• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국이미지

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Uncanny Valley Effect in the Animation Character Design - focusing on Avoiding or Utilizing the Uncanny Valley Effect (애니메이션 캐릭터 디자인에서의 언캐니 밸리 효과 연구 - 언캐니 밸리(uncanny valley)의 회피와 이용을 중심으로)

  • Ding, LI;Moon, Hyoun-Sun
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.43
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    • pp.321-342
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    • 2016
  • The "uncanny valley" curve describes the measured results of the negative emotion response which depends on the similarity between the artificially created character and the real human shape. The "uncanny valley" effect that usually appears in the animation character design induces negative response such as fear and hatred feeling, and anxiety, which is not expected by designers. Especially, in the case of the commercial animation which mostly reply on public response, this kind of negative response is directly related to the failure of artificially created character. Accordingly, designers adjust the desirability of the character design by avoiding or utilizing the "uncanny valley" effect, inducing certain character effect that leads to the success in animation work. This manuscript confirmed the "uncanny valley" coefficient of the positive emotion character design which was based on the actual character design and animation analysis. The "uncanny valley" concept was firstly introduced by a medical scientist Ernst Jentsch in 1906. After then, a psychologist Freud applied this concept to psychological phenomenon in 1919 and a Japanese robert expert Professor Masahiro Mori presented the "uncanny valley" theory on the view of the recognition effect. This paper interpreted the "uncanny valley" effect based on these research theory outcomes in two aspects including sensation production and emotion expression. The mickey-mouse character design analysis confirmed the existence basis of the "uncanny valley" effect, which presented how mickey-mouse human shape image imposed the "uncanny valley" effect on audience. The animation work analysis investigated the reason why the produced 3D animation character should not be 100% similar to the real human by comparing the animation baby character produced by Pix company as the experimental subject to the data of the real baby with the same age. Therefore, the examples of avoiding or utilizing the "uncanny valley" effect in animation character design was discussed in detail and the four stages of sensation production and emotional change of audience due to this kind of effect was figured out. This research result can be used as an important reference in deciding the desirability of the animation character.

A study on the Chinese Animation Industry -Focused on Economic Development in the Animation Market in China- (중국 애니메이션 산업 발전 방향에 관한 연구 -중국 경제 개발 정책에 따른 애니메이션 시장변화를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Dong-Ho
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.48
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    • pp.311-332
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    • 2017
  • Currently, the world is making efforts to develop cultural industries around more refined parts of the world. The development of cultural industries has far-reaching implications for promoting national brands and national image promotion as well as economic benefits. In particular, China hopes to advance into its own animation market because it has an extensive animation market. In 2005 The Chinese government, however, banned foreign animation market from entering the Chinese animation market. However, at that time, Chinese animation firms also saw considerable economic losses because they had to undergo almost everything from animation to distribution to rationing. In fact, the policy was designed to protect Chinese animations, but instead of preventing Chinese animations from developing original contents, it caused various problems such as China's animations, or the development of Chinese animation industries. In this thesis, we will explore the policy related to animation industry in China, research and development of animation industry, and establish the direction of development of Chinese animation industry through suggestion of improvement in Chinese animation industry. For starters, we have diversified the contents of the Chinese animation industry by adapting the contents of the Chinese animation to the global market through the globalization of contents, stories and materials. Currently, animation is developing beyond 3D,4D and VR but there is no shortage of animation experts in China, so it is necessary to nurture specialized professionals by opening a related department in China. Also, the government will establish a National Animation Industry complex to work in various animation companies. We expect to develop cultural contents through mutual cooperation between animation companies in China and the sharing of information sharing and collaborative research.

Study for making movie poster applied Augmented Reality (증강현실 영화포스터 제작연구)

  • Lee, Ki Ho
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.48
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    • pp.359-383
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    • 2017
  • 3,000 years ago, since the first poster of humanity appeared in Egypt, the invention of printing technique and the development of civilization have accelerated the poster production technology. In keeping with this, the expression of poster has also been developed as an attempt to express artistic sensibility in a simple arrangement of characters, and now it has become an art form that has become a domain of professional designers. However, the technological development in the expression of poster is keep staying in two-dimensional, and is dependent on printing only that it is irrelevant to the change of ICT environment based on modern multimedia. Especially, among the many kinds of posters, the style of movie posters, which are the only objects for video, are still printed on paper, and many attempts have been made so far, but the movie industry still does not consider ICT integration at all. This study started with the feature that the object of the movie poster dealt with the video and attempted to introduce the augmented reality to apply the dynamic image of the movie to the static poster. In the graduation work of the media design major of a university in Korea, the poster of each works for promoting the visual work of the students was designed and printed in the form of a commercial film poster. Among them, 6 artworks that are considered to be suitable for augmented reality were selected and augmented reality was introduced and exhibited. Content that appears matched to the poster through the mobile device is reproduced on a poster of a scene of the video, but the text informations of the original poster are kept as they are, so that is able to build a moving poster looked like a wanted from the movie "Harry Potter". In order to produce this augmented reality poster, we applied augmented reality to posters of existing commercial films produced in two different formats, and found a way to increase the characteristics of AR contents. Through this, we were able to understand poster design suitable for AR representation, and technical expression for stable operation of augmented reality can be summarized in the matching process of augmented reality contents production.

The new explore of the animated content using OculusVR - Focusing on the VR platform and killer content - (오큘러스 VR (Oculus VR)를 이용한 애니메이션 콘텐츠의 새로운 모색 - VR 플랫폼과 킬러콘텐츠를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jong-Han
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.45
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    • pp.197-214
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    • 2016
  • Augmented Reality, virtual reality in recently attracted attention throughout the world. and Mix them mixed reality etc., it has had a significant impact on the overall pop culture beyond the scope of science and technology. The world's leading IT company : Google, Apple, Samsung, Microsoft, Sony, LG is focusing on development of AR, VR technology for the public. The many large and small companies developed VR hardware, VR software, VR content. It does not look that makes a human a human operation in the cognitive experience of certain places or situations or invisible through Specific platforms or program is Encompass a common technique that a realization of the virtual space. In particular, out of the three-dimensional image reveals the limitations of the conventional two-dimensional structure - 180, 360 degree images provided by the subjective and objective symptoms such as vision and sense of time and got participants to select it. VR technology that can significantly induce the commitment and participation is Industry as well as to the general public which leads to the attention of colostrum. It was introduced more than 10 related VR works Year 2015 Sundance Film Festival New Frontier program. The appearance VR content : medical, architecture, shopping, movies, animations. Also, 360 individuals can be produced by the camera / video sharing VR is becoming an interactive tunnel between two possible users. Nevertheless, This confusion of values, moral degeneration and the realization of a virtual space that has been pointed out that the inherent. 4K or HUD, location tracking, motion sensors, processing power, and superior 3D graphics, touch, smell, 4D technology, 3D audio technology - It developed more than ever and possible approaches to reality. Thereafter, This is because the moral degeneration, identity, generational conflict, and escapism concerns. Animation is also seeking costs in this category Reality. Despite the similarities rather it has that image, and may be the reason that the animation is pushed back to the VR content creation. However, it is focused on the game and VR technology and the platform that is entertaining, but also seek new points within the animation staying in the flat Given that eventually consist of visual images is clear that VR sought. Finally, What is the reality created in the virtual space using VR technology could be applied to the animation? So it can be seen that the common interest is research on what methods and means applied.

The Effect of Manufacturing Method Preferences for Different Product Types on Purchase Intent and Product Quality Perception (제품유형에 따른 제조방식 선호가 구매의도와 품질지각에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Guk-Hee;Park, Seong-Yeon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 2016
  • Studies have observed various phenomena regarding the effect of the interaction between type, price, and brand image of a product on consumers' purchase intent and product quality perception. Yet, few have studied the effect of the interaction between product type and manufacturing method on these factors. However, the advent of three-dimensional (3D) printers added a new manufacturing method, 3D printing, to the traditional methods of handicraft and automated machine-based production, and research is necessary since this new framework might affect consumers' purchase intent and product quality perception. Therefore, this study aimed to verify the effects of the interaction between product type and manufacturing method on purchase intent and product quality perception. To achieve this, in our experiment 1, we selected product types with different characteristics (drone vs. violin vs. cup), and measured whether consumers preferred different manufacturing methods for each product type. The results showed that consumers preferred the 3D printing method for technologically advanced products such as drones, the handmade method for violins, and the automated machine-based manufacturing method, which allows mass production, for cups. Experiment 2 attempted to verify the effects of the differences in manufacturing method preferences for each product type on consumers' purchase intent and product quality perception. Our findings are as follows: for drones, the purchase intent was highest when 3D printing was used; for violins, the purchase intent was highest when the violins were handmade; for cups, the purchase intent was highest when machine-based manufacturing was used. Moreover, whereas the product quality perception for drones did not differ across different manufacturing methods, consumers perceived that handmade violins had the highest quality and that cups manufactured with 3D printing had the lowest quality (the purchase intent for cups was also lowest when 3D printing was used). This study is anticipated to provide a wide range of implications in various areas, including consumer psychology, marketing, and advertising.

Comparison of Cholesterol Contents and Fatty Acid Composition in M. longissimus of Hanwoo, Angus and Wagyu Crossbred Steers (한우, 앵거스 및 화우 교잡종의 등심내 콜레스테롤 함량 및 지방산 조성 비교)

  • Choi, Chang-Bon;Shin, Hyeon-U;Lee, Sang-Oug;Kim, Sung-Il;Jung, Keun-Ki;Choi, Chang-Won;Baek, Kyung-Hoon;Lunt, David K.;Smith, Stephen B.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.519-526
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    • 2008
  • Although beef provides high quality proteins as well as vitamins and minerals, its concentrations of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol give negative impression to some consumers on the other hand. Excess fat, especially cholesterol contents in beef is related with metabolic diseases such as atherosclerosis and hypertension. Unfortunately, the data for the relationship of marbling degree and cholesterol contents in Hanwoo beef is very limited. The objectives of the current study were to provide basic data about cholesterol contents in Hanwoo beef and to compare those among beef cattle breeds using 61 Hanwoo and 15 each of Angus and Wagyu crossbred steers. Samples were collected from M. longissimus area and cholesterol concentrations and fatty acid compositions were analyzed using gas chromatography. Cholesterol concentrations in Hanwoo beef ranged from 32.36 mg/100g to 75.42mg/100g depending on individuals. In Angus, cholesterol contents in lowest marbling degree of “Practically devoid” was 56.84mg/100g, whereas it was 72.85mg/100g in the highest marbling degree of “Abundant” showing increase in cholesterol concentrations as the marbling degree increases. For Wagyu crossbred steers, it was 69.23mg/100g and 78.93 mg/100g for marbling degree of “Practically devoid” and “Abundant”, respectively, showing similar cholesterol concentrations to Angus steers but still much higher than Hanwoo steers. The ratio of unsaturated fatty acids:saturated fatty acids for Hanwoo, Angus and Wagyu Crossbred were 1,48, 1.08 and 1.17, respectively. And the ratio of monounsaturated fatty acids : saturated fatty acids were 1.41, 1.03, and 1.10, respectively showing significantly higher ratios in Hanwoo steers. In conclusion, cholesterol contents and saturated fatty acids in M. longissimus of Hanwoo steers were significantly lower while unsaturated fatty acids were higher comparing to those in Angus or Wagyu Crossbred steers. Further studies, however, considering genetic backgrounds, feeding conditions, slaughtering age, number of samples and location of sampling of experimental animals are necessary.

A Study on the Reflective Property of Trends in Fashion Shows - Focused on Three Designing Factor of the Silhouette, the Detail, the Color and the Fashion Image - (패션쇼의 트렌드 반영성(反映性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 실루엣, 디테일, 색상(色相), 패션 이미지 등(等) 4가지 디자인 요소(要素)를 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Lee, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.147-160
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    • 1999
  • This paper is intended to compare and analyze the fashion trends that were introduced in the recent shows, held abroad and in Korea, so as to investigate how well the designers in Taegu and Kyungbuk (TK) area are keeping up with the international vogue. The research has done, analyzing Pret-a-Porter in Paris and the three events held in the TK area in 1997 -The Taegu Collection, Kyungbuk Fashion Festival and Textile & Apparel Fair and using reference pictures and documentary records. In order to investigate the trends the research is divided by four groups which are the silhouette, the detail, the color and the Fashion image and has done with the help of three postgraduate students. The results are as follows. 1. The Silhouette The slim-line has the greatest importance in the silhouette analysis of the recent collections. Like Elongated and Fit & Flare, tight-fitting and female-line were also appeared quite a lot. Compared with foreign collection, Korean collections put the bigger importance on the slim-line. 2. The Detail The printings, using paintings and plant-logos had the large portion of the accessories in both foreign and Korean collections. Draw string and wrap style were also presented a lot. Especially, at the Korean collections, layerd, corsage, and craft accent were emphasized, too. As for the necklines the similarity was found over the four events considering. Camisole neckline and halter neck were presented the most, and bared top, Vneckline, boat and low-neck which can highlight the feminity were often appeared as well. Considering collars, tailored and peaked collars which are frequently used for the jackets, were usually shown at the collections. Like convertable, shirts, wing and Italian collar, the collars that can be applied for the sports wears were presented a lot. Virtually no variation of design was found in the sleeve analysis. While set-in-sleeve and sleeveless were found commonly, not so many ornaments were added to the sleeves. The ankle and knee length for the pants and skirts were common. Furthermore, including the micro-mini, showing extremely feminine style the mini-style had the 20% portion of the skirt-length. Unbalanced lengths, using bias-cut were presented quite a lot on the runways. Deep slit skirts, wide pants and irregular hem skirts were in vogue. On the runways of Paris, more than 21% of the design was the burmuda pants. 3. The Color Red and Blue were in vogue in the four collections considering. Sometimes, yellowish was combined in Korean collections. Black and pale tone were appeared to be in fashion also with light grayish, moderate and deep tone. 4. The Fashion image As for the fashion image, feminine-decorative trend amounted to the large percentage in korean collections. At the foreign collection feminine-decorative trend and feminine trend were predominant, then mannish trend and simple trend were apeared equally. The research shows that TK area and foreign collections are fairy similar, which means that the designers in TK area have been making their efforts to satisfy the clients who have the international minds. However, compared with foreign collections, TK collections were apprered to be strongly inclined to only a few trends. Consequently the season trends are not as diverse as the foreign trends, which cannot satisfy the fashion taste of the clients in TK area. The local designers should know the tendency and the taste of the clients and make the more efforts to read local clients' mind.

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Oral Health and Quality of Life of the Orphans in Dong-gu, Daejeon (대전 동구 보육원생의 구강건강 및 구강건강관련 삶의 질)

  • Koong, Hwa-Soo;Song, Eun-Joo;Hwang, Soo-Jeong
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.223-229
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    • 2013
  • The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of oral health promotion program in a group of 9~18-year-old children and adolescents living in four orphanages in Dong-gu, Daejeon. The program was based on oral disease prevention program including oral health education, fluoride application and scaling every six months. Oral health status of total 109 orphans was examined by one dentists who were trained in 2010 Korean National Oral Health Survey. Dental caries index, community periodontal index and modified patient hygiene performance index (M-PHP) were checked using dental unit chair. Child oral health impact profile (COHIP) and subjective oral health recognition survey were carried out. Compared with data of 2010 national sample, the mean of decayed, missing and filled teeth showed no difference between the subjects and test values, but the means of decayed teeth, decayed surface, toothbrushing frequency of the subjects showed to become worse with advancing years in spite of oral health promotion program. COHIP, subjective oral health status showed lower than test values, too. In M-PHP and Calculus index, the subjects showed better by periodic oral health education and scaling. We suggest that oral health promotion program for orphans include oral disease treatment program as well as preventive program to improve oral health of orphans efficiently. And, oral health promotion program has to be connected with psychological support for improving quality of life of orphans.

Suggestions for Settlement Stable Employment Culture of Dental Hygienist (치과위생사의 안정적인 고용문화 정착을 위한 제언)

  • Yoon, Mi-Sook
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.463-471
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the causes of career interruptions among dental hygienists, institutional measures required for their long service and ways of creating a stable employment culture for them in determine how to resolve labor shortage, create stable jobs, and step up the reemployment of idle manpower. In addition, the following suggestions are made for the establishment of a stable employment culture for dental hygienists by analyzing related literature, research materials, and information such as forums for establishing appropriate jobs for female dental workers. First, a system should be set up to prevent career interruption among dental hygienists. The work environment should be improved to prevent career breaks, and the wages, working hours, and working style should be efficiently structured to maintain the tenure of employees. Second, a plan should be devised to make use of idle manpower, and a variety of necessary programs should be developed. With respect to regular working hours, the time conversion system should be used, which reduces the amount of time one would want to work while receiving a national subsidy. Third, dental hygienists working in different occupations for marriage, childbirth, childcare, school and personal hygiene should make a way to return to the dental system immediately when they want. Fourth, the government should take institutional measures and offer down-to-earth support and benefits for women consideration their social characteristics to guarantee a balance between work and childcare.

The Effect of the Medical Service by Service Instruction of Dental Health Care Worker (치과 의료 종사자의 의료 서비스 교육이 의료 서비스에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Chang-Hee;Lee, Ji-Youn;Lee, Hyun-Ook
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2001
  • This study was aimed to survey the level of service education in the people engaging in medical services and identify the influence of the education on their job performance. This study was conducted from February 10th, 2000 to March 10th, 2000, centering on Seoul and Kyonggi area. A total of 341 questionnaires were distributed for the survey. The result ware as followings: (1) In a question about the satisfaction over general medical services such as the location of medical institutions, medical equipments and devices, and the attitudes of medical personnel, the group with service education marked 4.07 while the group with no education earned 3.97, showing statistically significant difference(p<.05). (2) In the area of medical institutions image, level of medical services and promotion, the group with service education showed 4.01 while the group with no education gained 3.83, also showing statistically significant difference(p<.05). (3) No statistically meaningful difference was revealed in the area of satisfaction for over all medical services such as the contentment about the medical services being provided, rooms for improvement and the adequacy of the number of medical personnel. The group with education acquired 3.32, with the group with no education 3.34. (4) Satisfaction about the education and awareness about medical services were high in the group of dental hygienists and showed a statistically meaningful difference. (5) The average number of education recorded 1.83 and satisfaction over service education inside the hospital was low, registering 3.24. (6) Teamwork among the personnel in the hospital was 3.70, which is relatively high. The fulfillment over given tasks posted 3.56 and the recommendation for medical institutions was low, recording 3.24. (7) The necessity of medical service education for medical personnel gained 4.40, indicating heightened awareness over the need for service education.

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