• 제목/요약/키워드: 파라미터연구

검색결과 3,212건 처리시간 0.038초

State of the Art Technology Trends and Case Analysis of Leading Research in Harmony Search Algorithm (하모니 탐색 알고리즘의 선도 연구에 관한 최첨단 기술 동향과 사례 분석)

  • Kim, Eun-Sung;Shin, Seung-Soo;Kim, Yong-Hyuk;Yoon, Yourim
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • 제12권11호
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2021
  • There are various optimization problems in real world and research continues to solve them. An optimization problem is the problem of finding a combination of parameters that maximizes or minimizes the objective function. Harmony search is a population-based metaheuristic algorithm for solving optimization problems and it is designed to mimic the improvisation of jazz music. Harmony search has been actively applied to optimization problems in various fields such as civil engineering, computer science, energy, medical science, and water quality engineering. Harmony search has a simple working principle and it has the advantage of finding good solutions quickly in constrained optimization problems. Especially there are various application cases showing high accuracy with a low number of iterations by improving the solution through the empirical derivative. In this paper, we explain working principle of Harmony search and classify the leading research in recent 3 years, review them according to category, and suggest future research directions. The research is divided into review by field, algorithmic analysis and theory, and application to real world problems. Application to real world problems is classified according to the purpose of optimization and whether or not they are hybridized with other metaheuristic algorithms.

Development of a Site Productivity Index and Yield Prediction Model for a Tilia amurensis Stand (피나무의 임지생산력지수 및 임분수확모델 개발)

  • Sora Kim;Jongsu Yim;Sunjung Lee;Jungeun Song;Hyelim Lee;Yeongmo Son
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • 제112권2호
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to use national forest inventory data to develop a forest productivity index and yield prediction model of a Tilia amurensis stand. The site index displaying the forest productivity of the Tilia amurensis stand was developed as a Schumacher model, and the site index classification curve was generated from the model results; its distribution growth in Korea ranged from 8-16. The growth model using age as an independent variable for breast height and height diameter estimation was derived from the Chapman-Richards and Weibull model. The Fitness Indices of the estimation models were 0.32 and 0.11, respectively, which were generally low values, but the estimation-equation residuals were evenly distributed around 0, so we judged that there would be no issue in applying the equation. The stand basal area and site index of the Tilia amurensis stand had the greatest effect on the stand-volume change. These two factors were used to derive the Tilia amurensis stand yield model, and the model's determination coefficient was approximately 94%. After verifying the residual normality of the equation and autocorrelation of the growth factors in the yield model, no particular problems were observed. Finally, the growth and yield models of the Tilia amurensis stand were used to produce the makeshift stand yield table. According to this table, when the Tilia amurensis stand is 70 years old, the estimated stand-volume per hectare would be approximately 208 m3 . It is expected that these study results will be helpful for decision-making of Tilia amurensis stands management, which have high value as a forest resource for honey and timber.

Estimation of River Flow Data Using Machine Learning (머신러닝 기법을 이용한 유량 자료 생산 방법)

  • Kang, Noel;Lee, Ji Hun;Lee, Jung Hoon;Lee, Chungdae
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 한국수자원학회 2020년도 학술발표회
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    • pp.261-261
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    • 2020
  • 물관리의 기본이 되는 연속적인 유량 자료 확보를 위해서는 정확도 높은 수위-유량 관계 곡선식 개발이 필수적이다. 수위-유량 관계곡선식은 모든 수문시설 설계의 기초가 되며 홍수, 가뭄 등 물재해 대응을 위해서도 중요한 의미를 가지고 있다. 그러나 일반적으로 유량 측정은 많은 비용과 시간이 들고, 식생성장, 단면변화 등의 통제특성(control)이 변함에 따라 구간분리, 기간분리와 같은 비선형적인 양상이 나타나 자료 해석에 어려움이 존재한다. 특히, 국내 하천의 경우 자연적 및 인위적인 환경 변화가 다양하여 지점 및 기간에 따라 세밀한 분석이 요구된다. 머신러닝(Machine Learning)이란 데이터를 통해 컴퓨터가 스스로 학습하여 모델을 구축하고 성능을 향상시키는 일련의 과정을 뜻한다. 기존의 수위-유량 관계곡선식은 개발자의 판단에 의해 데이터의 종류와 기간 등을 설정하여 회귀식의 파라미터를 산출한다면, 머신러닝은 유효한 전체 데이터를 이용해 스스로 학습하여 자료 간 상관성을 찾아내 모델을 구축하고 성능을 지속적으로 향상 시킬 수 있다. 머신러닝은 충분한 수문자료가 확보되었다는 전제 하에 복잡하고 가변적인 수자원 환경을 반영하여 유량 추정의 정확도를 지속적으로 향상시킬 수 있다는 이점을 가지고 있다. 본 연구는 머신러닝의 대표적인 알고리즘들을 활용하여 유량을 추정하는 모델을 구축하고 성능을 비교·분석하였다. 대상지역은 안정적인 수량을 확보하고 있는 한강수계의 거운교 지점이며, 사용자료는 2010~2018년의 시간, 수위, 유량, 수면폭 등 이다. 프로그램은 파이썬을 기반으로 한 머신러닝 라이브러리인 사이킷런(sklearn)을 사용하였고 알고리즘은 랜덤포레스트 회귀, 의사결정트리, KNN(K-Nearest Neighbor), rgboost을 적용하였다. 학습(train) 데이터는 입력자료 종류별로 조합하여 6개의 세트로 구분하여 모델을 구축하였고, 이를 적용해 검증(test) 데이터를 RMSE(Roog Mean Square Error)로 평가하였다. 그 결과 모델 및 입력 자료의 조합에 따라 3.67~171.46로 다소 넓은 범위의 값이 도출되었다. 그 중 가장 우수한 유형은 수위, 연도, 수면폭 3개의 입력자료를 조합하여 랜덤포레스트 회귀 모델에 적용한 경우이다. 비교를 위해 동일한 검증 데이터를 한국수문조사연보(2018년) 내거운교 지점의 수위별 수위-유량 곡선식을 이용해 유량을 추정한 결과 RMSE가 3.76이 산출되어, 머신러닝이 세분화된 수위-유량 곡선식과 비슷한 수준까지 성능을 내는 것으로 확인되었다. 본 연구는 양질의 유량자료 생산을 위해 기 구축된 수문자료를 기반으로 머신러닝 기법의 적용 가능성을 검토한 기초 연구로써, 국내 효율적인 수문자료 측정 및 수위-유량 곡선 산출에 도움이 될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 향후 수자원 환경 및 통제특성에 영향을 미치는 다양한 영향변수를 파악하기 위해 기상자료, 취수량 등의 입력 자료를 적용할 필요가 있으며, 머신러닝 내 비지도학습인 딥러닝과 같은 보다 정교한 모델에 대한 추가적인 연구도 수행되어야 할 것이다.

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Performance Analysis of Receiver for Underwater Acoustic Communications Using Acquisition Data in Shallow Water (천해역 취득 데이터를 이용한 수중음향통신 수신기 성능분석)

  • Kim, Seung-Geun;Kim, Sea-Moon;Yun, Chang-Ho;Lim, Young-Kon
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • 제29권5호
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    • pp.303-313
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    • 2010
  • This paper describes an acoustic communication receiver structure, which is designed for QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) signal with 25 kHz carrier frequency and 5 kHz symbol rate, and takes samples from received signal at 100 kHz sampling rate. Based on the described receiver structure, optimum design parameters, such as number of taps of FF (Feed-Forward) and FB (Feed-Back) filters and forgetting factor of RLS (Recursive Least-Square) algorithm, of joint equalizer are determined to minimize the BER (Bit Error Rate) performance of the joint equalizer output symbols when the acquisition data in shallow water using implemented acoustic transducers is decimated at a rate of 2:1 and then enforced to the input of receiver. The transmission distances are 1.4 km, 2.9 km, and 4.7 km. Analysis results show that the optimum number of taps of FF and FB filters are different according to the distance between source and destination, but the optimum or near optimum value of forgetting factor is 0.997. Therefore, we can reach a conclusion that the proper receiver structure could change the number of taps of FF and FB filters with the fixed forgetting factor 0.997 according to the transmission distance. Another analysis result is that there are an acceptable performance degradation when the 16-tap-length simple filter is used as a low-pass filter of receiver instead of 161-tap-length matched filter.

A study of the inset-fed 4x4 microstrip patch array antenna for X-band applications (X-band 대역용 4x4 인셋 급전 마이크로스트립 패치 배열 안테나 연구)

  • Nkundwanayo Seth;Gyoo-Soo Chae
    • Journal of Advanced Technology Convergence
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    • 제3권3호
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2024
  • This paper details research on the optimized design and fabrication of a 4x4 microstrip array antenna intended for X-Band applications. The study focuses on achieving the desired resonance frequency and gain by modifying the microstrip patch and array antenna parameters, including substrate type and patch size. It presents results from designing and fabricating a 4x4 array antenna with optimum substrate materials to enhance X-Band resonance characteristics and gain. The antenna dimensions are 10mm(W)x7.4mm(L)x 0.79mm(H), with an Rogers RO 4350B dielectric substrate (εr=3.54) and an inset-fed feeding method to minimize antenna size. Both the single patch and 4x4 array antennas demonstrated stable SWR (<1.5) and a gain of 18.5dBi at the target frequency of 10.3GHz in simulations. The fabricated antenna showed performance consistent with simulation results. This antenna design is suitable for X-Band applications, including military, satellite communications, and biomedical fields.

Optimization of Multiclass Support Vector Machine using Genetic Algorithm: Application to the Prediction of Corporate Credit Rating (유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 다분류 SVM의 최적화: 기업신용등급 예측에의 응용)

  • Ahn, Hyunchul
    • Information Systems Review
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.161-177
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    • 2014
  • Corporate credit rating assessment consists of complicated processes in which various factors describing a company are taken into consideration. Such assessment is known to be very expensive since domain experts should be employed to assess the ratings. As a result, the data-driven corporate credit rating prediction using statistical and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques has received considerable attention from researchers and practitioners. In particular, statistical methods such as multiple discriminant analysis (MDA) and multinomial logistic regression analysis (MLOGIT), and AI methods including case-based reasoning (CBR), artificial neural network (ANN), and multiclass support vector machine (MSVM) have been applied to corporate credit rating.2) Among them, MSVM has recently become popular because of its robustness and high prediction accuracy. In this study, we propose a novel optimized MSVM model, and appy it to corporate credit rating prediction in order to enhance the accuracy. Our model, named 'GAMSVM (Genetic Algorithm-optimized Multiclass Support Vector Machine),' is designed to simultaneously optimize the kernel parameters and the feature subset selection. Prior studies like Lorena and de Carvalho (2008), and Chatterjee (2013) show that proper kernel parameters may improve the performance of MSVMs. Also, the results from the studies such as Shieh and Yang (2008) and Chatterjee (2013) imply that appropriate feature selection may lead to higher prediction accuracy. Based on these prior studies, we propose to apply GAMSVM to corporate credit rating prediction. As a tool for optimizing the kernel parameters and the feature subset selection, we suggest genetic algorithm (GA). GA is known as an efficient and effective search method that attempts to simulate the biological evolution phenomenon. By applying genetic operations such as selection, crossover, and mutation, it is designed to gradually improve the search results. Especially, mutation operator prevents GA from falling into the local optima, thus we can find the globally optimal or near-optimal solution using it. GA has popularly been applied to search optimal parameters or feature subset selections of AI techniques including MSVM. With these reasons, we also adopt GA as an optimization tool. To empirically validate the usefulness of GAMSVM, we applied it to a real-world case of credit rating in Korea. Our application is in bond rating, which is the most frequently studied area of credit rating for specific debt issues or other financial obligations. The experimental dataset was collected from a large credit rating company in South Korea. It contained 39 financial ratios of 1,295 companies in the manufacturing industry, and their credit ratings. Using various statistical methods including the one-way ANOVA and the stepwise MDA, we selected 14 financial ratios as the candidate independent variables. The dependent variable, i.e. credit rating, was labeled as four classes: 1(A1); 2(A2); 3(A3); 4(B and C). 80 percent of total data for each class was used for training, and remaining 20 percent was used for validation. And, to overcome small sample size, we applied five-fold cross validation to our dataset. In order to examine the competitiveness of the proposed model, we also experimented several comparative models including MDA, MLOGIT, CBR, ANN and MSVM. In case of MSVM, we adopted One-Against-One (OAO) and DAGSVM (Directed Acyclic Graph SVM) approaches because they are known to be the most accurate approaches among various MSVM approaches. GAMSVM was implemented using LIBSVM-an open-source software, and Evolver 5.5-a commercial software enables GA. Other comparative models were experimented using various statistical and AI packages such as SPSS for Windows, Neuroshell, and Microsoft Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). Experimental results showed that the proposed model-GAMSVM-outperformed all the competitive models. In addition, the model was found to use less independent variables, but to show higher accuracy. In our experiments, five variables such as X7 (total debt), X9 (sales per employee), X13 (years after founded), X15 (accumulated earning to total asset), and X39 (the index related to the cash flows from operating activity) were found to be the most important factors in predicting the corporate credit ratings. However, the values of the finally selected kernel parameters were found to be almost same among the data subsets. To examine whether the predictive performance of GAMSVM was significantly greater than those of other models, we used the McNemar test. As a result, we found that GAMSVM was better than MDA, MLOGIT, CBR, and ANN at the 1% significance level, and better than OAO and DAGSVM at the 5% significance level.

The Comparative Study of NHPP Software Reliability Model Based on Exponential and Inverse Exponential Distribution (지수 및 역지수 분포를 이용한 NHPP 소프트웨어 무한고장 신뢰도 모형에 관한 비교연구)

  • Kim, Hee-Cheul;Shin, Hyun-Cheul
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2016
  • Software reliability in the software development process is an important issue. Software process improvement helps in finishing with reliable software product. Infinite failure NHPP software reliability models presented in the literature exhibit either constant, monotonic increasing or monotonic decreasing failure occurrence rates per fault. In this paper, we were proposed the reliability model with the exponential and inverse exponential distribution, which made out efficiency application for software reliability. Algorithm to estimate the parameters used to maximum likelihood estimator and bisection method, model selection based on mean square error (MSE) and coefficient of determination($R^2$), for the sake of efficient model, were employed. Analysis of failure, using real data set for the sake of proposing the exponential and inverse exponential distribution, was employed. This analysis of failure data compared with the exponential and inverse exponential distribution property. In order to insurance for the reliability of data, Laplace trend test was employed. In this study, the inverse exponential distribution model is also efficient in terms of reliability because it (the coefficient of determination is 80% or more) in the field of the conventional model can be used as an alternative could be confirmed. From this paper, the software developers have to consider life distribution by prior knowledge of the software to identify failure modes which can be able to help.

Small Animal PET Imaging Study of 68Ga-BAPEN (68Ga-BAPEN 소동물 PET영상 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Who;Lee, Jae-Sung;Yang, Bo-Yeun;Kim, Su-Jin;Kim, Joong-Hyun;Jeong, Jae-Min;Lee, Dong-Soo
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.172-177
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze $^{68}Ga$-BAPEN dynamic PET image in rat myocardium to evaluate potential of this radiotracer as a perfusion imaging agent. Animal PET/CT scan was done in 9 rats during 120 minutes. Especially we synthesized $^{68}Ga$-BAPEN with kit which is simple and low cost method. PET images showed the in vivo dynamic distribution of $^{68}Ga$-BAPEN in the chest region of rats. Initially $^{68}Ga$-BAPEN PET images showed aorta and liver activities and a few minutes later, $^{68}Ga$-BAPEN moved to myocardium. Regions of interest were drawn on myocardium, liver, lung and blood pool. Time-activity curves showed significant uptake of $^{68}Ga$-BAPEN in myocardium. The contrast ratios of myocardial to blood pool, lung and liver at 60 minutes after injection were 1.66, 2.82 and 0.60. To estimate accurate kinetic parameters, 60 minutes after injection was required to PET scan as myocardium image contrast ratios reached to constant values. As a result, $^{68}Ga$-BAPEN would be suitable radiotracer for PET which can applied to diagnosis of myocardial perfusion diseases after further preclinical and clinical investigations.

Implementation of Intelligent Image Surveillance System based Context (컨텍스트 기반의 지능형 영상 감시 시스템 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Sung-Ryong;Shin, Seong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • 제47권3호
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2010
  • This paper is a study on implementation of intelligent image surveillance system using context information and supplements temporal-spatial constraint, the weak point in which it is hard to process it in real time. In this paper, we propose scene analysis algorithm which can be processed in real time in various environments at low resolution video(320*240) comprised of 30 frames per second. The proposed algorithm gets rid of background and meaningless frame among continuous frames. And, this paper uses wavelet transform and edge histogram to detect shot boundary. Next, representative key-frame in shot boundary is selected by key-frame selection parameter and edge histogram, mathematical morphology are used to detect only motion region. We define each four basic contexts in accordance with angles of feature points by applying vertical and horizontal ratio for the motion region of detected object. These are standing, laying, seating and walking. Finally, we carry out scene analysis by defining simple context model composed with general context and emergency context through estimating each context's connection status and configure a system in order to check real time processing possibility. The proposed system shows the performance of 92.5% in terms of recognition rate for a video of low resolution and processing speed is 0.74 second in average per frame, so that we can check real time processing is possible.

Application of groundwater-level prediction models using data-based learning algorithms to National Groundwater Monitoring Network data (자료기반 학습 알고리즘을 이용한 지하수위 변동 예측 모델의 국가지하수관측망 자료 적용에 대한 비교 평가 연구)

  • Yoon, Heesung;Kim, Yongcheol;Ha, Kyoochul;Kim, Gyoo-Bum
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.137-147
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    • 2013
  • For the effective management of groundwater resources, it is necessary to predict groundwater level fluctuations in response to rainfall events. In the present study, time series models using artificial neural networks (ANNs) and support vector machines (SVMs) have been developed and applied to groundwater level data from the Gasan, Shingwang, and Cheongseong stations of the National Groundwater Monitoring Network. We designed four types of model according to input structure and compared their performances. The results show that the rainfall input model is not effective, especially for the prediction of groundwater recession behavior; however, the rainfall-groundwater input model is effective for the entire prediction stage, yielding a high model accuracy. Recursive prediction models were also effective, yielding correlation coefficients of 0.75-0.95 with observed values. The prediction errors were highest for Shingwang station, where the cross-correlation coefficient is lowest among the stations. Overall, the model performance of SVM models was slightly higher than that of ANN models for all cases. Assessment of the model parameter uncertainty of the recursive prediction models, using the ratio of errors in the validation stage to that in the calibration stage, showed that the range of the ratio is much narrower for the SVM models than for the ANN models, which implies that the SVM models are more stable and effective for the present case studies.