• Title/Summary/Keyword: 형식 분류

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A Study on Tag Clustering for Topic Map Generation in Web 2.0 Environment (Web2.0 환경에서의 Topic Map 생성을 위한 Tag Clustering에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Si-Hwa;Wu, Xiao-Li;Lee, Man-Hyoung;Hwang, Dae-Hoon
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.525-528
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    • 2007
  • 기존의 웹서비스가 정적이고 수동적인데 반해 최근의 웹 서비스는 점차 동적이고 능동적으로 변화하고 있다. 이러한 웹서비스 변화의 흐름을 잘 반영하는 것이 웹 2.0이다. 웹 2.0에서 대부분의 정보는 사용자에 의해 생산되고, 사용자가 붙인 태그(tag)에 의해 분류되어진다. 그러나 현재 태그에 관한 서비스 및 연구들은 태깅(tagging) 방법에 대한 연구를 비롯해 이를 표현하기 위한 tag cloud에 초점이 맞춰져 진행됨에 따라, 다양한 태그 정보자원 간의 체계와 연결 관계인 지식체계를 제공하지 못하고 있다. 이에 본 논문에서는 체계화된 지식표현을 위해 웹상에 편재되어 있는 학습 관련 리소스(resources) 및 태그들를 수집한다. 이를 사용자가 요청한 검색 키워드와 연관성이 있는 태그 정보들을 맵핑 및 클러스터링하여 최적화된 표현 형식인 토픽 맵(topic map)화하기 위한 시스템을 제안하며, 이 중 토픽 맵 생성을 위한 초기 연구 단계로서, 연관 태그들 간의 맵핑 및 클러스터링을 위한 알고리즘 제시를 중심으로 소개한다.

Study on the Creation and Acceptance of the Knowledge of Tang Dynasty Poem through the Selection of Ming Dynasty (명대(明代) 시선집(詩選集)을 통해 본 당시(唐詩)에 대한 지식의 창출과 수용)

  • 최석원
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    • v.96
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    • pp.107-125
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    • 2018
  • 주지하듯이 당시(唐詩)는 중국시가사(中國詩歌史)에서 차지하는 지위는 절대적이며, 작시(作詩)에 있어서 후대 문인들에게 늘 전범의 대상으로 인식되었다. 이러한 인식 속에서 1980년대 '당시학(唐詩學)'의 성립은 당시(唐詩)가 지니고 있는 내재적 아름다움을 규명하는 것에서 머무르지 않고, 唐詩에 대한 후대 문인들의 인식과 해석의 문제를 다루고 있다는 점에서 의미하는 바가 적지 않다. 본고의 논의는 지식의 창출과 형성 과정을 규명하기 위한 일환으로, 명대(明代) 당시선집(唐詩選集)을 연구 대상으로 삼아 후대 문인들의 당시(唐詩)에 대한 수용과 인식의 단면을 고찰하였다. 이를 위하여 본고에서는 명대(明代)의 당시선집(唐詩選集) 가운데《당시품휘(唐詩品彙)》, 《당시선(唐詩選)》, 《당시귀(唐詩歸)》중심으로 그 특징을 분석하였는바, 송대(宋代) 이후 제기된 당시(唐詩) 분기설에 의거한 분류 그리고 성당시(盛唐詩)에 대한 강조, 평점과 휘석 등과 같은 형식과의 결합이라는 공통점을 발견할 수 있었다. 그러나 이러한 공통적인 특징에도 불구하고 3종의 당시선집(唐詩選集)에서 나타나는 선시의 기준은 달랐음을 확인할 수 있었는데, 이를 통해 본고에서는 당시선집(唐詩選集)의 간행이 단순히 문학적 주장을 위한 것이 아닌 '명(明)'이 부여한 시대적 과제 속에서 당시(唐詩)가 '정전화'된 것임을 밝히고자 하였다.

Detail Focused Image Classifier Model for Traditional Images (전통문화 이미지를 위한 세부 자질 주목형 이미지 자동 분석기)

  • Kim, Kuekyeng;Hur, Yuna;Kim, Gyeongmin;Yu, Wonhee;Lim, Heuiseok
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.12
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2017
  • As accessibility toward traditional cultural contents drops compared to its increase in production, the need for higher accessibility for continued management and research to exist. For this, this paper introduces an image classifier model for traditional images based on artificial neural networks, which converts the input image's features into a vector space and by utilizing a RNN based model it recognizes and compares the details of the input which enables the classification of traditional images. This enables the classifiers to classify similarly looking traditional images more precisely by focusing on the details. For the training of this model, a wide range of images were arranged and collected based on the format of the Korean information culture field, which contributes to other researches related to the fields of using traditional cultural images. Also, this research contributes to the further activation of demand, supply, and researches related to traditional culture.

An Analysis of the Patterns of Using History in Textbook Developed under the 2015-Revised Curriculum (2015 개정 교육과정에 따른 <수학 II> 교과서에 나타난 수학사 활용 유형 분석)

  • Kim, Eun Suk;Cho, Wan Young
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.471-488
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    • 2019
  • This paper aims to examine how mathematical history is used in textbooks according to the 2015-Revised Curriculum. We analyze the distribution and characteristics of making use of the mathematical history in the nine textbooks, using the framework suggested by Jankvist (2009) on the whys and hows of using historical tasks. First, the tasks related to mathematical history in the textbooks are mostly used as an affective tool, while few tasks are used as a cognitive tool. Second, most of the historical tasks of the type of an affective tool are introducing the anecdotes of mathematicians or in the history of mathematics, and only one case is trying to show human nature of mathematics by illuminating the difficulties mathematicians were faced with. Third, all the mathematical history tasks used as affective tools and goals are illumination materials, while only two out of the ten tasks in the category of a cognitive tool are illumination materials, yet eight others are modular ones. Considering the importance and value of using mathematical history in the math education, this paper recommends that more modular materials on mathematical history tasks in the category of cognitive tools and goals should be developed and their deployment in the textbooks or courses should be promoted.

Study on development of data base system and pattern analysis of tunnel portal slope in Korea (국내 터널 갱구사면 데이터베이스관리 시스템 개발 및 상태평가 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Baek, Yong;Kwon, O-Il;Koo, Ho-Bon;Bae, Gyu-Jin;Lee, Seoung-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.213-225
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    • 2004
  • The number of tunnels are in fact increasing as a part of linear improvement project of general national highway and road enlargement and pavement project. Recently, collapses of portal slope are also occurring considerably, due to local raining from severe rain storm and abnormal weather. Accordingly, it was risen a necessity to efficiently respond to tunnel portal slope damage and maintenance in Korea and oversea nations. This paper is a basic proposal to execute a survey on the current status and state of the tunnel portal slopes that were already installed and are now being operated along general national highways, and also to execute state evaluation for the purpose of managing those effectively. As a research method, domestic tunnels were analyzed in accordance with geometrical shape such as access type, portal form, and tunnel type, etc. via field survey to analyze the types of tunnel portal slopes along national highways. State evaluation classification sheet is presented to divide classes for the danger state of the surveyed portal slopes, and then the related grades are divided. It is mainly aimed at classifying the tunnel portal slope along national highways with using this state evaluation, to use it as basic data so that continuous maintenance can be executed in the future in accordance with danger classes.

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A Study on the Safe Transportation of a Non-Standardized Cargo (Steel Box) for General Cargo Ships (일반화물선에서 비표준화물(철재상자)의 안전한 운송을 위한 고찰)

  • Kim, Ji-Hong
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.444-449
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    • 2019
  • The "Standard on Cargo Stowage and Securing" implemented to safely stow and secure the cargo of international shipping vessels and domestic car ferries, has also been applied to general cargo ships transported between domestic ports since J anuary 2018. As a result, a new type of cargo, such as a non-standardized steel box transported by general cargo ships to major ports in Korea from Jeju Island in Korea, must be factored as the method of safe stowage and securing according to the legal classification of cargo. This study analyzed the legal status of a steel box by analyzing the actual size, shape of steel box through field verification, collection of data from relevant agencies and finally proposed the methods of safe stowage and securing for a steel box in the cargo holds of general cargo ships. According to the relevant domestic laws and international regulations, steel boxes could be classified as pallette boxes with protective outer packing, a type of non-standardized cargo. Additionally, when a steel box is loaded into the cargo hold of general cargo ships, a method of loading and transporting them must be factored so that there is no gap in the cargo hold of ships. Verification of the safety of the tightly loading and transportation measures in the reviewed cargo hold was verified through safety of the hull structure and securing of the ship's stability. As a result of verification of the safety of the hull structure, the value of the structural strength on both sides and the floor of the cargo hold for the total weight of cargo that can be loaded in the cargo hold was satisfied, and the value of the ship's stability was satisfied with the value of GoM and the restoration of the three cross-sectional stability curve areas.

Analysis of Korea Earth Science Olympiad Items for the Enhancement of Item Quality (한국 지구과학 올림피아드 문항 분석을 통한 문항의 질 향상 방안)

  • Lee Ki-Young;Kim Chan-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.511-523
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the 1st and 2nd Korea Earth Science Olympiad (KESO) items, in order to find informations to enhance item quality. To do this, internal and external item classification frameworks are developed. Item difficulty (P), discrimination index (DI), correlation, and reliability are estimated by using classical test theory. Generalizability is also estimated by applying the generalizability theory. The results of item classification are as follows: (1) ‘Geology’, ‘astronomy’ and ‘data analysis and interpretation’ are dominant in content and inquiry process domain, respectively. Nearly every item has textbook context. (2) There is no difference between the preliminary and final tests in terms of their thinking skills sections. (3) As a whole, the ratio of items with pictures is high in item representation. However, multiple-choice and short answer items are more common in preliminary competition, and essay type items are found more often in final competition. The ratio of simple items is high in middle school section and preliminary competition, but composite items are dominant in high school section and final competition. The findings of item analysis are as follows: (1) In the middle school section, P is low and DI is moderate. But in the high school section, there is a considerable differences between science high schools and other high schools in general. (2) The highest correlation is reported between the scores of meteorology domain and total score in middle school, whereas in high school astronomy domain and total score show the highest correlation. (3) General high school section show the highest Cronbach $\alpha$ and generalizability. (4) General high school section show acceptable generalizability coefficient (> 0.80), but middle and science high school section should increase the number of items to reach acceptable generalizability level.

A Study on Construction of Digital Museum Archiving Regarding Dance Costume (무용공연작품 의상을 위한 디지털 뮤지엄 아카이빙 구축)

  • Jeong, Yu-Jin;Yoo, Ji-Young;Baek, Hyun-Soon
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2019
  • This article aims to identify the characters and theme shown in dance costume and utilize them from an educational perspective by constructing digital museum archiving, which can be systematically collected, classified and stored from dance costume. It deals with definition of digital museum archiving as theoretical background and examples of how to create digital museum archiving as research content. The role that archiving plays in digital museum and effectiveness have been demonstrated. Archive is a term used to indicate extensive material and its storage and referred to as an integrative model of display in the computer-generated space. When it comes to producing dance costume as a form of digital museum, the museum is to be made in the computer-generated area of dance costume. The museum shows each division of major, medium and minor classification. The major classification divides genre of dance performance into Korean dance, modern dance and ballet. The middle involves choreographers, costume designers. The minor categorization includes newspaper, interviews, performance pictures, and programs. Digital museum has the value of space utilization, creation, culture, utilization of multiple educational programs, offering of digital museum content, two-way communication, and program development of the new display form.

CNN Model-based Arrhythmia Classification using Image-typed ECG Data (이미지 타입의 ECG 데이터를 사용한 CNN 모델 기반 부정맥 분류)

  • Yeon-Suk Bang;Myung-Soo Jang;Yousik Hong;Sang-Suk Lee;Jun-Sang Yu;Woo-Beom Lee
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.205-212
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    • 2023
  • Among cardiac diseases, arrhythmias can lead to serious complications such as stroke, heart attack, and heart failure if left untreated, so continuous and accurate ECG monitoring is crucial for clinical care. However, the accurate interpretation of electrocardiogram (ECG) data is entirely dependent on medical doctors, which requires additional time and cost. Therefore, this paper proposes an arrhythmia recognition module for the purpose of developing a medical platform through the analysis of abnormal pulse waveforms based on Lifelogs. The proposed method is to convert ECG data into image format instead of time series data, apply visual pattern recognition technology, and then detect arrhythmia using CNN model. In order to validate the arrhythmia classification of the CNN model by image type conversion of ECG data proposed in this paper, the MIT-BIH arrhythmia dataset was used, and the result showed an accuracy of 97%.

Classification of submitted KSNMT dissertation (대한핵의학기술학회 투고 논문 분류)

  • Han, Dong-Chan;Lee, Hyuk;Hong, Gun-Chul;Ahn, Byeong-Ho;Choi, Seong-Wook
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.65-69
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    • 2017
  • Purpose KSNMT(Korea Society of Nuclear Medicine Technology) stepping first step in 1997, has published first journal related with nuclear medicine technology in 1985. With classifying In Vivo Session Dissertation reported in the entire journal, trend of the Dissertation will be studied. Materials and Methods Dissertations which published from 1985 to first half of 2016 in the journal are classified with presentation form and with scanner, And all the data is organized with Excel program. Through the data, the number of dissertations published in each year, the number of dissertation published in details, and keyword distributions in each period are analyzed. Results The number of In-vivo section dissertations was 1151 and the number of In-vivo section dissertations that have common subject with In-vitro section was 28. The number of In-vivo section dissertation in 1980s was 46, in 1990s was 149, in 2000 was 467 and from 2010 to the first half of 2016 was 517. The number of dissertation with original articles was 571, with abstract was 529, with symposium was 31, with special lecture was 25, with review was 11, with interesting image was 7, with poster was 3 and with case report was 2. With symposium and special lecture excluded, which count 56, the number of dissertation with PET was 319, with Planar was 302, with SPECT was 172, with radiopharmaceutical was 113, with guard and safety management 103, with BMD was 28, etc. was 86. The number of dissertation about oncology was 201, about scanner was 179, about cardiovascular and circulatory system was 102, about safe environment was 82, about musculoskeletal system was 76, about nervous nuclear medicine was 66, about quality assurance was 61, about genitourinary system was 56, about endocrine system was 49, about digestive system was 44, about Therapy, about industrial safety was 24, about molecular imaging was 15, infection and inflammation was 9, about respiratory system was 8 and etc. was 108. The mostly used keyword through 1999 to 2005 was PET and through 2006 to 2016 was PET/CT. Conclusion To encourage various dissertations to be submitted, Korea Society of Nuclear Medicine should analyze date about not only about dissertations that are already published, but also about various research materials. Moreover, Korea Society of Nuclear Medicine also have to provide technical support such as sharing big data from homepage and systematical support to its member to publish dissertation that has high impact factor. It is important each individual researcher to have continuing effort as well as each organization cooperation.

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