• Title/Summary/Keyword: 표층 퇴적상

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Application of SAR DATA to the Study on the Characteristics of Sedimentary Environments in a Tidal Flat (SAR 자료를 이용한 갯벌 퇴적환경 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Kye-Lim;Ryu, Joo-Hyung;Kim, Sang-Wan;Choi, Jong-Kuk
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.497-510
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    • 2010
  • In this study, comparisons of the backscattering coefficients and the coherence values which had been extracted from SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) images such as JERS-1, ENVISAT and ALOS satellites with surface roughness, surface geometric and soil moisture content were carried out. As the results of analysis using the backscattering coefficient and coherence values from SAR images, the coherence was shown high in the region containing more of mud fraction due to higher viscosity of fine grain-size. A lot of tidal channels were well developed in the Ganghwa tidal flat, affecting the drainage of seawater and subsequent soil moisture content by exposure time of tidal flat. The backscattering coefficient. consequently, appeared to be lower in sand flat and mix flat with decrease of soil moisture. In contrast, most mud flats were distributed at high elevation so that soil moisture was not much influenced by seawater. The backscattering coefficient in mud flat seemed to have a relationship with the density of tidal channel. In addition, lowering backscattering coefficients in the all Ganghwa tidal flat was observed when surface remnant water increased according to the amount of rainfall. The correlation between backscattering coefficient, coherence and sediment environment factors in the Ganghwa tidal flat was investigated. In the future, more quantitative spatial analysis will be helpful to well understand the sedimentary influence of various sediment environment factors.

Characteristics of Metal Distribution in the Sediment in Kyeonggi Bay, Korea (경기만 퇴적물의 중금속 분포 특성)

  • Lee, Jong-Hyeon;Yi, Jung-Suk;Kim, Bum-Su;Lee, Chang-Bok;Koh, Chul-Hwan
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 1998
  • This paper reports the sediment geochemistry and its relation to the grain size distribution in Kyeonggi Bay, Korea. Sediment samples were collected from 90 stations during the cruise crossing the bay in December 1995. Variables investigated were the sediment grain size, organic carbon content, and concentrations of AI, Fe, Mn, V, Co, Ni, Cr, Zn and Cu in the sediment. We followed the change in these variables by comparing the data obtained from this region in 1981. Distribution pattern of sediment grain size was modified from that in 1981 in some places. Near the Shihwa Dike which was completed in 1994, sediment had got finer grained. Sediment facies changed from fine to mixed facies near Youngjong Island where the tidal flat has been reclaimed for airport construction. Contents of organic matter and metals in the sediment were mostly dependent upon the sediment grain size, but an exception was found in the harbor area. The sediment in the Incheon North Harbor showed higher accumulation of organic matter and metals such as Ni, Cr, Zn and Cu.

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Phosphorus Phases in the Surface Sediment of the South Sea (남해 표층 퇴적물에서의 인의 존재상)

  • SON Jaekyung;LEE Tongsup;YANG Han Soeb
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.680-687
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    • 1999
  • To understand the role of shelf sediment in phosphorus biogeochemical cycle, we carried out sequential sediment extraction (SEDEX) of P and porewater analysis on 14 core samples collected in the South Sea of Korea, SEDEX classified P-pools into 5 phases and results are grouped into two categories: reactive P (loosely sorbed-P and Fe bound-P) and refractory P (detrital inorganic-p, authigenic mineral-P and organic-P). Total P concentrations are decreased with sediment depth in all samples as a result of dissolution to porewater. Reactive P comprises about $20\~50\%$ of total P, and iron bound-P is the major form consisting $70\~80\%$ of reactive P-pool. Iron bound-P decreases sharply with depth. Depth profiles of dissolved P concentration in porewater show mirror image of iron bound-P, revealing the role of FeOOH as a regulator of reactive P supply to overlying water column. Authigenic mineral-P consists less than $5\%$ of total P, thus removal of reactive P by converting into refractory P seems inefficient in shelf sediment. This implies that continental shelf sediment sequesters P temporarily rather than permanently. Results show local variation. Nakdong estuary receiving large amount of terrigenous input shows the highest concentration of total P and reactive P. Here iron oxyhydroxides at the surface sediment control the water column flux of P from sediment. Although total P content at the surface is comparable (500$\~$600 ${\mu}g{\cdot}g^{-1}$) between the South Sea and East China Sea, the former contains more iron bound-P and less derital inorganic-P than the latter. Reasons for the difference seem due in part to particle texture, and to biological productivity which depends roughly on the distance from land.

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High-resolution Echo Facies Analysis of Sedimentary Deposits around Dok-Island Volcanoes (독도 화산군 주변 퇴적층의 고해상 탄성파상 분석)

  • Lee, Yong-Kuk;Han, Sang-Joon;Yoon, Seok-Hoon
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.103-113
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    • 2001
  • This study presents Quaternary sedimentation pattern around Dok-Island volcanoes (Dok Island and Dok Seamount), based on analysis of high-resolution (chirp) echo characters. Echo facies If, showing sharp, continuous bottom echo without subbottom reflectors, is recorded mainly from the flat tops of the volcanoes. This facies indicates sands and gravels (re) deposited by shallow marine processes. Echo facies IIA in the basin floor and basal slopes of the volcanoes and Oki Bank is characterized by semi-prolonged bottom and several parallel subbottom echoes. This facies reflects hemipelagic settling with intermittent influences of turbidity currents in the slope areas. Echo facies IIC is recorded from acoustically-transparent debrite masses on the basal slopes of the volcanoes and Oki Bank. Echo facies IIIA is characterized by irregular hyperbolic echoes in the slope areas of the volcanoes. It suggests hard rock basement or irregular volcanic edifices. Echo facies IIIC shows regularly-overlapping hyperbolic bottom echoes. It is interpreted to represent rock-fall deposits (talus) accumulated in the mid-slope area. Echo characters and topography suggest that the tops of Dok-Island volcanoes were flattened and lowered by shallow-marine erosional processes. The eroded sediments were transported to and deposited in the base of slope and basin plain mainly by debris flows and turbidity currents along submarine canyons and valleys.

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Characteristics Variation of the Sedimentary Environment in Winter Season around the Baramarae Beach of Anmyeondo Using Surface Sediment Analysis (표층퇴적물 분석을 통한 동계 안면도 바람아래해수욕장 주변의 퇴적환경 변화특성)

  • JANG, Dong-Ho;KIM, Jang-Soo;PARK, No-Wook
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.15-27
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    • 2010
  • This study investigated the sedimentary environment changes in the Baramarae beach of Anmyeondo through spatio-temporal surface sediment analysis. In the winter season 2009, surface sediments were classified into 7 sedimentary facies such as gravel, sand, gravelly sand, gravelly muddy sand, muddy sand, silty sand, and sandy silt. Time-series analysis of average grain size from 2002 to 2009 revealed that the average grain size of sediments became finer and sorting was much worse. On the contrary, during the same period, the grain size became coarsening-trend and sorting was much better in beach area. These different grain size patterns resulted from the different change characteristics of beach and tidal flats. The southwestern beach area was connected to the open sea and thus fine sediments were removed by the environments with relatively high-energy. The sedimentation of fine sediments in the bay resulted from the tidal current action and the reduction of energy by the topographic effects. Fine sediments in the outer part of southwestern tidal flats could be explained such that the Seomot isle blocked ocean waves and as a result, low-energy environments accelerated sedimentations of fine sediments.

Geochemical Composition and Provenance of Surface Sediments in the Western Part of Jeju Island, Korea (제주도 서부해역 표층퇴적물의 지화학적 조성과 기원 연구)

  • Youn, Jeung-Su;Kim, Tae-Joung
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.328-340
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    • 2008
  • To discriminate the provenance of shelf sediments in the western part off Jeju Island, the textual and elemental compositions were analyzed and compared with the sediments originating from Changjiang and Huanghe Rivers of China and the Korean (Keum) River. The sediments in the study area are composed of coarse silt with a mean pain size of $3.6{\sim}8.5{\phi}$ and their $CaCO_3$ contents ranged from 0.92 to 9.75 wt.%. The ratios of TOC over total nitrogen (TN) showed that the study area sediments contained more organic matters of marine origin than those of terrigenous origin. The high concentration of Fe/Al, Ti/Al and Mn/Al figures were found in the southwestern part near the Changjiang esturay, indicating that it seemed to result from the influence of the Changjiang River. The discrimination diagrams including Sc/Al vs Cr/Th, Th/Sc vs Nb/Co and Ti/Nb vs Th/Sc were thus used as provenance indicators to identify the sediment origins of the western part off Jeju Island. Based on these discriminated diagrams it clearly showed that most of the sediment in the western part were originated from the Huanghe River, but the sediments in the southwestern part near the Changjiang esturay might come from the Changjiang River. In contrast, the sediment samples of the northeastern part showed the higher figures than those of the river sediments and other regions, suggesting that the sediments in the western part off Jeju Island must be originated from diverse sources.

Sedimentary Emvironments of the Gwangyang Bay, Southern Coast of Korea (光陽灣의 堆積環境에 관한 硏究)

  • Park, Yong Ahn;Lee, Chang-Bok;Choi, Jin Hyuk
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.82-88
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    • 1984
  • The Gwangyang Bay, southern coast of Korea, is characterized by its semi-enclosed basin morphology and mesotidal regime. The Seomjin River, in particular, has a complex delta depositional system at its mouth, which has approximately 44$\textrm{km}^2$ in the total surface area. Various sedimentary environments, such as delta, intertidal flat, subtidal zone and major tidal channels are recognized based on sediment facies and depositional regime. However, the essential intertidal flat environments are developed mainly in the western parts of the bay which is generally low in energy, i, e. tidal current and wave action.

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Distribution of Some Metallic Elements in Surface Sediments of the Southeastern Yellow Sea. (황해 남동해역 표층퇴적물 중 수종 금속원소의 분포 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 이창복;정회수
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 1992
  • Ninety-seven surface sediment samples, collected from the southeastern part of the Yellow Sea, were analyzed for their contents of five metallic elements, including Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu and Pb as well as their grain-size and calcium carbonate content. The result showed a contrasting behaviour among the five metallic elements. with respect to their relationship with the sediment grain0size. contents of nickel and copper demonstrated a fairly linear relationship with the pediment grain-size whereas those of manganese and lead did not. This different behaviour in these metals was interpreted as being the result of the anthropogenic inputs (for Pb) and modification during the early diagenesis (for Mn). The R0mode factor analysis result also confirmed the different behaviour of manganese and lead from that of copper and nickel. Based on this different behaviour in metals the (Mn+Pb)/(Cu+Ni) ratio was suggested as a possible criterion for distinguishing the fine sediments in the study area, which originated from two different source area. China and Korea.

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Geochemical Characteristics of the Outer-Shelf Muddy Sediments in the East China Sea (동중국해 외대륙붕해역 니질퇴적물의 지화학적 특성)

  • Youn, Jeung-Su;Byun, Jong-Cheol;Kim, Yeo-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.198-208
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    • 2006
  • To investigate the provenance of outer-shelf mud patch in the East China Sea, the geochemical compositions were analyzed and compared with those of Chinese rivers sediments. The mud sedimentary facies are distributed in the central region and sandy mud facies are also widely distributed around the study area. The major elements (Fe, Mg, K, Ti, and Mn) show strong positive correlation with Al, and trace elements also indicate the same characteristics; hence, clay minerals are likely to be the promising host for those elements. The high concentration of Fe, Ti, and Mn elements are found in the western middle part near the Changjiang estuary, indicating that it seems to result from the influence of the Changjiang River. Elemental ratios including Sc/Al, Ti/Nb, Th/Sc, Cr/Th, Nb/Co, and Th/U were thus used as provenance indicators to identify the sediment origins of the East China Sea. The discrimination diagrams clearly show that most of the sediment in the northern part are originated from the Huanghe River, while the muddy sediments in the western part near the Changjiang estuary might come from the Changjiang River, suggesting that the outer-shelf muddy sediments of East China Sea are originated from diverse sources.

Seismic Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Environment of the Dukjuk-Do Sand Ridge in Western Gyeonggi Bay, Korea (경기만 서부 덕적도 사퇴의 탄성파층서 및 퇴적환경 연구)

  • Lee, Yoon-Oh;Choi, Sang-Il;Jeong, Gyo-Cheol
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.9-21
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    • 2014
  • We examined high-resolution seismic data, side scan sonar data, surface sediments, and vibrocore samples from a sand ridge off the western part of Dukjuk-Do in Gyeonggi Bay, with the aim of interpretation of seismic stratigraphy and sedimentary environment. Based on the seismic data, the deposited sands are divided into three sedimentary units. 14C age data indicate that the top sequence (sequence I) formed at 5000-6000 yr BP, when a transgression resulted in strong shifting tides. Analyses of the vibrocore samples indicate that sequence II is a paleo-mudflat layer of intertidal sediments dominated by mud. Sequence III consists of terrestrial sediments that are presumed to have been deposited at the end of the Pleistocene, unconformably overlying the acoustic bedrock and Mesozoic granite. The side scan sonar data indicate that sand waves were formed on the seabed on top of the sand ridge. Generally, this is the direction of $N20^{\circ}E$, which coincides with the direction of tidal flow. Sand ripples occur away from the top of the sand ridge and are distributed homogeneously across a sandy slope. Vibrocore analyses indicate that the surface sediments and core sediments (samples VC-1, -2, and -3) are homogeneous, without any internal structures, and are characterized by a mixture of medium and fine sand (1-$2{\phi}$), respectively.