• Title/Summary/Keyword: 함정음향

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함정 음향 시험평가 기술 현황

  • Kim, Jong-Chul;Son, Kwon;Lee, Pil-Ho
    • Journal of KSNVE
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.429-436
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    • 2002
  • 함정에 있어서 수중 표적의 탐지나 식별, 피탐 위험으로부터 회피 등은 함정의 생존성과 직결되는 사항으로 방사소음을 최소화하는 함정 음향 스텔스가 중요한 요소이다. 함정의 음향분야 시험평가 결과는 신조함정의 기준 만족도 평가뿐만 아니라 음향식별 정보추출/DB구축, 소음통제 방안설정 및 피탐지 위험성 평가 등 전반적인 음향작전 능력 향상에 활용되고 있다.(중략)

오늘날의 음향대항전 체계

  • Choe, Gwang-Jae
    • Defense and Technology
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    • no.2 s.156
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    • pp.30-35
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    • 1992
  • 현대의 어뢰는 함정의 회피운동만으로는 대처하기 곤란하며, 차폐, 방해, 기만등으로 어뢰에 대항하는 방법과 저소음화, 피채율 감소 등으로 상대방이 탐지하지 못하게 하는 방법이 있다. 어뢰공격으로부터 함정을 보호하기 위해 영국, 프랑스, 이스라엘 등은 음향대항전 체계를 개발해사용하고 있으나, 이에 관련된 기술은 매우 신중히 보호하고 있으며 노출시키지않고 있다. 이 음향대항전 체계는 주문구매가 가능하나 극비에 속하는 자국함정의 음향징표를 제작국에 제시해야 하므로, 상호 기밀을 유지할수 없는 현실을 감안할때, 이 분야는 독자개발이 바람직하다 하겠다

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A Concept on the M&S-based T&E for Ship Acoustics (M&S 기반 함정음향 시험평가 개념)

  • 조창봉
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.24-33
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    • 2004
  • Recently, ship acoustics takes more important role in acoustic stealth and classification of underwater targets. In this paper, a theoretical concept is proposed for M&S-based test and evaluation of ship acoustics. The concept is based on two different approaches: on Top-Down method which emphasizes the survivability of the ship and on Bottom-Up method which considers acoustic characteristics of the ship-equipments. In order to improve the effectiveness of M&S-based T&E for ship acoustics, it is recommended in this paper to compromise the two approaches as adequate.

Analysis and Measurement techniques for Propeller Cavitation induced Underwater Acoustic Signature (추진기 캐비테이션 유기 수중 음향의 측정 및 분석)

  • SEO Jongsoo;Han Jaemoon;Lee Kyungjun;Jung Jaekwon
    • Proceedings of the Acoustical Society of Korea Conference
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    • autumn
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    • pp.443-446
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    • 2004
  • 추진기에 의한 소음은 선형 특성에 의한 반류 분포, 추진기 재질 및 유체 연동 등 다양한 주변 인자들에 의해 발생하여, 민수용 선박의 경우는 과도한 추진기 수중 방사 소음으로 해양 생태계 교란 및 선박 거주구역 내 과대 소음 형성의 주 요인이 된다. 더구나, 군사용 함정의 경우에는 추진기 유기 소음은 수중 방사소음의 형태로 전파되어 함정/무기 자체에 탑재된 음향센서의 기능을 저하시키는 영향을 줄 뿐 아니라, 원거리까지 전파되는 수중소음으로 인해 치명적인 자기 노출이 되어 적 함정에 의한 피탐 거리 증대라는 전술적 취약점을 초래하는 중요한 요소이다. 본 발표는 삼성 공동수조(SCAT)에서 이루어지는 추진기 유기 소음 측정에 대한 기술적 사항과 모형선-추진기 수조 시험을 통해 구해진 추진기 유기음향과 이론 및 경험식을 토대로 계산된 추진기 소음의 정량/정성적 비교를 통해, 추진기 설계 단계에서 소음수준 예측 도구로의 활용 가능성을 제시하였다.

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A comparative study of cavitation inception of naval ship's propeller using on-board noise and vibration signals (선체 부착 소음/진동 센서를 이용한 함정 추진기 캐비테이션 초생 분석 비교 연구)

  • Hongseok Jeong;Hanshin Seol
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.243-249
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    • 2023
  • The occurrence of cavitation on the propeller is directly linked to the naval ship's survivability, and it is necessary to design a propeller shape that delays the cavitation inception. However, the propeller cavitation can occur under various operating conditions, thus it is important to identify whether the propeller cavitation exists during operation as well as in the design phase. To this end, it is necessary to use noise or vibration signals on board to monitor the cavitation inception. In this study, a hydrophone and an accelerometer were installed on the ship hull right above the propeller to compare the performance of analyzing cavitation inception between acoustic and vibration signals. Also, a high speed camera was used to visually observe the occurrence of cavitation through an observation window. The measured results showed that the spectral shapes between acoustic and vibration signals were different, but the level increases at each frequency band and the overall level of the frequency band from 1 kHz to 10 kHz showed a similar tendency. The Detection of Envelope Modulation On Noise (DEMON) analysis also showed similar results for both acoustic and vibration signals, confirming that both hydrophones and accelerometers can be utilized in the analysis of cavitation inception.

해상-함정, 음향부문 크게 진보

  • 한국항공우주산업진흥협회
    • Aerospace Industry
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    • v.64
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    • pp.36-39
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    • 1998
  • 1967년 소련의 대함 미사일에 이스라엘 해군의 구축함이 격침된 사건을 계기로 짐작도 못하는 곳으로부터 날아 오는 미사일의 공격에서 자신을 보호하기 위해 세계각국의 군함을 스텔스화의 길을 걸어 왔다. 함정의 스텔스화는 미사일 방어라는 사활을 건 변신에 속한다. 이런 흐름에 따라 조선공학과 관련 기술도 크게 변하여 바야흐로 스텔스함의 건조가 세계 군함 건조의 주류가 되고 있다.

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An experimental study on the effect of mass injection location and flow rate for tip vortex cavitation of 3D hydrofoil (수중익 날개 끝 보텍스 캐비테이션 제어를 위한 질량분사 위치 및 분사량 영향에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Eunsue Hwang;So-Won Jeong;Hongseok Jeong;Hanshin Seol
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.233-242
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, the effect of mass injection on the control of tip vortex cavitation was studied experimentally. A mass injection system for a 3D hydrofoil was designed to control the location of injection as well as the injection rate. A series of cavitation tests were carried out in a cavitation tunnel for different injection locations and rates. The cavitation behaviour was observed using a high-speed camera and the corresponding noise was measured using a hydrophone installed in the observation window. The results showed that the tip vortex cavitation was suppressed under certain conditions and the noise was reduced in some frequency bands. It was also found that there is a location where the effect of mass injection could be maximized and hence the noise reduction.

A Study on the Denoising Method by Multi-threshold for Underwater Transient Noise Measurement (수중 천이소음측정을 위한 다중 임계치 잡음제거기법 연구)

  • 최재용;도경철
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.576-584
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    • 2002
  • This paper proposes a new denosing method using wavelet packet, to reject unknown external noise and white gaussian ambient noise for measuring the transient noise which is one of the important elements for ship classification. The previous denosing method applied the same wavelet threshold at each node of multi-single sensors for rejecting white noise is not adequate in the underwater environment existing lots of external noises. The proposed algorithm of this paper applies a modified soft-threshold to each node according to the discriminated threshold so as to reject unknown external noise and white gaussian ambient noise. It is verified by numerical simulation that the SNR is increased more than 25㏈. And the simulation results are confirmed through sea-trial using multi-single sensors.

A Measurement and Analysis of Low Level Radiated-Noise Using Vertical Line Array (수직선배열을 이용한 저소음 함정음향 측정 및 분석기법)

  • Choi, Jae-Yong;Son, Kweon;Dho, Kyeong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2003
  • Underwater acoustic noise measurement is an essential element for vulnerability assessment of modern naval platforms. But during the last few decades environmental conditions have drastically changed due to the gradually increasing sea ambient noise level and decreasing submarine radiated noise level. A real-time underwater acoustic measurement system with vertical line array is designed for the quiet submarine radiated noise assessment in challenging environment. This system has a constant directivity index in measurement frequency range and accurate tracking capability for the transmission loss compensation and navigation aids inside the submarine. This system has been validated at sea and used several times for the submarine noise measurement.

Approximation of a Warship Passive Sonar Signal Using Taylor Expansion (테일러 전개를 이용한 함정 수동 소나 신호 근사)

  • Hong, Wooyoung;Jung, Youngcheol;Lim, Jun-Seok;Seong, Woojae
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.232-237
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    • 2014
  • A passive sonar of warship is composed of several directional or omni-directional sensors. In order to model the acoustic signal received into a warship sonar, the wave propagation modeling is usually required from arbitrary noise source to all sensors equipped to the sonar. However, the full calculation for all sensors is time-consuming and the performance of sonar simulator deteriorates. In this study, we suggest an asymptotic method to estimate the sonar signal arrived to sensors adjacent to the reference sensor, where it is assumed that all information of eigenrays is known. This method is developed using Taylor series for the time delay of eigenray and similar to Fraunhofer and Fresnel approximation for sonar aperture. To validate the proposed method, some numerical experiments are performed for the passive sonar. The approximation when the second-order term is kept is vastly superior. In addition, the error criterion for each approximation is provided with a practical example.