• Title/Summary/Keyword: 항만시설

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A Study on Occupational Stress of the VTS Operators (해상교통관제사의 스트레스 수준 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yu-Sun;Park, Young-Soo;Jo, So-Hyun
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.615-621
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    • 2014
  • VTS operators may suffer from acute, chronic, or traumatic stress caused by their workload and working environments associated with task or combination of task. This study intended to measure the level of VTS operator' stress and find out factors influencing it by understanding their characteristics during carrying out their task. For this purpose, analyzed the data collected through conducting survey on VTS operators as the Korea Occupational Stress(KOSS) and Psychological Well-being Index(PWI). As a result, VTS operators are experiencing higher level of psychological stress than the national average. And the factors to cause VTS operators' occupational stress can be summarized as follows; working environment factors, shift work especially night duty, workload, etc. This study provides the fundamental information for understanding human factors of VTS operator' occupational stress.

A Study on Macroscopic Future maintenance Investment Scale for National SOC Infrastructure (국가 사회기반시설물에 대한 거시적 관점의 미래 유지보수 투자규모에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Hyun;Jun, Tae-Hyun;Kim, Ji-Won;Park, Ki-Tae;Kim, Yongsoo
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2017
  • It is important to estimate the future maintenance budget of all SOC infrastructure at the national strategic level. In this study, Based on a currently available statistics data, we predicted future maintenance investment for all SOC infrastructure in Korea. We have studied the applicable prediction models, and we developed the prediction models that can calculated the future maintenance cost by a real expenditure date. The subjects of facilities are bridges, tunnels, pavements, harbors, dams, airports, water supply, rivers and port. As a result of total estimated cost, eight types of SOC infrastructures are about 23 trillion won for the next 10years, and the most expensive facilities are road pavements and bridges.

Settlement Behavior of Rubble Mound Breakwater and Its Surrounding Seabed due to Wave-Loads (파랑하중에 의한 경사식방파제의 제체와 주변지반의 침하거동)

  • Yun, Seong-Kyu;Kim, Tae-Hyung;Lee, Kyu-Hwan;Lee, Kwang-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.27 no.12
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2011
  • A breakwater is a important structure for both calmness of harbor and protection of the port facilities from waves generated from typhoons or wind. This study adopted the rubble mound breakwater, which is one of the most popular type of breakwaters in Korea. Rubble mound breakwater had been designed by considering only static condition previously. Recently, a dynamic wave-load due to waves has been also considered in designing breakwater. In design, the wave-load is assumed as an uniform load which only acts in the front slope of the breakwater. However, the assumption is not applicable in reality. In this study, therefore, a real-time wave-load acting on the breakwater instead of the uniform load is considered, and it is assumed to be acting on the seabed too. Based on the numerical analysis, it is found that there is a significant difference in the maximum settlement compared with the result predicted by the existing design method.

Analysis on Shear characteristics of Rubble Stone Using Large-Scale Triaxial Test (대형삼축압축시험을 이용한 사석의 전단 특성 분석)

  • Jung, Chul-Min;Kim, Jong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.263-275
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    • 2002
  • In general, the values of shear strength properties of rubble stones have been given quoting from Japanese empirical recommendation when breakwater and offshore structures of port and harbor facilities were designed in Korea. but by large-scale triaxial test(specimen diameter 30cm, specimen height 60cm) carried out in Korean Water Resources Corporation in 2001, for the first time in korea, shear strength properties of rubble stones are evaluated directly. These are compared with the Japanese empirical recommendation. Therefore, the value of shear strength properties of rubble stones have been usually given quoting from Japanese empirical recommendation without laboratory or in-situ tests, but the results of this study state that shear strength properties of rubble stone can be rationally determined and shear behavior characteristics of rubble stone can be invesgated by large-scale triaxial test

Analyzing Effects on the ARPA & RADAR Training By Ship Handling Simulation (선박 조종 시뮬레이션을 이용한 알파 레이더교육에 대한 효과 분석)

  • Shin, Daewoon;Park, Youngsoo;Kim, Sanghwan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.95-97
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    • 2015
  • Automatic Collision Prevention Training and RADAR Simulation Training, designated educations by the STCW Convention, are essential for officers to complete in order to board a ship. Recently, designated education institution standard based curriculum and requirements of the necessary facilities have been placed as a regulatory advisory requiring each institutions to match this and introduce equipment for simulation education, the FMSS(Full Mission Simulator System). Since the introduction of this research until today, a survey has been executed in order to find out the effect of utilizing the FMSS in ARPA/RADRA/Simulation Training for a period of 1 year. The result showed that 2.13times have been more effective. In addition, based on the results, identifying problems that occur during the education period and providing solutions to these problems have been proposed.

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북극항로 운항 선박의 항해안전지원시스템(KARS) 개발 개요

  • Gang, Guk-Jin;Jeong, Seong-Yeop;Kim, Jeong-Jung;Jeong, Seong-Heon;Yang, Chan-Su;Kim, Hyeon-Su;No, Myeong-Il
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2018.11a
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    • pp.170-172
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    • 2018
  • 지구 온난화로 인해 여름철 북극해의 해빙이 점차 감소함에 따라서 북극항로를 이용한 선박의 화물운송이 점차 증가하고 있다. IMO에서는 극지해역운항선박의 안전성과 해양오염방지를 위하여 2014년에 Polar Code를 개정하였으며, 2017년 1월부터 SOLAS협약과 MARPOL73/78협약에 추가되어 시행되고 있다. 본 연구는 해양수산부 해양안전 및 해양교통시설기술개발 사업으로 1) Polar Code 강제화에 따라 '극지해역 운항선박용 항해안전지원시스템의 개발'의 필요성과 2) 북극항로에 대한 국적선의 안전 운항 확보를 위한 '북극권 국가와의 국제협력 및 공조체계 구축'과 '극지 구난, 구조 및 환경보호 관련 국내법 및 규정 제정'을 위한 기반 연구의 필요성에 의거하여 2014년 11월 10일에 시작되었으며 2018년 12월 31일에 종료될 예정이다. 연구내용은 1) 고정밀도 북극항로 빙상정보 수치예측 시스템 개발, 2) 북극항로 안전속도 예측, 평가, DB구축 및 항행 모델 개발, 3) 북극항로 안전운항을 위한 항해계획 기술 개발, 4) 북극항로 운항선박 건조 및 안전항해 가이드라인 개발이다. 본 논문에서는 개발 중인 KRISO Arctic safe Routing System (KARS)에 대한 소개와 활용 결과 및 향후 계획에 대해서 설명하고자 한다. 본 KARS는 향후 지속적인 수정보완 작업을 통해서 완성도를 높여갈 예정이며, 검증단계를 거쳐서 최적하고 안전한 항로와 운항 관련 정보를 선사와 해기사에게 제공함으로서 북극항로 중 단기 운항계획 수립과 안전 운항을 지원할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

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The Data Envelopment Analysis of Global Logistics provider (글로벌물류기업의 효율성 분석)

  • Park, Hong-Gyun
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.19-35
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to develop a benchmark of performance standards for Global Logistics Provider in the merging logistics market. The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) can be employed to compare and analyse the efficiencies of Global Logistics Provider(3PL, 4PL). That is because Global Logistics Providers are able to reach the highest level of efficiency by using Logistics institutions and Logistics service systematically. This research is focused on analyzing the efficiencies of top 40 Global Logistics Providers. The framework assumes that the Providers use three inputs to produce one output. The inputs include number of employees information system, and number of warehouses. The output is the annual turnover. The results show that Panalpina, C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Maersk Logistics/Damco, Hub Group, Lander Global Logistics on Global Logistics Providers are the efficient providers. This paper also allows the inefficient DMUs to establish their benchmarking strategies. The strategies are dependent on the assets such as number of employees, information system, and number of warehouses.

A Study on Attracting the United Nations Humanitarian Response Depot(UNHRD) (유엔 인도적 지원 물류센터 유치방안에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Seok-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.73-92
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    • 2019
  • Disasters and crises are spreading across the globe, and there has been an increase in the number disasters in northeast Asia, such as earthquakes in Sichuan, China, and East Japan. This study aims to propose a plan to attract facilities from the United Nations Humanitarian Response Depot (UNHRD). Although there are no prior domestic studies, the study focuses on the role of intangible benefits, values, and economic outcomes in attracting facilities. Based on an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of Korea's host environment, using the UN's annual report and Korea's overseas emergency relief data, the study will analyze the status of relevant UN organizations and derive detailed strategies. In order to attract facilities from the UNHRD, it will be necessary to build and promote a cooperative system with domestic and foreign NGO experts in humanitarian assistance and joint proposals from government departments and local governments. In the long-run, it will be necessary to work closely with the relevant UN agencies to achieve strategic progress.

Estimation of Air Pollutant Emissions from Port-Related Sources in the Port of Incheon (인천항 항만시설에서의 대기오염물질 배출량 산정)

  • Han, Se-Hyun;Youn, Jong-Sang;Kim, Woo-Jung;Seo, Yoon-Ho;Jung, Yong-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.460-471
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    • 2011
  • A port has been regarded as a significant contributor to air pollution in the surrounding areas. Port-related air pollutants are released from not only marine vessels, but also various land-side sources at ports, which include cargo handling equipment, vehicles, locomotives, and fugitive dust sources by port activities such as bulk handling and vehicle movements. However, most studies in Korea have only focused on vessel emissions and there is a lack of information on the emissions from other sources at port. In this study, in order to establish the port-related emission inventory and evaluate the relative contribution of these sources to air emissions from the Port of Incheon, the emissions from land-side sources were estimated and the CAPSS (Clean Air Policy Support System) data for vessel emissions were used. In particular, the detailed information and activity data for the cargo handling equipment source were collected and the emission factors and emissions by equipment types were calculated using U.S. EPA methodologies. Total HC, CO, $NO_x$, $PM_{10}$, and $SO_2$ emissions from port-related sources including the vessel in 2007 were calculated as 229 ton/year, 638 ton/year, 4,861 ton/year, 307 ton/year, and 3,995 ton/year, respectively. It was found that the vessel was the largest contributor to air pollutant emissions from the port, the cargo handling equipment was responsible for about from 8% to 13% of HC, CO, and $NO_x$ emissions and the resuspended road dust contributed about 39% for $PM_{10}$ emissions. The results of this study will be used to establish the management and reduction strategies of air pollution in the port.

International Tourist Attitudes Analysis for the Theme Park Development in Busan (주제공원개발을 위한 외래 관광객 성향분석에 관한 연구 - 부산광역시를 중심으로 -)

  • 황영우;양위주
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.121-125
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    • 2003
  • A theme park plays an important role as a preferred facility for attracting international and domestic tourists. Many local autonomies try to establish theme parks within their own territory. Busan Metropolitan City also places emphasis on hosting an outstanding theme park, and to be identified as the tourism destination toward the world city in 21st century. The purpose of this paper is to suggest tourism policy and management strategy based on the literature review and survey analysis to international tourists. First, it is needed to supply low land price to reduce construction cost and to invite investors. Second, the theme park has to have an attractive theme and new events for repeaters Third, infra structures related to the theme parks are necessarily provided for high accessability. Finally, more priority is placed on public relation for citizen and service education of the industry.

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