• Title/Summary/Keyword: 학생 진로

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Influences of Crisis Types and Crisis Communication Strategy on Consumers' Attitudes and Negative Behavioral Intentions in the Auto Market: in the Case of Chinese International Students (자동차시장의 위기 유형과 커뮤니케이션 전략이 소비자 태도와 부정적 행동 의도에 미치는 영향: 중국인 유학생을 중심으로)

  • Lu, Yeshan;Choi, Youjin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.294-307
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    • 2020
  • The global automotive industry has suffered various crises such as products defects and unethical company management. In order to examine the effectiveness of crisis communication strategy of an automotive company with Chinese consumers who occupy the largest proportion in the global market, this research analyzed the influences of crisis responsibility, crisis types, and crisis communication strategy on attitudes to a company, intentions of negative communication, and intentions to participate in a boycott. A 2(crisis responsibility: high/low) × 2(crisis types: corporate ability/corporate crisis responsibility) × 2(strategy: defensive/accommodative) experimental design was conducted with 1,600 Chinese students in Seoul. High crisis responsibility and corporate social responsibility crises were related to unfavorable attitudes to a company, higher intentions of negative communication, and higher intentions to participate in a boycott. Crisis responsibility and communication strategy showed a significant interaction. When crisis responsibility was high, the accommodative strategy was more effective than the defensive strategy. When crisis responsibility was low, there was no difference between the strategies. Corporate social responsibility crises found no difference between the strategies regardless of the crisis responsibility level. In the case of corporate ability crises, the accommodative strategy was more effective for the high crisis responsibility crisis.

Optician Training System at a Professional School Education and Improvement Plan of Curriculum in the Department of Optical Science (전문대학 안경사 양성제도 및 안경광학과 교육과정 개선방안)

  • Song, Yang Joo
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.111-126
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    • 1997
  • I concluded as follows after analyzing the problem of the curriculum in the Department of Optical Science at a college of professional education for the purpose of training desireable opticians. The years required for competing a course of study at the Department of Optical Science at a college of professonal education have to be extended from the present two school years to three years for the short run and have to be extended to four years for the long run. The distribution ratio of subjects in the slate examination should be readjusted and the field of contect lens. Also the system of the slate examination should strengthen by adding practical processing test with the present selective written examination. The Curriculum of department of Optical Science curriculum at a college of professional education should be reorganized reinforce experiment and practice, namely, the subject for experiment and practice, such as Making of specific glasses and Test method of phorpter etc, should be reinforced. The knowledge for goods should be included in clinical training and it is reasonable to constitute the theory vs the practice in the ratio of five to five. The number of the Department of Optical Science should be increased two or more for per forty students and it is desirabled that only the professors who major optical Science or opthalmic medical science, or have Optician Licence should give lecture. The experiment a practice should be enlarged and it is necessary to secure or to adopt practice hours, practice site, machinery and parts, practice assistant and etc. It is reasonable that clinical training include the knowledge of goods, business practice and etc. and that a practice examiner has the qualification as an optician who has education background higher that the college of professional education.

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A Study on Digital Humanities Education Programs at American Universities (미국 대학의 디지털 인문학 교육 프로그램 연구)

  • Lee, Jisu;Lee, Hye-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.107-128
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    • 2019
  • This study examines cases of digital humanities education programs at universities, university libraries and digital humanities centers in the United States. As a result of the research, it was analyzed that the university-centered education program operates in conjunction with other departments to take courses related to humanities and digital technology in general. The digital humanities education program is not operated as a full degree program, but most programs are operated as graduate certificate programs, and it is required to require a graduate degree in library and information science and humanities in advance. Most of the digital humanities centers run educational programs centered on faculty and postdoctoral researchers in universities in connection with universities and university libraries to support the humanities scholars. Lastly, the university's digital humanities education program is operated in the form of research support for students and researchers of all majors. In addition, the content of the educational program focused on the practice for digital projects rather than theory. Empowering digital literacy and supporting digital technology-based research has become a new role for university libraries, which requires libraries to play a central role in digital humanities education.

Career Choice and Employment Preparation Condition for EMT Students (응급구조(학)과 학생의 취업진로선택 및 취업준비 현황)

  • Park, So-Mi;Choi, Eun-Sook;Kim, Mi-Sook;Lee, Kyoung-Youl
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.65-78
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    • 2011
  • Purpose : We investigated the career choice and the employment preparation of emergency medical technology (EMT) students. The results of study will provide the base information about the consciousness for career choice and employment of the EMT students. Method : We conducted 1,586 surveys from 665 students at six four-year colleges and 921 students at seven three-year colleges, from Aug. 27th to Oct. 31st in 2010. The result was analyzed by SPSS 18.0 using description statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe and Pearson correlation coefficient. Result : The general characteristics showed male 50.2% and female 49.8%, and first grade 34.6%, second grade 27.4%, third grade 28.2%, and fourth grade 9.8%. The 53.9% of students had experienced the hospital training and the 44.8% did the fire station training. For the choice of job, there were the 61.8% student who hope to enter the employ in fire station or public service, while 25.7% students hope to be employed in hospitals. The reason for a wish job were 'majors-related job' in 18.2% students, 'employment stability' in 17.2% and 'hit on the aptitude and talent' in 16.7%, 'appropriate salaries' in 15.9%. In the questionnaire of the University what to assist you for job preparation, they chose the 'support for get major related license', 'support for officer exam preparation' and 'support of foreign language study' in 34.6%, 16.8% and 16.6%, respectively. For achieved licence, they had a driver's license in 53.9%, BLS (basic life support) provider in 20.3%, life guard in 16.2% and scuba in 8.8%. The statistically significant correlation was identified between the awareness of University that provides job information and one's career awareness (r= .203, p<.000), the awareness that University provide job information and one's confidence in employment (r= .236, p<.000), and one's career awareness and one's confidence in employment (r = .356, p = .000). Conclusion : The most of EMT Students are well conscious of the their future employment and has prepared career to be employed their preference job.

An Investigation on the Implementation of the 'Scientific Inquiry Experiment' of the 2015 Revised Curriculum (2015 개정 교육과정 '과학탐구실험' 운영 실태 조사)

  • Byun, Taejin;Baek, Jongho;Shim, Hyeon-Pyo;Lee, Dongwon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.669-679
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we investigated how 'Scientific Inquiry Experiment,' a newly introduced subject under the 2015 revised curriculum, was implemented to identify the difficulties that science teachers face in the process of teaching the subject and to explore how to support them through online survey and interview methods. A questionnaire of the survey, which consisted of environmental factors of class, preparation and execution of class, teacher self-evaluation of class, and direction for the subject, was developed, and the online survey was requested with a response from one teacher per school from 1674 high schools nationwide. We analyzed the results from 814 teachers who answered all required questions, and we also conducted interviews and online advisory discussions to ensure the validity of our analysis. In the results of the study, teachers complained of lack of time for preparation and execution of the subject, and they demanded laboratory assistants and quality teaching materials. In addition, in order to achieve the goal of the subject, they agreed the necessity of using the 'block scheduling' though they also agreed the difficulties of its implementation. Meanwhile, the alteration of guidelines for evaluation, which was changed from 9-grade system to 3-grade system, was positively recognized by teachers. As a result of this change, the percentage of performance assessment increased in 2019 compared to 2018, but there were no significant changes in the number of 'hands-on activity.' Finally, we proposed ways to support 'scientific inquiry experiment'.

An Analysis on the Management of Support Business of Industry and Learning Cooperation Superior Vocational High Schools (산학협력 우수 전문계고 지원 사업의 운영 실태 분석)

  • Choi, Jae-Hoon;Rho, Tae-Choen
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.113-128
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    • 2009
  • This study aimed at seeking the improvement and developmental direction of support business of industry and learning cooperation superior vocational high schools by providing basic materials. Of 20 high schools selected for the support of industry and learning cooperation superior vocational high schools, 10 schools were selected with the consideration of local characteristics and the features of support business of the schools. Based on initial business plan and interim reports of the selected schools, the data were collected from related report materials, theses and reports. The following conclusions were made in this study. First, with regard to consignment education conducted under the agreement with an outside education specialized institution, consignment education institution directly related to the business area which was promoted by the school was selected. Second, the management of industrial field experience education program included various activities Third, as for employing teachers involving both industry and teaching and lecturing by outside experts, lectures by outside experts were aggressively delivered based on specialized areas. Fourth, as for graduates' career status, the employment rates of the entire university students and students who participated in business were lower than the rate of students who entered schools of higher grade.

A Research on Career Awareness of the Students Majoring in Department of Optometry in Gyeongnam Area (경남지역 안경광학과 학생들의 진로의식 조사)

  • Kim, Bong-Hwan;Han, Sun-Hee;Hwang, Ji-Hyeon;Park, Min-Ji;Jang, Yeong-Hee;Park, Eun-Hee;Kim, Hak-Jun
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.216-222
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    • 2014
  • Purpose. The purpose of this study was to investigate career awareness of the students majoring in optometry in Gyeongnam area so that it could be used as a database to educate them on their career. Methods. The graduates of the Department of Optometry in 6 universities of Gyeongnam area were surveyed through a questionnaire. Results. Most of their motive for entering Department of Optometry was for 'finding a job(38%), while at the time of entrance, most of them (55%) thought 'optician' as their job after graduation. Now most of them are the expectant graduate and they still think 'optician' as their job(54%). The biggest reason why they think of this career was 'aptitude(34%),' and most of them wanted their first monthly wage as less than '1.5 million won (46%).' For the desired work time, most of them said 'less than 10 hours a day (73%),' and they have been figured out to want '2 days off a week and monthly paid holiday (35%).' For the questions asking any improvements that are needed for department of Optometry, they (32%) answered 'equipments that are old or in short.' For the question asking if they are willing to choose optical task even if they entered a company that is irrelevant with it, most of them (37%) said they will if the conditions work, and the other 37% said they didn't know. Conclusions. The cooperation among universities and the field and their interest are required so that the students of the Department of Optometry would be able to work with pride as a professional to improve social welfare.

Appearance and happiness index according to whether or not heterosexual friend (보건계열의 학생과 일반대학생의 이성 친구 여부에 따른 외모관심도와 행복지수)

  • Kim, Min-jeong;Choi, Min-hwa;Kim, Se-eun;Jeong, Yeon-seon;Kim, Han-bi;Jang, Young-joo;Jeong, Ho-jin;Kim, Hye-jin;Lee, Min-kyung;Yoon, Hyun-seo;Lee, Jung-hwa
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1065-1073
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    • 2018
  • Purpose. In this study, we aim to clarify the correlation between happiness, appearance, and happiness index among many happiness factors based on the influence of quality of life on the quality of life and the affect of appearance on the happiness index. Methods. We conducted a self - filling questionnaire survey for college students in Busan from March 30 to May 10, 2017, and analyzed 392 copies of the 412 questionnaires, excluding 20 inappropriate copies. In the questionnaire, categorical data were analyzed by frequency and percentage (%) using the SPSS program (ver. 23.0, Chicago, Illinois, USA) by examining 11 items of general characteristics, successive data are presented as mean standard deviation. Results. The higher the grades, the better the dating. Women(3.32) are more likely than men(2.74) at the appearance interest(p>0.001) and the higher the grades, the better. If it's dating someone else, higher than not to do at the appearance interest and all of the questions showed higher interest in appearance. Also there was a high percentage of thought'My life is ideal in all aspects'If it's dating someone else, higher than not to do (p=0.007) Conclusion. At present, There is a high interest in the appearance of dating. In addition, the happiness index according to the current resentment status was higher in both the single item happiness index and the 5 item happiness index, and was significant in the item "My life is ideal in all aspects". Therefore, it is related to the happiness index as well as the appearance interest. Finally, whether or not dating and appearance interest play a role in raising the happiness of the individual.

Application of the Evaluation Tool for the Performance Outcomes in Fundamental Nursing Practicum: A Case Study Focused on Evaluating of Communication Ability (기본간호학실습에서 학습성과 평가도구의 적용 사례: 의사소통능력 평가를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Haejin;Cheon, Eui Young;Kim, Eun Kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.173-180
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    • 2020
  • This is the report of a case study to describe the results of applying an evaluation tool for communication ability when performing core basic nursing skills in fundamental nursing practice education. The communication ability evaluation tool was constructed based on a literature review and expert advice. The tool was applied to test 94 students who were taking fundamental nursing practice courses from October to November 2019. As a result, five factors (self-introduction, eye contact, emotional support, information provision, and therapeutic touch) were derived as evaluable items of communication ability to be evaluated when performing core basic nursing skill, and were evaluated when performing core basic nursing skills to measure vital signs. The average communication ability was 3.96 out of 5 points. According to the rubric, 95.8% of all students attained 'medium' and reached their goal achievement level. The findings of this study are meaningful in providing an important basis for improving the performance outcome evaluation process and for constructing a systematic evaluation system in fundamental nursing practicum. Further studies to secure the validity and reliability of this communication ability evaluation tool and comparative studies with various evaluation tools are suggested.

An Analysis of the Children's Scaffolding Processes in Mathematical Problem Solving (초등수학 문제해결 활동에서 나타나는 아동 간 스캐폴딩 과정 분석)

  • Yoo, Yeun-Jin;Park, Man-Goo
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.75-95
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of the study was to investigate the scaffolding processes of children in mathematical problem solving. 3 groups of 4th grade students participated in the study and the researchers proceeded the study for 4 months. The procedures of this research were as followings. First, when the learners solved the problems, the categories of scaffolding processes(by way of unit line coding belong in open codings, the categories were made 25 concepts and integrated 20 subcategories) were produced the 7 results: invite to the learning, set the problems, affective aids, attempt self learning, re-ordering between learners and affirmation self learning. Second, the processes of scaffolding in mathematic problem solving resulted in condition, the present condition, action/interaction and the outcomes. Third, the cognitive and affective aids that discovered in the scaffolding processes were considered the main categories of learner's scaffolding processes in solving the mathematic problems. In conclusion, first, the learners' scaffolding processes, based on Vygotsky's "the zone of proximal development" in selection and presentation of mathematic problems, are very diverse. Peers' affective aids are very important in solving the problems. Second, learners in the scaffolding processes exchange the cognitive and affective aids with each other with joy and earnestness, and the aids can give assistance to all the participants. Third, in the results of observation and analysis in learners' scaffolding processes, it is meaningful to know how they think. Finally, the learners' scaffolding processes are a little unsystematic and illogical compared to those of adults, but those of scaffolders are so similar to those of learners' cognitive and affective systems that they can provide teachers with many merits in understanding and teaching learners.

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