• Title/Summary/Keyword: 프로젝트성과

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Analysis on the core factors in the successful importing of ERP system in Small & Medium Enterprises - Focusing on the Cooperation Model between Industry and Education in Chung-Buk province (중소기업 ERP 시스템 도입 핵심성공요인 분석 -충북지역 산학연계 모델을 중심으로-)

  • 김범년;김영렬
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2003
  • In the radical char]go of the business environments that the existing facilities can not guarantee the business-frosts anymore, enterprises have been importing ERP system. In Korea, Sam-sung Electronics did it for the first tin in the latter half of 1994 and other enterprises succeeded. Currently, government and public enterprises as well as most of the large enterprises are employing ERP system to sharpen the competitiveness and to win the business transparency. On the other hand, it is harder for small and medium enterprises shaded by the large enterprises to be well-equipped with information system such as ERP, because they have already suffered from chronic financial difficulties and shortage of many resources. Most of all, they prefer the short-term project that does not need much tine for them to make decisions and to carry out fully. Grounded on the above factors, in this work, I suggest the suitable ERP model for the small and medium enterprises and the successful importing process of ERP, which is derived from the previous researches made by other masters' thesis. If necessary information and human resources are interchanged pertinently between local education institute and small and medium enterprise, the latter could not only deal with the confronted difficulties successfully inside and outside but attain the goal of being proficient in up-to-minute high technology. Besides, giving the students the opportunity of researching into the practice of the business they have not ever known, local universities could help their students accumulate knowledges and acquire ideas which could not be achieved in pure academic studies. When the above-mentioned procedure is over, the students might get the intellectual faculty to ponder on the future more concretely and enter a profession more carefully. In the result, we would raise up the percentage of the employment among the graduates. And active participation of university professors is the last important factor that assists the small and medium enterprises for introducing ERP system successfully. Their scholarly attainments play an important role in strengthening local economy and make the business competitiveness balanced between the capital and the local economy.

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Entre l' espace sculptural et, l' espace architectural (조각공간과 건축공간의 관계)

  • Lee Bong-Soon
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.5
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    • pp.175-216
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    • 2003
  • 시각이 아닌 오감체계에 관계하는 때문에 현대미술은 외관만으로 이루어지지 않는다. 곧 예술 작품들은 하나의 장소를 관객에게 제공하여, 심리적, 물리적, 또는 예술이 존재여부에 관한 갖가지 질문들을 제기한다. 모든 예술 작품은 메시지를 담고 있다. 이러한 관점에서 개념 또는 아이디어에 우선하는 현대미술은 그들의 메시지를 전달하기 위해 우리의 사회적 배경과 보편성을 간과할 수 없다. 우리의 물체 인식은 결국 우리의 경험체계를 통해서 이루어진다고 간주하면, 현대미술의 새로운 형태는 보편적 특질들이 그 특질들 이상의 상태로 보여지도록 유도한다. 이러한 창조 행위의 시작은 현대인간의 문화 읽기이며 문화는 인간과 자연의 긴밀한 관계 속에서 이루어진다. 역사는 지나간 시간을 기록한 것이며, 이 또한 우리의 지식과 정보 체계에 속한다. 회화가 평면에 입체감을 표현하는 것과는 달리 조각은 자연 속, 즉 실재공간 속에 있는 모든 것을 표현하기 때문에 시각(visible) 이외에도 촉각(tangible)이 관여하게 된다. 조각의 특수성은 촉각(tangible)이 우선하는 것이다. 그러나 시각과 촉각은 매우 적극적으로 미학적 경험에 참여하는 감각으로 이들을 서로 분리하여 생각하기가 무척 힘들다. 왜냐하면 어떤 경험에 있어서 기억연합 또는 감각 연합에 의해 하나의 감각이 다른 여러 감각을 촉발하여 연쇄반응 혹은 '형태 Gestalt'를 이루기 때문이다. 대부분의 근대 조각 작품들은 조각대 위에 고정되어 있는 구상 형태를 지녔기 때문에 조각작품 자체가 지닌 외적 형태와 그 자체내의 공간이 더욱 중요한 역할을 하게 된다. 말하자면 미로의 비너스 조각은 대리석과 비너스 형태의 결합이다. 때문에 관객은 그 주변을 돌면서 우리 신체의 내적 공간과 시각에 의존하면서 그 작품의 중량감, 양감, 형태 등의 특질과 만나게 된다. 그러나 현대 추상조각과 개념조각은 이보다 좀 더 확장된 공간을 제시한다. 이것은 현대조각이 건축개념을 수용한 때문이며, 그것이 때로는 안 쪽에서 때로는 바깥 쪽에서 그 형태를 결정하며, 보고 듣고 느끼고 만져지고 왕래하는 등의 인식 영역인 관객의 오감체계에 직접적으로 관계하기 때문이다. 우리는 건축 공간에서, 시각 외에도 청각이나 촉각을 통해 지각한다. 대강 요약하자면 공간은 객관적 상태이기보다는 인식영역의 주관성을 통해 받아들여진 우리가 지나쳐온 것들이나 체험된 공간이다. 여기서 '받아들여지는' 일은 과거 경험들의 주체들, 언어와 문화에 의해서 이루어져야 한다. 건물, 즉 둘러싸고 있는 공간은 중앙이 아니다. 중앙은 바로 나, 둘러싸여진 나이다 나는 나의 동작에 따라 그 공간의 시스템을 변화시킬 수 있는 유동적인 중심이다 (이때의 나는 위치의 축을 변화시키는 것이 아니라, 그들을 탐색하는 것이다). 작품이 대형화되면서 이러한 건축공간개념이 현대 조각가들의 작품개념에 이용되었다고 본다. 현대미술에서 In situ작업과 특정한 장소를 위한 기획되어진 최근의 프로젝트 작업들은 대형화되어있으며, 건축에서처럼 특정한 장소를 만들어낸다. 로잘린드 크라우스(Rosalind Krauss)는 또한 '조각영역의 확장 (La sculpture dans le champ elargi)'에서 현대조각이 건축과 환경의 영역을 침범하고 있음을 지적한다. 그녀에 의하면, 1960년대 이후의 현대조각은 이러한 탈 귀속성과 조각의 자율성을 획득함으로써 조각은 건축물이 아니면서 건축물 주변에 위치하거나 풍경이 아니면서 풍경 안에 자리잡게 되었다. 이와 같이 현대의 대형조각 작품들 - 예를 들어 대형화된 미니별 조각이나 개념미술, 또는 대지예술 등 -은 풍경의 실재가 아니기 때문에 환경으로부터 구분된다고 언급하고 있다. 이들 조각은 더 이상 만져지는 실체이거나 점유하는 공간의 상징언어를 지닌 조각의 범주에 한정되지 않게 된다. 조각과 건축의 공간인식을 인체의 크기와 관련하여 보면, 메를로 퐁티(Merleau-Ponty)의 '지각의 현상학' 은 우리가 논하는 작품의 공간체계를 분석하는데 지침표가 되어준다. 메를로 퐁티가 말하는 지각은 정신에 의해서만 이루어지는 것이 아니며, 몸과 함께 이루어지는 현상이다. 지각은 우리가 부단히 눈을 움직이고 만지고 냄새를 맡고 주변을 돌아 다니면서 세계와의 직접적인 접촉을 통해 이루어 진다. 몸의 움직임을 통하여 나타나는 신체적 표현은 몸 자체가 원천적으로 지향적 활동의 주체로서 파악되는 한 이미 항상(恒常, constant) 의미 현상을 지니다. 우리의 지각이 움직이는 몸의 지향 활동을 통해 이루어진다는 것은 우리의 몸의 지향활동이 의식에 선행함을 의미한다. 몸의 움직임은 의식의 의도를 표현할 때에만 의미를 나타내는 기호가 되는 것이 아니라, 이미 그 자체가 살아있는 표현이다. 우리의 몸짓, 표정은 우리 의식이 의도하기 전에 이미 의미가 담겨있다. 몸은 그 자체가 기호(Signe)적이다. 결국. 메를로 퐁티에게서 세상(le monde entier)은 그 자신이 주체가 되어 인식한다, 그리고 이 인식 구조에는 우리의 몸이 구심점(le point centripete)이 된다. 만약 우리가 이러한 메를로 퐁티의 개념을 염두에 둔다면, 예술작품의 특성에 매우 중요한 역할을 하고 있는 재료와 크기를 이해할 수 있을 것이다.

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Analysis on the Policy Network in the Defense Industry Exportation Support Policy: Focusing on the Success of the T-50 Exportation to Indonesia (방산수출 지원정책에 관한 정책네트워크 연구: T-50 인도네시아 수출 성공사례를 중심으로)

  • Jun, Jongho
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.113-142
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    • 2016
  • T-50 exportation to Indonesia embodied an objective of governmental policy and became a catalyst accelerating the exportation of domestic defense industries. Defense industry exportation is recognized as a new growth engine creating economic interests and it became an important policy of the government. This study will suggest an effective direction for the support policy of the defense industry exportation through analysis on factors behind the success of the T-50 exportation to indonesia in the view of policy network. Policy network theory has its efficacy and workability in analyzing what kind of results are yielded from each policy actor's attributes and their interaction during the execution and establishment of the support policy for the defense exportation. The type of policy network of the T-50 exportation to Indonesia was a policy community. Many governmental ministries, defense industry which is the group of interest, and experts from the research institutes have established the Korea Defense Trade Support Center(KODITS) for accomplishing common policy goal with mutually shared sentiment, and sought for a strategy for the success of the defense industry exportation having official and unofficial meeting centering around the KODITS. Although there were oppositions and conflicts among major actors, though forming a cooperative relationship among majority of the actors, policy-wise decision making for the exportation of the T-50 to Indonesia was efficiently carried out. The cooperative relationship was the key in the success of the T-50 exportation. Considering that the policy community from cooperative mutual interaction is efficient in reaching the goal of the defense industry exportation support policy, this study suggests operating government-wise temporary Task Force(TF) to succeed in big exportation projects such as the T-X exportation to the U.S. In addition, institutional and procedural supplementation such as regular meetings among the head of related governmental ministries and etc. are required in order to enhance the mutually cooperative relationship withing the TF.

A Framework on 3D Object-Based Construction Information Management System for Work Productivity Analysis for Reinforced Concrete Work (철근콘크리트 공사의 작업 생산성 분석을 위한 3차원 객체 활용 정보관리 시스템 구축방안)

  • Kim, Jun;Cha, Heesung
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2018
  • Despite the recognition of the need for productivity information and its importance, the feedback of productivity information is not well-established in the construction industry. Effective use of productivity information is required to improve the reliability of construction planning. However, in many cases, on-site productivity information is hardly management effectively, but rather it relies on the experience and/or intuition of project participants. Based on the literature review and expert interviews, the authors recognized that one of the possible solutions is to develop a systematic approach in dealing with productivity information of the construction job-sites. It is required that the new system should not be burdensome to users, purpose-oriented information management, easy-to follow information structure, real-time information feedback, and productivity-related factor recognition. Based on the preliminary investigations, this study proposed a framework for a novel system that facilitate the effective management of construction productivity information. This system has utilized Sketchup software which has good user accessibility by minimizing additional data input and related workload. The proposed system has been designed to input, process, and output the pertinent information through a four-stage process: preparation, input, processing, and output. The inputted construction information is classified into Task Breakdown Structure (TBS) and Material Breakdown Structure (MBS), which are constructed by referring to the contents of the standard specification of building construction, and converted into productivity information. In addition, the converted information is also graphically visualized on the screen, allowing the users to use the productivity information from the job-site. The productivity information management system proposed in this study has been pilot-tested in terms of practical applicability and information availability in the real construction project. Very positive results have been obtained from the usability and the applicability of the system and benefits are expected from the validity test of the system. If the proposed system is used in the planning stage in the construction, the productivity information and the continuous information is accumulated, the expected effectiveness of this study would be conceivably further enhanced.

Urban Landscape Image Study by Text Mining and Factor Analysis - Focused on Lotte World Tower - (텍스트 마이닝과 인자분석에 의한 도시경관이미지 연구 - 롯데월드타워를 대상으로 -)

  • Woo, Kyung-Sook;Suh, Joo-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.104-117
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    • 2017
  • This study compares the results of landscape image analysis using text mining techniques and factor analysis for Lotte World Tower, which is the first atypical skyscraper building in Korea, and identifies landscape images of the site to determine possibilities of use. Lotte World Tower's landscape image has been extracted from text mining analysis focusing on adjectives such as 'new', 'transformational', 'unusual', 'novelty', 'impressive', and 'unique', and phrases such as in the process of change, people's active elements(caliber, outing, project, night view), media(newspaper, blog), and climate(weather, season). As a result of the factor analysis, factors affecting the landscape image of Lotte World Tower were symbolic, aesthetic, and formative. Identification, which is a morphological feature, has characteristics of scale and visibility but it is not statistically significant in preference. Rather, the psychological factors such as the symbolism with characteristics such as poison and specialty, harmony with the characteristics of the surrounding environment, and beautiful aesthetic characteristics were an influence on the landscape image. The common results of the two research methods show that psychological characteristics such as factors that can represent and represent the city affect the landscape image more greatly than the morphological and physical characteristics such as location and location of the building. In addition, the text mining technique can identify nouns and adjectives corresponding to the images that people see and feel, and confirms the relationship between the derived keywords, so that it can focus the process of forming the landscape image and further the image of the city. It would appear to be a suitable method to complement the limitation of landscape research. This study is meaningful in that it confirms the possibility that big data can be utilized in landscape analysis, which is one research field of landscape architecture, and is significant for understanding the information of a big data base and contribute to enlarging the landscape research area.

An Exploratory Study on the Project Performance by PMO Capability (PMO 역량에 따른 프로젝트 성과에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Jae-Kwon;Kim, Jin-Hwa;Kim, Sang-Yeoul
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.53-77
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    • 2008
  • In recent years, although numbers of corporations are bringing in PMO, they seem to be indifferent to PMO performance measurement. This demonstrates that there are also other reasons beside performance measurement of information systems (IS) project being ambiguous by introducing PMO; the lack of acknowledging the concrete function of PMO, and the scarcity of empirical study about the effect of PMO on the project members and project performance. In this sense, this study is aimed at proposing a new research model in which project success factors (i.e., standardization, management advocacy, and staff expertise) affect PMO capability (i.e., knowledge management, resources management, and problem solving competency) positively, leading to project performance (i.e., task outcomes, psychological outcomes, and organizational outcomes) eventually. To empirically test the research model, data are surveyed from PMO department and IS department. To prove the validity of the proposed research model, PLS analysis is applied with valid 132 questionnaires. By employing PLS technique, the measurement reliability and validity of research variables are tested and the path analysis is conducted to do the hypothesis testing. The path analysis results can be organized into 7 ways in large scale. First, standardization of project success factors has a positive association with knowledge management, resources management, and problem solving competency of PMO capabilities. The findings of this result indicate that the multiple or single project management should satisfy standardization in order to operate an effective PMO. Second, management advocacy of project success factors has a positive association with knowledge management, resources management, and problem solving competency. Management advocacy refers to the willingness of management to provide the required resources and authority for project success. There is agreement among researchers regarding the importance of management advocacy for favorable PMO capability. Third, staff expertise of project success factors has a positive association with knowledge management, resources management, and problem solving competency. The findings of this result indicate that the formation of an exceptional consultant or members with a proficient knowledge for staff expertise of project member is the key factor to elevate the PMO capability. Past research suggests that experience and knowledge and the resultant familiarity with the problem faced can be an important determinant of PMO capability. A capable project with appropriate staff expertise means that it enjoys a diversity of abilities and experiences. Fourth, knowledge management competency of PMO capabilities has a positive impact on psychological outcomes but has no direct effect on task outcomes and organizational outcomes. In domestic case of S. Korea, PMO was finally introduced to many other corporations in 2005 though it started bringing in 2000. Therefore, it had neither a significant impact on the task outcomes nor organizational outcomes by lacking the contents and the infrastructure of the knowledge management because the knowledge consolidation and management period of PMO is comparatively shorter by terms than other foreign nations. Fifth, resources management competency of PMO capabilities has a positive association with task outcomes, psychological outcomes, and organizational outcomes. In addition, problem solving competency of PMO capabilities has a positive association with task outcomes, psychological outcomes, and organizational outcomes. Therefore, the findings of this results stress that PMO capabilities has a positive impact on project performance. Sixth, according to the path analysis of the hypothesis, which suggested in this research, problem solving competency is the PMO capability which is the key success factor for task, psychological, and organizational outcomes as an integrated performance model. Further, the analysis reveals that problem solving competency is an important factor for integrated performance model. The finding is in line with past IS research, which affirms that the work of IS projects is essentially a problem solving endeavor. Seventh, in the path analysis of the hypothesis in this research, the path of the management advocacy $\rightarrow$ problem solving competency $\rightarrow$ organizational outcomes appears to be the most important and strongest path. In brief, the finding of this study suggests that project success factors influence PMO capability positively, and project performance as well. From the results, it can be concluded that PMO helped great improve the project success rate and project performance. This study advances research on PMO capability in three important aspects. First, the findings of our study have implications for IS theory and future research. Our study contributes to IS theory by synthesizing concepts from PMO research and project management research with those in IS research. We proposed and tested PMO capability of IS projects and the findings of our investigation provided some preliminary answers to some of the questions raised. Secondly, this thesis does not only help depicting the concept of IT governance but also approaches empirically. It makes a gradual approach to the main content, step by step, in contrary of simple standard, scholastic way of thinking. Finally, we argued that this task-oriented(technical) view is not sufficient to adequately conceptualize IS project performance. Hence, we applied that the research on organization teams, which provides a flip viewpoint to that of project management research in that it gives more weight for psychological outcomes of organizational work groups, can be very helpful in reconceptualizing the IS project performance construct. The limitations of this study are also discussed to provide research directions for future research.

International Case Studies on the Eco-friendly Energy Towns with Hybrid Thermal Energy Supply System and Borehole Thermal Energy Storage (BTES) (친환경에너지타운에서 보어홀지중열 저장(BTES) 활용 융복합 열에너지 공급 시스템 사례 연구)

  • Shim, Byoung Ohan
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2018
  • This study reviews three eco-friendly energy towns with hybrid thermal energy supply systems and borehole thermal energy storage (BTES) in Canada and Denmark. The district heating and cooling systems were designed by using multi-source energy for the higher efficiency and reliability as well as environment. ADEU (Alexandra District Energy Utility) located at the developing area in the city of Richmond, Canada was designed to supply district energy with the installation of 726 borehole heat exchangers (BHEs) and a backup boiler using natural gas. DLSC (Drake Landing Solar Community) located in the town of Okotoks, Canada is a district system to store solar thermal energy underground during the summer season by seasonal BTES with 144 BHEs. Brædstrup Solpark district heating system located in Denmark has been conducted energy supply from multiple energy sources of solar thermal, heat pump, boiler plants and seasonal BTES with 48 BHEs. These systems are designed based on social and economic benefits as well as nature-friendly living space according to the city based energy perspective. Each system has the energy center which distribute the stored thermal energy to each house for heating during the winter season. The BHE depth and ground thermal storage volume are designed by the heating and cooling load as well as the condition of ground water flow and thermophysical properties of the ground. These systems have been proved the reliance and economic benefits by providing consistent energy supply with competitive energy price for many years. In addition, the several expansions of the service area in ADEU and Brædstrup Solpark have been processed based on energy supply master plan. In order to implement this kind of project in our country, the regulation and policy support of government or related federal organization are required. As well as the government have to make a energy management agency associated with long-term supply energy plan.

A Study on the Product Design Process in I-Business Environment Focusing on Development of the Internet-based Design Process - (e-비지니스환경에서의 제품디자인 프로세스에 관한 기초연구-인터넷기반의 디자인 프로세스 개발을 중심으로-)

  • 이수봉;이돈희
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.181-198
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a on-line design tool for effectively coping with e-Business environment, or product design process into a Cyber model for traditional manufacturers which attempts new product development under such environment. It was finally developed as a model named $\ulcorner$Design Vortal Site; e-BVDS) that was based on the structure and style of internet web site. Results of the study can be described as follows ; \circled1 e-Business is based on the Internet. All processes in the context of e-Business require models whose structure and method of use are on-line styles. \circled2 In case that a traditional manufacturing business is converted into e-Business, it is better to first consider Hybrid Model that combines resources and advantages of both such traditional and digital businesses. \circled3 The product design process appropriate for e-Business environment has to have a structure and style that ensure utilization of the process as an Internet web site, active participation by product developers and interactive communication between participants in designing and designers. \circled4 $\ulcorner$e-BDVS) makes possible the use of designers around the wend like in-house designers, overcoming lack in creativity, ideas and human resources traditional business organizations face. However, the operation of $\ulcorner$e-BDVS$\lrcorner$ requires time and budget investments in securing related elements and conditions. \circled5 Cyber designers under $\ulcorner$e-BDVS$\lrcorner$ can easily perform all design projects in cyber space. But they have some limits in playing a role as designers and they have difficulty in getting rewards if such projects completed by them are not finally accepted. \circled6 $\ulcorner$e-BDVS) ensures the rapid use of a wide range of design information and data, reception of a variety of solutions and ideas and effective design development, all of which are not possible through traditional processes. However, this process may not be suitable to be used routine process or tool. \circled7 $\ulcorner$e-BDVS$\lrcorner$ makes it possible for out-sourcing or partners businesses to overcome restrictions in time and space and improve productivity and effectiveness. But such they may have to continue off-line works that can not be treated on-line.

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A Study on Recent Research Trend in New Product Development Using Keyword Network Analysis (키워드 네트워크 분석을 이용한 NPD 연구의 진화 및 연구동향)

  • Pyun, JeBum;Jeong, EuiBeom
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.119-134
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    • 2018
  • Today, many firms face the environment of high uncertainty and severe competition due to the rapid technology development and the diverse needs of customers. In the business environment, one of the most important ways to gain sustainable competitive advantage and future growth engine is related to NPD (New Product Development), which is a very important issue for practice and academia. Thus, this study intends to provide new values to practitioners and researchers related to NPD by analyzing current research trends and future trends in NPD field. For this, we bibliometrically analyzed keyword networks which consist of keywords that were already published in the eminent journals from Scopus database to generate insights that have not been captured in the previous reviews on the topic. As a result, we could understand the extant research streams in NPD field, and suggest the changes of specific research topics based on the connected relationships among keywords over the time. In addition, we also foresaw the general future research trends in NPD field based on the keywords according to preferential attachment processes. Through this study, it was confirmed that NPD keyword network is a small world network that follows the distribution of power law and the growth of network is formed by link formation by keyword preferential attachment. In addition, through component analysis and centrality analysis, keywords such as Innovation, New product innovation, Risk management, Concurrent engineering, Research and development, and Product life cycle management are highly centralized in NPD keyword network. On the other hand, as a result of examining the change of preferential attachment of keywords over the time, we suggested the required new research direction including i) NPD collaboration with suppliers, ii) NPD considering market uncertainty, iii) NPD considering convergence with the other academic areas like technology management and knowledge management, iv) NPD from SME(Small and medium enterprises) perspective. The results of this study can be used to determine the research trends of NPD and the new research themes for interdisciplinary studies with other disciplines.

A Study on Commemoration Characteristics of Vietnam War Memorials in Korea (한국에 있는 베트남전쟁 메모리얼에 나타난 기념성)

  • Lee, Sang-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.22-34
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze commemoration characteristics of fifty-nine Vietnam war memorials in Korea(VWMK) including monuments and national cemeteries from landscape architectural point of view such as location, spacial characteristic, landscape detail, sculpture, and interpretive text. Based on the commemoration characteristics of the analysis, the commemoration culture among Vietnam, the U.S.A., and Korea were studied and differences compared. The results are as follows. First, monuments were mainly located in public open space such as national cemeteries, parks, and plaza, and some of them were elected along with Korea war memorials to honor Vietnam war veterans at the national level. Second, because the monuments were relatively small and memorial towers were conventionally built on a square platform, the memorial style had been simply standardized to stereotype the commemoration characteristics. Third, outmoded memorial towers, stone plates, emblems, and memorial walls were used as main landscape details and standardized facilities were considered from an artistic and social point of view. Fourth, realistic soldier statues to show heroic and humanitarian image were in majority, while symbolic and abstract sculpture were small in number, they were mostly conventional and unexpressive. Fifth, the causes of participation in the Vietnam War were predominantly expressed as 'defending freedom', 'keeping world peace', and 'national economic development' based on anti-communism and patriotism, and also the collectivity of Vietnam War veterans by troop and local level was emphasized through engraving each veterans's name on towers, plates, and walls. VWMK are mostly conventional and stereotyped in style and show strongly national official memory and the collectivity of veterans from a sociopolitical perspective, and aim for anti-communistic patriotism ideologically. Further study and projects will be required to make creative and innovative memorials and to study how to rethink sublime fundamental themes like war, death, and the individual veteran's experience in VWMK.