• Title/Summary/Keyword: 행동중재

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The Effect of Depression and Suicide Prevention Program for Vulnerable Community-Dwelling Elderly Women (재가 취약계층 여성 노인을 대상으로 한 우울·자살예방 프로그램의 효과)

  • Yoo, Jae-Soon;Kim, Hyun-Sook;Yon, Hyon-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.2882-2892
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a program to prevent depression and suicidality in vulnerable community-dwelling elderly women, then to furthermore demonstrate the effectiveness of the program in a community setting. The researchers designed the depression and suicide prevention program by combining a cognitive behavioral theory model with prospective research data. The effects of the program were measured by time-series design based on survey results from 12 vulnerable community-dwelling elderly women. The depression and suicide prevention program was implemented and feelings of depression, suicidal ideation, and hopelessness were measured 4 weeks before implementation, prior to implementation, immediately following implementation, and 4 weeks after implementation. Although there was no statistically significant difference in feelings of depression, suicidal ideation, and hopelessness immediately after implementation of the program, there was a statistically significant difference in all parameters 4 weeks following the implementation of the program. Therefore, we recommend the implementation of our program in community mental health care centers or welfare facilities.

A method for determining the timing of intervention in a virtual reality environment

  • Jo, Junghee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2022
  • This paper proposes a method of identifying the moment when a student with developmental disabilities needs assistance intervention in performing barista vocational training using virtual reality-based realistic contents. To this end, 21 students enrolled in a vocational training center for persons with disabilities were selected as study subjects. These students were trained to recognize the barista tools in a virtual reality environment. During the training, if students experienced difficulties and were unable to proceed further, they were asked to raise their hands or verbally request assistance. Using the collected data, two hypotheses were established based on the distance between the hand of the student and each barista tool in the virtual reality space in order to derive a criterion for judging the moment when an intervention is required. As a result of verifying the hypotheses, this study found that the cumulative distance from the hand of a student, who successfully finished the training without requiring an intervention, to the target barista tool as well as adjacent tools was significantly shorter than the cumulative distance to other barista tools.

A Theoretical Study on Relocation of the Aged (노인의 주거이동에 관한 이론적 연구)

  • 이경희
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 1994
  • 본 연구의 노인의 주거이동행동이 가족생활 주기의 다른 단계의 가구들과는 다른 행태를 나타내고 있으며 이에 대한 연구는 노인들의 생활을 이해하는데 중요한 연구주제가 될 수 있음을 소개하고자 시도되었다. 이를 위하여 노인들의 주거이동 유형과 주거이동을 결 정하고 목적지를 선택하는 의사결정의 과정에 관하여 살펴보고 노인이 이동후 받게 되는 부정적인 영향들과 이러한 부정적인 결과들을 최소화 시킬수 있는 중재변인들을 제시하였다. 이러한 이론적 관점들을 토대로 하여 앞으로 우리나라에서 이루어져야 할 노인의 주거이동 연구의 방향을 제시하였다.

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Effects of the Cognitive Intervention Program on the Inattentive and Impulsive Behaviors of Children with ADHD (주의력결핍 과잉행동 아동의 부주의와 충동성 감소를 위한 인지중재 집단프로그램의 효과)

  • Lee, Myung Hee;Kang, Moon Hee
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.87-103
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to develop an intervention program for decreasing inattentive and impulsive behaviors of children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) by combining cognitive training and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Subjects were 22 children who were classified as ADHD. Eleven children among the 22 were placed randomly in the experimental group; the remaining 11 children were placed in the control group. The effectiveness of the program was analyzed by ANCOVA after controlling for effects of pre-tests on criterion variables. Results of the present study showed that the cognitive intervention program was significantly effective for improving attention span and decreasing impulsivity of children with ADHD.

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Moderating Effects of Mother's Support and Community Environment on Relationships Between After School Self-Care and Problem Behavior (아동의 방과 후 자기보호와 문제행동과의 관계에서 어머니 지지 및 지역사회 환경의 중재효과)

  • Kong, You Kyoung;Kim, Hee Haw
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.153-165
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    • 2006
  • This study examined moderating effects of mother's support and community environment on relationships between after school self-care and problem behaviors. Subjects were 579 3rd and 6th grade elementary school children. Major findings were positive relationships between after school self-care and problem behaviors. Neither gender differences nor grade differences were found in the relationships between after school self-care and problem behaviors. Moderating effects of care by relatives or neighbors on mother's support was shown in the relationships between after school self-care and internal problem behaviors. Moderating effects of proximity to harmful facilities were found in relationships between after school self-care and external problem behaviors.

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Moderating Effects of Parental Attachment and Parental Monitoring in the Relationship between Adolescent Stress and Problem Behavior (청소년의 스트레스와 문제행동의 관계에 대한 부모애착 및 부모감독의 중재효과)

  • Ahn, Hye-Won;Lee, Jae-Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2009
  • This study explored moderating effects of parental attachment andparental monitoring in the relationship between stress and problem behavior among Korean adolescents. The Korean Youth Panel Study (KYPS) was used as sample data with a total of 2,503 11th grade students involved in this study. Results of hierarchical regression analyses showed that parental attachment (for both male and female adolescents) and parental monitoring (for male adolescents) played the role of moderators in the relationship between stress and problem behavior. That is, good parental attachment and monitoring reduced stress inducing problem behavior for male adolescents but only parental attachment reduced stress inducing problem behavior for female adolescents. Conclusions highlighted the importance of parents' role in the prevention of adolescent problem behavior.

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Moderating Effects of Daily Life Activity Experiences on the Relationship between Stress and Violent Behaviors in Early Adolescence (초기 청소년의 스트레스와 폭력행동과의 관계에 대한 일상생활활동 경험의 중재 효과)

  • Lee, Mee Ry
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.167-188
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    • 2001
  • This study investigated the relationship of daily life activity experiences to violent behaviors and their moderating effects on the relationship between stress and violent behaviors in early adolescence. A sample of 134 second year middle school students carried electronic watches for one week and provided reports on their objective activity situation and subjective states when signalled at random times. Stress was positively correlated with violent behaviors. Daily activity experiences were correlated with violent behaviors and moderated the relationship between stress and violent behaviors. More time spent in socializing and passive leisure, and negative emotional states during schoolwork and active leisure were correlated with higher violent behaviors. Lower motivational states during schoolwork were correlated with higher violent behaviors. Lower cognition of importance and attention states during schoolwork and higher cognition of importance and attention states during active leisure and maintenance activities were correlated with higher violent behaviors. Finally, the moderating effects of negative emotion during active leisure, motivation and attention states during schoolwork on the relationship of stress with violent behaviors were found among girls only.

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The Current Domestic Study Trends Based on Intervention Strategies of Behavior Problems for the Children with EBD (정서.행동장애아의 행동문제 중재중심 국내연구 동향)

  • Seo, Eun-Jung
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.647-664
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of the study was to analyze trends of the previous interventions based studies in Korea to improve behavior problems of the children with EBD in order to suggest the research development and trends of future behavior intervention program as their behavior coping strategies. Therefore, it was analyzed 50 papers related to interventions of behaviors problems, published at the professional EBD journal from 2005 to 2009. The result suggested effective intervention factors, strategies, program & intervention trends, based on the results by factors. Previous researches in the study was comparatively analyzed by factors, such as the number, gender, age, and grade of subjects, and strategies, deliever, place of the intervention. The result of the study was analyzed the Previous researches based on the research subjects, research methods(subjects, research design, intervention delievers, intervention places, and intervention periods) and the type of intervention strategies included research procedures. The study results provided the foundation of the future intervention methods and the related program developments.

The Current State and Implementation of Music Therapy for Adults With Intellectual Disabilities (국내 성인지적장애인 음악치료 중재 현황)

  • Oh, Ji Eun
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.17-30
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    • 2016
  • This study aimed to examine the current state of music therapy for adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) by conducting a survey of music therapists. Completed surveys from 32 certified music therapists were included for analysis. The questionnaire was composed of 38 items that asked about the participants' background, work environment and music therapy implementation experience (including assessment, goal establishment, intervention strategy and difficulties). The results of the study showed that music therapy for adults with ID was practiced in diverse facilities. Enhancing social interaction was the most frequently set goal by music therapists, whereas facilities mostly required the music therapy services for emotional stability. Also, instrument playing was used most among music activities, and musical structure was considered most when choosing music for therapy. Among the influential institutional factors, characteristics of the facility were considered most frequently, and the level of functioning was the most considered in terms of client-related factors. To advance the effective use of music therapy interventions with adults with ID, development of music therapy assessment tools and more active communication with facility staff were also suggested when working with this population.

The impact of recognition of spouse's conflict-coping behavior on self-esteem and depression (자신이 인지한 배우자의 갈등대처행동이 자존감과 우울에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Li-Ly;Lee, Jin-Ah
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.1061-1068
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    • 2012
  • This study was a descriptive survey to examine the impact of spouse's conflict-coping behavior on self-esteem and depression among couples married within 5 years, in order to provide data for education and intervention program of improving their relationships for early marriage couples. Participants were 176 persons who were family members or neighborhood of S college students in Seoul and they were asked to complete questionnaires. Findings showed that there were differences in conflict-coping behavior of withdrawal type according to sex while differences in conflict-coping behavior of physical type and withdrawal type and depression according to age. Differences were found in conflict-coping behavior of language type and depression according to occupation. There were significant differences in self-esteem and depression according to couples' conversation time. Perceived their spouses cope with the conflict in the relationship between behavior and depression, self-esteem appeared to represent an indirect effect.