• Title/Summary/Keyword: 평면 압축

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A Depth-map Coding Method using the Adaptive XOR Operation (적응적 배타적 논리합을 이용한 깊이정보 맵 코딩 방법)

  • Kim, Kyung-Yong;Park, Gwang-Hoon
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.274-292
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    • 2011
  • This paper proposes an efficient coding method of the depth-map which is different from the natural images. The depth-map are so smooth in both inner parts of the objects and background, but it has sharp edges on the object-boundaries like a cliff. In addition, when a depth-map block is decomposed into bit planes, the characteristic of perfect matching or inverted matching between bit planes often occurs on the object-boundaries. Therefore, the proposed depth-map coding scheme is designed to have the bit-plane unit coding method using the adaptive XOR method for efficiently coding the depth-map images on the object-boundary areas, as well as the conventional DCT-based coding scheme (for example, H.264/AVC) for efficiently coding the inside area images of the objects or the background depth-map images. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm improves the average bit-rate savings as 11.8 % ~ 20.8% and the average PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio) gains as 0.9 dB ~ 1.5 dB in comparison with the H.264/AVC coding scheme. And the proposed algorithm improves the average bit-rate savings as 7.7 % ~ 12.2 % and the average PSNR gains as 0.5 dB ~ 0.8 dB in comparison with the adaptive block-based depth-map coding scheme. It can be confirmed that the proposed method improves the subjective quality of synthesized image using the decoded depth-map in comparison with the H.264/AVC coding scheme. And the subjective quality of the proposed method was similar to the subjective quality of the adaptive block-based depth-map coding scheme.

Color Pixel Selection For Color Image Compression Using Intensity Variation (색상 이미지 압축을 위한 밝기 변화량 기반의 색상 픽셀 선택)

  • Hyun, Dae-Young;Lee, Sang-Uk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2011.07a
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    • pp.589-591
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    • 2011
  • 채색화 기법은 일부 픽셀의 색상 정보를 이용하여 흑백의 이미지에 색상 정보를 추가하는 기법이다. 이러한 채색화 기법을 기반으로한 색상 이미지 압축기법들이 연구되고 있다. 색상 평면에서 대표적인 픽셀들을 소스 픽셀로 자동적으로 선택하고, 이 소스 픽셀들의 위치와 색상 정보만을 디코더에 압축하여 전송한다. 본 논문에서는 밝기 변화량을 이용하여 소스 픽셀의 위치를 결정함으로써, 디코더에서도 동일한 작업으로 소스 픽셀의 위치를 결정할 수 있다. 따라서 소스 픽셀에 대한 위치정보를 전송하기 위한 비트량을 줄임으로써 압축 효율을 높였다. 제안알고리듬은 디코더에서 색상정보의 복원에 이용하는 채색화 기법의 특성에 맞추어서 밝기가 평평하고 넓은 영역에서 먼저 소스픽셀을 선택하여, 이웃의 비슷한 밝기를 가지는 픽셀에 대한 색상 정보를 효율적으로 압축한다.

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Stress-Strain Characteristics of Weathered Granite Soil in Plane Strain Test (평면변형시험을 이용한 화강풍화토의 응력-변형률 특성)

  • Kim, You-Seong;Lee, Jin-Kwang;Kim, Jae-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2014
  • Geotechnical structures have been analyzed and constructed in various geometry conditions to maintain their stability in accordance with the characteristics of construction design. Shear strengths are generally obtained from triaxial test to apply to design analysis. Geotechnical structures under strip loading, such as earth dam, embankment, and retaining wall, have the strain in a direction, and plane strain condition. Thus, an approximate shear strengths should be applied for stability analysis suitable to ground condition. When applying shear strengths obtained from triaxial tests for slope stability analysis, the evaluation of it may underestimate the factor of safety because the implementation is not suitable for geometry condition. The paper compares shear strengths obtained from triaxial test and plane strain test based on various relative densities using weathered granite soils. Additionally, yield stress is determined by maximum axial strain 15% in triaxial test because of continuous kinematic hardening, but plane strain test can determine a failure point in critical state to evaluate the shear strengths of soils at the second plastic hardening step. This study proposes to perform an appropriate test for many geotechnical problems with plane strain condition.

Consolidated Undrained Triaxial on Cubical Compression and Plane Clay Specimen (입방체 점토시료에 대한 압밀 비배수 삼축압축 및 평면변헝률 시험)

  • 박경기;이강일
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.41-54
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    • 1994
  • This study aims at investigating the mechanism and operation of cubical triaxial test developed by Lade in order to obtain analysis on the clayey foundation deformation. A comparison on deviator stress, pore water pressure and stress path is made between test results of clay using the cubical consolidated undrained test as well as plane strain test.

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Improved Adapting a Single Network to Multiple Tasks By Bit Plane Slicing and Dithering (향상된 비트 평면 분할을 통한 다중 학습 통합 신경망 구축)

  • Bae, Joon-ki;Bae, Sung-ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2020.07a
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    • pp.643-646
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    • 2020
  • 본 논문에서는 직전 연구였던 비트 평면 분할과 디더링을 통한 다중 학습 통합 신경망 구축에서의 한계점을 분석하고, 향상시킨 방법을 제시한다. 통합 신경망을 구축하는 방법에 대해 최근까지 시도되었던 방법들은 신경망을 구성하는 가중치(weight)나 층(layer)를 공유하거나 태스크 별로 구분하는 것들이 있다. 이와 같은 선상에서 본 연구는 더 작은 단위인 가중치의 비트 평면을 태스크 별로 할당하여 보다 효율적인 통합 신경망을 구축한다. 실험은 이미지 분류 문제에 대해 수행하였다. 대중적인 신경망 구조인 ResNet18 에 대해 적용한 결과 데이터셋 CIFAR10 과 CIFAR100 에서 이론적인 압축률 50%를 달성하면서 성능 저하가 거의 발견되지 않았다.

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Hardware Implementation of Real-Time Blind Watermarking by Substituting Bitplanes of Wavelet DC Coefficients (웨이블릿 DC 계수의 비트평면 치환방법에 의한 실시간 블라인드 워터마킹 및 하드웨어 구현)

  • 서영호;김동욱
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.3C
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    • pp.398-407
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, a blind watermarking method which is suitable to the video compression using 2-D discrete wavelet transform was proposed and implemented into the hardware using VHDL(VHSIC Hardware Description Language). The goal of the proposed watermarking algorithm is the authentication about the manipulation of the watermark embedded image and the detection of the error positions. Considering the compressed video image, the proposed watermarking scheme is unrelated to the quantization and is able to concurrently embed or extract the watermark. We experimentally verified that the lowest frequency subband(LL4) is not sensitive to the change in the spatial domain, so LL4 subband was selected for the mark space. And the combination of the bitplanes which has the properties of both the minimum degradation of the image and the robustness was chosen as the embedded Point in the mark space in LL4 subband. Since we know the watermark embedded positions and the watermark is embedded by not varying the value but changing the value, the watermark can be extracted without the original image. Also, for the security when exposing the watermark embedded position, we embed the encrypted watermark by the block cipher. The proposed watermark algorithm shows the robustness against the general image manipulation and is easily transplanted into the image or video compressor with the minimal changing in the structure. The designed hardware has 4037 LABs(24%) and 85 ESBs(3%) in APEX20KC EP20K400CF672C7 FPGA of Altera and stably operates in 82MHz clock frequency.

A Still Image Compression System with a High Quality Text Compression Capability (고 품질 텍스트 압축 기능을 지원하는 정지영상 압축 시스템)

  • Lee, Je-Myung;Lee, Ho-Suk
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.275-302
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    • 2007
  • We propose a novel still image compression system which supports a high quality text compression function. The system segments the text from the image and compresses the text with a high quality. The system shows 48:1 high compression ratio using context-based adaptive binary arithmetic coding. The arithmetic coding performs the high compression by the codeblocks in the bitplane. The input of the system consists of a segmentation mode and a ROI(Region Of Interest) mode. In segmentation mode, the input image is segmented into a foreground consisting of text and a background consisting of the remaining region. In ROI mode, the input image is represented by the region of interest window. The high quality text compression function with a high compression ratio shows that the proposed system can be comparable with the JPEG2000 products. This system also uses gray coding to improve the compression ratio.

A Stusy on the Coupled Vibration of Train Wheel and Pail - Dynamic Characteristics of Train Wheel with the Stepped Thickness - (車輪과 鐵路의 連成振動에 관한 硏究)

  • 김광식;박민태
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 1987
  • This study is a part of the research on the coupled vibration of train wheel with the stepped thickness and rail. The research was conducted for the purpose of examining the dynamic characteristics of train wheel at the running state and preventing the vibrations of the high speed railway. The stress at the boundary surface of web and rim, .sigma.$_{c}$, was analyzed in consideration of the uniform In-plane compressive stress depending on the conditions of rolling and the In-plane compressive stress depending on the rotation of train wheel. Then the equation of transverse vibration of the annular plate with the stepped thickness was analyzed by Rayleigh-Ritz's method. As a result of study, it was known that the rotational speed increase the natural frequency slightly and the acceleration level highly while the reaction force between train wheel and rail decrease the natural frequency linearly and the critical buckling is generated at n=1.

Intermediate Principal Stress Dependency in Strength of Transversely Isotropic Mohr-Coulomb Rock (평면이방성 Mohr-Coulomb 암석 강도의 중간주응력 의존성)

  • Lee, Youn-Kyou
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.383-391
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    • 2013
  • A number of true triaxial tests on rock samples have been conducted since the late 1960 and their results strongly suggest that the intermediate principal stress has a considerable effect on rock strength. Based on these experimental evidence, various 3-D rock failure criteria accounting for the effect of the intermediate principal stress have been proposed. Most of the 3-D failure criteria, however, are focused on the phenomenological description of the rock strength from the true triaxial tests, so that the associated strength parameters have little physical meaning. In order to confirm the likelihood that the intermediate principal stress dependency of rock strength is related to the presence of weak planes and their distribution to the preferred orientation, true triaxial tests are simulated with the transversely isotropic rock model. The conventional Mohr-Coulomb criterion is extended to its anisotropic version by incorporating the concept of microstructure tensor. With the anisotropic Mohr-Coulomb criterion, the critical plane approach is applied to calculate the strength of the transversely isotropic rock model and the orientation of the fracture plane. This investigation hints that the spatial distribution of microstructural planes with respect to the principal stress triad is closely related to the intermediate principal stress dependency of rock strength.