• Title/Summary/Keyword: 풍선 확장술

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Therapeutic Endoscopy-related Gastrointestinal Bleeding and Thromboembolic Events in Patients Using Warfarin or Direct Oral Anticoagulant (와파린 및 새로운 경구용 항응고제를 복용하는 환자에서의 치료 내시경과 관련된 위장관 출혈 및 혈전색전증의 위험)

  • Na, Hee Kyong
    • The Korean Journal of Gastroenterology
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    • v.72 no.5
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    • pp.271-273
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    • 2018
  • 내시경 시술 전 일시적으로 항응고제를 중단하는 것은 위장관 출혈의 위험과 혈전색전증의 위험 사이에 적절한 균형을 잡기 어렵기 때문에 논란의 여지가 많다. 와파린은 새로운 경구용 항응고제(direct oral anticoagulant agent, DOAC)보다 임상의에게 더 친숙하고, 효과를 쉽고 빠르게 전환시킬 수 있다는 장점이 있지만 복잡한 약역동학 특징과 좁은 치료적 범위 때문에 관리가 어렵다. 반면, DOAC는 약물의 모니터링 및 용량 조절 없이 정해진 용량으로 처방이 가능하며, 빠르게 작용하고, 반감기가 짧아 관리가 쉽지만 해독제가 없다는 단점이 있다. 이전 연구들에서 DOAC를 복용한 환자들은 와파린을 복용한 환자들보다 시술과 관련되지 않은 위장관 출혈의 위험이 높았다고 보고한 바 있다. 하지만 시술과 관련된 위장관 출혈 위험에 대하여는 알려진 바가 없는 실정이다. 미국이나 유럽 내시경 가이드라인들에서는 저위험 내시경 시술을 받는 환자들에서는 와파린과 DOAC를 유지하도록 권고하고 있으며, 고위험 시술의 경우에는 와파린를 사용하는 환자들에서 헤파린 교량 요법(heparin bridging)을 시행하도록 권고하고 있다. 임상적으로 DOAC를 사용하는 환자들 또한 혈전색전증을 예방하기 위하여 헤파린 교량 요법을 시행해볼 수 있는데, 와파린 및 DOAC의 헤파린 교량 요법과 관련된 출혈 및 혈전색전증 위험의 차이 또한 명확하지 않다. 따라서 저자들은 1) 와파린과 DOAC 치료를 받는 환자들에서의 출혈, 혈전색전증 및 사망의 위험을 비교하고자 하였으며, 2) 13종류의 고위험 내시경 시술 중에서 시술별 위험을 비교하고, 3) 헤파린 교량 요법이 합병증의 발생을 증가시키지 않는지 확인하고자 본 연구를 진행하였다. 일본 대규모 국가 입원 환자 데이터베이스를 이용하여 2014년 4월부터 2015년 5월까지 시술 전 와파린 또는 DOAC(rivaroxaban, apixaban, dabigatran, edoxaban)를 복용하고, 13종류의 고위험 내시경 시술을 시행받은 20세 이상의 성인 환자 총 16,977명을 확인하였다. 고위험 시술은 용종 절제술, 내시경 점막절제술, 내시경 점막하박리술, 협착 부위의 풍선확장술, 내시경 지혈술, 내시경 정맥결찰술, 내시경 주사 경화요법, 내시경 괄약근절개술, 내시경 초음파 유도하 미세침 흡인 검사, 경피적 위루술을 포함하였다. 일대일 성향 점수 매칭 분석(propensity score matching, 나이, 성별, 체질량 지수, 기저 질환, 병원의 규모, 시술의 종류, 약물의 종류를 매칭)을 시행하여 와파린군과 DOAC군에서 시술 위장관 출혈 및 혈전색전증, 사망의 발생을 비교하였다. 또한 경구항혈전제와 헤파린 교량 치료 시행 유무에 따라, DOAC 단독군, 와파린 단독군, DOAC와 헤파린 교량 요법군, 와파린과 헤파린 교량요법군으로 나누어, 하위군(subgroup) 분석을 시행하였다. 5,046쌍이 성향 점수 매칭 분석에 포함되었으며, 와파린군에서 DOAC군보다 통계적으로 의미 있게 위장관 출혈의 비율이 높았다(12.0% vs. 9.9% p=0.02). 혈전색전증 발생률(5.4% vs. 4.7%)과 입원중 사망률(5.4% vs. 4.7%)은 양 군에서 의미 있는 차이는 없었다. DOAC 종류별로 나누어 하위군 분석을 시행하였을 때, 와파린군은 rivaroxaban군에 비하여 위장관 출혈의 비율이 높았으며, rivaroxaban군, dabigatran군에 비하여 혈전색전증의 비율이 높았고, 입원 중 사망률에서는 의미 있는 차이는 없었다. 내시경 시술의 종류로 보정하였을 때 위장관 출혈 및 혈전색전증, 사망률은 DOAC 단독으로 치료한 환자에서보다 와파린과 헤파린 교량 요법(bridging) 또는 DOAC과 헤파린 교량 요법을 시행한 환자에서 높았다. 시술 종류 중에서는 위루관 삽입술에 비하여 내시경 점막하박리술, 내시경 점막절제술 및 내시경 정맥류결찰술, 내시경 주사경화요법을 시행한 환자에서 위장관 출혈의 위험이 가장 높았으며, 하부 내시경 점막절제술, 하부 용종 절제술, 내시경적 유두괄약근절제술 또는 내시경 초음파 유도하 미세침 흡인 검사는 중등도 위험을 보였다.

Subjective and Functional Results after a Proximal Gastrectomy: Prospective Study for Comparison of Reconstruction Procedures (근위부 위절제술 후 재건 술식에 따른 경과 관찰)

  • Kim, Ji-Hoon;Yook, Jeong-Hwan;Kim, Byung-Sik;Oh, Sung-Tae
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: A proximal gastrectomy is performed for gastric cancer in the upper part of the stomach to preserve the function of the stomach after surgery. An esophagogastrostomy is one of the common reconstruction methods for a proximal gastrectomy, but this method results in a high incidence of reflux esophagitis. This study was undertaken to compare subjective and functional results between esophagogastrostomy and jejunal interposition reconstructions. Materials and Methods: From June 1998 to December 2002, proximal gastrectomies were performed in 33 patients with tumors in the upper third of the stomach; 8 had reconstruction using jejunal interposition between the esophagus and the remnant stomach (JI group) while 25 had reconstruction using esophagogastrostomy (EG group). The postroperative courses of the patients were reviewed in terms of symptoms, weight changes, and endoscopic findings. Results: The mean age of the patients was 59 years; 26 were men and 7 were women. There were no significant differences in general complications, operating times, or histologic features between the two groups. Fifty-two percent (52%) of the EG group complained of dysphagia, and 16% them experienced heartburn and acid belching. Twelve percent (12%) of the JI group complained of dysphagia, but heartburn and acid belching did not occur. Incidences of reflux esphagitis (36%) and balloon dilatation for anastomotic stricture (16%) were more common in the EG group than in the JI group (0% and 12%). Conclusion: To prevent or minimize complications, such as reflux esophagitis and postoperative symptoms, a proximal gastrectomy with a jejunal interposition is an alternative method as an organ-preserving surgical strategy to improve quality of life for patients. (J Korean Gastric Cancer Assoc 2006;6:1-5)

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Minimally Invasive Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (소침습적 관상동맥우회술)

  • Na, Chan-Young;Lee, Young-Tak;Park. Joong-Won;Chung, Do-Hyun;Jung, Ill-Sang;Jung, Yoon-Seup;Kim, Ok-Sung;Bang, Jung-Hyun;Lee, Sub;Chung, Chul-Hyun;KIM, Woong-Han;Park, Young-Kwan;Kim, Chong-Whan;Hong, Sung-Nok;Han, Jae-Jin;Lee, Gun
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.118-124
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    • 1998
  • Minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting without using cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is a recently accepted modality of myocardial revascularization prcedures which is particularly suitable to the patients with lesions in the left anterior descending(LAD) and the right coronary arteries. Of the consecutive 35 patients of coronary artery bypass grafting performed at Sejong General Hospital from March to August 1996, six patients underwent minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting without CPB. All had stenotic lesions of the LAD more than 90%. Bypass grafting of the LAD was approached through midline sternotomy in one, through ministernotomy in two, and through limited left anterior thoracotomy in three patients, respectively. The internal mammary arteries were prepared without the use of thoracoscope. The mobilized mammary arteries were connected directly to the LAD in 5 patients, and the anastomosis required interposition of a segment of the radial artery in the remaining one. The diagonal branch was revascularized with the saphenous vein graft at the same time in one patient. No blood transfusion was necessary in 2 patients, and average blood required during surgery was 800ml in 4 patients. All patients were extubated from 4 to 14 hours(mean 9 hours) after operation. Early postoperative coronary angiography in 5 patients between 7 and 10 days after surgery has proved full patency of the grafts. With these limited clinical experiences, the clinical results demonstrated that minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting without CPB is an useful procedure especially in patients with isolated lesion in the proximal LAD.

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Cardiac Intracoronary Stenting vs CABG: Prevention of Medical Accident (심장 스텐트 시술과 의료사고 예방)

  • Kim, Kyoung Reay;Park, Kook Yang
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.163-194
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    • 2017
  • Coronary artery disease has increased in Korea as the country enters the aged society. It is well known that the incidence of coronary artery disease is related to aging, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and dietary habit. For effective treatment of significant coronary stenosis, close coordination between cardiac surgery and cardiology team is essential. Especially cardiologists' decision whether to do the stent placement or CABG is very important because the cardiologists usually start to consult the patients for their treatment. Recently, non-surgical interventions(that is stent placement) in cardiology field have dramatically increased as the national insurance system removed the limitation of the number of stents deployed. However, accidents are often caused by inappropriate use of stents, especially in patients with triple coronary disease or left main disease with heavy coronary calcifications. Another aspect of stent placement is to cope with an emergency case in the event of coronary rupture or pericardial tamponade during coronary interventions without cardiac surgeons. In the past two years, the Korea Consumer Agency (Consumer Dispute Coordination Committee) analyzed eight cases of medical dispute settlement. Only two hospitals were manned with both cardiologists and cardiac surgeons. Seven patients died of procedures of stenting and five patients died on the day of the procedure. Among the 8 cases, 5 cases showed 3 vessel disease and the rest of the cases had either severe calcification, complete occlusion or poor coronary antomies for stenting According to a 2017 national data registry of coronary stenting, less than 3 drug-eluting stents were implanted in 98% of all patients. In 2015, the number of stent procedures was 38,922, and approximately in 800 (2%) cases, more than four stents were used per patient. We emphasize that it is necessary to seriously consider the cost-benefit analysis between stent and CABG. The patient has the right to choose the right procedure by asking the liability of 'instruction explanation obligation'. He should be well informed of the pros and cons of both procedures to avoid overuse of stent. It can be solved by intimate discussion of individual cases with the cardiac surgeon and the patient. Unilateral dialogue with the patient, forceful restriction on the number of stenting, lack of surgeon's backup in difficult cases should all be avoided. It is also necessary to solve the problem not only at the hospital level, such as multidisciplinary integrated medical care, but also a nationwide solution such as expanding cardiac surgeons as essential personnel to public officials.

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Early and Midterm Results of Arterial Switch Operation for Double-Outlet Right Ventricle with Subpulmonary VSD (폐동맥하 심실증격결손을 동반한 양대혈관 우심실기시중에서 동맥전환술의 중단기 결과)

  • 양승인;이형두;김시호;조광조;우종수;이영석;성시찬
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.313-321
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    • 2004
  • Excellent clinical results of the arterial switch operation and the limited availablity of the intraventricular rerouting has recently made an arterial switch operation to become the therapeutic method of choice for the repair of double-outlet right ventricle (DORV) with subpulmonary ventricular septal defect (VSD). The early and midterm outcomes of arterial switch operation for this anomaly were evaluated. Material and Method: Between August 1994 and July 2002, 13 patients underwent an arterial switch operation for the correction of double-outlet right ventricle with subpulmonary VSD at Dong-A university hospital.. The 50% rule was used to define DORV. Median age and mean body weight were 27 days (range, 3-120 days) and 3.8$\pm$0.7kg (range, 2.92-5.3kg) respectively. Aortic arch anomalies were associated in 6 cases (46.2%), which were all repaired through one-stage operation. The relationship of the great arteries were side-by-side in 8 cases (61.5%) and anteroposterior in 5 (38.5%). Coronary artery patterns were 1 LCx-2R in 6 cases, retropulmonary left coronary artery (LCA) in 6, and intramural LCA in 1 respectively. The enlargement of VSD was required in 1 patient and the patch enlargement of right ventricular outflow tract was performed in another one patient. The Lecompte maneuver was used in all but 3 patients with a side by side relationship of the great arteries. Result: Overall postoperative hospital mortality was 23.1 % (3/13). All operative deaths were occurred in the patients with aortic arch anomalies. There was one late death related to the postoperative complication of the central nerve system during the mean follow-up of 41.3$\pm$30.7 months. Pulmonary valvar stenosis (>30mmHg of pressure gradient) developed in 1 patient (10%) and left pulmonary artery stenosis in 2 (20%), among them, one required reoperation 52 months after repair. There was an asymptomatic patient with moderate aortic regurgitation. 5-year survival rate including operative deaths was 68.3%. Conclusion: Although the operative mortality is high in the patients with aortic arch anomaly, the arterial switch operation for DORV with supbpulmonary VSD can be performed with low operative mortality and low reoperation rate in the patients Without arch anomaly. The arterial switch operation can be considered a good option for this complex anomaly.

A Study of Anastomotic Stricture after EEA Stapled Esophagogastrostomy (EEA stapler를 이용한 식도-위 문합술 후 발생한 문합부 협착에 대한 연구)

  • 전도환;조성래;천수봉
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.31 no.12
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    • pp.1217-1221
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    • 1998
  • Background: The advent of EEA stapler has lowered the leakage rate of esophagogastric anastomoses and thereby contributed to a decrease in the operative mortality of the easophageal resection. Recent surgical reports, however, have documented 10% to 20% prevalence of benign anastomotic stricture formation after the use of EEA stapler to construct an esophagogastric anastomosis. We analyzed the cases of anastomotic strictures to reduce the incidence of anastomotic strictures with EEA stapled esophagogastrostomy. Material and Method: EEA stapled esophagogastrostomy was performed in 195 parients during the period of over 11 years from Jan. 1986 to Dec. 1996 in Kosin Medical Center. Ten patients of them died in the early postoperative days. In the remaining 185 patients, we studied the incidence and the onset time of anastomotic strictures, relationship between the patients' ages, the anastomotic sites, and the size of the cartridges with incidence of anastomotic stricture. We also studied the method of treatment and its effect in the anastomotic strictures. Result: Benign anastomotic strictures occurred in 39 cases among 185 patients(21%), 25 cases(64.1%) of the 39 cases developed in one to three months postoperatively. The patients' ages and the anastomotic sites did not effect with the incidence of anastomotic stricture, but high incidence of anastomotic stricture in EEA stapled esophagogastrostomy(p=0.04)was observed in small cartridge sizes. One or two balloon dilatation(89%) relieved the anastomotic strictures. Conclusion: We conclude that a larger size cartridge is recommended in EEA stapled esophagogastrostomy to reduce the incidence of anastomotic stricture if possible, and one or two balloon dilatation would seem to be a safe and reliable method in treating anastomotic stricture when the anastomotic stricture was occurrs.

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Retroperitoneal Abscess Caused by Staphylococcus intermedius in a Dog (개에서 Staphylococcus intermedius에 의한 복막후농양 발생례)

  • Lee, Sang-Gwan;Hoh, Woo-Phil;Eom, Ki-Dong;Lee, Keun-Woo;Oh, Tae-Ho
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.176-180
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    • 2009
  • Two year-old female miniature schnauzer was presented with depression, abdominal pain and inappetence. Physical examination revealed tachypnea, fever, and abdominal pain. Leukocytosis with neutrophilia was shown in complete blood count. Radiograph revealed the increase of opacity in parallel to vertebra and dislocation of descending colon. Calculi and sludge in bladder, hydronephrosis and dilation of proximal ureter in right kidney were observed in ultrasonographic examination; also, irregular shape of structure in retroperitoneal cavity was observed. Urinalysis showed protein urine and hemtauria. Many epithelial cells, spindle cells, calcium oxalate dihydrate crystals, struvite crystals, amorphous crystals and granular casts, WBC, cocci were examined in urine sediment test. ERD-kit test result was highly positive. Based on those test and excretory urogram pyelonephritis and complete unilateral obstruction of ureter were confirmed. A balloon type structure in retroperitoneal cavity was found through the exploratory laparotomy. In cytologic examination of aspirated fluid from dilated area many degenerated neutrophils and phagocytized cocci were observed. Staphylococcus intermedius was cultured from aspirated fluid. Based on these clinical results retroperitoneal abscesses caused by Staphylococcus intermedius was diagnosed with ureter obstruction and concurrent cystic calculi. Nephrectomy of right kidney with ureter was performed.

Comparison on the Error Rates of Calibration Modes in Intervention (인터벤션에서 Calibration Mode에 대한 오차율 비교)

  • Kong, Chang gi;Ryu, Young hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.619-626
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed to identify the error rates in Catheter Calibration Mode, Auto Calibration Mode, and Segment Calibration Mode among many calibration modes as a quantitative evaluation tool used for predicting the diameter and length of balloon or stent in percutaneous intravascular balloon dilatation or stent insertion. Our experiment was conducted with Copper Wire of 2 mm × 80 mm (diameter × length) manufactured elaborately for quantitative evaluation in calibration and Metal Ball of 5, 10, 15, 30, and 40 mm and Acryl Phantom of 25 mm, 50 mm, 75mm, 100 mm, 125 mm, 150mm, 175 mm, and 200 mm. At each height, subtraction images were acquired with a cineangiograph and Stenosis Analysis Tool as a software provided by the equipment company was used for measurement. To evaluate the error rates in Catheter Calibration Mode, Copper Wire was put on each acryl phantom before shooting. Copper Wire of 2 mm in diameter was set as a diameter for catheter, and Copper Wire of 8 mm in length was measured with Multi-segments. As a result, the error rates appeared at 1.13 ~ 5.63%. To evaluate the error rates in Auto Calibration Mode, the height of acryl was entered at each height of acryl phantom and the length of 8 mm Copper Wire was measured with Multi-segments and as a result, the error rates appeared at 0 ~ 0.26%. To evaluate the error rates in Segment Calibration Mode, each metal ball on the floor of table was calibrated and the length of 8 mm Copper Wire on each acryl phantom was measured and the length of 8 mm Copper Wire depending on the changes of acryl phantom height was measured with Mutli-segments and as a result, the error rates appeared at 1.05 ~ 19.04%. And in the experiment on OID changes in Auto Calibration Mode, the height of acryl phantom was fixed at 100mm and OID only changed within the range of 450 mm ~ 600 mm and as a result, the error rates appeared at 0.13 ~ 0.38%. In conclusion, it was found that entering the height values in Auto Calibration Mode, among these Calibration Modes for evaluating quantitative vascular dimensions provided by the software was the calibration method with the least error rates and it is thus considered that for calibration using a metal ball or other objects, putting them in the same height as that of treatment sites before calibrating is the method that can reduce the error rates the most.

Pharmaco-mechanical Thrombectomy and Stent Placement in Patients with May-Thurner Syndrome and Lower Extremity Deep Venous Thrombosis (May-Thurner 증후군과 동반된 하지 심부정맥혈전환자에서 혈전제거술과 스텐트삽입술)

  • Jeon, Yonh-Sun;Kim, Yong-Sam;Cho, Jung-Soo;Yoon, Yong-Han;Baek, Wan-Ki;Kim, Kwang-Ho;Kim, Joung-Taek
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.757-762
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    • 2009
  • Background: Compression of the left common iliac vein by the overriding common iliac artery is frequently combined with acute deep vein thrombosis in patients with May-Thurner Syndrome. We evaluate the results of treatment with thrombolysis and thrombectomy followed by stenting in 34 patients with May-Thurner Syndrome combined with lower extremity deep venous thrombosis. Material and Method: The authors retrospectively reviewed the records of 34 patients (mean age: $65{\pm}14$ year old) who had undergone stent insertion for acute deep vein thrombosis that was caused by May-Thurner syndrome. After thrombectomy and thrombolysis, insertion of a wall stent and balloon angioplasty were performed to relieve the compression of the left common iliac vein. Urokinase at a rate of 80,000 to 120,000 U/hour was infused into the thrombosed vein via a multi-side hole thrombolysis catheter. A retrieval inferior vena cava (IVC) filter was placed to protect against pulmonary embolism in 30 patients (88%). Oral anticoagulation with warfarin was maintained for 3 months, and follow-up Multi Detector Computerized Tomography (MDCT) angiography was done at the date of the patients' hospital discharge and at the 6 months follow-up. Result: The symptoms of deep venous thrombosis disappeared in two patients (4%), and there was clinical improvement within 48 hours in twenty eight patients (82%), but there was no improvement in four patients (8%). The MDCT angiography at discharge showed no thrombus in 9 patients (26%) and partial thrombus in 21 (62%), whereas the follow-up MDCT at $6.4{\pm}5.5$ months (32 patients) revealed no thrombus in 23 patients (72%), and partial thrombus in 9 patients (26%). Two patients (6%) had recurrence of DVT, so they underwent retreatment. Conclusion: Stent insertion with catheter-directed thrombolysis and thrombectomy is an effective treatment for May-Thurner syndrome combined with acute deep vein thrombosis in the lower extremity.