• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한류 콘텐츠

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A Study on Views of Vital Capital in Film (영화 <기생충>에 나타난 생명자본의 관점에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Byoung-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.75-88
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    • 2021
  • The film won the Golden Palm Award at the Cannes Film Festival, and received the Academy Award for a non-English-speaking film in February 2020, respectively. It has received a monumental evaluation in the world film history. Overall, this film is about class conflict, and critics evaluate the theme of the film as "badly twisted class gap" and "anger from class." The film expresses an intrinsic conflict embodied in culture as a "tragedy in which no bad person appears," rather than the dichotomous composition of the classical class struggle from Marxism. In other words, this can be seen as expressing the substrated class relationship of the modern society that Pierre Bourdieu had argued. This film has been focused as a controversial target under Korea society with excess of ideology. Politics used to adopt the keyword, 'parasite', for political disputes not only in culture contents world. Paradoxically socialism China did not allow to release film 'Parasite.' On the other hand, Lee O-Yong argues that the movie "Parasite" does not look at social phenomena through a dichotomous perspective, but is viewed through a "double perspective" and evaluates that it does not lose eyes looking at humans through tension. This view is based upon 'Vital Capitalism'. Lee. O-Yong looks at the movie "Parasite" from the perspective of "Vital Capitalism". The theory of Vital Capitalism does not seek to find the root of historical development in class struggle conflicts, but rather figuring out history and society pays attention onto the intrinsic characteristics of life, Topophilia, Neophilia, and Biophilia. Lee Eo-ryeong argues that the development of civilization theory evolved from the stage of Hobbes' Darwinism or predatism to the stage of host vs. parasite of Michel Serres, and onto the stage of Margulis's 'Win-Win (inter-dependence)'. In this paper, after overview of vital capital concept and preceeding research, re-interpretations were tried onto scenes based upon fields from habitus, culture capital. This exploration looks for a alternative for excess of ideology in Korea society.

The Impact of Korean Wave Cultural Contents on the Purchase of Han-Sik (Korean food) and Korean Product - Based on the Survey of Asia (Japan, China), Americas and Europe - (한류 문화콘텐츠가 한식 및 한국 제품 구매에 미치는 영향 - 아시아 (중국, 일본), 미주, 유럽지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Shin, Bong-Kyu;Oh, Mi-Hyun;Shin, Tack-Su;Kim, Yoon-Sun;You, Sang-Mi;Roh, Gi-Youp;Jung, Kyoung-Wan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.250-258
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    • 2014
  • This research investigated the relationship among Korean Wave Cultural Contents consumption of Korean food, Korean products, and Learning of the Korean language. The survey targeted non-Koreans who were either interested in or experienced Korean Wave Cultural Contents. Exactly 61.3% of subjects had traveled to Korea. The most common method of experiencing the Korean Wave was via the Internet (57.7%), followed by TV (21.1%) and Mobile (7.7%). The most popular Korean Wave Contents were K-pop (35.2%) and TV Dramas (31.0%). Movies were preferred in the Americas ($3.63{\pm}0.83$) and Asia ($3.63{\pm}1.09$), whereas K-pop was preferred in Asia ($3.68{\pm}1.12$) and games preferred in Europe ($2.50{\pm}1.56$). Regarding Korean food, most participants had tasted Kimchi (81.7%), followed by Bulgogi (74.6%), Bibimbap (66.9%), and Galbi (66.2%). According to the country-by-country survey, in the case of Galbi (p<0.05), Bibimbap (p<0.05), and Bulgogi (p<0.05), Asians had more experiences with Korean food compared to those from other regions. Meanwhile, in the case of satisfaction of Korean food, Bulgogi ($4.22{\pm}1.05$) was ranked highest, whereas Kimchi ($3.85{\pm}1.15$) was ranked lowest. According to the region-by-region survey, those from Oceania and other regions preferred Kimchi ($4.25{\pm}0.71$) and Bulgogi ($4.50{\pm}4.50$) while the Americas preferred Galbi ($4.82{\pm}0.39$) and Bibimbap ($4.54{\pm}0.81$). Bulgogi ($2.76{\pm}0.06$) was highly ranked as a representative Korean Food while Kimchi ($2.44{\pm}0.71$) was ranked the lowest. This research explained that among Korean Wave Cultural Contents, movies and music positively influenced on the 'Image of Korea', movies and K-pop effected 'Purchasing intention of Korean products', and TV Dramas, movies, and K-pop effected 'Purchasing intention of Korean Food'.

A Study on the Character Type and Image-telling in Drama (<미스터 션샤인>의 인물유형과 이미지텔링)

  • Jo, Mi-Sook
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.73-85
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    • 2020
  • This paper analyzes the types of characters in the drama by applying Gremas's Actantial model and Enneagram's character typology and examines how they are shaped. As the Korean Wave is important, it is necessary to study the type of characters and how to describe them. Character is the most important factor in the influence of drama. As a result of applying to the Actantial model, and the following results were obtained. The main subjects are Yu-jin Choi and Ko Ae-sin, the Helpers are many people helping the subject, the opponent is the pro-Japanese figures, the Sender is Gojong, and the recivers are the people of Joseon. Analysis results by personality type of Enneagram, it was found that the subjects are 3 and 5 type, the Helpers are various types, the opponent is 3 type, the Sender is 5 type, and the receivers all types. In the method of describing the subject, internal description (direct description) is used, and the other is only formed by indirect description. Some of the Helpers and the Sender are used an image-telling method to show the inside. However, the opponent is image-telling only to show indirectly. As a result, it was possible to confirm the differences and effects on the method of image-telling by character type.

The Context and Reality of Memes as Information Resources: Focused on Analysis of Research Trends in South Korea (정보자원으로서 '밈'의 맥락과 실재 - 국내 연구동향 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Soram Hong
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.227-253
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    • 2023
  • The study is a preliminary study to conceptualize memes as information resources for literacy education in information environment changed with digital revolution. The study is to explain the context and reality of memes in order to promote the utilization of memes as information resources. The research questions are as follows: First, what topics are 'memes' studied with? Second, what things are captured and studied as 'memes'? The study conducted frequency and co-occurrence network analysis on 145 domestic studies and contents analysis on 73 domestic studies. The results are as follows: First, memes were mainly studied in the fields of 'humanities', 'social sciences', 'interdiciplinary studies', and 'arts and kinesiology'. Studies based on Dawkins' concept of memes (around 2012), studies on introducing the concept of memes to explain the spread of Korean Wave content (around 2015), and independent studies of memes as a major research topic in cultural sociology (around 2019) were performed. Second, memes are linguistic. Language memes (L-memes) are 102 (37%), language-visual memes (LV-memes) are 23 (8%), language-visual-musical memes (LVM-memes) are 21 (8%). Keyword 'language meme' ranked high in frequency, degree centrality and betweenness centrality of co-occurrence network. In other words, memes are expanding as a unique information phenomenon of cultural sociology based on linguistic characteristics. It is necessary to conceptualize meme literacy in terms of information literacy.

A Study on the Classification Model of Overseas Infringing Websites based on Web Hierarchy Similarity Analysis using GNN (GNN을 이용한 웹사이트 Hierarchy 유사도 분석 기반 해외 침해 사이트 분류 모델 연구)

  • Ju-hyeon Seo;Sun-mo Yoo;Jong-hwa Park;Jin-joo Park;Tae-jin Lee
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2023
  • The global popularity of K-content(Korean Wave) has led to a continuous increase in copyright infringement cases involving domestic works, not only within the country but also overseas. In response to this trend, there is active research on technologies for detecting illegal distribution sites of domestic copyrighted materials, with recent studies utilizing the characteristics of domestic illegal distribution sites that often include a significant number of advertising banners. However, the application of detection techniques similar to those used domestically is limited for overseas illegal distribution sites. These sites may not include advertising banners or may have significantly fewer ads compared to domestic sites, making the application of detection technologies used domestically challenging. In this study, we propose a detection technique based on the similarity comparison of links and text trees, leveraging the characteristic of including illegal sharing posts and images of copyrighted materials in a similar hierarchical structure. Additionally, to accurately compare the similarity of large-scale trees composed of a massive number of links, we utilize Graph Neural Network (GNN). The experiments conducted in this study demonstrated a high accuracy rate of over 95% in classifying regular sites and sites involved in the illegal distribution of copyrighted materials. Applying this algorithm to automate the detection of illegal distribution sites is expected to enable swift responses to copyright infringements.