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Research on Mobile Wheelchair Lift Design (이동식 휠체어 리프트 디자인 연구)

  • 이명기
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.275-284
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    • 2002
  • To improve the social and economic position of the disabled people and secure their human rights, an integrated society should be buill. To build such a society, an adequate access should be provided to the movement or in using buildings or facilities. The inconveniences from social life on the part of the disabled people might not result from their impairment or disability, but from physical and social barriers in the environment surrounding them. Therefore, it is necessary to reconstruct entire systems of the society as a disabled people-friendly structure in order to remove those barriers, make them stand their own feet in our communities and freely participate in the social activities. This will eventually lead to build a society in which all people including the disabled people can use those facilities in a more convenient way. It is almost impossible for the disabled people to safely and conveniently access to and use facilities and equipments and freely move to their desired places, without any help from others in Korea. Even though, there are currently many disabled people-related convenience facilities, they have been independently built without a connection with other facilities and buildings, thus not greatly useful. Even when convenience facilities have been built, mostly they are superficially set up; therefore, in many cases, the disabled peOple cannot use those facilities. In this. research, I tried a new concept of mobile wheelchair lift design, which the disabled people can operate without restrictions, when using the public facilities. The key to this research was to develop the existing import-oriented simple functional products to a new system with functional safety and high quality orientation. Also, this research aimed at bringing an. import substitution effect, as well as preempting the mobile wheelchair lift market by advancing into overseas markets through application of new image designs in the field of disabled people aid equipments.

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Spatial Ability, Its Relationship to Mathematics Achievement, and Strategic Choices for Spatial Tasks Among Engineering Freshmen, and Gender Differences (공과대학 신입생들의 공간 시각화 능력의 수학 성취도와의 관계와 문제해결 전략 및 성별 차이에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yon Mi
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.149-171
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    • 2017
  • In this research, based on the fact that spatial ability is important for the achievement in the STEM fields, and technological innovation, Purdue Spatial Visualization Test-Rotation has been used to investigate engineering freshmen's spatial ability and gender differences. Students who have taken advanced mathematics courses in high school(those who have taken type B math test in Korean SAT test) and students with general math courses(those who have taken type A in Korean SAT-Math test) are included in this study to find out the relationship between mathematics achievement and spatial ability. Finding out the strategies taken by students was another aim of this study. This strategic differences between high achievers and lower achievers, male and female students were analyzed from students' self report. Spatial ability test score was highest in the SAT-Math type B male students, decreased in the order of type A male students, type B female students, and lastly type A female students. There was no substantial difference between second and third groups. In each group, male students' average score was 8~10% higher than female students, which affirms 2015's results. The correlation between spatial ability and mathematics achievement was negligible in each group, but male students' math score and spatial ability score were higher than that of female students. This can be interpreted that there is some correlation between these two. Strategic choices can vary in the continuous spectrum with analytic method and holistic method at both ends. From students' self report, using Mann-Witney test, it turned out that there exists strategic differences between male and female students. Male students have a tendency to use holistic strategy more often than female students. I also found that the strategy choice did not vary greatly among all score groups. For the perfect score groups, both female and male students used holistic strategy most frequently. For low achieving groups, there is an evidence that these students overuse one method compared to average or high achieving groups, which turned out to be less effective. Based on these, I suggest that low achieving students need to have more chances to adopt efficient strategies and to practice challenging problems to improve their spatial abilities.

The Study on the Role of 3D Animated Pre-visualization in VFX FilmProduction (VFX 영화 제작을 위한 3D animatied Pre-visualization(3D애니메이티드 사전시각화)의 역할에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sung-Ho
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.51
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    • pp.293-319
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    • 2018
  • Thanks to the advancement of the related technologies and equipment, today's video contents like movies, animations and soap operas are rapidly expanding their expressible cinematic imagination area. In order to fulfill the elevated visual expectations of audiences and realize exciting storytelling and fantastic world, the fusion of different techniques is actively used, and the reality for visual effects and image synthesis is increasing more and more. Accordingly, recent VFX-oriented movies using CG have a much more complicated production process than before. Therefore, the importance of Pre-visualization, aka Pre-vis is becoming bigger in the planning process for sophisticated design. Pre-vis means that the advance visualization for stories or directing ideas in the planning process before starting production of movies or animations. 3D animated Pre-visualization realizing directors' abstract and ambiguous ideas in 3 dimensional environment in advance is, as a powerful means for visual storytelling, briskly used focusing on the VFX film industry on which the present CG is broadly used, and the role of Pre-vis throughout productions has increased compared to the past. The studies, however, on the role and utility of Pre-vis are not enough. Therefore, this study was conducted on the role of Pre-vis used for present VFX movie productions using the examples of 3D animated Pre-visualization production in which the researcher of this study participated. In this study, the role of the Pre-vis that is subdivided presently, is divided into and 3D animatics and their each role is analyzed with the example images. Through this, the characteristics that Pre-vis should have are clarified and the concept of the advantages and utility led by the use of Pre-vis in productions is strengthened. The goal of this study is to induce active uses of Pre-vis throughout productions after forming consensus about the various roles of Pre-vis and their utility.

A Study on the Preference Factors of KakaoTalk Emoticon (카카오톡 이모티콘 선호도에 미치는 영향 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Yoon;Eune, Juhyun
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.51
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    • pp.361-390
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    • 2018
  • Users of KakaoTalk emoticons use Kakao Talk emoticons as means of communicating their emotions in virtual space. Emotional state is represented by design element (auxiliary, color, form, motion) and storytelling element contained in emoticons. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors of the storytelling and design elements of kakaoTalk emoticons and how they prefer the kakaoTalk emoticons as emotional expression means. In terms of storytelling, crocodiles, peaches, dogs, ducks, lions, moles, and rabbits were made up of ordinary fruits and animals. Most of the emoticons are composed of stories with unique personality, and each story has a complex one by one, which makes it easy for users to approach and use them. In terms of design, I used various auxiliary elements (flame, sweat, tears, runny nose, angry eyes, etc.) to express angry, sincere, nervous, begging, joy, and sadness. The color elements consisted of most of the warm color series with the unique colors (green, red, yellow, pink, white, black, brown, etc.) of emoticon characters regardless of feelings of joy, anger, sadness, pleasure. The form factor is composed of a round shape when expressing factors such as joy and sadness. On the other hand, when FRODO and NEO express sadness and anger, they represent the shape of a rectangle. The motion elements are horizontal, vertical, and oblique expressions of APPEACH, NEO, TUBE, and JAY-G, expressing emotional expressions of sadness, anger, and pleasure. APEACH, TUBE, MUZI & / Shows the dynamic impression of the oblique and the radiation / back / forward / rotation. The anger of TUBE and FRODO shows horizontal / vertical / diagonal and radial motion. As a result of this study, storytelling is structured in accordance with each emoticon character. In terms of design, auxiliary elements such as flame, sweat, and tears are represented by images. The color elements used the unique colors of the character series regardless of the difference of emotion. The form factor represented various movements for each emotion expression. These findings will contribute to the development of communication, emotional design and industrial aspects. Despite the significance of the above paper, I would like to point out that the analysis framework of the storytelling and the semiotic analysis of the supplementary elements are not considered as limitations of the study.

The Effect of College Students' Perceived Choice Attribute of Traditional Market and Relationship Quality: Moderating Effects of Consumption Emotion and Mediating Effects of Consumer's Value (대학생들이 지각하는 전통시장 선택속성이 관계품질에 미치는 영향: 소비감정의 조절효과와 소비자 가치의 매개효과)

  • Lee, Young-Chul;Yang, Hoe-Chang
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2012
  • This study is focused on traditional market's competitiveness in Korea. Ever since the Korean retail industry had been opened to the big conglomerates, the traditional markets have faced very serious competition from various types of distribution channels. In particular, this study has been conducted to find another way to help the Korean traditional market from the perspective of college students who are consumers of the future. This study examines the relationships among store choice attributions, consumption emotion, consumer's value, and relationship quality from the perspective of college students. In order to verify the relationship, and moderating and mediating effects, data were collected from 126 college students in Whasung, Gyeonggi Province to test the theoretical model and its hypotheses. The results of this study are as follows: First, service (= .263, p < .01) and advertising (= .188, p < .05) are significantly positively related to relationship quality. However, store atmosphere (= .176, p = .052) is not statistically significantly related to relationship quality. The result that students have stereotypes about the atmosphere of traditional markets and are therefore excluded from their store choice attributions can be expected. Second, college students selected service division (= .230, p < .05) as the most important factor among the traditional market's store choice attributions. This result reflected that enhancing service strategy would strengthen the traditional market against discount stores. The process of product selection by customers in discount stores is based on the concept of self-service. However, traditional market traders can make various contacts with their customers. If traditional market traders can enhance various service factors just like in the process of product selection, it will effect strong competitive advantages. Third, it is also revealed that consumer's value exhibit complete mediation effect in the relationships between service and advertising. These results showed that traditional markets must be considered for consumer value. Because previous studies showed that values refer to "enduring belief that … specific mode of conduct or end-stat of existence … personally or socially preferable to an opposite of converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence" (Rokeach, 1973; George and Jones, 1996). Furthermore, Schwartz (1994) defined values as desirable trans-situational goals, varying in importance, that serve as guiding principles in the life of a person or other social entity. As conceptions of desirable end-states of existence or modes of conduct, values help people choose, evaluate, and give meaning to their experiences (Rokeach, 1973). Efforts (e.g. promote the consumers value) of the traditional market traders will improve the preferences for the traditional market of consumers and college students. Implications and future research directions are also discussed.

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Relationship between job stress, health functional food selection attributes, and consumption values among workers for information technology in Gyeonggi area (경기지역 IT 분야 직장인의 직무스트레스, 건강기능식품 선택속성 및 소비가치의 관계)

  • Jung, Ji-Eun;Kim, Sung-Eun
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.54-67
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study examined the relationship between job stress, attributes of health functional food (HFF) selection, and consumption values for information technology (IT) workers, and analyzed the factors influencing the selection of HFF to improve health by making the right choice of HFFs. Methods: Three hundred forty IT workers in Gyeonggi area participated in the study. The participants were divided into low or high job stress group. The differences in participants' general characteristics, attributes of HFF selection, and HFF consumption values were investigated, and the mediating effects of HFF consumption values on the relationship between job stress levels and the HFF selection attributes were analyzed. Results: Job stress levels were high in those IT workers with a length of service < 5 years (p = 0.013). The group with lower job stress levels had a higher tendency to consider the ingredients contained in HFF products (p < 0.001), and their efficacy (p = 0.047). They also showed greater emotional value for a sense of security from consuming HFFs to stay healthy (p = 0.047). The group with higher job stress levels had greater epistemic value in that their choice of HFFs differentiated them from the other workers (p = 0.036). Higher job stress was associated with less consideration of the intrinsic attributes such as ingredients and efficacy of the HFF selection attributes (p = -0.113), emotional value of the HFF consumption values (p = -0.136), and the functional value such as practicality, price, and safety (p = -0.134). The job stress level influenced the intrinsic attributes through the functional and emotional values, demonstrating that the functional and emotional values had appropriate mediating effects on the relationship between job stress levels and intrinsic attributes. Conclusion: Education needs to be provided for workers to relieve job stress and improve the functional and emotional values, which contributes to choosing the appropriate HFFs.

A Study on the Semiotic Discourse of Color Expression in Impressionism Paintings -Focus on Works of Impressionism - (인상주의 회화에서 색채 표현의 기호적 담론 연구 -인상주의 작품 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Ryu, Joo-Hyun
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.40
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    • pp.521-549
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    • 2015
  • We recognize all objects by seeing. However, we are not sure that the things we see through our eyes are their essence. Here comes my question: What does it mean that humans see and recognize things? The things we see are images and so I consider recognizing an object as semiosis via our visual sensation and brain. That is because objects are defined not by their essence but as symbols we recognize. In the era of post-modernism art is a voluntary creative activity that creates a kind of spiritual value and plays an important role for appreciators who realize the fact to enjoy the life value. This paper focused on the art putting aesthetic value on humans' recognition and explored works of art in a visually perceptible way through semiosis. That is because art, an act of creating things, is symbolic and closely linked to semiotic system. Furthermore, derivative visual signs can be considered to be in line with the viewers' visual perception. If we interpreted by recognizing the works of art along with symbol, we can enjoy the works in depth through recognizing their color or shape. Therefore, I intended to discourse on color perception focusing on colors in order to analyze the relationship between art and symbol in the process of recognizing works of art. This paper looked into background of color recognition, status of colors and ways of expression for impressionist who painted with various colors and examined colors as a sensory language. In the process of interpreting art works by communication between the artist and viewers, the role of color is considered as visual symbol through the artist's experience, consciousness, emotions, and their senses. It can be interpreted the visual language through signification of the symbols when the colors are formed in works of art as a recognizable space. Therefore we expect to study in the Visual arts to be the colors symbolic analysis is extended to more effective communication tool.

A Study on the Meaning & Classification of Conventional Markets (전통시장 개념 및 분류체계 재정립에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Ki;Kim, Seung-Hee;Lim, Jin
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 2011
  • Conventional markets in Korea have played a pivotal role in the vitalization of local communities and economies along with the distribution of products. Although many people believe the markets to be disorderly, they are lively and provide local people with things to enjoy, watch and buy. However, superstores have undergone a mushrooming proliferation since Korea opened its gates to multinational superstores in 1996. This phenomenon has caused a crisis for Korea's conventional markets. They have lost their competitiveness because of this environmental change, inefficient management, and their outmoded facilities. Government efforts to revitalize the markets have centered on redevelopment of the facilities, a perspective that has caused not only the fall of the old business districts but also the decline of the distribution function. Under these conditions, the traditional market has re-entered into competition. The Korean government enacted a special law to revitalize the conventional markets and has been implementing many policies to support them since 2003. In 2009, the government amended the law and adopted the Business Improvement District System. The government also changed the official term from 'old markets' to 'Conventional markets'. Despite this legal amendment, though, we still need to re-establish the concept of the Conventional market. Historically, markets grew up spontaneously to dispose of surplus products. Some manmade markets were established through urban planning or as public facilities. Their businesses transactions have always been based on mutual trust between consumers and trades people, the traditional way of commercial dealing. Conventional markets can be defined, then, as creatures of societal necessity where transactions for services and products are based on mutual trust. Problematically, unlisted markets are left out of government support. Although unlisted markets have performed almost the same functions as listed markets, they exist only as a statistic as far as the special law is concerned. In some areas, there are more unlisted markets than unlisted ones. Therefore, it is necessary to establish systematic management methods for the unlisted markets. Some unlisted markets received support in the form of facility improvement from local governments' budgets in the early stage of the special law's enforcement. The current government also assists with safety issues involving unlisted markets; however, the current special law provides no legal framework for unlisted markets. Moreover, consumers cannot tell the difference between unlisted markets and listed ones. Finding a solution to this problemrequires new standards and a wider scope of support by which the efficiency of the market improvement support system might be enhanced.

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A study on the figurative art expression reflected on the relationship with the animal companion and the inner self - Focusing on works by Lee Heeyeong -

  • Lee, Hee-Young;Cho, Myung-Shik
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.42
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    • pp.293-313
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    • 2016
  • The target stimulating human's sensitivity can include several things; the first is human like us including beautiful women and cute babies. The next ranking is the dog animal that established itself as a human's companion. It is the 3B law(beauty, baby, beast - much used in the ad or election due to the positive image) that is widely used in the advertising. This relationship is being expressed in the art history for a long time. Dogs that have lived a history more than 10 thousand years with humans hunted, protected flock of sheep, and kept the farmer's house and property. They have been human's assistants and companion who entered into the modern urban culture. Like this, dogs have adapted to several situations endlessly such as the nomadic life, farming, country life, and urban life. This paper will explore the close relationship of humans and companion animals through various icons of dogs and pups that appeared through a number of artists' skills. The companion animal means an animal that lives with people, which means the relationship of round-trip rather than the one-way relation those each other gives a help. Therefore, there artist tries to examine the figure of great hunter for survival, highly evaluated figure as the royal dignity, and the mascot-like figure delivering the daily happiness to modern people as presenting joy through a discussion of the 'countenance', a visual signal of the dogs and pups. They have been influenced by screen and popular media in 20C. Snoopy, a main character of and the movie <101 Dalmatians> made a success on the theater and television when Beagle and Dalmatian were prevalent. These main characters make audience feel happy involuntarily. Like this, the continuous and old friendship of the human and dogs will be confirmed again through the icon of dogs and pups consisting of the communication of artists and readers in the modern shape art, and it is hoped to be a psychological stabilizing effect to modern people living in the intense modern society. Therefore, it is expected this study paper will be reborn as a new text and be expanded as an effective communication in the journey of dogs and human in the future in investigating the communion of dogs and human.

A Study on the Aesthetic Emotion and Creativity of 'Objet Animation' -Focused on the analysis of 'Objet' type of cultural arts education outcomes- ('오브제(Object) 애니메이션'의 미학적 정서와 창의성에 관한 연구 -문화예술교육 결과물의 '오브제(Object)' 유형 분석을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Hyun-Young;Kim, Jae-Woong
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.50
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    • pp.43-73
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    • 2018
  • This is a study on 'Objet' in animation culture art education. Research on the use of Objet in modern art is actively under way. From Cubism to Dadaism, Surrealism, Futurism and Pop art, it is no exaggeration to say that the Objet is stepping with modern art. In addition, Objet has a remarkable value in the field of visual arts expressing 'motion' such as kinetic art, video art, media art, and animation. However, there are not many cases of classifying and studying the types of Objets used in artworks. Therefore, this researcher has been influenced by the surrealism discourse and prepared six types of Objets type analysis framework. And the research focused on 'the aesthetic emotion and educational aspect of creativity improvement' of Objet animation was conducted. The type analysis framework is named as a drawing Objet, Objet of existence, a morphine Objet, epidermis Objet, assigned Objet and assemblage Objet and this type is presented and analyzed with case image. The data used in this study was focused on the outcome of Objet animation that were trained for non-experts in culture and arts education. This aesthetic emotion refers to Freud's desire for life (Eros) as Attraction, and desire for death (Thanatos) as Uncanny (fearful unfamiliarity) and explains the conflicting concept with the Animism, the indigenous religion. Next, educational aspects of Objet animation creativity improvement in relation to the term 'functional fixedness' was discussed as described by Gestalt psychologist Karl Duncker (1903-1940). Overcoming the functional fixedness is a phenomenon that is fixed only to the functional aspects of things and can't be changed. In this study, the educational aspect of creativity improvement was demonstrated as a case of overcoming the functional fixedness through 'Objet Animation' culture and art education. Ultimately, this study is to prove the aesthetic emotion and creativity of the Objet animation by analyzing Objet types. Furthermore, it is meaningful to suggest direction when using 'Objet Animation' in culture and arts education.