• Title/Summary/Keyword: 형성이상

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Antitumor and Immunological Effects of Tuna Extract (참치 추출물의 항암 및 면역효과)

  • 황우익;백나경;황윤경;이성동
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.353-366
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    • 1992
  • This study was devised to purify the compound from tuna that have cytotoxic activities against various cancer cell lines and to observe its immunopotentiating activities. The cytotoxic compound was partially purified 277 fold, from petroleum ehter extract (crude extract) of tuna by silicic acid column chromatography (fraction D) and thin layer chromatography (Spot I). Cytotoxic activity was monitored using human colon cancer cell, HCT-48. The active compound (Spot I) was composed of seven materials which are fatty acids of four kinds ($C_{14:0},\;C_{16:0},\;C_{17:1},\;and\;C_{18:0}$) and unknown three fat materials. The active compound has cytotoxic activities against various cancer cell lines, that is, murine leukemic lymphocytes (L1210, P388) and human rectal (HRT-18) and colon cancer cells (HCT-48, HT-29). The patterns of size distribution of HCT-48 cells in the medium containing tuna extract were shifted to direction of the small size region. Also, the microscopic shape of HCT-48 cells were shrinked and distracted. The number of plaque forming cell and immunoglobin fraction of serum protein obtained from tuna-treated mice were increased, but natural killer cell activity was not affected.

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Changes of Major Components and Microorganisms during the Fermentation of Korean Ordinary Kochujang (한국재래식(韓國在來式)고추장숙성중(熟成中)의 주요성분(主要成分) 및 미생물(微生物)의 변화(變化))

  • Ahn, Cheol-Woo;Sung, Nack-Kie
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.35-39
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    • 1987
  • The present study was attempted to obtain the basic data concerning a reasonable preparing method and the optimum fermentation conditions of Kochujang (Red pepper paste). To establish the standard qualify of Kochujang, changes of the chemical composition and the numbers of bacteria and feasts in Kochujang during fermentation were observed. Moisture, salts and crude ash contents of Kochujang were not changed significantly during fermentation. Titrable acidity and amino nitrogen gradually increased with the time-passed, whereas crude fat gradually decreased with the time-elapsed. And reducing sugar and total nitrogen increased until 40 days, but slightly decreased after this period. The numbers of bacteria and yeasts in the ingrients for the preparation of Kochujang were $3.9{\times}10^7/g$, $1.5{\times}10^3/g$ in red pepper powder, $7.6{\times}10^4/g$, $2.8{\times}10^2/g$ in salts. respectively, but those of sugar and malt were not more than 100/g. Microbial counts in Kochujang during fermentation increased until 40 days, but those are gradually decreased after that.

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A study on sprouting of a young merchantable pitch pine stand (장령기(壯令期)에 가까운 리기다소나무 임분(林分)의 맹아(萌芽) 갱신(更新)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Tai Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 1962
  • (1) The objects of this study are to observe the possibility of regenerating a young merchantable pitch pine stand by sprouts and to compare the growth trend of sprouts with that of seedlings of same age grown under the almost same circumstances. (2) A plot of 20 year old pitch pine plantation, i.e. 200 trees on 0.1 ha of average D.B.H. 14 cm was clearcut at 20 cm above ground in April, 1945. By the late spring of that year sixty per cent of the cut stumps had sprouted. (3) Fourty to eighty sprouts were found on each stump (maximum:412 sprouts) at the first, but many of them had gradually died out leaving only four to five sprouts per stump by the time of three years after cutting. At that time only one vigorous sprout was left per stump by eliminating the weaker ones. (4) The sprouts, as they grew, started to cover the old stumps with new tissues developed from lower part of sprouts;consequently forming new root systems from the base of new tissues, and they appeared to be seedlings. When the age of sprouts was thirteen years old, the old stumps were completely decayed away and the reproduced stand from sprouts was averaged at 9.7 cm in D.B.H. and at 5.5m in height. (5) When the age of sprouts was thirteen years old, the sprouts exceeded the seedlings in both of total present growth and mean annual increment in height, volume, D.B.H. and basal area, but the seedlings began to exceed the sprouts in current annual increment of height, volume, D.B.H. and basal area at about ten years of age. The rates of increment of the seedling in height, volume, ect. were larger than those of sprouts except when they were one to four years old. From above facts, the following may be concluded: (1) In regenerating a pitch pine stand by sprouts, the lower the stump height, the better the result. (2) If no light limit exists, regenerating a pitch pine stand by sprouts is well possible even at the age of 20 year. (3) Pitch pine reproduction started from sprouts exceeds the seedlings of same age in growth under the almost same circumstances until they get ten years of age.

The Systematization of Personality Education Contents in the 7th Curriculum for Home Economics (제7차 가정과 교육과정에 따른 학교 인성교육 내용 체계화 방안)

  • 왕석순
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2004
  • This study tried to suggest teaching and learning activities which can be effectively utilized in Home Economics Education by analyzing and suggesting “The objective and contents of personality education” in Home Economics Area in the curriculum of 7th Technology & Home Economics. As a result, Personality education can be implemented in all areas of Home Economics Education. Especially in Home Economics Education, the following personality education can be implemented. First of all, it can teach the equality among family members by teaching the values of equality and respecting human rights. Secondly, it can teach to recognize and implement various values related to environmental protection. Thirdly, it can teach the ethics related to care which was claimed by Gilligan and other people - in other words, charity, forgiveness, friendship, love, sacrifice, concession, conversation, compromise and etc. Especially these kind of values are extended to also the ethics of care for others, neighborhood, and community not only for family care which was the traditional Home Economics education criticized as family selfishness. On the other hand, personality education in Home Economics Education is different from other subjects. It enables students to act through experiences not just emotion or knowledge by learning actual relationships among family members in daily life. This kind of feature is proving the fact that Home Economics Education can play a very effective role in achieving the objective of moral behavior The results of this study proves that Home Economics Education is an effective subject which can conduct personality education by the objectives and contents that are different from other subjects. This provides the reasonable cause for Home Economics Education to be an required subject in school curricula. Future study should be conducted as an empirical research to develop personality programs(activities for teaching & learning) which can be implemented in Home Economics Education and to accumulate empirical data of such programs.

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Sludge reduction by Enzyme Pretreatment (효소 전처리를 통한 슬러지 저감)

  • 김정래;심상준;최수형;염익태
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.93-97
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    • 2004
  • We investigate the effect of enzyme pretreatment using protease, carbohydrase, and lipase on improvement of sludge treatment efficiency by measuring SCOD and TCOD. The enzyme-pretreatment increases SCOD of excess sludge. In addition, the amount of sludge reduction during digestion, in terms of SCOD and TCOD, are enhanced by enzyme-pretreatment. Among pretense, carbohydrase, and lipase, pretense showed the best enhancement of the sludge treatment efficiency. Sludge digestion followed by ozone and enzyme treatments showed more effective sludge treatment when compared with ozone treatment alone. Therefore, we expect that enzyme pretreatment can be used as a useful tool for enhancing the sludge treatment efficiency.

Effects of Social Support, Sleep Quality, and Oral Health Impact Profile on Depression among Pregnant Women (일부 임신부의 사회적 지지, 수면의 질 및 구강건강영향지수가 우울수준에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Se-Young;Han, Yang-Keum
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.134-141
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    • 2017
  • This study examined 191 pregnant women before delivery in an obstetrics and gynecology clinic in North Gyeongsang Province from May to September 2016 by using a questionnaire after obtaining informed consent for voluntary participation in the study. The study was performed to investigate the association of depression with sociodemographic characteristics, pregnancy-related characteristics, social support, sleep quality and Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) in pregnant women. The prevalence of depression among the pregnant women was 25.1% in the healthy group and 74.9% in the depression group. The depression level was significantly higher in women in the depression group who were unsatisfied with their marriage life, had no occupation, had lower social support, had poor sleep quality and had higher OHIP scores. The results of the logistic regression analysis indicated that, the risk ratio for more severe depression was significantly higher in the group with no experience of miscarriage and induced childbirth than in the group with childbirth experience. Conversely, the risk ratio for more severe depression was significantly lower in the group with high social support than in the group with low social support. Depression in the respondents significantly positively correlated with sleep quality and OHIP score but significantly negatively correlated with social support. The multiple regression analysis revealed that the depression level was significantly higher by 22.3% among pregnant women with lower marital satisfaction, no childbirth experience, lower social support and higher OHIP scores. In summary, depression was related to marital satisfaction, childbirth experience, social support, and OHIP score, among others, in pregnant women in this study. Therefore, further investigation is warranted to construct programs and measures that will help build positive thinking by designing and verifying a three-dimensional study model by taking into consideration various variables to reduce the incidence of depression in pregnant women.

Effects of mixing and reciprocal inoculation with compatible and incompatible races of Pyricularia oryzae on the enlargement of disease lesions of rice blast (친화성 및 비친화성균계의 혼합 및 전후접종이 벼 도열병의 병반확대에 미치는 영향)

  • Park Seur Kee;Kim Ki Chung
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.22 no.4 s.57
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    • pp.300-306
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    • 1983
  • Effect on blast lesion development was investigated in rice cultivar Milyang 23 and Jinheung using two races of Pyricularia oryzae compatible or incompatible to each of two rice cultivars. Discase lesions were measured in rice when inoculated with inoculum mixed with compatible and incompatible races, inoculated with a compatible race following with an incompatible race and vice versa. Lesions were smaller when rice was incoulated with an incompatible race and then inoculated with a compatible race than those inoculated in the reverse way both at the inoculated site and at 3cm-upper part from inoculated spot. The results suggested that induced resistance might play a role in suppression of lesion development although such an effect appeared to be influenced by heavy application of nitrogen fertilizer.

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Seasonal Fluctuation, Reproduction, Development and Damaging Behavior of Compsidia populnea L.(Coleoptera; Cerambicidae) on Populus $alba{\times}glandulosa$ (현사시나무의 줄기 식입해충(害蟲) 포푸라하늘소의 생활사(生活史)에 관한 조사(調査))

  • Park, Kyu-Tek;Paik, Hung-Ryul
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.24 no.4 s.65
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    • pp.195-201
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    • 1986
  • This study was conducted to investigate the life history of Compsidia populnea which is major species of the stem-borers on Populus alba{\times}glandulosa$. Peak emergence of the adult of Compsidia populnea L. was around 10th${\sim}$l2nd of May in Chuncheon vicinities, having one generation a year in Korea. There was a preovipositional period of 10.7 days and a ovipositional period of 14.3.days. Mean adult longevity was 11 days for male and 13.8 days for female. Individual eggs were long oval with somewhat narrowed tip at one side and soft, 2.6mm in length, 0.8mm in diameter, and were laid singly under the U-shaped scars which were made by female before oviposition. Total number of scars per female averaged 56.6 ($8{\sim}135$) and eggs were found in 67.9 percent of the total scars. Egg period was $8{\sim}11$ days at $25^{\circ}C$ constant temperature and $7{\sim}14$ days in the field condition. Early young larvae stayed for $2{\sim}3$ weeks under the scars and then boring into the xylem, forming galls at this time. Size of the gall was 1.8cm($1.3{\sim}2.5$) in length, 1.6cm($1.0{\sim}2.2$) in diameter and the length of mine was everage 3.1cm. Fully grown larvae were developed around the early October and overwintered in the mines of galls. Pupation was done around the early of April. Pupal developmental period averaged 11 days($9{\sim}13$ days) at $25^{\circ}C$ constant temperature condition.

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Characterization of a new commercial strain 'Goni' by intra-specific hyphal anastomosis in Pleurotus ostreatus (계통간 교잡에 의한 백색느타리 품종 '고니'의 육성 및 그 특성)

  • Yoo, Young Bok;Lee, Sang Cheol;Kim, Eun Jung;Kong, Won Sik;Jang, Kab Yeul;Shin, Pyung Gyun
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.130-134
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    • 2009
  • To develop new white variety of Oyster mushroom, all white varieties which have been collected and kept in the lab were revived and screened their cultural characteristics. 84 intra-specific Oyster mushroom hybrids between the white-colored mutants Suhan and Wonhyeong were developed using hyphal anastomosis technique in 2007. The Po2007-63 ($2842-7{\times}0205-7$) was shown the best cultural characteristics, selected to be a new variety and named as 'Goni'. The new commercial strain, 'Goni' has white pilei and grows well under spring and autumn conditions in Korea. The fruiting bodies of 'Goni' are of an excellent quality in that not only the stipe is thick and long but also the pileus is small and hard. The optimum temperatures for mycelial growth and fruiting body development were $25-30^{\circ}C$ and $10-16^{\circ}C$, respectively. Time period required for the initiation of the first fruiting body is about 3 to 5 days depending on the temperatures. The shape of fruiting body is thin funnel shape. Fruiting body production per bottle was about $91{\pm}13$ g which is almost 97% quantity compared to that of other variety 'Miso'. Relatively low temperature incubation ($11^{\circ}C$) resulted in the development of better quality of 'Goni' mushrooms. When two different media including potato dextrose medium and mushroom complete medium were compared, the growth of mushroom were much faster in mushroom complete medium at $20-25^{\circ}C$, but not at $25^{\circ}C$. Similar results were observed with other variety 'Miso'. Analysis of the genetic characteristics of the new commercial strain 'Goni' showed a major DNA profile as that of the parental Suhan when primer URP 1 was used, but different to 'Miso' that was used as a control. When screens were performed with primer URP 2, DNA patterns were similar both to that of the parents and 'Miso'. This new variety of the white Oyster mushroom has a clean and fresh image that corresponds well to "health food". We therefore expect that this new strain will satisfy the consumers demand for variety and excellent mushrooms.

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Effect of Aqueous Phase Composition on the Stability of a Silica-stabilized Water-in-oil Emulsion (유화제로서 실리카를 이용한 유중수형 에멀젼의 안정성에 미치는 수상부 조성의 영향)

  • Kim Jin-Hwang;Kim Song-I;Kyong Kee-Yeol;Lee Eun-Joo;Yoon Moung-Seok
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.30 no.3 s.47
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    • pp.353-359
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    • 2004
  • The extent of silica flocculation can be modified by varying the silica concentration, aqueous phase pH, salt and polvmer concentration. High volume fraction W/O emulsion stabilized by hydrophobic silica was established with various aqueous phase conditions for cosmetic application. By increasing the silica concentration up to $1.0\;wt\%,$ the size of droplet decreased. A high silica concentration increased the viscosity of continuous oil phase by network formation, which resulted in target size of droplet. The stability of W/O emulsion is improved as increasing the aqueous phase pH. At low and intermediate pH, the emulsions became more stable by adding salt $(0.083\;mol\;dm^{-3}\;MgSO_4).$ At high PH, the presence of salt caused significant destabilization. The gelation behavior of the emulsion indicates that the effect of salt on silica-stabilized emulsion is derived from an electrostatic attraction. The addition of xanthan gum in aqueous phase increased the mono-dispersity of the W/O emulsion by making water more hydrophobic and hindering the recombination of droplets. In conclusion, these results indicate that very stable emulsifier-free, finely dispersed W/O emulsion can be achieved for cosmetic application by changing the aqueous phase composition.