• Title/Summary/Keyword: 품종 저항성

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Effects of mixing and reciprocal inoculation with compatible and incompatible races of Pyricularia oryzae on the enlargement of disease lesions of rice blast (친화성 및 비친화성균계의 혼합 및 전후접종이 벼 도열병의 병반확대에 미치는 영향)

  • Park Seur Kee;Kim Ki Chung
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.22 no.4 s.57
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    • pp.300-306
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    • 1983
  • Effect on blast lesion development was investigated in rice cultivar Milyang 23 and Jinheung using two races of Pyricularia oryzae compatible or incompatible to each of two rice cultivars. Discase lesions were measured in rice when inoculated with inoculum mixed with compatible and incompatible races, inoculated with a compatible race following with an incompatible race and vice versa. Lesions were smaller when rice was incoulated with an incompatible race and then inoculated with a compatible race than those inoculated in the reverse way both at the inoculated site and at 3cm-upper part from inoculated spot. The results suggested that induced resistance might play a role in suppression of lesion development although such an effect appeared to be influenced by heavy application of nitrogen fertilizer.

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Genetic Variance and Combining Ability of Shattering and Growth Characters by Diallel Crosses of Sesame (이면교잡에 의한 참깨의 탈립성 및 생육형질의 유전변이와 조합능력)

  • Kim, Dong-Hwi;Kang, Chul-Whan;Shim, Kang-Bo;Park, Chang-Hwan;Lee, Sung-Woo;Seong, Nak-Sul
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    • v.51 no.7
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    • pp.652-657
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    • 2006
  • Combining ability and heterosis for $F_{1}$ population obtained $5{\times}5$ half diallel cross in sesame were estimated for six quantitative characters. The parental varieties used for diallel cross were Yangbaek and Ansan of normal type, Suwon 177 and 195 of placenta adhesion type (PA) and SIG960320-5-1-1 of indehiscent type (ID). PA and ID type are shattering-resistant sesames and Yangbaek and Ansan are shattering sesames. The high heterosis of $F_{1}$ hybrids was expressed in the number of capsules per plant (NC), grain yield per plant (GY) and number of branches per plant (NB). Shattering.ate (SR) showed high positive heterosis toward increase of seeds shattering in all the combination of $F_{1}$ generation which was presumed because the characters connected with shattering resistance of seeds were governed by recessive gene. At the analysis of combining ability, highly significant general combining ability (GCA) effects were observed on all the characters in $F_{1}$ generation, significant specific combining ability (SCA) effects were observed on the NC, GY and SR. GCA variances were greater than SCA variance, which suggested that additive gene effects were greater than other nonadditive gene effects. Considering the estimated GCA effects, Suwon 195 (PA type) was found to be good parent for SR and GY, SIG960320-5-1-1 (ID type) was poor for GY and plant height. SCA effect for NC was great in Yangbaek/Suwon 195, SCA for GY was great in Ansan/SIG960320-5-1-1, and SCA for decrease of SR was great in Ansan/Suwon177.

Identification and Chemotype Profiling of Fusarium Head Blight Disease in Triticale (국내 재배 트리티케일에 발생한 붉은곰팡이병의 다양성 및 독소화학형 분석)

  • Yang, Jung-Wook;Kim, Joo-Yeon;Lee, Mi-Rang;Kang, In-Jeong;Jeong, Jung-Hyun;Park, Myoung Ryoul;Ku, Ja-Hwan;Kim, Wook-Han
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.172-179
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to assess the disease incidence and distribution of toxigenic in Korean triticale. The pathogen of triticale that cause Fusarium head blight were isolated from five different triticale cultivars that cultivated in Suwon Korea at 2021 year. The 72 candidate were classified as a Fusarium asiaticum by morphology analysis and by ITS1, TEF-1α gene sequence analysis. And the results of pathogenicity with 72 isolates on seedling triticale, 71 isolates were showed disease symptom. Also, seven out of 71 Fusarium isolates were inoculated on the wheat, to test the pathogenicity on the different host. The results showed more low pathogenicity on the wheat than triticale. The results of analysis of toxin type with 72 isolates, 64.6% isolates were produced nivalenol type toxin and other 4.6% and 30.8% isolates were produce 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol and 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol, respectively. To select fungicide for control, the 72 Fusarium isolates were cultivated on the media that containing four kinds fungicide. The captan, hexaconazole, and difenoconazole·propiconazole treated Fusarium isolates were not showed resistance response against each fungicide. However, six isolates out of 72 isolates, showed resistance response to fludioxonil. This study is first report that F. asiaticum causes Fusarium head blight disease of triticale in Korea.

A Numerical Study of Hydraulic Fractures Propagation with Rock Bridges (Rock bridges를 고려한 수치 해석적 수압파쇄 균열거동 연구)

  • 최성웅
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Rock Mechanics Conference
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    • 2000.09a
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    • pp.201-210
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    • 2000
  • Rock bridge in rock masses can be considered as one of several types of opening-mode fractures, and also it has been known to have a great influence on the stability of structures in rock mats. In the beginning of researching a rock bridge it used to be studied only in characteristics of its behavior, as considering resistance of material itself. However the distribution pattern of rock bridges, which can affect the stability of rock structures, is currently researched with a fracture mechanical approach in numerical studies. For investigating the effect of rock bridges on the development pattern of hydraulic fractures, the author analyzed numerically the stress state transition in rock bridges and their phenomena with a different pattern of the rock bridge distributons. From the numerical studies, a two-crack configuration could be defined to be representative of the most critical conditions for rock bridges, only when cracks are systematic and same in their length and angle. Moreover, coalescence stresses and onset of propagation stresses could be known to increase with decreasing s/L ratio or increasing d/L ratio. The effect of pre-existing crack on hydraulic fracturing was studied also in numerical models. Different to the simple hydraulic fracturing modeling in which the fractures propagated exactly parallel to the maximum remote stress, the hydraulic fractures with pre-existing cracks dial not propagate parallel to the maximum remote stress direction. These are representative of the tendency to change the hydraulic fractures direction because of the existence of pre-existing crack. Therefore s/L, d/L ratios will be identical as a function effective on hydraulic fractures propagation, that is, the $K_{I}$ vague increase with decreasing s/L ratio or increasing d/L ratio and its magnification from onset to propagation increases with decreasing s/L ratio. The scanline is a commonly used method to estimate the fracture distribution on outcrops. The data obtained from the scanline method can be applied to the evaluation of stress field in rock mass.s.

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A Numerical Study of Hydraulic Fractures Propagation with Rock Bridges (Rock bridges를 고려한 수치 해석적 수압파쇄 균열거동 연구)

  • 최성웅
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.447-456
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    • 2000
  • Rock bridge in rock masses can be considered as one of several types of opening-mode fractures, and also it has been known to have a great influence on the stability of structures in rock mass. In the beginning of researching a rock bridge it used to be studied only in characteristics of its behavior, as considering resistance of material itself. However the distribution pattern of rock bridges, which can affect the stability of rock structures, is currently researched with a fracture mechanical approach in numerical studies. For investigating the effect of rock bridges on the development pattern of hydraulic fractures, the author analyzed numerically the stress state transition in rock bridges and their phenomena with a different pattern of the rock bridge distributions. From the numerical studies, a two-crack configuration could be defined to be representative of the most critical conditions for rock bridges, only when cracks are systematic and same in their length and angle. Moreover, coalescence stresses and onset of propagation stresses could be known to increase with decreasing s/L ratio or increasing d/L ratio. The effect of pre-existing crack on hydraulic fracturing was studied also in numerical models. Different to the simple hydraulic fracturing modeling in which the fractures propagated exactly parallel to the maximum remote stress, the hydraulic fractures with pre-existing cracks did not propagate parallel to the maximum remote stress direction. These are representative of the tendency to change the hydraulic fractures direction because of the existence of pre-existing crack. Therefore s/L, d/L ratios will be identical as a function effective on hydraulic fractures propagation, that is, the K$_1$ value increase with decreasing s/L ratio or increasing d/L ratio and its magnification from onset to propagation increases with decreasing s/L ratio. The scanline is a commonly used method to estimate the fracture distribution on outcrops. The data obtained from the scanline method can be applied to the evaluation of stress field in rock mass.

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Studies on Controlling Mixed Annual and Perennial Weeds in Paddy Fields - On the Herbicidal Properties of Perfluidone - (수종(數種) 다년생잡초혼생답(多年生雜草混生沓)에 있어서 제초제(除草劑)에 의한 효과적(效果的)인 잡초방제(雜草防除) - Perfluidone의 작용특성구명(作用特性究明)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Ryang, H.S.;Han, S.S.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.75-99
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    • 1983
  • The herbicidal properties of perfluidone [1,1,1-trifluoro-N-2-methyl-4-(phenylsulponyl) phenyl methanesulfonamide] were investigated in pots and paddy fields. At the rate of 2.0kg prod./10a, perfluidone did not cause any injury to the 4 leaf stage (LS) rice seedlings. Although the crop injury increased with increasing the application rate, the injury caused by 16kg prod. perfluidone/10a gave rise to only 30% yield reduction. The crop injury was greatest when perfluidone was applied 2 days before transplanting and decreased as the application time delayed. Perfluidone showed greater crop injury to the 3 LS seedlings, at more than 7cm water depth, and at high temperature than to the 4 LS seedlings, at 3-5cm water depth, and at low temperature. Indica and indica ${\times}$ japonica rice varieties were generally more sensitive to perfluidone than japonica rice variety. Perfluidone effectively controlled most of annual weeds and such perennial weeds as Sagittaria pygmaea MIQ., Potamogeton distinctus A. BENN, Cyperus serotinus ROTTB, Scirpus maritimus L., Eleocharis kuroguwai OHWL, and Scirpus hotarui OHWL, whereas Sagittaria trifolia L. and Polygonum hydropiper SPACH. were tolerent to perfluidone. The weeding effect decreased with increasing the leaching amount of water and the overflowing of irrigated water within 24 hours after the herbicide application. When the application time was done later than 8 days after transplanting, the perennial weeds were shown at deeper soil layers, and the standing water was deeper than 7cm, the effect tended to decrease. However, there was no difference in the weeding effect between soil types. Downward movement of perfluidone in flooded soil ranged from 2 to 8cm deep. The movement increased with increasing the leaching amount of water and the application rate and at a sandy loam soil which possessed less adsorptive capacity. Residual effect of perfluidone was found at 35 to 80 days after application, which varied such factors as Soil types. Increase in the leaching amount of water resulted in decrease in the period of the residual effect. The period was shorter at non-sterilized soil than at sterilized soil. The 0.75kg ai perfluidone + 1.5kg ai SL-49 (1,3-dimethyl-6-(2,4-dichlor-benzoyl)-5-phenacyloxy-pyrazole)/ha and 1.5kg ai perfluidone + 1.05kg ai bifenox (2,4-dichlorophenyl-3-methoxy carbonyl-4-nitro phenyl ether)/ha showed less crop injury than 1.5kg ai/ha perfluidone alone. However, the weeding effect of the former was similar to that of the later.

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Variations in Growth Characteristics and Seed Qualities of Korean Soybean Landraces (한국 재래종 콩의 수집지대별 생태적 특성 및 품질 차이)

  • Han, Won-Young;Park, Keum-Yong;Kim, Hyun-Tae;Ko, Jong-Min;Baek, In-Youl;Lee, Chung-Yeol;Choung, Myoung-Gun
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    • v.53 no.spc
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    • pp.96-102
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    • 2008
  • This study was carried out to examine agronomic characteristics and seed qualities of 827 Korean soybean landraces according to the collecting areas. Agronomic characteristics and seed qualities was examined according to the localities by weather characteristics. Days to flowering was the longest (mean 70.9 days) in the northwest seashore, and the most short in the south inland (mean 63.8 days). Growth days was the longest in the Gyeongbuk inland (mean 136.0 days), and the most short in the mountain-high (mean 132.8 days). The stem height was the most short in the north-west seashore (mean 81.3 cm), and in the south seashore (mean 58.8 cm). The seed weight of 100 seeds was the lightest in the north-west seashore (mean 17.1 g), and the heaviest in the south-west seashore (mean 21.5 g). The crude protein contents was the lowest in the north-west seashore (mean 40.1%), the highest in the south seashore (mean 42.8%), and vice versa in the crude oil. The contents of sucrose and oligo-saccharide was the highest 5.8% and 8.6%, respectively, in the mountain-high, and the lowest 4.8% and 7.6% in the Gyeongbuk inland and south seashore, respectively. Among the iso-flavone contests, the contents of genistein and total was the highest, $635.6\;{\mu}g/g$ and $1258.1\;{\mu}g/g$, respectively, in the mountain inland, and the lowest $319.2\;{\mu}g/g$ and $835.3\;{\mu}g/g$ in the south-west seashore. The contents of glycitein was the highest $124.3\;{\mu}g/g$ in the south seashore.

Root-zone Application of Insecticides in Gelatin Capsules for the Control of Rice Insect Pests (살충제(gelatin capsule 입)의 수도근부처리에 의한 수도해충 방제효과)

  • Choi S. Y.;Heu M. H.;Chung K. Y.;Kang Y. S.;Kim H. K.
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.14 no.3 s.24
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    • pp.147-153
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    • 1975
  • During 1973 a field experiment was carried out to evaluate effectiveness of the root zone application of insecticides in medical gelatin capsules for control of several rice insect pests and dwarf virus disease. At three days after transplanting the capsules were pushed by hand about 2.5cm into the soil, near roots of Tongil rice plants. At the given day intervals number of leaf-and plant-hoppers on the hills were recorded by direct count, and dead hearts and white heads by stem borers and dwarf virus infected hills were observed in the experiment plots. Finally grain yields were measured. The percentages of dead hearts and white heads in all the plots were too low for evaluating the effectiveness of insecticides against the striped rice borers. Carbofuran of the insecticides tested was relatively effective against green rice leafhopper (Nephotettixcincticeps) and small brown planthopper (Laodelphax striatellus), although small number of insects on the hills were recorded. Relatively small number of white-backed planthopper (Sogatella furcifera) was occured in the BPMC and Diazinon treated plots. BPMC and Carbofuran were highly effective against the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) to 80 days after treatment. Incidence of dwarf virus disease was least in the plots of Carbofuran treatment. The highest grain yield was recorded in the plots treated with Carbofuran, and it seemed to be related with good protection from the dwarf virus disease and leaf-and plant-hoppers.

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