• Title/Summary/Keyword: 해양한국21

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Numerical Simulations of Storm Surge/Coastal Flooding at Mokpo Coastal Zone by MIKE21 Model (MIKE 21 모형을 이용한 목포해역 해일/범람모의)

  • Moon, Seung-Rok;Park, Seon-Jung;Kang, Ju-Whan;Yoon, Jong-Tae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.348-359
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    • 2006
  • The city of Mokpo suffers lowland inundation damages by sea water flooding even without harsh weather like a typhoon, due to the low level urban infrastructure facilities, oceanic environmental changes by constructions of seadike/seawall and sea level rise caused by global warming. This study performs constructing the simulation system which employs the MIKE21 software. And the system is applied to several typhoon- induced surges which had resulted in inundation at Mokpo. Virtual situation of flooding is simulated in case 59 cm of surge height, which had been occurred actually by RUSA(0215), coincides with Approx. H.H.W. Then the water level of 545 cm corresponds to the extreme high water level(544 cm) for 10 year return period after the construction of Geumho seawall. The results show rapid and broad inundation at Inner-Port, requiring additional preparations for flood protections.

A Study of Relationship between Changing of Sea Power and Maritime Conflicts of the Korean Peninsula (해양력 변화와 한반도 해양분쟁 발생의 상관관계 연구 - 해양국력과 동맹전이이론의 타당성 검증을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Young-Sik
    • Strategy21
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    • s.36
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    • pp.180-214
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    • 2015
  • The Republic of Korea navy challenged from the unexpected surprise attacks by the North Korea navy, albeit, the developments of up-to-date naval forces' technology, and the ceaseless efforts for war preparedness. My study divided into two categories. Qualitative methods used for literature review of international relations theory related to the war onset and for investigating events occurred on the Peninsula and its surrounding seas from 1968 to 2007. Quantitative method used such as the analyses of national power index of the two Koreas, the United States, and China, the uses of equation model to calculate power index of alliance, COPDAB(Conflict and Peace Data Bank) index analysis. Like Choi's study on East Asia maritime conflict, as a conclusion, considering both AT theory and maritime national power as a tool for predicting maritime conflict in the Peninsula proved significant. Based on the study, ROK navy need to prepare for the maritime conflict because the results showed North Korea would initiate maritime disputes sooner or later using fatal asymmetric forces and methods. As a policy suggestion, we are required to maintain a concrete ROK-US alliance ties and to construct naval forces due to the deterring functions of maritime national power.

A Study on Present Condition and Spatial Organization of Domestic Marina Club to Design Leisure Floating Architecture (레저용 플로팅건축물 설계를 위한 국내 마리나클럽 현황 및 공간구성에 관한 연구)

  • Pak, Sung-Sine
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.253-259
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    • 2012
  • Marina and marina clubs are the essential structures to meet increasing marin tourism and marin leisure sports demand. According to the domestic situation, marina and marina clubs are divided into 6 types such as small sports type, small complex type, midium sports type, midium complex type, large sports type, large complex type. As a result of analysis of domestic three marina clubs, averagely marina facilities take 21% and commercial facilities take 79% of total space. In the short term, marina club should be designed focusing on complex program. Marina club will be for long-term transformed into marin leisure sports program. Additionally, it is certain that floating marina club is an architecture to have water-friendly space and to maximize marin tourism and marin leisure sports.

Estimation for Reclamation of Public Waters Demand Using Time-series Analysis (시계열 분석을 통한 공유수면 매립 수요 예측)

  • Shin, Chul-Oh;Choi, Eun Chul;Yoon, Sung-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.918-923
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    • 2021
  • The Korean government is developing a 10-year master plan pertaining to the Public Waters Management and Reclamation Act. However, it was observed that implementation of the reclamation project through frequent changes would occupy a significant proportion. Thus, questions are being raised about the effectiveness of the master plan. In view of this, the need for a trend analysis on long-term reclamation demand is growing. Accordingly, in this study, a trend analysis of reclamation demand was carried out using the annual reclamation performance data. The results of the analysis indicate that the demand for reclamation of public waters continued to decline, and the trend has been particularly evident since the 1990s, when it was converted into a reclamation master plan. In addition, the total demand for reclamation during 2021-2030 was calculated to be at a maximum of 13.8 km2 and minimum of 1.7 km2.

ROK Navy's Response to China's Naval Modernization: Based on Command, Control, Capability, and Capacity Analysis Framework (중국 해군 현대화에 대한 한국 해군의 대응 방안 : 지휘, 통제, 능력, 수량 분석을 중심으로)

  • Oh, Dongkeon
    • Strategy21
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    • s.45
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    • pp.188-211
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    • 2019
  • 중국 해군의 성장은 동아시아의 안보환경 변화에 지대한 영향을 미치고 있으며, 한국 해군 또한 그 영향에서 벗어날 수 없는 실정이다. 대한민국은 중국과 지리적으로 맞닿아 있으며, 현재 불법 중국어선 및 이어도 문제 등 중국과의 수많은 해양갈등을 겪고 있는 상황으로, 이에 대한 적절한 대응을 위해서 한국 해군은 중국 해군의 현대화에 대한 대응을 준비해야만 한다. 본고는 중국과 한국의 해군력을 로버트 토마스 전 미 해군 중장이 제시한 지휘, 통제, 능력, 수량의 네 가지 측면에서 분석 및 비교하였다. 중국 해군은 적의 접근을 원해에서부터 차단하는 것을 목표로 하고(지휘), 그에 걸맞게 C4I 능력을 확충해나가고 있으며(통제), 전력투사. 수중/수상전, 해상재보급 역량을 늘려가고(능력), 최근 4년간 세계 대다수 해군의 총 톤수를 능가하는 수준의 함정건조 추세를 보이고 있다(수량). 한국 해군은 90년대 이후 "대양해군"을 목표로 해왔으며(지휘) 아덴만까지 실시간으로 통제 가능한 뛰어난 C4I 능력을 갖추었으나(통제), 아직 대양해군에 걸맞는 능력 및 전력을 구비하였다고 보기는 어렵다. 한국 해군이 상기 네 가지 측면에서 중국 해군을 따라잡는 것은 거의 불가능에 가깝다. 중국은 GDP의 2% 이내에서 국방비를 책정함에도 매년 GDP의 2.7%를 국방비에 투자하는 한국 국방비의 6배를 상회하며, 이 격차는 계속 커져가는 추세이다. 따라서, 대한민국 해군은 첫째, 잠수함 등 비대칭 전력 확보에 주력하고 방공/대잠능력 등 방어력을 향상시켜야 하며, 둘째, 관련국과의 긴밀한 협력을 통해 동아시아 및 서태평양 지역에서의 해양안보 안정화를 위해 노력해야한다. ADMM+3 등 다자 안보의 틀 안에서 역내 해양의 안정을 꾀할 수 있도록 한국 해군은 정책적 노력을 경주해야할 것이다.