• Title/Summary/Keyword: 포장콘크리트

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Evaluation of Pavement Rehabilitation Using Precast Concrete Slabs and Slab Connection methods (보수용 조립식 콘크리트 포장 적용성 및 슬래브 접합 방식 분석)

  • Cho, Young-Kyo;Oh, Han-Jin;Hwang, Ju-Hwan;Kim, Seong-Min;Park, Sung-Ki
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.165-174
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of expedite repairing of concrete pavements using precast concrete pavement method and to investigate the effectiveness of slab connection methods. In the demonstration construction, four slabs of jointed concrete pavements were replaced with the precast slabs. First, precast concrete slabs were designed and fabricated, then existing slabs were cut and removed, and finally precast slabs were installed. The slabs were leveled and pockets, holes, and space between the slab bottom and the underlying layer were grouted. From the demonstration construction, details about the design and construction of the precast pavements for repairing of pavements were evaluated. In addition, the slab connection methods such as pocket and hole connection methods were applied in the construction and the slab curling behaviors at the joints that include those connection methods were compared. The results showed that both slab connection methods were applicable, and the hole connection method was superior.

Joint Behavior of Concrete Pavements Using Joint Crack Inducer (줄눈균열 유도장치를 사용한 콘크리트 포장의 줄눈거동)

  • Park, Moon Gil;Choi, Ki Hyo;Nam, Young Kug;Jeong, Jin Hoon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.1D
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2008
  • Joint of concrete pavement contributes to improvement of pavement performance by preventing occurrence of random cracking due to drying shrinkage and temperature changes of concrete slabs at early age. However, saw-cutting operations performed prior to sufficient concrete hardening develop micro-cracking of the concrete near the joints, which may develop to long-term distresses due to repetitious traffic and environmental loadings. To reduce the distresses, the joint crack inducers with heights of 100 mm, 150 mm, and 220 mm and the joint cracking slots with various depth were installed at a test section to investigate occurrence of the joint cracks and their behaviors over 5 months. As the results, higher efficiency of the crack inducing and larger behavior of the joint cracks were observed for the taller joint crack inducer. Higher efficiency of the crack inducing and improvement of the joint performance are warranted by additional investigation and reformation of the joint crack inducer.

A Study on the Application of Very Rapid Hardening Acrylic Polymer Modified Concrete for Bonded Concrete Overlay Method (접착식 콘크리트 덧씌우기 공법을 위한 초속경 아크릴계 폴리머 개질 콘크리트의 적용성 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Woo;Kim, Young-Kyu;Lee, Poong-Hee
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2011
  • Asphalt concrete overlay method is used by general maintenance and rehabilitation of construction for aged concrete pavement in Korea. However, in case of the AC overlay method to extend service life of the existing concrete pavements, various distresses of reflection crack, pothole and rutting are the typical problems of the asphalt overlay on existing concrete pavement since it has different physical characteristics between asphalt overlay and existing concrete pavement. To achieve this, application of concrete overlay method is required instead of AC overlay method. Concrete overlay method has advantages that can reduce maintenance cycle and costs since it has excellent bearing value for heavy vehicles and no rutting. However, technical problems of detour road construction, traffic control and other disadvantages happened by long curing time. Thus, in this study and experimental research were launched to evaluate the workability, durability and resistance against environmental loading of Very Rapid Hardening Acrylic Polymer Modified Concrete(VRH-APMC) for application of bonded concrete overlay method. Test results showed that the compressive and bond strength were exceed 21MPa and 1.4MPa of target strength after four hours for rapid traffic opening properties. And tests of resistance against environmental loading results showed that VRH-APMC secured excellent durability. Thus, it was known that VRH-APMC was suitable material for large scale bonded concrete overlay method, and it was possible to use maintenance and rehabilitation method which needs enough workability and rapid traffic opening.

Mechanical Properties of Porous Concrete For Pavement Using Recycled Aggregate and Polymer (재생골재와 폴리머를 이용한 포장용 포러스 콘크리트의 역학적 특성)

  • Park Seung-Bum;Yoon Eui-Sik;Seo Dae-Seuk;Lee Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.17 no.4 s.88
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    • pp.595-602
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to utilize recycled concrete aggregates as permeable pavement materials. This study evaluates mechanical properties and durability of porous concrete depending on mixing rates of recycled aggregates and polyme. As a result, void ratio and permeability coefficient of porous concrete for pavement increased a little as mixing rate of recycled aggregates increased. Void ratio and permeability coefficient increased a lot as mixing rate of polymer increased. As polymer was mixed $20\%$, national regulation of permeable concrete for pavement($8\%$ and 0.01cm/sec) was met. Compressive strength and flexural strength decreased as mixing rate of recycled aggregates increased but they increased a lot as mixing rate of polymer increased. Even when recycled aggregates were mixed $75\%\;with\;10\%$ polymer mixed, national regulation of pavement concrete(18MPa and 4.5MPa) was met. In addition, regarding sliding resistance, BPN increased as mixing rate of recycled aggregates increased. But BPN decreased as polymer was mixed. Compared to crushed stone aggregates, abrasion resistance and freeze-thaw resistance decreased as mixing rate of recycled aggregates Increased. When polymer was mixed, abrasion resistance and freeze-thaw resistance improved remarkably. Compared to non-mixture, $10\%$ mixture of polymer improved abrasion resistance and freeze-thaw resistance about $8.6\%$ and 3.8times respectively.