• Title/Summary/Keyword: 협업 성과

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Smart Factory Policy Measures for Promoting Manufacturing Innovation (제조혁신 촉진을 위한 스마트공장 정책방안)

  • Park, Jaesung James;Kang, Jae Won
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.117-137
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    • 2020
  • We examine the current status of smart factory deployment and diffusion programs in Korea, and seek to promote manufacturing innovation from the perspective of SMEs. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows. First, without additional market creation and supply chain improvement, smart factories are unlikely to raise profitability leading to overinvestment. Second, new business models need to connect "manufacturing process efficiency" with "R&D" and "marketing" in value chain in smart factories. Third, when introducing smart factories, we need to focus on the areas where process-embedded technology is directly linked to corporate competitiveness. Based on the modularity-maturity matrix (Pisano and Shih, 2012) and the examples of U.S. Manufacturing Innovation Institute (MII), we establish the new smart factory deployment policy measures as follows. First, we shift our smart factory strategy from quantitative expansion to qualitative upgrading. Second, we promote by each sector the formation of industrial commons that help SMEs to jointly develop R&D, exchange standardized data and practices, and facilitate supplier-led procurement system. Third, to implement new technology and business models, we encourage partnerships, collaborations, and M&As between conventional SMEs and start-ups and business ventures. Fourth, the whole deployment process of smart factories is indexed in detail to identify the problems and provide appropriate solutions.

An Exploratory Study on the Applicability of Semantic Web Technology in the Process of Using Culture and Arts Materials (문화예술자료의 활용 체계에서 시맨틱 웹 기술 적용에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Im, Youngsook;Yim, Haksoon
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • no.58
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    • pp.205-239
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    • 2021
  • This study explores the importance of semantic web-based network construction in art data archiving, as well as its meaning and value in the context of arts management along with its potential for future application. The study focuses on oral history obtained from the Arko Arts Archives that contained records of the lives and artistic views of early artists. In this study, the possibility of applying semantic web-based technology to materials concerning culture and the arts was discussed in five aspects based on the results of the case analysis. First, checking the relationship and discovering hidden artists are possible by revealing relationships between characters. Second, understanding and studying society and culture at a given time is possible by interpreting the contextual meaning of information. Third, art exploration can be done broadly and deeply, encompassing various genres from the perspective of the consumer. Fourth, through art construction, history can be reconstructed using a new and rich method. Fifth, expanding the scope beyond the boundaries of art is possible through convergence and collaboration of programs that handle big data. The network data can be used in various methods, such as art history research, art planning, and creation, throughout the art ecosystem. The results of the study suggest that digitizing a large quantity of data concerning culture and the arts is meaningful in arts management as well as identifying and analyzing the relationship network among data clusters using semantic web-based technology.

National Agenda Service Model Development Research of Policy Information Portal of National Sejong Library (국립세종도서관 정책정보포털 국정과제 서비스 모형개발 연구)

  • Younghee, Noh;Inho, Chang;Hyojung, Sim
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.73-92
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    • 2022
  • This study intends to design a model that can effectively service policy data necessary for the implementation of new national agenda in order to provide high-quality policy information services that go beyond those of the existing Policy Information Portal (POINT) of National Sejong Library. To this end, it was determined that providing an integrated search environment, in lieu of data search through individual access, was necessary. Subsequently, four possible models for a national agenda service model were presented. First, designing a computerized system for both interface and electronic information source aspects was proposed for the national agenda service system operation. Second, designing the Linked Open Data system and the time-series service system for national policy information, providing the translation service of overseas original data, and securing the researcher's desired data were presented for the national agenda service information source operation. Third, strengthening public relations for policy users, building and promoting the site brand, operating SNS channels, and reinforcing the activation of auxiliary materials and the accessibility of external services were proposed for public relations of national agenda service. Fourth, expanding the information network with Open API, cloud service, and overseas libraries was proposed for collaborating and cooperating with the agenda service.

Digital Twin-Based Communication Optimization Method for Mission Validation of Swarm Robot (군집 로봇의 임무 검증 지원을 위한 디지털 트윈 기반 통신 최적화 기법)

  • Gwanhyeok, Kim;Hanjin, Kim;Junhyung, Kwon;Beomsu, Ha;Seok Haeng, Huh;Jee Hoon, Koo;Ho Jung, Sohn;Won-Tae, Kim
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2023
  • Robots are expected to expand their scope of application to the military field and take on important missions such as surveillance and enemy detection in the coming future warfare. Swarm robots can perform tasks that are difficult or time-consuming for a single robot to be performed more efficiently due to the advantage of having multiple robots. Swarm robots require mutual recognition and collaboration. So they send and receive vast amounts of data, making it increasingly difficult to verify SW. Hardware-in-the-loop simulation used to increase the reliability of mission verification enables SW verification of complex swarm robots, but the amount of verification data exchanged between the HILS device and the simulator increases exponentially according to the number of systems to be verified. So communication overload may occur. In this paper, we propose a digital twin-based communication optimization technique to solve the communication overload problem that occurs in mission verification of swarm robots. Under the proposed Digital Twin based Multi HILS Framework, Network DT can efficiently allocate network resources to each robot according to the mission scenario through the Network Controller algorithm, and can satisfy all sensor generation rates required by individual robots participating in the group. In addition, as a result of an experiment on packet loss rate, it was possible to reduce the packet loss rate from 15.7% to 0.2%.

An Analysis of Trends in Research Papers Related to Picture Books: Focusing on papers in domestic academic journals (그림책 관련 연구의 동향 분석 - 국내 학술지 논문을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jong-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.189-214
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to provide an understanding of the current status of picture book-related research in Korea. For this purpose, 1,660 picture book-related research papers produced in Korea by 2021 were analyzed. The results revealed through the analysis are summarized as follows. First, research papers began to appear in the mid-1990s and began to increase significantly around 2010. Second, the journal with the most research papers was 『Journal of Children's Literature and Education』, accounting for 17.7% of the total. Third, the representative researchers who led the production of the papers are Eun-Ja Hyun and Hea-Sook Jo. Fourth, by research type, individual research papers accounted for 39% and joint research 61%. Fifth, as a result of the analysis of the research topic, the study of the contents (analysis) of picture books (33.4%), the study of the effect of picture books (29.6%), and the study of perception, reaction, and experience of picture books (18.0%) were in order. Sixth, as a result of the research method analysis, experimental studies (35.7%), content analysis (33.7%), literature studies (13.3%), and qualitative studies (9.3%) were in order. Based on the results of the analysis, the researcher suggested diversifying the research production route, expanding the trend of collaboration between universities and the field, diversifying research topics, and enhancing the validity and diversity of research methods.

A Study on the Spatial Therapy Program through the Analysis of the Meaning and Value of Old Houses : Focus on Kwon Seong-baek Old House in Andong (고택의 의미와 가치 분석을 통한 공간치료 프로그램 연구 : 안동 권성백 고택을 중심으로)

  • Jo, Jeong-Eun;Jang, Chang-Su;Kwon, Ki-Chang
    • 지역과문화
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.49-68
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    • 2020
  • The study of complementary medicine for the mental illness of modern people has been made up of academic fields. Psychotherapy, art therapy, literary therapy and dance therapy are among them, but these non-integrated studies are extremely limited to apply to reality. Collaboration with the medical community seeking supplementary measures after drug treatment is also a problem, and it is even more difficult to institutionalize them in a policy way. In response, the study suggested a shift to a space-oriented treatment paradigm by studying the value of space that most treatment programs value. Based on the theory of integrated literature therapy developed in Germany and introduced into Korea, the Tetra system was applied to one of Korea's cultural heritages. And I presented a sample of how to program the characteristics of the old house space. Kwon Seong-baek old house in Andong was considered a representative space and analyzed. As a similar case, we looked at the Healian Sun Village, the Knife Village in Germany, and the Temple Stay of Bongeunsa Temple to find out the actual conditions of space utilization. Accordingly, space treatment programs such as walking, writing poems, reading poems, and writing letters were presented by analyzing old houses with a Tetra system. This is significant as the first study to incorporate spatialization and placeability into the program.

Qualitative Analysis of Positive Science Experiences in the Memory of Pre-service Elementary School Teachers (초등 예비교사의 기억 속 긍정적 과학 경험 사례에 대한 질적 분석)

  • Lim, Sung-Man;Shin, Jung-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.299-309
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to categorize specific factors and characteristics of positive science experience by qualitatively analyzing the positive science experience cases in the memories of pre-service elementary school teachers. For this purpose, 101 essays written by pre-service teachers on the theme of 'my enjoyable science class experience' were analyzed. The collected data were analyzed using an inductive analysis method, and as a result, the characteristics of positive science experience cases in the memories of pre-service teachers were categorized into 4 categories and 12 topic groups. Specifically, 'experience of exploratory activities using special materials', such as long-term raising and observation of animals and plants, experiments using edible materials, and using special experimental tools had a positive effect on scientific experience. In addition, 'experience of activities emphasizing scientific inquiry' such as emphasizing observation activities, experiments accompanied by clear experimental results, making activities, and using various materials also had a positive effect on science experience. In addition, 'student-centered activity experience' such as strengthening student autonomy, emphasizing collaboration between students, and performing science activities outside of the curriculum also had a positive influence on the science experience. Lastly, 'positive influence of teachers', such as teachers' encouragement and enthusiasm, helped to positively recognize science.

Personalized Session-based Recommendation for Set-Top Box Audience Targeting (셋톱박스 오디언스 타겟팅을 위한 세션 기반 개인화 추천 시스템 개발)

  • Jisoo Cha;Koosup Jeong;Wooyoung Kim;Jaewon Yang;Sangduk Baek;Wonjun Lee;Seoho Jang;Taejoon Park;Chanwoo Jeong;Wooju Kim
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.323-338
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    • 2023
  • TV advertising with deep analysis of watching pattern of audiences is important to set-top box audience targeting. Applying session-based recommendation model(SBR) to internet commercial, or recommendation based on searching history of user showed its effectiveness in previous studies, but applying SBR to the TV advertising was difficult in South Korea due to data unavailabilities. Also, traditional SBR has limitations for dealing with user preferences, especially in data with user identification information. To tackle with these problems, we first obtain set-top box data from three major broadcasting companies in South Korea(SKB, KT, LGU+) through collaboration with Korea Broadcast Advertising Corporation(KOBACO), and this data contains of watching sequence of 4,847 anonymized users for 6 month respectively. Second, we develop personalized session-based recommendation model to deal with hierarchical data of user-session-item. Experiments conducted on set-top box audience dataset and two other public dataset for validation. In result, our proposed model outperformed baseline model in some criteria.

A Study on the Cooperative of Franchise Industry : Focusing on the Case of US Dunkin' Donuts (프랜차이즈산업의 협동조합에 관한 연구 - 미국 던킨 도너츠를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, In-Sik;Lee, Sang-Youn
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2012
  • This study intends to suggest the cooperative, win-win collaboration, as methods for settling disputes with the existing self-employed people over back-street business areas and disputes and conflicts between a franchiser and franchisees. In addition, it intends to analyze the Dunkin' Donuts purchasing cooperative in the US, where the franchising industry has been well developed; and to find the implications of cooperation strategies between Dunkin' Donuts and its franchisees that may be helpful for the South Korea's franchising industry. This study tries to discover a new model of the Korean-style franchise cooperative out of the basic principles and practice guidelines of cooperatives ranging from an early American franchise cooperative in 1955 to ARCOP, KFC, and Dunkin' Doughnuts in the late 1970s. Further, it looks into successful programs of a purchasing cooperative at Dunkin' Donuts such as TDP (Total Distribution Program), SFP (Shortening Futures Program) and DCP (Distribution Commitment Program). The case of the US Dunkin' Donuts, which operates the purchasing cooperative, suggests the following for the improvement of franchisees' profitability. First, relations of cooperation rather than of power are necessary between a franchiser and franchisees. Second, mutual solidarity of franchisees is necessary. Third, problems proper to the Korean franchise system should be improved. Fourth, an entrepreneurial spirit of going together rather than going fast is required. Fifth, complete satisfaction management is required. Considering different system environments between the two countries such as quantitative expansion within a short franchising history of 30 years or so and franchise profit models, there is a limit to generalizing down to a successful model of the win-win partnership cooperative. It is hoped that the sustainable management of the domestic franchising industry will be promoted in the future through the in-depth analysis of successful cooperatives.

Art for Overcoming the Ecological Crisis: Focused on the Dialogical Methodologies of The Harrison Studio (생태 위기 극복을 위한 예술: 해리슨 스튜디오의 대화적 방법론을 중심으로)

  • Shan Lim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.221-226
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    • 2023
  • Can art really change the way people understand and interact with nature in order to reduce the possibility that ecological disasters will continue to expand due to failure to correct human actions that damage the global environment? What is the artistic methodology to realize environmental justice and sustainability of life on Earth? This paper seeks to find answers to these questions. Finding ways to look at, feel, understand, and act for the global environment, that is, the process of considering the way of orientation toward the global environment will lead to critical thinking of the history in which human centered behaviors treated nature as a resource for exploitation rather than a source of life. Therefore, this paper pays attention to the ecological art of The Harrison Studio, which is called the 'pioneer of the environmental art movement'. In the main body, The Harrison Studio's major projects are analyzed to find ecological implications and aesthetic strategies. In particular, their dialogical methodologies are demonstrated in detail. To this end, the significance of various collaborative practices of The Harrison Studio is explained. The Harrison Studio contributed to expanding the scope of practical experience and understanding of the value of eological art. They have the power to look back on the direction of ecological consciousness by constantly producing mutually connected and overlapping epistemic dimensions without being limited to any uniform rules of exchange.