같은 새로운 설계도구(design tool)를 제공해 주므로써 초기설계에 각종 생산관련 정보나 지식 및 실적자료가 반영가능토록 발전되었다. 본 논문은 영국의 뉴카슬대학교(Univ. of Newcastle upon Type)에서 위에 언급한 특징들을 반영하여 새로운 선박구조 설계 방법을 개발한 연구결과를 보여주고 있다. 본 선계연구는 5단계로 구분되는데; (1) 컴퓨터 그라픽스를 이용하고 생산정보 데이타베이스와 연결시켜 구조형상(geometry)을 정의하고 구조부재 칫수(scantling) 계산/결정 (2) 블럭 분할(block division) 및 강재 배치(panel arrangement)의 확정을 위해 생산기술 및 건조방식에 대한 정보 제공 (3) 상기 (1) 및 (2)를 활용하여 아래 각 생산 단계에서의 생산작업 분석(work content assessment) a) 생산 준비 단계(Preparation) b) 가공 조립 단계(Fabrication/Assembly) c) 탑재 단계(Erection) (4) 각각의 설계(안)에 대하여 재료비(material cost), 인건비(labour cost) 및 오버헤드 비용(overhead cost)을 산출키 위한 조선소의 생산시설 및 각종 품셈 정보 (5) 총 건조 비용(total production cost)을 산출하여 각각의 설계안을 비교 검토. 본 설계 방식을 산적화물선(Bulk Carrier) 설계에 적용하여 구조배치(structural geometry), 표준화의 정도(levels of standardisation), 구조생산공법(structural topology) 등의 변화에 따른 설계 결과의 민감도를 분석(sensitivity studies)하였다. 전산장비는 설계자의 대화형 접근을 용이하도록 하기 위해 VAX의 화상 처리장치를 이용하여 각 설계안에 대한 구조형상과 작업분석, 건조비 현황 등을 제시할 수 있도록 하였다. 결론적으로 본 연구는 설계초기 단계에서 상세한 건조비 모델(detailed production cost model)을 대화형 화상 처리방법에 접합시켜 이를 이용하여 여러가지 설계안의 도출과 비교검토를 신속히 처리할 수 있도록 함은 물론, 각종 생산 실적정보를 초기설계에 반영하는 최초의 시도라고 믿으며, 생산지향적(Design for Production) 최적설계분야의 발전에 많은 도움이 되기를 기대해 마지 않는다. 참고로 본 시스템의 설계 적용결과를 부록에 요약 소개하며, 상세한 내용은 참고문헌 [4] 또는 [7]을 참조 요망한다.

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Cancellation of Motion Artifact in MRI (MRI에 있어서 체동 아티팩트의 제거)

  • Kim, Eung-Kyeu
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.70-78
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    • 2000
  • In this study, a new method for canceling MRI artifacts through the motion translation of image plane is presented Breathing often makes problems in a clinical diagnosis. Assuming that the head moves up and down due to breathing, rigid translational motions in only y(phase encoding axis) direction are treated Unlike the conventional Iterative phase retrieval algorithm, this method is based on the MRI imaging process and analyzing of Image property A new constraint condition with which the motion component and the true image component in the MRI signal can be separated by a simple algebraic operation is extracted After the x(read out) directional Fourier transformation of MRI signal is done, the y(phase encoding) directional spectrum phasing value is Just an algebraic sum of the Image component and the motion component Meanwhile, as It is known that the density of subcutaneous fat area is almost uniform in the head tomographs, the density distribution along a y directional line on this fat area is regarded as symmetric shape If the density function is symmetric, then the phase of spectrum changes linearly with the position Hence, the departure component from the linear function can be separated as the motion component Based on this constrant condition, the new method of artifact cancellation is presented Finally, the effectiveness of this algorithm IS shown by using a phantom with simulated motions.

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Speech Activity Decision with Lip Movement Image Signals (입술움직임 영상신호를 고려한 음성존재 검출)

  • Park, Jun;Lee, Young-Jik;Kim, Eung-Kyeu;Lee, Soo-Jong
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2007
  • This paper describes an attempt to prevent the external acoustic noise from being misrecognized as the speech recognition target. For this, in the speech activity detection process for the speech recognition, it confirmed besides the acoustic energy to the lip movement image signal of a speaker. First of all, the successive images are obtained through the image camera for PC. The lip movement whether or not is discriminated. And the lip movement image signal data is stored in the shared memory and shares with the recognition process. In the meantime, in the speech activity detection Process which is the preprocess phase of the speech recognition. by conforming data stored in the shared memory the acoustic energy whether or not by the speech of a speaker is verified. The speech recognition processor and the image processor were connected and was experimented successfully. Then, it confirmed to be normal progression to the output of the speech recognition result if faced the image camera and spoke. On the other hand. it confirmed not to output of the speech recognition result if did not face the image camera and spoke. That is, if the lip movement image is not identified although the acoustic energy is inputted. it regards as the acoustic noise.

Design of a Spatial Filtering Neural Network for Extracting Map Symbols (공간필터를 이용한 지도기소 추출 신경회로망의 구성)

  • Gang, Ik-Tae;Kim, Uk-Hyeon;Kim, Gyeong-Ha;Kim, Yeong-Il;Lee, Geon-Gi
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.199-208
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    • 1995
  • In this paper, a neural network architecture which can extract map symbols by being based on the results of physiological and neuropsychological studies on pattern recognition is proposed. This network is composed of multi-layers and synaptic activities of combining layers are implemented by spatial filters which approximate receptive fields of optic nerve cells. In pattern recognition which is followed by color classification for extracting of map symbols from input image, this network is searching for candidatepoints in lower layers (layer 2, 3) by using local features such as lines and end-points and then processing symbols recognition on those points in upper layer(layer 4) by using global features.

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MPEG Video Segmentation Using Frame Feature Comparison (프레임 특징 비교를 이용한 압축비디오 분할)

  • 김영호;강대성
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2003
  • Recently, development of digital technology is occupying a large part of multimedia information like character, voice, image, video, etc. Research about video indexing and retrieval progresses especially in research relative to video. In this paper, we propose new algorithm(Frame Feature Comparison) for MPEG video segmentation. Shot, Scene Change detection is basic and important works that segment it in MPEG video sequence. Generally, the segmentation algorithm that uses much has defect that occurs an error detection according to a flash of camera, movement of camera and fast movement of an object, because of comparing former frames with present frames. Therefore, we distinguish a scene change one more time using a scene change point detected in the conventional algorithm through comparing its mean value with abutted frames. In the result, we could detect more corrective scene change than the conventional algorithm.

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A Scheduling mechanism for Real-Time Messages on Dual-Link Networks (전송제한시간에 기초한 이중-링크 네트워크상에서 실시간 메시지 스케듈링 기법)

  • Lee, Myeong-Jin;Lee, Jeong-Bae;Jang, Deok-Seong
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.244-253
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    • 1994
  • Computer networks need a variety of services. Some services such as, video, voice and plantcontrol traffic require a real-time communication with explicit timing constraints. In this pater, we introduce a real-time communication technique which use a reservation technique on dualilnk networks. We introduce an enhanced technique that determines priorities of the message based on time constraints when real-time messages are transmitted. A simulation was conducted to compare and to analyze traditional technique. We used the SLAM II language to simulate this technique. Message loss rate were compared and analyzed as a performance criteria in this simulation.

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Key Distribution Protocol and Call Control for Secure ISDN (안전한 종합정보통신망을 위한 키 분배 프로토콜과 호 제어)

  • Jeong, Hyeon-Cheol;Sin, Gi-Su;Lee, Seon-U;Kim, Bong-Han;Kim, Jeom-Gu;Lee, Jae-Gwang
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.195-208
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    • 1997
  • ISDN is network which has been developed to integrate and transfer some information(data, video, voice). In the ISDN, security problem that threat and intrusion about important information resource increase because every information is transferred in the form of digital and access of network has patiency. In this paper, for protect important information resource, studied that apply application method and encryption system to ISDN, and system structure, ITU-T Q.931 protocol were analyzed, and proposable encryption key distribution protocol, call control with hybrid encryption system for user information privacy to provide security service.

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