• Title/Summary/Keyword: 현시비교우위

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The pattern of trade between Myanmar and Korea, China and Japan (미얀마와 한·중·일의 무역패턴 분석)

  • Choi, Young Jun;Li, Jia En
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.3-22
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed the pattern of Myanmar's trade with east asia countries, Korea, China and Japan. By using RCA index and TSI index, the comparative advantage and trade specialization of Myanmar are analyzed. UN COMTRADE data from 2012 to 2014 is analyzed. After the economic sanction against Myanmar was lifted, the volume of trade of Myanmar was increased sharply as well as the trade structure is changed. The volume of trade in primary industry is decreased while the manufactured industry takes more share of trade volume. The comparative advantage of manufactured industries took more steps while those of primary industries lose. In the trade with Korea, China and Japan, Myanmar exports labor intensive products and primary goods. Trade relationship beteen Korea and Myanmar is analyzed to be primary step, while China's and Japan's are going to be advanced. China and Japan are entering to the stage of international value chain system by using abundant labor of Myanmar.

Effect Analysis of Korea Economic about the Growth Slowdown of China Economic under FTA (FTA 시대에 중국 경제의 성장둔화가 한국경제에 미치는 영향분석)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Hee;Yoo, Seung-Gyun
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.225-248
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    • 2014
  • Korea and China signed an FTA at November 10, 2014. The entry of China - the factory of the World - can be more active and easier. But Recently, China's economic growth is slowdown, and it began to emerge as a voice of concern. Therefore I analyze Chnia's economic slowdown is the impact on Korea's economy in this study. This study presented current trends and future prospects on China's economic situation. The changes of China's economic growth are the reduction of economic growth rate, falling proportion of processing trade, and the competition relationship of two countries. So they will be analyzed on this study. And this study presents ways that Korea economy reacts for China's economic growth slowdown. Trade statistics system of Korea International trade Association(KITA) is leveraged for this analysis. For competition relationship analysis, I analyze to use Contribution to the Trade Balance, Trade Specialization Index, Revealed Comparative Advantage of Country.

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An Analysis on the International Competitiveness In Digital Products with Major FTA Partners - Focusing on the USA and the European Union - (주요 FTA 상대국과의 디지털 제품 국제경쟁력 분석 - 미국과 EU를 중심으로 -)

  • Moon, Young-Soo;Park, Bok-Jae
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.205-234
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    • 2011
  • The study analyzes the shifts of international competition in the digital products market between South Korea and major FTA partners. The analysis utilizes trade statistics to calculate changes in the volume of trade, and in competitiveness between FTA partners. The target countries for this analysis include USA and the European Union with whom Korea has made agreements recently, and the period is set for the decade from 2000 to 2009. The trade records of the UN are employed to investigate the indexes of each country: trade structure and market share of digital products, the trade specialization index (TSI), and annual change of revealed comparative advantage index (RCA) against global market and both the American and EU markets. This analysis shows clearly the status quo of the development and growth of the international competitiveness of South Korea. The study will improve the understanding of international competitiveness in digital products and contents industry, which is rapidly evolving, and of the resulting industrial structure.

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Analysis of Vertical Fragmentation of the Regional Industries : Using Average Propagation Length in the Multi-Regional Input-Output Table in 2005 (지역 산업의 생산 분화 과정 분석 : 2005년 지역 간 투입산출표의 평균전파길이 추정)

  • Kim, Eui-June;Yi, Yoo-Jin;Chang, Jae-Won;Choi, Eun-Jin
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.77-94
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of vertical fragmentation of regional industries in Korea using Revealed Comparative Advantage index (RCA) and Average Propagation Length (APL). First of all, the competitiveness in regional export and substitution of regional imports were strong in the Electricity, Gas, and Water supply sector in Gyeongnam, and consumer-oriented Manufacturing sector in Incheon, Gyeongnam, and Gwangju. The high values of the APL were also found in the regions with common similarity with respect to the industrial structure and the sectors with indirect effects. In addition, the industrial sectors with high quality of infrastructure, and endowed services tended to be located in the beginning of the production chain. FInally, since manufacturing and service sectors in Seoul has higher APL, they could lead the growth of other related industries as key sectors, in the production fragmentation.

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An Analysis of the International Competitiveness in the Non-Timber Forest Products in Korea (국내 단기소득임산물의 국제경쟁력 분석)

  • Jung, Byung Heon;Lee, Seong Youn
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.98 no.6
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    • pp.726-732
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    • 2009
  • In order to compare and analyze the international competitiveness of Non-Timber Forest Products, the analyses of Revealed Comparative Advantage, Market Comparative Advantage, and Constant Market Share were performed in this study. From the result of data analysis from 2002 to 2006, most of items lost the international competitiveness. In the case of chestnut, however, the RCA and MCA indices recently has decreased, but still shows the competitiveness. As a Non-Timber Forest Products show a weak international competitiveness, Import is expected to increased according to the pending FTA and DDA negotiations of Korea/China. Therefore, In order to elevate the international competitiveness, reinforcement of policy support to durable technical development is required to lower the production cost and to heighten the added value.

남북한(南北韓) 무역성과지수(貿易成果指數) 비교(比較)로 본 경협방안(經協方案) 고찰(考察)

  • Yeon, Ha-Cheong
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.3-36
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    • 1993
  • 1990년대 중반기간(中盤期間)은 남한(南韓) 내부(內部)의 경제선진화(經濟先進化)와 정치(政治) 사회(社會)의 지속적(持續的) 발전여부(發展與否)가 판가름되는 중요한 시기이며, 민족(民族) 전체적(全體的)으로는 남북한간(南北韓間) 민족공동체(民族共同體)의 형성(形成)과 통일(統一)의 실현(實現) 가능성(可能性)이 결정되는 중요한 시기(時期)가 될 것이다. 따라서 민족경제공동체(民族經濟共同體) 형성(形成)을 위한 남한(南韓)의 확고한 대북한(對北韓) 경제정책(經濟政策) 수립(樹立)은 물론 남북한간(南北韓間)의 경제관계(經濟關係) 또한 단기적(短期的) 상업적(商業的) 이익(利益)보다는 장기적(長期的) 관점(觀點)에서 "통일한국(統一韓國)"의 국제경쟁력(國際競爭力)을 제고하고 통일민족(統一民族)의 경제적(經濟的) 복리(福利)를 극대화(極大化)하는 것이어야 한다. 본고(本稿)에서는 최근(最近) 북한(北韓)의 대서방(對西方) 외자유치노력(外資誘致努力) 및 무역확대정책(貿易擴大政策) 등 개방화(開放化) 정책(政策)의 현황(現況)과 문제점(問題點)을 검토한 후, 향후 "남북기본합의서(南北基本合意書)"의 내용(內容)이 구체적(具體的)으로 실현되고, 특히 남북한간(南北韓間) 직교역(直交易)이 정착될 경우 남북한간(南北韓間) 교역확대(交易擴大)와 합작투자(合作投資)를 비롯한 경협(經協)이 급전전될 것으로 예상되므로 남북한(南北韓)의 대(對)OECD 무역자료(貿易資料) 분석(分析)을 통혜 얻은 현시비교우위지수(顯示比較優位指數)(RCA)와 무역특화지수(貿易特化指數)(TSC)를 이용, 남북한간(南北韓間) 교역(交易) 및 경협(經協) 확대(擴大) 발전(發展)의 일환으로서 남북한간(南北韓間) 교역가능품목(交易可能品目) 및 경협유망분야(經協有望分野)를 선정 제시하였다.

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Structural Transformation of Exports in A Product Space Model: The Case of Daegu-Gyeongbuk Province, Korea (생산물공간 분석에 의한 대구경북 수출산업의 구조전환에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Byeong-Wan;Park, Jin-Ho
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.47-67
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    • 2017
  • This paper analyzes industries of the Daegu-Gyeongbuk province of the Republic of Korea using the product space model that was developed mid 2000s on the basis of a network analysis framework. The study examines the structure of the product space for the 421 export items at HS 4-digit level after grouping them into 4 categories; classics, emerging champions, marginals and the disappearing products. The results suggest a significant structural transformation in the product space for the local industries and the scope and magnitude of such transformation was rather large. We were also able to confirm that the structural transformation of the product space differs from industry to industry and from group to group. While the approach used is not without shortcomings, our findings also indicate that information extracted from the world merchandise trade by way of product space indicators can be quite useful in identifying structural transformation of industries.

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A Study on the Trade Structures and International Competitiveness of the Korean Environmental Industry (우리나라 환경산업의 무역구조와 국제경쟁력에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Bok-Jae;Moon, Young-Soo
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.345-364
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    • 2013
  • This paper analyzed the Trade Structure of environmental industry in Korea and some major countries in preparation for The Doha Development Agenda (DDA) Trade Liberalization Negotiation in the environmental goods. Based on 161 environmental goods list proposed by OECD, this paper examined the Trade Returns of worldwide environmental goods during the past 10 years from 2002 to 2011. The analysis showed that Korean environmental goods' International Market Share(IMS) in the world was 3.2%; trade specialization index(TSI) -0.128; Revealed Comparative Advantage(RCA) 1.002 in 2011. And Korea Export Similarity Index(ESI) to Japan was the highest rank in the world market. According to the results of investigation, it is clear that International Competitiveness of the Korean Environmental Industry was received a relatively poor evaluation compared with Korean trade scale. To strengthen the competitiveness, it is required that Korean government should make an effort to boost domestic environmental industry and promote systematically Trade Liberalization Negotiation including the enforcement of transient period for Korean environmental goods in the next DDA Negotiation.

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The Analysis on Export Competence of Ballast Water Management System in Korean Shipbuilding (우리나라 조선업의 선박평형수 처리장치 수출경쟁력 분석)

  • KIM, Sung-Kuk;HUR, Yun-Seok
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    • v.72
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    • pp.185-210
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    • 2016
  • The climate change has become one of the most important global issues that require global responses. As one of the leading contributions to climate change, greenhouse gas emissions and Ballast Water Management have attracted growing attention from the international community. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) received its mandate to regulate International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments in 2004. The convention requires that every vessel must be equipped Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) in 2017. Based on this situation, this study aims to analyze the present state and data from the exports of BWMS(HS842121). The results show that as the most leading country in the field, Germany has the largest market share (14.33%), Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) index 1.76, and Trade Specialization Index (TSI) 0.636 in the world. The two other leading countries such as Denmark and Netherlands follows the ability of Germany. The Korean market share of HS842121 shows market share (5.98%) which is a bit bellow high compared to other countries. However the RCA index (1.85) presents the state of comparative advantage. In addition, Korea's TSI index (0.453) indicates that it is in the state of export specialization. The Korean BWMS and Shipbuilding industry maintain the state of export specialization. They are also in the state of import specialty. For Korea to raise its export competitiveness and to ensure shipbuilding competitiveness, it is necessary to intensify supporting systems and related policies.

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A Study on the Institutional Improvement for the Employment Stability of Foreign Workers in the Construction Industry (건설업의 외국인 근로자 고용안정을 위한 제도적 개선방안 도출 연구)

  • Cho, Jae-Hwan
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.514-523
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study was designed to provide necessary institutional improvements for job security for foreign workers in the domestic construction sector. Method: I analyzed the National Statistical Office and related reports to investigate the status of foreign workers. Based on this, the government came up with measures to improve the system. Results: Based on the current comparative advantage index (RCA) analysis, the technology standard of foreign workers compared to Korean workers was evaluated, and the results were analyzed in order of moldwork, rebar, concrete work, stone work, and waterproof work. Conclusion: A foreign worker's work system was introduced to solve the problem of local Lunar New Year's Day field manpower. To ensure stable implementation of the system, there is a need to improve the operation of the employment permit system at construction sites and limit the size of the construction industry that introduces the employment permit system.