• Title/Summary/Keyword: 학생수 추정

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Molecular Genetic Characteristics of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Isolated From Nasal Cavity of University Students (대학생들의 비강으로부터 분리된 메티실린 내성 황색포도알균의 분자유전학적 특성)

  • Lee Eun gwang;Oh Dae Hwan;Sunjin Jung;Sohyun Park;Yeonim Choi
    • Journal of the Health Care and Life Science
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.303-308
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    • 2021
  • Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) is a major cause of nosocomial infections and is one of the most commonly isolated bacterial species in the hospital and continues to be an important pathogens in both community and hospital-acquires infection. The purpose of this study is to investigate the carrier rate of S. aureus and MRSA in the community and molecular genetic characteristics of these organisms. The identification of S. aureus and MRSA were done by the procedures in Murray's manual of Clinical Microbiology and antibiotic susceptibility patterns by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute(CLSI). MRSA strains were confirms by oxacillin disk diffusion method. forty-six strains (71.9%) of S. aureus were isolated from the nasal specimens of 64 students in health science university. twenty-two strains (22%) of 46 S. aureus were resistant to penicillin and oxacillin. twenty-two strains of the 46 S. aureus isolates were methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The mecA genes in MRSA were detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Community and nosocomial infections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus are a significant problem worldwide. There continuous epidemiological study is to investigate the prevalence of MRSA in community acquired infections.

A Presumption of Water Supply Amount for Calculation of Equipment Capacity in High School Building (고등학교 건축물의 장비용량 산출용 급수량 추정)

  • Park Yool;Lee Hak-Soo;Lee Sung
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.768-775
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    • 2006
  • The water supply system has been designing by decision process such as calculation of water supply amount, capacity of water tanks and pumps, pipe size. Especially, when we estimate excessively water supply amount, the initial cost and running cost will increase according to enlargement of the water tank and pump capacity, and water quality of ground water tank can become worse. Therefore, calculation of water supply amount is basically most important factor. In order to calculate exactly water supply amount applying domestic real situation, we should set up basic data as well as study calculation methods. This research would consider calculation methods of water supply amount for school building through examine domestic and foreign basic data of water supply amount and characteristics of domestic school, and estimate daily water supply in high school.

An Analysis on the Actual Conditions of the Mathematical Misconceptions Held by the Gifted Education Learners (수학영재교육 대상자의 수학용어에 대한 오개념 실태 조사)

  • Nam, Seung-In
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.179-198
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    • 2011
  • The understanding of mathematical concepts should be backed up on a constant basis in oder to grow problem-solving skills which is one of the ultimate goals of math education. The purpose of the study was to provide readers with the information which could be considered valuably for the math educators trying both to prevent mathematical misconceptions and to develop curricular program by estimating the actual conditions and developing backgrounds of the mathematical misconceptions held by the gifted education learners. Accordingly, this study, as the first step, theoretically examined the meaning and the developing background of mathematical misconception. As the second step, this study examined the actual conditions of mathematical misconceptions held by the participant students who were enrolled in the CTY(Center for Talented Youth) program run by a university. The results showed that the percentage of the correct statements made by participant students is only 35%. The results also showed that most of the participant students belonged either to the level 2 requiring students to distinguish examples from non-examples of the mathematical concepts or the level 3 requiring students to recognize and describe the common nature of the mathematical concepts with their own expressions based on the four-level of concept formulation. The causes could be traced to the presentation of limited example, wrong preconcept, the imbalance of conceptual definition and conceptual image. Based on the estimation, this study summarized a general plan preventing the mathematical misconceptions in a math classroom.

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A Thermal Time-Driven Dormancy Index as a Complementary Criterion for Grape Vine Freeze Risk Evaluation (포도 동해위험 판정기준으로서 온도시간 기반의 휴면심도 이용)

  • Kwon, Eun-Young;Jung, Jea-Eun;Chung, U-Ran;Lee, Seung-Jong;Song, Gi-Cheol;Choi, Dong-Geun;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2006
  • Regardless of the recent observed warmer winters in Korea, more freeze injuries and associated economic losses are reported in fruit industry than ever before. Existing freeze-frost forecasting systems employ only daily minimum temperature for judging the potential damage on dormant flowering buds but cannot accommodate potential biological responses such as short-term acclimation of plants to severe weather episodes as well as annual variation in climate. We introduce 'dormancy depth', in addition to daily minimum temperature, as a complementary criterion for judging the potential damage of freezing temperatures on dormant flowering buds of grape vines. Dormancy depth can be estimated by a phonology model driven by daily maximum and minimum temperature and is expected to make a reasonable proxy for physiological tolerance of buds to low temperature. Dormancy depth at a selected site was estimated for a climatological normal year by this model, and we found a close similarity in time course change pattern between the estimated dormancy depth and the known cold tolerance of fruit trees. Inter-annual and spatial variation in dormancy depth were identified by this method, showing the feasibility of using dormancy depth as a proxy indicator for tolerance to low temperature during the winter season. The model was applied to 10 vineyards which were recently damaged by a cold spell, and a temperature-dormancy depth-freeze injury relationship was formulated into an exponential-saturation model which can be used for judging freeze risk under a given set of temperature and dormancy depth. Based on this model and the expected lowest temperature with a 10-year recurrence interval, a freeze risk probability map was produced for Hwaseong County, Korea. The results seemed to explain why the vineyards in the warmer part of Hwaseong County have been hit by more freeBe damage than those in the cooler part of the county. A dormancy depth-minimum temperature dual engine freeze warning system was designed for vineyards in major production counties in Korea by combining the site-specific dormancy depth and minimum temperature forecasts with the freeze risk model. In this system, daily accumulation of thermal time since last fall leads to the dormancy state (depth) for today. The regional minimum temperature forecast for tomorrow by the Korea Meteorological Administration is converted to the site specific forecast at a 30m resolution. These data are input to the freeze risk model and the percent damage probability is calculated for each grid cell and mapped for the entire county. Similar approaches may be used to develop freeze warning systems for other deciduous fruit trees.

耐 마모 코우팅 생산을 위한 CVD와 PVD 기술

  • O, Seung-Tak
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 1987
  • 超硬合金과 高速度鋼에 TiC, TiN 그리고 $Al_2O_3$의 耐 마모 코우팅시에 사용되는 CVD와 PVD 기술을 M E Sjostrand와 A G Thelin 등이 본 논문에서 논의하였다. 또한 CVD와 PVD 의 특별한 장점과 응용영역에 대하여도 토의하였다. 수년동안 CVD 기술은 금속질화물, 금속탄화물 그리고 금속산화물 등의 耐 마모 코우팅을 생산하는데 성공적으로 사용되어 왔다. Munster와 Ruppert에서는 1950년대 초기에 TiC와 TiN의 CVD 공정을 연구했는데 이런 코우팅 재료의 높은 화학적 안정성과 더불어 高硬鋼라는 독특한 성질로 인해 그 주요 영역이 명백해졌다. 1968년에 처음으로 CVD법에 의한 보호막 코우팅의 대규모 응용이 이루어졌는데 그것은 超硬合金 절삭공구의 코우팅이었다. (그림1 참고) 이것은 硬금속산업에 있어서 가장 중요한 발전단계였다. TiC, TiN 그리고 $Al_2O_3$로 코우팅된 공구의 생산은 1970년대에 빠른 성장을 보였으며 오늘날 사용되는 절삭날의 50% 이상을 점유하고 있다. (그림2 참고) TiC와 TiN은 현재 이용되고 있는 모든 耐 마모 코우팅 중에서 독보적인 위치를 차지하고 있다. 그 이유는 생산과정이 비교적 단순하기 때문이다. 지난 5년동안 절삭공구와 總形바이트의 코우팅에 대한 PVD기술의 응용이 폭발적으로 증가했다. 증착기술인 이들 CVD와 PVD 각각은 자체의 독특한 장점이 있으므로 그 응용영역은 증착조건, 즉 기지금속의 접착성과 증착온도 그리고 증착속도등에 따라 매우 다를 것이다. PVD 공정으로 인해 고속도 공구강이 급속도로 발전되었고 더우기 PVD공정은 500$^{\circ}C$ 이하의 증착온도에서 brazed carbide 공구의 코우팅을 가능하게 하였다. 따라서 두 증착기술은 서로 상반적이라기 보다는 상호보완적인 것이라고 생각하는 편이 더 좋다.TEMPLA에 비해 CLB의 수가 15.58% 감소되었다. 높은 활성을 나타내었다. 정제된 효소의 최적온도는 40$^{\circ}C$이었으며 20~50$^{\circ}C$에서 비슷한 활성을 나타내었고, 30$^{\circ}C$에서는 60분동안 효소활성이 거의 상실되지 않았다. 정제된 효소는 ethanol과 chloroform 처리에는 안정하였으나 12mM AT 와 0.1mM $NaN_3$ 및 1mM KCN에 의해 90% 이상의 활성이 억제되었다.이에 근거하여 서울시 학생들($7{\sim}18$세)의 만성신부전증 유병률은 1백만명당 5.7명으로 추정되었다. 결론 : 서울시내 학생들 중 11세, 14세, 17세 3개 군에서 한 번 검사로 확인된 무증상 단백뇨의 유병률은 0.28%(약 2.8명/1,000명)이었고 이들중 약 5%만이 3차검사에서 신질환이 의심되었으며 이에 따른 신질환 유병률은 1만명당 1.4명이었다. $7{\sim}18$세 연령층에서 무증상으로 발생하는 사구체 신질환 중에는 IgA 신병증의 유병률이 가장 높아 1만명당 0.64명으로 추정되었고 만성신부전증의 유병률은 1백만명당 5.7명으로 추정되었다. 집단뇨 검사를 통해 확인되는 신질환은 대부분 사구체 질환이기 때문에 집단뇨검사의 의의는 좀더 연구가 필요할 것으로 생각되었다. 오히려 증상을 동반하는 경우보다 빈도가 증가한다는 사실은 집단뇨 검사에서 소변의 이상소견이 발견되어 신장 조직검사를 실시할 경우 혈청 $C_3$치의 감소 여부에 관계없이 MPGN도 진단적 고려 대상이 되어야 한다고 생각한다.신장 조직검사를 시행한 결과 진행성 경과를 취할 수 있는 막 증식성 사구체 신염과 매우 희귀한 증례인 신유전분증 등으로 진단됨으로써 지속성 단백뇨의 경우 정확 진단적 접근이 필수적임을 알 수 있다. 기립성

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The Effect of Environmental Education on Household Energy-Saving Behaviour (학교 환경교육 강화를 통한 가정의 에너지 절감 효과)

  • Lee, Jinkwon
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.95-118
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    • 2014
  • Environmental education is the most important and fundamental way to deal with the climate change. The school policy concentrating on environmental education, which has been established and financially supported by the Korea Ministry of Environment, provides an environment for natural experiment, examining the effect of reinforcing environmental education at schools on the energy-saving behaviours observed in the households concerned. We investigated the impact by applying the difference-in-difference measure to various utilities including water, electricity and gas between the households with children whose schools were designated as pilot environmental education schools in 2011 and the households with children attending general schools. The results showed that the households with children attending the pilot environmental education schools paid lower electricity and gas costs. This implies that environmental education provided at schools can indirectly affect the household energy saving behaviour and in turn reduce the total energy consumption in a short time.

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Prediction of VO2max Using Submaximal PACER in Obese Middle School Boys (최대하 PACER 검사를 통한 비만 남자 중학생의 VO2max 추정)

  • Kim, Do-Youn;Kim, Won-Hyun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.371-380
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the equation of $\dot{V}O_{2max}$ by $sub_{max}imal$ PACER method for obese middle school boys. For this, $_{max}$imal test using Bruce protocol in lab was performed and then PACER $_{max}imal$ test with portable $\dot{V}O_{2max}$ equipment. To decide the level of submaximal test, during PACER with portable equipment, we found the section in which target hreat rate(over 75%$HR_{max}$) and then per section(75%,80%,85%,90%,95%) metabolic responses were recorded, with which we analyzed multiple regression by stepwise method. Model 1(at 90%$HR_{max}$): $\dot{V}O_{2max}$(ml/kg/min) = 142.721-0.275(repetition)-0.48(HR)+0.177(weight)-1.536(age)[%error 3.90ml/kg/min; performance until 2 stage(13 repetition)]. Model 2(at 95%$HR_{max}$): $\dot{V}O_{2max}$(ml/kg/min) = 182.851-0.103(repetition)-0.744(HR)+0.186(weight)-0.324(age)[%error 4.51ml/kg/min; performance until 3 stage(25 repetitions)]. estimated $\dot{V}O_{2max}$ from Model 1 was different about $3.25{\pm}6.32ml/kg/min$(%error=6.84%), otherwise model 2 was $3.16{\pm}4.54ml/kg/min$(%error=5.75%). considering %HRmax, as the submaximal test model 1 might be fit more than model 2 for obese middle school boys.

Discriminatory Attitudes towards IV/AIDS (PWHAs) Patents by Middle and High School Students (HIV/AIDS 감염인에 대한 차별의식에 미치는 영향의 중고등학생 간 비교: 에이즈 낙인의 매개효과)

  • Chun, Sung-Soo;Kim, Ju-Ri;Shin, Seung-Bae;Sohn, Ae-Ree
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.63-83
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    • 2008
  • Objectives: This study was to examine HIV/AIDS knowledge of transmission, attitudes toward homosexuals on stigma of HIV/AIDS and discriminatory attitudes towards person with HIV/AIDS (PWHAs) by middle and high school students in Seoul, Korea. Methods: The population of this study is middle and high school students in Seoul, Korea. Eight junior high schools and eight senior high schools were selected randomly. Three thousand and one hundred thirty-one students (1704 males and 1397 males) from 16 schools participated in the survey, and 2.977 cases were analyzed. A self-administered questionnaire measuring socio-demographic variables, HIV/AIDS knowledge of transmission, sigma of HIV/AIDS (3 items, 5-point Likert-type scale) and discriminatory attitudes PWHAs (5 items, 5-point Likert-type scale) was utilized. The Structural Equation Modeling was employed to investigate the research Model. Results: The empirical study shows that a number of statistical hypotheses are significant. The stigma and discriminatory attitudes PWHAs were significantly different by middle and high school students. The attitudes toward homosexuals and HIV/AIDS knowledge of transmission were important factors on stigma and discriminatory attitudes PWHAs. Socio-demographical variables such as sex was related to the stigma and discriminatory attitudes PWHAs. Conclusion: Therefore, it is important to design HIV prevention strategies that increase in positive attitudes towards PWHAs.

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Study on Location Decisions for Cloud Transportation System Rental Station (이동수요 대응형 클라우드 교통시스템 공유차량 대여소 입지선정)

  • Shin, Min-Seong;Bae, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 2012
  • Recently, traffic congestion has become serious due to increase of private car usages. Carsharing or other innovative public transportation systems were developed to alleviate traffic congestion and carbon emissions. These measures can make the traffic environment more comfortable, and efficient. Cloud Transportation System (CTS) is a recent carsharing model. User can rent an electronic vehicles with various traffic information through the CTS. In this study, a concept, vision and scenarios of CTS are introduced. And, authors analyzed the location of CTS rental stations and estimated CTS demands. Firstly, we analyze the number of the population, employees, students and traffic volume in study areas. Secondly, the frequency and utilization time are examined. Demand for CTS in each traffic zone was estimated. Lastly, the CTS rental station location is determined based on the analyzed data of the study areas. Evaluation standard of the determined location includes accessibility and density of population. And, the number of vehicles and that of parking zone at the rental station are estimated. The result suggests that Haewoondae Square parking lot would be assigned 11 vehicles and 14.23 parking spaces and that Dongbac parking lot be assigned 7.9 vehicles and 10.29 parking spaces. Further study requires additional real-time data for CTS to increase accuracy of the demand estimation. And network design would be developed for redistribution of vehicles.

Analysis of Factors Affecting Rail Transit Ridership at Urban Rail Stations (도시철도역별 이용수요의 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chan Hwi;Yun, Dae Sic
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.139-151
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    • 2014
  • This paper analyzes factors affecting rail transit ridership at urban rail stations of the Daegu Metropolitan City in 2011. Rail transit ridership is analyzed by dividing weekdays and weekends in order that their differences may be observed. The data used in this study includes various explanatory variables, such as floor area which was collected from building ledger and GIS cadastral map, number of bus routes(line) possible to transfer from urban rail transit, number of students enrolled in middle and high schools, and universities located in access areas of rail transit. For this study, multiple regression models are estimated including various explanatory variables affecting rail transit ridership of weekdays and weekends. From the study, the number of statistically significant explanatory variables and the relative effect of each variable are shown to be different between weekdays and weekends.