• Title/Summary/Keyword: 학교 밖 프로그램

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The Analysis on Development Trends for Korean and Overseas Science and Arts Convergence Education Programs (국내외 과학과 예술 융합교육 프로그램 개발 동향 분석)

  • Yang, Seung-Ji;Kwon, Nan-Joo
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.376-400
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to examine the current status of Korean and overseas science and arts convergence programs in and out of schools to apply them in school education settings and to learn about the characteristics of overseas programs through case studies. In addition, it explores implications of the current domestic and overseas for implementation in schools. For this study, we selected 193 domestic in-school science and arts convergence programs and 106 domestic out-of-school programs. For the overseas programs, we selected those conducted by the government, research institutes, science halls, and art galleries. We also analyzed the domestic in-school programs by type of students, operation hours, areas of convergence, and the function and role of arts activities. We analyzed domestic out-of-school programs by operation time, operation method, areas of convergence, and type of activities. Moreover, we examined the overseas programs in terms of their program developers, goals, and characteristics. These findings suggest that in order for science and arts convergence education to become well established in Korean schools, it is necessary to develop programs that can be incorporated into the present science education curriculum, rather than individual content or a single class on science and arts convergence, and to diversify the range of programs. In addition, out-of-school programs should be actively considered, and intense discussions on the use of program activities and teaching materials are needed. Finally, research institutes and educational institutions should be closely linked to achieve a common goal.

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Perceptions of Teachers, Program Instructors, and Local Experts on Implementing Community-Based Socioscientific Issues Programs (지역사회연계 과학이슈 교육프로그램 운영의 교육적 함의에 대한 운영 교사 및 강사, 지역 전문가의 인식 탐색)

  • Kim, Gahyoung;Lee, Hyunju
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.453-464
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    • 2017
  • The purposes of the study are to investigate the experiences of major stakeholders (i.e. science teachers, program instructors, local experts, etc.) who participated in implementing Community-Based Socioscientific Issues Programs (SSI-COMM) and to provide educational implications for further implementation. SSI-COMM dealt with three issues (i.e. abandoned pets, fine dust, and recycling) that students often encountered in their local community. Each program, lasting over 16 class periods in a free semester, included in-school and out-of-school activities in order to promote their interest and participation in community. Four teachers, four program instructors, and six local experts joined the interviews to explain their experience of participating in the programs. As a result, school teachers, program instructors, and local experts positively appreciated their experiences of the program implementation and perceived educational potentials of SSI-COMM. All the stakeholders mentioned that they became more interested in local socioscientific issues and strongly perceived the need for the implementation of such programs linked to their own community. The science teachers appreciated the opportunities to identify students' potentials through SSI-COMM and believed that SSI-COMM would contribute to reducing the gap between learning and practice. The program instructors, observed that out-of-school activities contributed to enhancing students' self-confidence and fulfillment in learning. Finally, the local experts obtained a sense of belonging to their community and were very satisfied with their contribution. The SSI-COMM programs are expected to be one of the educational models that will help to encourage the participation of students and stakeholders in facilitating educational activities in relation to the community.

The Mediating Effects of Life Satisfaction on the Relationship among Parent Attachment, Peer Attachment, and Depression Perceived by Out-of-school Youths (학교 밖 청소년이 지각한 부모 애착, 또래 애착과 우울 간의 관계에서 생활만족도의 매개효과)

  • Moon, Suk-Ja;Lee, Yoonjeong
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.355-363
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    • 2021
  • This study examined the mediating effects of life satisfaction on the relationship between parent attachment, peer attachment, and depression among Korean out-of-school youths. The study participants of 145 out-of-school youths derived from 5th Panel Survey of School Dropouts. To analyze the collected data, descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation, and path analysis conducted by using SPSS 26.0 and AMOS 26.0. Parent attachment directly related to life satisfaction. Peer attachment directly related to life satisfaction and to depression. Life satisfaction had a significant negative relationship to depression. Parent attachment (𝛽=-.23, p=.006, 95% CI: -0.33~-0.12) and peer attachment (𝛽=-.18, p=.002, 95% CI: -0.31~-0.08) had indirect effects on depression through mediating life satisfaction. Results of this study indicate that we will discuss implications for possible policies and programs to help out-of-school youth successfully integrate a satisfying life and safely improve depression.

The Influence of of Social Capital in Out-of-School Youths upon Career Preparation Behavior : Focusing on the mediating effect of resilience (학교 밖 청소년의 사회적 자본이 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향 : 회복탄력성 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hwa-Myung;Kim, Yeoung-Mi
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.804-815
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to figure out the influence of social capital in out-of-school youths upon career behavior and to examine the mediating effect of resilience in its relationship. To achieve the research objective, the questionnaire survey was conducted targeting 127 out-of-school youths who dwell in Busan Metropolitan City. In the relationship between social capital and career preparation behavior, the resilience appeared to have a mediating effect. Seeing the outcomes of this study, a positive support seems to be necessary so that out-of-school youths can make good use of the social capital in local community in order to increase the career preparation behavior in out-of-school youths. Furthermore, the psychological and emotional programs must be developed that can enhance resilience in out-of-school youths. A career counseling with the focus on resilience will need to be carried out.

A Convergence Study for the Influence of Parental Attitudes on Smoking in Out-of-School Youths (학교 밖 청소년 부모의 양육태도가 흡연에 미치는 영향에 대한 융합적 연구)

  • Yim, So-Youn;Park, Min-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.333-340
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    • 2020
  • This study was a descriptive research to identify the health behavior and mental health and the influence of parental attitudes according to smoking in out-of-school youths. The study subjects were 282 enrolled in youth support center located in Seoul and Chungnam areaa, x2-test, t-test, multiple logistic regression were used for analysis. The results of this study, sex, father's education level, drinking, sexual experience, and parental attitude had a significant effect on smoking in out-of-school youths. And, it is higher possibility to smoke a group with a high score in parental attitudes. Based of this study's findings, it is necessary to develop specific smoking prevention and smoking cessation program for out-of-school youths according to parental attitude.

The Impact of Parental Attachment on Career Barriers for Out-of-School Youth : Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Self-esteem

  • Hyung-hee Kim;Yong-seob Kim
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.12
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    • pp.211-219
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    • 2023
  • This study examines the mediating effect of self-esteem in the path between parental attachment and career barriers for out-of-school youth and proposes measures to reduce the level of career barriers for out-of-school youth. As analysis data, we used data from the 5th year of the panel survey of school dropout youth conducted by the Korea Youth Policy Institute, and used 318 out-of-school youth for analysis. As a result of analysis using the statistical programs SPSS 23.0 and Amos 23.0 version, the mediating effect of self-esteem was confirmed in the path between emotional support, a subfactor of parental attachment, and all subfactors of career barriers. These results suggest that multifaceted efforts are needed to improve parental attachment (emotional support, economic support) and self-esteem, which influence the level of career barriers for out-of-school youth. Accordingly, based on the results of this study, practical measures were specifically presented to educate parents of out-of-school youth and improve their self-esteem.

Predictors of Suicide Attempts in Out of School Youths (학교 밖 청소년의 자살시도 영향요인)

  • Lee, Yoonjeong;Park, Moonkyoung;Jeong, Younghee
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.541-552
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    • 2022
  • This study is a secondary data analysis study using the 1st Panel Survey of School Dropouts in Korea for investigating predictors of suicide attempts in out-of-school youths (OSYs). Data analysis were performed using the SPSS 26.0 statistical program. Suicide attempts were reported in 62 (8%) of the 776 participants included in the study. Logistic regression analysis revealed that suicide attempts before school dropout (OR=10.66), experience of violence victimization (OR=6.97), alcohol consumption (OR=3.73), depression (OR=2.62), parental attachment (OR=0.47), peer relationships (OR=0.63) before school dropout were significant predictors of suicide attempts. Prevention of suicide attempts by OSYs should be preceded by confirmation of their experience in suicide attempts before school dropout. In addition, it is required to establish a suicide prevention program considering psychological situations, interpersonal relationships, and violence experiences.

The Development and Application of Informal Gifted and Talented Education program utilizing Local Resources in Yeongheung Island (영흥도 지역자원을 활용한 학교 밖 영재 프로그램 개발 및 적용 효과)

  • Ock, Seong-Hyun;Choi, SunYoung
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.356-375
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the informal education based elementary gifted education program utilizing local resources in Yeongheung island for enhancing the creative problem solving, science process skills, scientific attitudes. This program was totally consisted 36 lessons and 3 part. For this purpose, 7 weeks' informal gifted education program utilizing local resources was treated to a class students who were 5th graders of elementary school in Yeongheung island. The results of this study were as follows : First, the change of science creative problem solving ability in the gifted class was found statistically meaningful difference. Second, science process skills were showed statistically meaningful difference. Third, scientific attitudes were not showed statistically meaningful difference. Fourth, the student responses about effectiveness of this programs were generally positive. Therefore, the gifted education programs showed meaningful results. Based on the results of this study, a number of studies to overcome the limitations will be needed.

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Application Effects of Out-of-class Chemical Experience Learning Programs on Scientific Process Skills and Science-Related Attitude for Middle School Students (교실 밖 화학체험학습 프로그램이 과학 탐구 능력과 과학 관련 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Mun, Seong-Bae;Jo, Mi-Ae
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.506-514
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    • 2006
  • purpose of this work was to study the applied effects of out-of-class Chemical Experience Learning (CEL) Programs on scientific process skills and science-related attitude for middle school students. The out-of-class CEL Programs which were developed to make the funny out-of-class chemistry and the exciting science class', included the nature-friendly chemical experiments suitable for natural environment and composed of real life-centered experiences. The out-of-class CEL programs were applied to natural environment through all-day improvement activity. The science club students in D middle school in Busan were selected as the objects of the study consisting of one experiment group and one control group. The out-of-class CEL programs were applied to the experiment group and traditional class method was applied to the control group. The change of scientific process skills and science-related attitudes between two groups were compared and analyzed. And students reaction on the out-of-class CEL programs was investigated. As a result, out-of-class nature-friendly chemical experiments were improved scientific process skills and science-related attitudes of middle school students. Also, more than 70% of students in the experimental group gave positive feedbacks to the out-of-class CEL programs and increased attention, interest, and degree of self-participation in science.