• Title/Summary/Keyword: 항만시설

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The Hydro-Environmental Characteristics of Port Facilities around the Sea of Cheju Island (제주해역 항만시설물의 수리환경적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 정태욱;김종인;류청로
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2000
  • In order to effective manage the construction, disaster prevention plan and the harbor tranquility control, meteorological and sea-state characteristics around Cheju Island have been analyzed. Using results and damage examples of the port facilities under severe sea conditions, a reasonable construction control plan considering the regional characteristics of the sea-state and winds was proposed. That is, in northern part of Cheju Island, the construction work is affected mainly by the winter storms, while the typhoon mainly affects the southern part port facilities during summer to Autumn. Considering their typical characteristics, it is strongly suggested that the main construction work should be carried out during April to July in the northern part, and it should be made during October to next July in the southern part of the island. A permeable TTP mounded breakwater was constructed to protect severe waves as a temporal structure under the long-term development plan in Sogipo port. The transmission characteristics of the structure was discussed using the experimental results. The results show that the transmission coefficient $K_{t}$ is over 20% of incident waves, which cause many problems in the cargo handling in relation to harbor tranquility. In conclusion, this kind of permeable structure can be used only as a temporal structure for the disaster prevention under the construction process. It causes many problems in harbor tranquility if it is used as a permanent harbor structures.s.

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A Study on Proposal of the Ship's Routing on Gwangyang Harbor (광양항의 항로설정에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong Jung-Shic;Jong Jae-Yong;Kim Chol-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.11 no.2 s.23
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2005
  • In the present maritime traffic conditions of Gwangyang harbor, there exists many hazardous factors which may lead to huge accidents including marine oil pollution. To mitigate the danger to vessels in Gwangyang harbor and to secure the safety of maritime environment, we established one way traffic between No.3 Route and No.4 Route, Designed of deep water line on No.3 route, Extended one-way route for Myo-Do Passage etc.

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A Study on Container Monitoring System Using GPS (GPS를 이용한 컨테이너 모니터링 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Choi Byoung Gil;Jin Sea il;Hong Sang Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.401-409
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    • 2004
  • A monitoring system for container using CPS is the system for positioning and managing containers in real time. CPS is capable of positioning the container, promptly with a reasonable amount of accuracy. Facility managers of ports or airports should have loading, unloading, and keeping freight effectively. Transport companies or freight owners should allocate moving container properly and be able to prevent the loss or delay of freight. In this study, the position and pathways of container are monitored by real-time tracking method. The absolute and relative locations of container are monitored digitally and visually from TC_loading to TC_unloading yard. It has been tested the movement of the containers equiped with GPS, and its accuracy and efficiency were analyzed.

Estimation of Deepwater Design Wave Height on Southern Coast of Korean Peninsula by Empirical Simulation Technique (경험모의기법에 의한 남해안의 심해 설계파고 산정)

  • Suh, Kyung-Duck;Kim, Mun-Ki;Chun, Je-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.265-275
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    • 2011
  • Estimation of wave height is the most important factor in the design of coastal structures such as breakwaters. In the present study, typhoon wind distribution was constructed by applying the parametric model of Holland (1980), and numerical simulations on the typhoon-generated waves were carried out using the WAM. The typhoons which affected the southern coast of the Korean Peninsula and several hypothetical typhoons were selected to construct the training sets. Design wave heights were estimated using the empirical simulation technique for various return periods and wave directions. The estimated design wave heights were compared with those by the peaks-over-threshold method and the results of KORDI(2005).

Recent Trend of Cathodic Protection Technology (음극방식기술의 최근 동향)

  • 김기준
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 1998.05a
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    • pp.7-7
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    • 1998
  • 1812년 영국의 Humphrey Davy에 의해서 정립되기 시작한 음극방식(Cathodic P Protection)기술은 1900년대 중반이후의 유럽과 미국의 비약적인 발전을 거쳐 이제 세계적으로 철강의 방식법중 빼놓을 수 없는 주요한 기술이 되었다. 1970년대초부터 우리나라에 채용되기 시작한 음극방식기술은 현재 항만, 지중, 열교환기, 화학플랜트 등 다양한 분야에 적용되고 있다. 아직 국내의 아쉬운 점이라면 기술도입 이후 신기술의 개발노력이 거의 이루어 지지 못하고, 해외에서 개발된 새로운 장치나 신기술들을 산발적으로 수입/적용해 왔다는 것이다. 이제 우리나라도 산업의 분야에 따라서는 상당한 방식시설을 보유 하고 있음에도 아직도 국내의 환경에 적합한 음극방식기술의 개발과 심도있는 연구 및 기술축적이 부족한 형편이다. 그 원인으로는 광범위하게 발전해 가는 해외기술 에 대한 정보부족을 먼저 꼽을 수 있으며 국내의 기술 및 연구개발에 투자가 미약 하다는 것이 또하나의 이유라 하겠다. 본 강의는 상기 원인중 음극방식에 대한 해외기술정보를 소개하기 위한 것으로 해외에서 최근에 개발된 음극방식관련 각종 장치를 소개하고 전반적인 산업분야의 음극방식법 응용연구의 방향을 발표하며, 부가하여 읍국방식관련 각종 규정의 소개를 하고자 한다. 제한된 정보로 방식산업에 직접 관계하는 분에게는 부족한 기술 정보가 될지 모르나 전반적인 음극방식기술에 대한 실태를 파악하는데는 조그마한 도움이 될 수 있을 것이다.

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Improvement Measures for Enhancing Professional Safety Sheriff's Specialty (안전보안관 전문성 제고를 위한 개선방안)

  • Park, Jeong-Hun
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.60
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    • pp.175-196
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the role of safety sheriffs and their necessity in order to improve the activation of safety sheriff's professionalism. Seven security sheriffs were finally selected to discuss their activities and discuss ways to improve their effectiveness. We conducted semi - structured interviews and conducted in - depth interviews with limited data and inadequate prior research. The results of this study are as follows. First, the government should get the help of citizens, citizens and residents. If the state wishes to reduce the number of safety accidents and bring positive results to the public, it should not rely solely on the utilization of institutions. Second, in order to be a safe sheriff with a positive response from the local residents, the activities of the sheriff's sheriff are not only aimed at preventing risks in the environmental domain and reducing the number of accidents, Publicity should be provided to the landlord, tenant, and residents to inform them that the activity is preventive of accident prevention. Third, under the current law, it is necessary to disclose public facilities such as roads, airports, and harbors to the private sector in order to make it possible to monitor school facilities and youth training facilities. Fourth, the safety sheriff is expected to put forward the expectations and positive results of prevention through the beginning of the inspection activities, and the role of the Korean people in becoming psychological stable and efforts to be born as safety experts are required. Finally, it is necessary to establish a concrete manual, strategic safety inspection plan.

Operating Strategies for Education and Training Programs for Nurturing North Korean Construction Workers (북한 건설기능인력 양성을 위한 교육·훈련 프로그램 운영 전략)

  • Jung, In-Su;Lee, Giu;Park, Hyeong-Geun;Lee, Young-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.262-269
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to pave the way for the development and operation of education and training programs to nurture skilled North Korean construction workers. Such programs would help to meet the expanded demand for setting up infrastructure, which is the backbone of the two Koreas' economic cooperation and mutual development. To achieve this initiative, the targets and scopes of education and training were determined by classifying business types for education and training purposes by construction sector. Furthermore, each education and training course and their allocated time frames were analyzed. Issues related to inter-Korean economic cooperation in the border area were also analyzed to determine regional characteristics. Education and training programs were thus classified into three types of infrastructure units: society, industry, and life infrastructure units. Social infrastructure units are the common demand of the whole border area, including construction of roads, railways, and harbors, as well as inspection and maintenance. Industrial infrastructure units are programs for industrial facilities centering on the designated special economic zone in the western part of the border area. Life infrastructure units are programs for infrastructure facilities such as large, complex facilities and residential facilities for the eastern tourist belt side.

A Study on a Roadmap for Establishing Spatial Information in the North Korean Region through Analysis of National Infrastructure Priorities - On the Premise that the North Korean Region is Accessible - (국가인프라 우선순위 분석을 통한 북한지역 공간정보구축 로드맵 연구 - 북한지역 접근가능을 전제로 -)

  • Kim, changjae;Lee, Byoungkil;Pyeon, Mu Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2021
  • This study collected and analyzed case studies related with the use of spatial information in North Korea to prioritize construction and required supporting processes in order to propose a short-term and long-term road map for the establishment of spatial information in North Korea. Recent research cases related to the prioritization of spatial information development were analyzed, and priority for the construction of infrastructure was derived based on the interconnectedness and relationship of national infrastructure. Due to the inaccessibility and remoteness of North Korea, all of the five studies determined priorities according to questionnaires and consulting of refugees and knowledgeable figures by expert groups. In summary, priority was given to unarmed and transborder areas, major cities, special zones, and development zones, while in terms of facilities, priority was given to power communication, railroads, water and sewage architectural buildings, roads, and dams. In the case of prioritizing the establishment of national infrastructure for the unified Korean Peninsula, the development of major areas, ports, and the related city-level spots to develop a line that promotes the sharing of routes such as transportation networks, water, and energy, thus leading to a scenario involving the development of cotton at an urban and national level.

A Study on Safe Operation Standards of Piers based on Mooring Safety Evaluation to Increase Efficiency of Local Management Trade Ports (지방관리 무역항의 효율성 증대를 위한 계류안전성 평가 기반의 부두 안전운용기준에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seungyeon;Yu, Yongung;Lee, Yunsok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2022
  • Local management trade ports are small-sized trade ports, which require active operation to strengthen the local cities' economic power and enhance the local industries' added value. In addition, local management trade ports should berth ships larger than the existing ships to increase efficiency and keep up with the international trend where ships are becoming larger. Furthermore, they should also prepare operating standards. This study selected Okgye Port among local management trade ports. We performed a mooring safety simulation evaluation according to the scenario where a 50,000 DWT vessel is moored at the current 20,000 DWT class pier. The emergency departure criteria were 27kts at 3.2s of wave period and 22kts at 5.0s of wave period at the existing pier. Results showed that mooring limit condition increased by about 50% to 41kts at 3.2s of wave period and 36kts at 5.0s of wave period. This study can be used for strengthening mooring facilities and setting operational standards for safe port operation when large ships are berthing.

Development of Evaluation Factors for Breakwater Rehabilitation (방파제 성능개선을 위한 평가항목 개발)

  • Park, Su-Yeul;Yun, Won-Gun;Kang, Go-Une;Kim, Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2021
  • Domestically, technical condition evaluation for breakwaters has been conducted through safety checks and safety diagnosis. If necessary, maintenance for the facility is conducted. However, in recent years, the need for infrastructure management has been increasing from a life-cycle-cost perspective. For these reasons, the "Sustainable Infrastructure Management Basic Act" was enacted. Previously, only the technical part of the breakwaters was evaluated. However, based on the act, comprehensive management of breakwaters will be possible through performance improvement by adding economic and political evaluations. In this study, evaluation factors and evaluation methods were developed for a breakwater rehabilitation project. The purpose of this study is to present a development direction, items, and methods for the evaluation of breakwater performance improvement to be applied in future practice. This study reviews the concept of maintenance and performance improvement, the literature related to performance improvement, and the project type for the common standard of performance improvement. Evaluation items and evaluation methods for breakwater rehabilitation are suggested to be reviewed by experts. The methodology suggested in this study could be used for preventive maintenance and to reduce accidents.