• Title/Summary/Keyword: 페놀물질

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Physiological Activities of Dried Persimmon, Fresh Persimmon and Persimmon Leaves (곶감, 생감 및 감잎 추출물의 생리활성 효과)

  • Hong, Jung-Hee;Kim, Hyun-Jeong;Choi, Yong-Hwa;Lee, In-Seon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.37 no.8
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    • pp.957-964
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    • 2008
  • Antioxidative, antidiabetes, antibacterial, anticancer and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activities of methanol extracts of dried persimmon, fresh persimmon and persimmon leaves were investigated. Total polyphenol content of dried persimmon, fresh persimmon and persimmon leaves were 147.79, 301.45 and $315.90\;{\mu}g/mg$, respectively, of which fresh persimmon and persimmon leaves had significantly higher total polyphenol than dried persimmon. Activities of DPPH radical scavenging, lipid peroxidation inhibition and salivary $\alpha$-amylase inhibition were increased in persimmon leaves related to total polyphenol contents. Anticancer activities against AGS of fresh persimmon and persimmon leaves were $65{\sim}70%$; however, there were no significant differences between dried persimmon and fresh persimmon on free radical scavenging activity and inhibitory activity of salivary $\alpha$-amylase. Also, extracts of dried persimmon, fresh persimmon and persimmon leaves showed good ACE inhibitory activities. Dried persimmon and fresh persimmon showed antibacterial activities on E.coli O157:H7. Therefore, there are many difference activities by dried and parts of persimmon. From this result, it is suggested that persimmon leaves is believed to have possible antioxidative, antidiabetes and anticancer capacities by polyphenol, but further studies on the identification of the active compound(s) as antioxidant, antidiabetic, antihypertensive and antibacterial materials will be needed to develop a better understanding of its potency on persimmons.

The Roles of Dietary Polyphenols in Brain Neuromodulation (뇌 신경조절에서의 식이 폴리페놀 화합물의 역할)

  • Lee, Hyeyoung;Lee, Heeseob
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.28 no.11
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    • pp.1386-1395
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    • 2018
  • Over recent years, it has become evident that the central nervous system bidirectionally interacts with the gastrointestinal tract along the gut-brain axis. A series of preclinical studies indicate that the gut microbiota can modulate central nervous system function through a multitude of physiological functions. Polyphenols are ubiquitous plant chemicals included in foods such as fruits, vegetables, tea, coffee and wine, and their consumption is directly responsible for beneficial health effects due to antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, anticancer, vasodilating, and prebiotic-like effects. There is increasing evidence that dietary polyphenol can contribute to beneficial effects in neuronal protection acting against oxidative stress and inflammatory injury as well as in cognitive functions. In this paper, we overview the neuroprotective role of dietary polyphenols especially focusing on the neuroinflammation and neurovascular function by interaction with the gut microbiome. Polyphenol metabolites could directly act as neurotransmitters crossing the blood-brain barrier and modulating the cerebrovascular system or indirectly modulating gut microbiota. In addition, evidence suggests that dietary polyphenols are effective in preventing and managing neurological disorders, such as age-related cognitive decline and neurodegeneration, through a multitude of physiological functions. Dietary polyphenols are increasingly envisaged as a potential nutraceuticals in the prevention and treatment of neurological disorders, because they possess the ability to reduce neuroinflammation, to improve memory and cognitive function and to modulate the gut microbiota.

Radical Scavenging Activities and Antioxidant Constituents of Oriental Melon Extract (참외 추출물의 라디칼소거활성과 항산화 성분)

  • Kim, Hye-Suk;Hong, Mi-Jeong;Kang, In-Yeong;Jung, Ji-Youn;Kim, Hye-Kyung;Shin, Yong-Seub;Jun, Ha-Joon;Suh, Jun-Kyu;Kang, Young-Hwa
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.442-447
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    • 2009
  • Extracts from various parts of oriental melon were obtained and antioxidant property and antioxidant constituents including total phenol, total flavonoid, total vitamin C were examined. Free radical scavenging activity was measured by DPPH and ABTS method. Peel part of oriental melon showed the most potent scavenging activities against DPPH and ABTS radicals. The contents of total phenol, total flavonoid in peel were higher than other parts except vitamin C. The amount of vitamin C was the highest in placenta. The relationship between antioxidant activities and antioxidant constituents was determined and showed higher correlation coefficients between antioxidant activities and content of total phenol than other constituents. The above results suggest that phenolic compounds affect antioxidant activity of oriental melon and oriental melon has a good promise as functional food for enhancing health.

Analysis of Antioxidant Nutrients in Green Yellow Vegetable Juice (녹즙의 항산화 영양성분 분석)

  • Chung, So-Yong;Kim, Hyeon-Wee;Yoon, Sun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.880-886
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    • 1999
  • The present study was attempted to investigate the contents of antioxidant nutrients in green juice of Angelica keiskei, kale, carrot, celery, cucumber. All 5 green juice were found to contain antioxidant nutrients such as ${\beta}-carotene$, vitamin E, vitamin C, Se, Cu, Mn, Zn and phenols. ${\beta}-carotene$ contents of carrot, kale, Angelica keiskei, celery and cucumber juice were 5909.0, 3285.3, 1398.4, 176.7 and 61.4 mg/l00 g, respectively. ${\alpha}-tocopherol$ contents of 5 green juices were $0.04{\sim}1.41$ mg/l00 g. Kale juice had highest ${\alpha}-tocopherol$ and celery juice contained lowest, kale juice also contained highest vitamin C (105.1 mg/l00 g) and Angelica keiskei, cucumber, celery and carrot had vitamin C contents of 31.4, 9.3, 7.5 and 5.2 mg/l00 g, respectively. Angelica keiskei had highest amount of antioxidant minerals among the sample such as Cu (0.40 mg/l00 g), Mn (0.5 mg/l00 g), Zn (0.24 mg/l00 g), Se $(0.61\;{\mu}g/kg)$. Kale was the second best source of antioxidant minerals which were Cu (0.45 mg/l00 g), Mn (0.22 mg/l00 g), Zn (0.24 mg/l00 g), Se $(0.33\;{\mu}g/kg)$. However, celery and cucumber were poor in antioxidant minerals. Total phenolic contents of 5 green juices were $0.01\;{\sim}0.05%$, kale juice also had highest total phenolics among the samples.

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Changes in Carbohydrate, Phenolics and Polyamines of Pepper Plants under Elevated-UV-B Radiation (자외선 조사에 의한 고추 유묘의 탄수화물 합성과 항산화물질 변화)

  • Sung, Jwa-Kyung;Lee, Su-Yeon;Park, Jae-Hong;Lee, Sang-Min;Lee, Yong-Hwan;Choi, Du-Hoi;Kim, Tae-Wan;Song, Beom-Heon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 2008
  • Pepper plants (Capsicum annuum, cv. Manitta) were subjected to different intensities of UV-B radiation to understand alterations of primary- and secondary-metabolism such as carbohydrates, phenolic compounds and polyamines. UV-B doses with a UV-B lamp ($1.2W\;m^{-2}$) were adjusted between 0 to 9 hr. The soluble sugars and starch contents in pepper leaves were highly influenced by UV-B treatment. The soluble sugars altered from $6.7mg\;g^{-1}\;fw$ to $5.2mg\;g^{-1}\;fw$ after 9 hrs of UV-B exposure. The starch contents after 3 hrs of UV-B exposure changed from $17.7mg\;g^{-1}\;fw$ to $12.3mg\;g^{-1}\;fw$ and then remained unchanged. The absorbance of UV-absorbing compounds reached initially maximum at all wavelengths read. On the basis of this result, we analyzed total phenolics, anthocyanin and simple free phenolic acids. Anthocyanin and free phenolic acids responded sensitively with a steady increase during UV-B treatment, although anthocyanin contents declined highly after 3 hrs of treatment. Whereas, there is no alteration of total phenolics (as gallic acid equivalent) caused by UV-B. Free polyamine levels in leaves increased rapidly and highly when UV-B was treated. The most prominent changes in polyamine induction were putrescine and spermidine (+ 70 %) after 3 hrs and spermine (+ 150 %) after 6 hrs.

Toxicogenomic Analysis of Bacteria and Medaka Fish in Response to Environmental Toxic Chemicals

  • Gu Man-Bock
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Bioinformatics Conference
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    • 2006.02a
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    • pp.116-123
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    • 2006
  • 생물체의 cDNA를 유리기판위에 고밀도로 첨착 시킨 유전자 칩과 정량적인 방법으로 개별 유전자 발현을 진단 가능한 Real- time PCR (실시간 고분자중합연쇄반응 기술) 기법은 첨단 의학분야와 신약개발 및 독성유전체 연구분야에 활발히 도입되고 있는 기술이다. 본 발표의 첫 번째 부분에서는 유전자칩 에서 얻어진 유전자 발현패턴분석에 기반한 바이오마커 선정 및 real time PCR에 의한 확증 관련 기술 과 유전자칩에서 얻어지는 수많은 데이터를 재정렬 및 다양한 분석기법과 display기술을 활용하여 광범위한 화학물질에 대한 독성효과 분석을 가능하게 해주며, 특정 독성물질에 대한 관련유전자 그룹 발견 및 독성영향에 따른 분류방법에 관한 결과를 발표할 것이다. 또한 바이오마커 활용의 하나로 박테리아세포 기반 바이오센서 제작및 세포칩 개발등에 대한 결과도 추가될 것이다. 두 번째 부분에서는 non-model organism(유전체정보가 확보되지 않은 생물체)인 송사리를 이용하여 새로운 2K 유전자칩을 개발하고, 여기서 각종 화학물질에 대하여 얻어진 수많은 유전자칩 분석 데이타를 활용하여 각각의 화학물질이 보여주는 독성효과를 매우 효과적이고 쉽게 이해할 수 있는 display기술을 개발, 적용함으로써 유전자칩 발현에 기반한 화학물질 독성 screening 및 specificity discrimination을 가능케 하는 예가 발표될 것이다. 이 연구에서 개발한 송사리 유전자칩은 간조직의 RNA를 직접 cDNA화 하는 방식을 취하고 있어 전체 송사리의 유전정보를 필요로 하지 않아 비용 및 효율에서 전체 송사리의 유전정보를 얻는 비용과 노력을 취하지 않고 간에서 발생하는 독성학적 영향 및 유전자의 발현정도를 정밀하고 효율적인 방법으로 얻어 낸다. 현재 2000여개의 cDNA유전자중 50%이상의 유전자가 17베타에스트라디올, 페놀, 노닐페놀, 비스페놀, 감마레이조사, 잔류약품중 이보프란, 다이클로펜악, 농약중의 파라???R, 돌연변이 유발물질 중의 이티비알, 금속류중의 카드뮴을 통해 발현양상과 특정 캐미칼별 발현 특이성이 조사되었고, 이들 유전자는 염기서열 분석을 통해 염기서열이 분석되었으며, 미국 NCBI의 유전자 은행과의 비교를 통해 일부유전자는 새로운 유전자로 밝혀지고 있다. 또한 이 발표에서는 소염진통제계열 의약품인 dichlofenac 이 송사리의 각종 조직에 미치는 독성영향을 Real-time PCR을 이용하여 대표적 스트레스 유전자의 발현에 미치는 영향에 대한 분석 예가 발표될 것이다.

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Comparison of Antioxidant Effects of Different Korean Pear Species (종에 따른 배나무 열매의 항산화 활성 비교)

  • Lee, Cheol-Hee;Shin, So-Lim;Kim, Na-Rae;Hwang, Ju-Kwang
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.253-259
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    • 2011
  • In this studies, contents and activities of antioxidative substances in the fruits of a pear cultivar and five Korean wild pear lines were investigated. The content of total phenolic compounds was highest with Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta "Shingo" (7.68 $mg{\cdot}g^{-1}$, D.W.) while total flavonoids was highest with P. ussuriensis var. acidula (5.66 $mg{\cdot}g^{-1}$, D.W.). The contents of total polyphenols and flavonoids varied according to plant species, but in general pyrifolia lines had higher total polyphenols than total flavonoids whereas in ussuriensis lines total flavonoid contents were higher than total polyphenols. The scavenging effects of DDPH radicals was highest with highest with P. ussuriensis var. seoulensis ($RC_{50}$=1.45 $mg{\cdot}mL^{-1}$) and that of ABTS radicals was highest with P. ussuriensis var. acidula ($RC_{50}$=0.69 $mg{\cdot}mL^{-1}$). A pear cultivar "Shingo" showed highest total polyphenol content, but scavenging activity of DDPH and ABTS radicals was lowest. The fruits of P. ussuriensis var. seoulensis contained low level of phenolic compounds, but their scavenging effects on two radicals was superior. Ferrous ion chelating effect was high in P. pyrifolia var. culta (98.93%), and in P. ussuriensis var. sinensis (68.71%), but two species had low scavenging activity. The content of phenolic compounds in wild pears was not always directly proportional to the radical scavenging activity. Neither radical scavenging activity was to ferrous ion chelating activity. In conclusion the fruits of P. ussuriensis var. acidula, P. ussuriensis var. seoulensis, and P. ussuriensis var. sinensis had great potential for the development of new antioxidative functional food because their antioxidative activity is higher or at least similar to P. pyrifolia var. culta. However, due to their different levels of antioxidative effects, the development of methods of using them jointly, not singly, to obtain maximum level of antioxidants is recommended.

Investigation about enzymatic properties of the gene encoding catechol 1,2-dioxygenase from Phenol-degrading, Rhodococcus sp. EL-GT

  • 이희정;이오미;김기한;박근태;박재림;이상준
    • Proceedings of the Korean Environmental Sciences Society Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.102-104
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    • 2001
  • 본 연구는 방향족 화합물질 중 페놀폐수에 대한 생물학적 처리를 위해 본 실험실에서 분리한 페놀분해능이 우수한 Rhodococcus sp. EL-GT를 이용하여 catechol 분해 catechol 1,2-dioxygenase 분해활성을 측정하였고, 이것이 ortho-pathway임을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 다른 연구에서 보고된 Rhodococrus rhodochrous NCIMB 13259 균주의 catechol 1,2 dioxygenase를 기초로한 primer를 이용하여 PCR을 수행하였으며 이 분해 유전자의 cloning실험을 수행 중이다. 이들 실험을 통하여 Rhodoroccus sp. EL-GT의 페놀분해 균의 유전적 구조 및 특성을 검토하고 이를 이용하여 방향족 화합물의 분해능이 보다 우수한 균주의 개발을 시도하고자 한다.

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Comparison of the Sonodegradation of Naphthalene and Phenol by the Change of Frequencies and Addition of Oxidants or Catalysts (주파수 변화 및 보조제 첨가에 따른 나프탈렌 및 페놀의 초음파 분해효율 비교)

  • Park, Jong-Sung;Her, Nam-Guk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.706-713
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    • 2010
  • The research seeks to find the optimal conditions for sonodegradation of naphthalene and phenol as exemplary organic pollutants to be subjected to ultrasound in varying frequencies (28 kHz, 580 kHz, and 1,000 kHz) and in the presence of different kinds of additive (T$TiO_2$, $H_2O_2$, $FeSO_4$, Zeolite, and Cu). In cases of both naphthalene and phenol, 580 kHz of ultrasound has proven to be the most effective among others at sonodegradation. Based on the observation that OH radicals are also produced in maximum under exposure of 580 kHz of ultrasound, we concluded that this frequency of ultrasound creates hospitable condition for the combined process of degradation by pyrolysis and oxidization. $FeSO_4's$ degradation rate and k1 value have increased by approximately 1.8 times compared with the results of the solutions without any additives. This seems to be the result of ultrasound reaction which, accompanied by Fenton's reaction, increased the oxidative degradation and the production of OH radicals. However, application of ultrasound and Fenton's reaction is limited to the batch type conditions, as its use in continuous system can cause loss of iron or decay of the cistern, thereby creating additional pollutants. When the additive is replaced with $TiO_2$, on the contrary, the rate of sonodegradation has increased up to 20% compared to when there was no additive. We therefore conclude that $TiO_2$ could prove to be an effective additive for ultrasound degradation in continuous treatment system.

Determination of Bioactive Compounds and Anti-cancer Effect from Extracts of Korean Cabbage and Cabbage (배추와 양배추 추출물의 생리활성 물질 및 암세포 증식 억제효과 분석)

  • Hwang, Eun-Sun;Hong, Eun-Young;Kim, Gun-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.259-265
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    • 2012
  • In this study, we determined total polyphenol content(TPC) and total flavonoid content(TFC) of extracts from Korean cabbage and cabbage using a spectrophotometric method as well as glucosinolates concentration by HPLC. TPCs of Korean cabbage and cabbage extracts were 308.48 ${\mu}g$ GAE/g dry weight and 344.75 ${\mu}g$ GAE/g dry weight, respectively. TFCs of Korean cabbage and cabbage extracts were 5.33 ${\mu}g$ QE/g dry weight and 5.95 ${\mu}g$ QE/g dry weight, respectively. We found six different glucosinolates, namely progoitrin, glucoalyssin, gluconapin, glucobrassicanapin, glucobrassicin and 4-methoxyglucobrassicin in the Korean cabbage extract. In the cabbage extract, there was four glucosinolates, namely glucoraphanin, sinigrin, glucobrassicin and 4-methoxyglucobrassicin. We determined the cytotoxic effect of Korean cabbage and cabbage extracts in AGS human stomach cancer cells, HepG2 human hepatic cancer cells and LNCaP human prostate cancer cells by MTT assay. Dose-dependent relationships were found between the extract concentrations and cancer cell growth inhibition. The overall results support that both Korean cabbage and cabbage, the major vegetables in Korea, contain bioactive compounds such as polypheol, flavonoids as well as glucosinolates and they may play a positive role in cancer prevention.