• Title/Summary/Keyword: 호흡수

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Evaluation of Dose Distributions calculated with ITV Measurement Plan Data and PTV Measurement plan Data under the condition of Respiratory Motion during 3D for ABD Cancer (내부표적체적 기반의 치료계획과 호흡연동 기법을 적용한 치료계획과의 선량비교 분석)

  • Park, Ho-Chun;Han, Jae-Bok;Song, Jong-Nam;Choi, Nam-Gil
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2014.11a
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    • pp.227-228
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    • 2014
  • 방사선치료의 발전으로 3차원치료보다 진보된 호흡연동방사선치료가 시행되어지고 있다. 호흡의 규칙성과 환자의 위치 재현성이 중요한 치료적응 인자이며, 호흡연동 방사선치료의 효율을 높일 수 있는 지표이다. 국가암통계상 고령의 암환자가 증가하며, 수술, 화학요법을 병행하는 암 치료법이 널리 이용이 되고 있다. 고식적인 치료를 요하는 고령의 복부 암 환자분들에 호흡연동 방사선치료법을 사용하는데 에는 호흡의 불규칙성과 체위의 재현성의 문제점으로 인한 치료 효율의 저하를 가져온다. 본 연구에서는 호흡에 의한 종양 움직임이 있는 방사선 치료에서 내부표적체적 기반의 치료계획과 호흡연동 기법을 적용한 치료계획과의 선량비교 분석하였다. 2가지 치료법 모두 정상조직 보호선량에 부합한 것으로 나타났으며 치료체적은 처방선량의 95%이상 포함된 선량분포로 적합하였다. ITV 설정을 통한 3D Plan은 고식적 치료을 목적으로 하는 고령의 환자, 체위 및 호흡의 불안정성 환자에게 처방선량의 95% 이상의 4D Plan의 치료법 보다 짧은 시간에 치료함으로써 치료효율을 높일 수 있을 거라 사료된다. 다만 정상조직보호선량(NTCP)에 부합하는지에 대한 평가가 전제되어야 한다.

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Relationship between Upper Airway and Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Children with Mouth Breathing (구호흡 어린이에서 수면호흡장애와 상기도와의 관계)

  • Kim, Doyoung;Lee, Daewoo;Kim, Jaegon;Yang, Yeonmi
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 2019
  • The most common cause of mouth breathing is obstacles caused by mechanical factors in upper airway. Mouth breathing could be consequently pathological cause of sleep-disordered breathing. Sleep-disordered breathing in children can cause growth disorders and behavioral disorders. The purpose of this study was to investigate relationship between upper airway and sleep-disordered breathing in children with mouth breathing. Twenty boys between 7 - 9 years old who reported to have mouth breathing in questionnaire were evaluated with clinical examination, questionnaires, lateral cephalometric radiographs, and portable sleep testing. This study assessed apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and oxygen desaturation index (ODI) for the evaluation of sleep-disordered breathing and was done to investigate the correlation between these values and the upper airway width measured by lateral cephalometric radiographs. There was no significant correlation with the size of the tonsils (p = 0.921), but the adenoid hypertrophy was higher in the abnormal group than in the normal group (p = 0.008). In the classification according to AHI and ODI, retropalatal and retroglossal distance showed a statistically significant decrease in the abnormal group compared to the normal group (p = 0.002, p = 0.001). As AHI and ODI increased, upper airway width tended to be narrower. This indicates that mouth breathing could affect the upper airway, which is related to sleep quality.

The Effects of Systemic Morphine to Analgesic Level in Spinal Anesthesia (Morphine 정주가 척추마취의 레벨에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Kang-Chang;Kim, Tai-Yo;Yun, Jae-Seung;Lee, Eui-Sang
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.51-54
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    • 1995
  • 척추마취는 국소마취제를 지주막하강에 주입하여 척수신경 전근과 후근을 차단하는 방법으로 하복부나 하지 수술 뿐 아니라 만성 통증과 암성 통증의 치료에도 이용되고 있는데 마취시간이나 제통시간의 연장 및 적절한 피부분절의 마취나 진통의 달성은 척추마취에서 중요한 사항이다. 본 연구에서는 morphine정주가 척추마취에 어떤 영향을 주는지 알아보기 위해 척추마취하에서 하지 수술을 받은 40명의 환자를 대상으로 척추마취를 시행한 80분에 척추마취 레벨, 수축기 및 이완기 혈압, 맥박 그리고 호흡수를 조사한후 morphine 10 mg을 정맥내로 주사후 20분후에 척추마취 레벨과 혈압, 맥박, 호흡수를 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 척추마취 레벨은 morphine 투여진 $T_{7.5{\pm}0.32}$에 비해 morphine 투여 20분후에 $T_{6.0{\pm}0.31}$로 의의있게 상승하였다 (p<0.005). 2) 수축기 및 이완기 혈압과 맥박수는 morphine투여전과 투여후에 의의있는 변화가 없었다. 3) 호흡수는 morphine 투여전에 비해 투여후 감소가 있었다(p<0.005). 이상의 결과로 척추마취하에서 수술을 시행할 때나 통증치료시 전신적으로 morphne을 투여하여 마취와 진통부위를 넓일 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

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Effects of Respiratory Rehabilitation Training Using a Harmonica for Patients With Spinal Cord Injuries (하모니카를 활용한 호흡재활 훈련이 척수손상환자의 호흡기능에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyuk Gun;Kim, Min Seo;Lim, Han Mil;Joeng, So;Shin, Uk Ju
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.23-39
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of respiratory rehabilitation using a wind instrument for patients suffering from spinal cord injuries. From January 15, 2018 to April 15, 2018, we conducted ten 1-hour sessions of a harmonica program with eight patients with spinal cord injuries with average age of 37 years who could not perform abdominal breathing by themselves. We measured and compared patients' breathing capacity before and after the 10 sessions. Designed particularly for patients with spinal cord injuries resulting in a limited range of neck movement, the study used a 10-hole diatonic harmonica whose length was relatively short. For those patients who had difficulty using their hands, a harmonica holder was provided. Participants were trained to play simple tunes. They were guided to use abdominal breathing to make sounds, with emphasis on those parts requiring long and strong breathing. The results showed that for all eight patients both their breathing volume and their inspiratory volume increased following participation in the harmonica program. Also, the program had psychological benefits (e.g., more life satisfaction and less sadness) and additional physical benefits (e.g., less dizziness due to low blood pressure and better phlegm spitting). This study offers a unique way to help patients with spinal cord injuries to improve their breathing capacity, which may also be associated with a greater quality of life.

A Study on the Development of Sleep Monitoring Smart Wear based on Fiber Sensor for the Management of Sleep Apnea (수면 무호흡증 관리를 위한 섬유센서 기반의 슬립 모니터링 스마트 웨어 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jin-Hee;Kim, Joo-Yong
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2019
  • Sleep apnea, a medical condition associated with a variety of complications, is generally monitored by standard sleep polysomnography, which is expensive and uncomfortable. To overcome these limitations, this study proposes an unconstrained wearable monitoring system with stretch-fiber sensors that integrate with the wearer's clothing. The system allows patients to undergo examinations in a familiar environment while minimizing the occurrence of skin allergies caused by adhesive tools. As smart clothing for adult males with sleep apnea, long-sleeved T-shirts embedding fibrous sensors were developed, enabling real-time monitoring of the patients' breathing rate, oxygen saturation, and airflow as sleep apnea diagnostic indicators. The gauge factor was measured as 20.3 in sample 4. The maximum breathing intake, measured during three large breaths, was 2048 ml. the oxygen saturation was measured before and during breath-holding. The oxygen saturation change was 69.45%, showing a minimum measurable oxygen saturation of 70%. After washing the garment, the gauge factor reduced only to 18.0, confirming the durability of the proposed system. The wearable sleep apnea monitoring smart clothes are readily available in the home and can measure three indicators of sleep apnea: respiration rate, breathing flow and oxygen saturation.

Development of PVDF sensor and system to detect breathing sounds during deep sedation (진정 마취 시 호흡음 검출을 위한 PVDF 센서 및 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Seung-Hwan;Li, Xiong;Im, Jae-Joong
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.153-159
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    • 2019
  • Respiration is one of the important vital signs to determine the condition of the patient. Especially during deep sedation, since the patient's apnea and hypopnea are difficult to detect without continuous monitoring, there is a need for a continuous respiration monitoring method that can accurately and simply determine the patient's respiratory condition. Currently, respiration monitoring methods using various devices have been developed, but these methods have not only late response time but also low reliability at the clinical stage. In this study, attachable sensor using PVDF(polyvinylidene fluoride) film and a monitoring device which could detect abnormal symptoms of breathing in early stage during deep sedation. The results of this study can be used in various medical fields including not only in the area of remote monitoring for respiration related sleep monitoring but also in routine monitoring during deep sedation.

소리로 뇌 진동시키기 - 뇌호흡 수련법

  • 단학선원 홍보부
    • The Monthly Diabetes
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    • s.130
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    • pp.62-63
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    • 2000
  • 뇌호흡은 생체 에너지인 기를 이용한 뇌 운동법이다. 우리의 몸을 운동시켜 단련할 수 있듯이 뇌도 운동시킬 수 있다. 현재 인류는 두되의 10%만을 사용하고 있다고 하니 잠재되어 있는 나머지 뇌의 기능이 개발된다면 그 파급효과는 실로 엄청난 것이라 하겠다. 이번달에는 소리를 이용한 뇌호흡 수련법을 배워보자

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The feasibility evaluation of Respiratory Gated radiation therapy simulation according to the Respiratory Training with lung cancer (폐암 환자의 호흡훈련에 의한 호흡동조 방사선치료계획의 유용성 평가)

  • Hong, mi ran;Kim, cheol jong;Park, soo yeon;Choi, jae won;Pyo, hong ryeol
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.149-159
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    • 2016
  • Purpose : To evaluate the usefulness of the breathing exercise,we analyzed the change in the RPM signal and the diaphragm imagebefore 4D respiratory gated radiation therapy planning of lung cancer patients. Materials and Methods : The breathing training was enforced on 11 patients getting the 4D respiratory gated radiation therapy from April, 2016 until August. At the same time, RPM signal and diaphragm image was obtained respiration training total three steps in step 1 signal acquisition of free-breathing state, 2 steps respiratory signal acquisition through the guide of the respiratory signal, 3 steps, won the regular respiration signal to the description and repeat training. And then, acquired the minimum value, maximum value, average value, and a standard deviation of the inspiration and expiration in RPM signal and diaphragm image in each steps. Were normalized by the value of the step 1, to convert the 2,3 steps to the other distribution ratio (%), by evaluating the change in the interior of the respiratory motion of the patient, it was evaluated breathing exercise usefulness of each patient. Results : The mean value and the standard deviation of each step were obtained with the procedure 1 of the RPM signal and the diaphragm amplitude as a 100% reference. In the RPM signal, the amplitudes and standard deviations of four patients (36.4%, eleven) decreased by 18.1%, 27.6% on average in 3 steps, and 2 patients (18.2%, 11 people) had standard deviation, It decreased by an average of 36.5%. Meanwhile, the other four patients (36.4%, eleven) decreased by an average of only amplitude 13.1%. In Step 3, the amplitude of the diaphragm image decreased by 30% on average of 9 patients (81.8%, 11 people), and the average of 2 patients (18.2%, 11 people) increased by 7.3%. However, the amplitudes of RPM signals and diaphragm image in 3steps were reduced by 52.6% and 42.1% on average from all patients, respectively, compared to the 2 steps. Relationship between RPM signal and diaphragm image amplitude difference was consistent with patterns of movement 1, 2 and 3steps, respectively, except for No. 2 No. 10 patients. Conclusion : It is possible to induce an optimized respiratory cycle when respiratory training is done. By conducting respiratory training before treatment, it was possible to expect the effect of predicting the movement of the lung which could control the patient's respiration. Ultimately, it can be said that breathing exercises are useful because it is possible to minimize the systematic error of radiotherapy, expect more accurate treatment. In this study, it is limited to research analyzed based on data on respiratory training before treatment, and it will be necessary to verify with the actual CT plan and the data acquired during treatment in the future.

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Quasi-breath-hold (QBH) Biofeedback in Gated 3D Thoracic MRI: Feasibility Study (게이트 흉부자기 공명 영상법과 함께 사용할 수 있는 의사호흡정지(QBH) 바이오 피드백)

  • Kim, Taeho;Pooley, Robert;Lee, Danny;Keall, Paul;Lee, Rena;Kim, Siyong
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 2014
  • The aim of the study is to test a hypothesis that quasi-breath-hold (QBH) biofeedback improves the residual respiratory motion management in gated 3D thoracic MR imaging, reducing respiratory motion artifacts with insignificant acquisition time alteration. To test the hypothesis five healthy human subjects underwent two gated MR imaging studies based on a T2 weighted SPACE MR pulse sequence using a respiratory navigator of a 3T Siemens MRI: one under free breathing and the other under QBH biofeedback breathing. The QBH biofeedback system utilized the external marker position on the abdomen obtained with an RPM system (Real-time Position Management, Varian) to audio-visually guide a human subject for 2s breath-hold at 90% exhalation position in each respiratory cycle. The improvement in the upper liver breath-hold motion reproducibility within the gating window using the QBH biofeedback system has been assessed for a group of volunteers. We assessed the residual respiratory motion management within the gating window and respiratory motion artifacts in 3D thoracic MRI both with/without QBH biofeedback. In addition, the RMSE (root mean square error) of abdominal displacement has been investigated. The QBH biofeedback reduced the residual upper liver motion within the gating window during MR acquisitions (~6 minutes) compared to that for free breathing, resulting in the reduction of respiratory motion artifacts in lung and liver of gated 3D thoracic MR images. The abdominal motion reduction in the gated window was consistent with the residual motion reduction of the diaphragm with QBH biofeedback. Consequently, average RMSE (root mean square error) of abdominal displacement obtained from the RPM has been also reduced from 2.0 mm of free breathing to 0.7 mm of QBH biofeedback breathing over the entire cycle (67% reduction, p-value=0.02) and from 1.7 mm of free breathing to 0.7 mm of QBH biofeedback breathing in the gated window (58% reduction, p-value=0.14). The average baseline drift obtained using a linear fit was reduced from 5.5 mm/min with free breathing to 0.6 mm/min (89% reduction, p-value=0.017) with QBH biofeedback. The study demonstrated that the QBH biofeedback improved the upper liver breath-hold motion reproducibility during the gated 3D thoracic MR imaging. This system can provide clinically applicable motion management of the internal anatomy for gated medical imaging as well as gated radiotherapy.

A Study On Design and Implementation of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Meter (폐쇄성 수면 무호흡 측정기의 설계 및 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Baek, Jeong-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2014.01a
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    • pp.393-394
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    • 2014
  • 폐쇄성 수면 무호흡증으로 인한 수면 중 잦은 각성은 수면의 질을 떨어뜨릴 뿐 아니라 졸음, 피로, 집중력 저하와 같은 주간 증상을 유발하게 되어 삶의 질을 떨어뜨리고 고혈압이나 부정맥 등과 같은 심각한 심폐질환 을 유발할 수 있다. 그러나 코골이와 달리 수면 무호흡증은 본인이나 타인에 의한 정확한 관측이나 진단이 어려워 전문병원에 입원하여 수면다원검사를 통하여 진단해야 하는 번거로움이 있다. 본 논문에서는 정밀하고 응답속도가 빠른 온습도 센서를 이용하여 호흡주기를 측정함으로서 폐쇄성 수면 무호흡증을 진단하고 경보를 발생하는 휴대형 수면 무호흡 측정기의 설계 및 구현 기법을 제안하였다.

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