• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국프로골프협회

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Effectiveness of golf skills to average score using records of PGA, LPGA, KPGA, KLPGA : Multi-group path analysis (프로골프 경기기록을 활용한 다중집단분석 : 경로분석 적용)

  • Kim, Sae Hyung;Cho, Jung Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.543-555
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    • 2013
  • This study is to analyze effectiveness of golf skills (driving distance, rating of fairway, green in regulation, sand save ratio, recovery ratio, putting average) to average score using records of PGA, LPGA, KPGA, KLPGA. Independent variables were driving distance, rating of fairway, green in regulation, sand save ratio or recovery ratio, putting average. Dependent variable was the scoring average in this study. To analyze these variables, multi-group (PGA vs LPGA, KPGA vs KLPGA, PGA vs KPGA, LPGA vs KLPGA) path analysis was used through AMOS 18.0 program and significance level was set at 0.05. As the result, the variables that show significant differences of path coefficient between PGA model and LPGA model were driving distance and green in regulation to average score. The variables that show significant differences of path coefficient between KPGA model and KLPGA model were driving distance, recovery ratio, and putting average to average score. The variables that show significant differences of path coefficient between PGA model and KPGA model were driving distance, recovery ratio, and putting average to average score. There was not significant difference of path coefficient between LPGA model and KLPGA model.

The study for effectiveness of golf skills to adjust average score using path analysis in 2010 PGA (2010 미국프로골프협회 자료를 활용한 경로분석을 통한 경기력의 평균타수에 미치는 영향력 비교)

  • Min, Dae-Kee
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2011
  • Path analysis is a useful method to find out direct or indirect effects between variables. Compared to regression analysis for studying the casual relationship, this method has a good advantage. In this study, I want to figure out direct or indirect relationships between golf skills and adjust average scores using path analysis. To analyze data, I applied AMOS in SPSS and collected data in 2010 PGA.

The Direction of Job Policy Development for Korean Golf Professionals (한국 골프전문인력의 일자리 정책 발전방안)

  • Cho, Jung-Soon;Suh, Ah-Ram
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.289-303
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to provide adequate datas on number of people who are in golf related field and also further expend that number for golf industry. The main stream of this study is to map out present golf related jobs and how this study can help golf industry in general. To make a greater improvements on golf industry with more job opportunity following ideas were presented. First, improving education on "hand on experiences on the field of golf industry" Better educating potential employees for golf industry for the right positions can enhance overall work environment. To do so, the society and the schools must come to agreement to provide adequate curriculum for people. Second, implementing "a golf club division program." The support from Ministry of Culture and Sports and Tourism Department, which are govern by Republic of Korea, are aggressively working to expend the golf business and also recruit elite personnel like former tour players to work on the field to better operate the whole system. Third, performing a thorough research on current golf related jobs and numbers and diversity on the field. Fourth, developing a specific and a differentiated golf job fields for better future for people and students who majored in golf industry. So that they cam feel secured and have a sense of dignity. Finally, strengthening the golf industry's competitiveness. The golf related companies have to step up to higher gear. With working in harmony between golf industry and government can assure of brighter future for our next generation.

Ball movements in various surface angles of uphill putting based on different ball positions (오르막 퍼팅 동작 시 볼의 위치가 퍼터와 볼의 움직임에 미치는 영향)

  • Ryu, Jong-Wook;Kim, Jai-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.448-455
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to discover whether there are other factors, such as the ball position and address that will increase the percentage of holed putts from different angles of surface. In this study, we selected five male tour professional golfers that has been of 15 years or longer on the Korea Golf Association. As a research tool, after installing a video camera at an artificial site that's similar with the real green, and with the player's own putter, motion analysis was carried out using a Titleist V1x, which is commonly used by golfers. We use SPSS programs, significance level a=.05. According to the ball movement during the ball movement during the ball position putt by section, it is confirmed that the ball speed and angular velocity increase as the ball position changes from left to right. If the uphill putt, ball movement was found to be increased same change flat putt and There is no significance deviation. In this study, we investigate how the clubface and ball move during impact by varying the position of the address ball according to the slope during the ascent putt, which should increase the success rate among the various slopes. This study was conducted to present scientific data.

Park Golf Participation of Physically Disabled Impact on Psychological Well-being and Subjective Happiness (파크골프 참여가 지체장애인의 심리적 웰빙과 주관적 행복감에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Dong Won
    • 재활복지
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.187-205
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    • 2014
  • Is to identify how this affects the physically disabled to participate in the program 12 weeks Park Golf psychological well-being and happiness, the purpose of this research is subjective. How to study subjects, only 40-year-old disabled man more than 24 people total delay experimental group and 12 patients(failure cut seven, delayed dysfunction 5) and the control group and 12 patients(failure cut six, delayed dysfunction in 4, two people were involved in the joint disorder). 3 times a week(Mon, Wed, Fri), was carried out 50 minutes into 12 weeks of the experimental period, was located at River Park Golf Course A test place. We calculate the pre-and post-test data mean and standard deviation using SPSS Statistics 21.0 statistical data processing program, binary repeated measures ANOVA to analyze the effects on the psychological well-being of the disabled and subjective effects euphoria Park Golf Participation(was performed 2-way [2] RM ANOVA). First results in psychological well-being of the two groups according to Park Golf participate in group comparisons before and after the exercise involved only fun, immersive and shows were not significantly different, within each group enjoyment, competence, self-realization, all the children of the immersion showed a significant difference in the factors. Second, before and after participation in exercise, there was a significant difference between groups in subjective happiness of two groups according to Park Golf participation, the two groups were not significantly different within. Taken together the results to see more, showed that the positive effects on the psychological well-being and subjective happiness Park Golf participation is the Physically Disabled.

An exploration of tour skill factors influential to game results of LPGA players (LPGA 선수들의 시즌성적에 영향을 미치는 경기 기술요인 탐색)

  • Son, Seung Bum;Lee, Chang Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.369-377
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to explore which factors mostly influenced players' tour results employing tour skill factors provided by LPGA. For this study, Top 10 LPGA players' stats during 9 years (2004 2012) were used. As matter of fact, 10 variables were used like average score, top 10 finish, average putt, average birdies, average eagles, driving distance, driving accuracy, greens in regulation, sand saves, putts per GIR. and prize money earning. Stepwise multiple regression was conducted using SPSS win 20.0. Results indicated that the most influential tour skill factor to 9 seasons' results was average score, second influential factor was average putt, and the third factor was driving distance, and then top 10 finish was the fourth. Also on a year on year basis, 2004 was average score, 2005 was GIR., 2006 was average eagles, 2007 was top 10 finish, 2008 was average score, 2009 was average putt, 2010 were average score, GIR. and putt per GIR, 2011 was average birdies and 2012 was putt per GIR.

A Study on the Relationship between Physique, Physical Fitness and Basic Skill Factors of Tennis Players in the Korea Tennis Association Using the Generalized Canonical Correlation Biplot and Procrustes Analysis (일반화 정준상관 행렬도와 프로크러스티즈 분석을 응용한 대한테니스협회 등록 선수의 체격요인, 체력요인 및 기초기술요인에 대한 분석연구)

  • Choi, Tae-Hoon;Choi, Yong-Seok
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.917-925
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    • 2010
  • The canonical correlation biplot is a 2-dimensional plot for graphically investigating the relationship between two sets of variables and the relationship between observations and variables in the canonical correlation analysis. Recently, Choi and Choi (2008) suggested a method for investigating the relationship between skill and competition score factors of KLPGA players using this biplot. Choi et al. (2010) used this biplot to analyze the player characteristic factors and competitive factors of tennis Grand Slam competition. Moreover, Huh (1999) provided a generalized canonical correlation analysis and biplot for more than three sets of variables. A Procrustes analysis is a useful tool for comparing shapes between configurations. This study will provide a method to investigate the relationship between physique, physical fitness and basic skill factors of tennis players in the Korea Tennis Association using a generalized canonical correlation biplot and Procrustes analysis.

Effectiveness of golf skills to average score in PGA (PGA 선수의 경기능력이 평균타수에 미치는 영향력)

  • Kim, Sae-Hyung;Lee, Jun-Woo;Lee, Mi-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.505-514
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    • 2012
  • This study is for effectiveness of golf skills to average score using path analysis in Professional golf association. The variables in this study were that seven independent variable were driving accuracy, green in regulation, driving distance, sand save ratio, scrambling, putting average, and two endogenous variables were birdie average, bogey average, and dependent variable was the scoring average. To analyze these variables, path analysis was used through AMOS 18.0 program and Alpha level sets at.05. As the result, the final model had significant goodness-of-fit (GFI=.989, RMSEA=.044, TLI=.991, CFI=.998) and showed that green in regulation, driving distance, sand save ratio, scrambling, and putting average significantly affected average score directly. Especially, the scrambling was the highest affectation to average score and the sand save ratio was the lowest affectation to the average score.