• Title/Summary/Keyword: 퇴적암 형성 과정

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Analysis of Fluvial Terraces at Kohyun River in Youngcheon City (경북 영천시 고현천의 하안단구 지형 분석)

  • Cho, Young-Dong;Lee, Gwang-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.447-462
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    • 2009
  • Kohyun River basin is located at southern parts of Taebaek Mountains and most of river basins consists of sedimentary rock. The aims of this study are to investigate the distribution characteristics and processes of fluvial terraces at Kohyun River, using scientific methods such as classification of fluvial landforms, analysis of geomorphological deposits, XRD and OSL age dating. In Kohyun River basin are three levels terraces from T1 to T3. Fluvial terraces are assumed to be erosional terraces according to deposited situation of alurium and existences of bedrock riverbed. From the result of OSL age dating, formation age of fluvial terrace 1(T1) is calculated about 37,000 yr.B.P.(MIS 3), and fluvial terrace 2(T2) is calculated about 113,000 yr.B.P.(MIS 5). Therefore, fluvial terraces at Kohyun River are assumed to be formed at warmer period in the glacial stages or cooler period in the interglacial stages. The incision rate of fluvial terrace 1 at Kohyun River is calculated to be 0.054m/ka, and the incision rate of fluvial terrace 2 is calculated to be 0.115m/ka. This results suggest to lower incision rate than other rivers in Korea because of low uplift rates and little discharge.

Geochemical Evaluation and Characterization of the Shale Gas Resources (셰일 가스 자원의 지화학적 평가 및 특성화)

  • Lee, Young-Joo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.359-373
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    • 2013
  • Shale is considered as a source rock for conventional oil and gas exploration and development because shale is fine-grained detrital sedimentary rock which can preserve the organic matter better. Shale has a good sealing capacity for the petroleum trap due to its low permeability. Commercial recoveries of gas from shale in the North America based on the development of technologies of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing reveal that shale also function as a effective reservoir rock. Geochemical techniques to evaluate generation potential of the hydrocarbons from organic matter in the source rocks can be applied for the exploration of the shale gas resources. To evaluate shale gas resources, it is important to understand various geochemical processes and shale characteristics controlling generation, storage and estimation of shale gas reserves. In this paper, the generation mechanism of the oil and gas from organic matter is reviewed, and geochemical techniques which can be applied for the evaluation and characterization of shale gas are introduced.

Depositional Processes of Pyroclastic Density Currents in Lacustrine Environments: An Example from the Cretaceous Jeonggaksan Formation in Danjang-myeon, Miryang City (호수 내 화쇄밀도류의 퇴적과정: 밀양시 단장면 일원 백악기 정각산층의 예)

  • Gihm, Yong Sik;Park, Seung-Ik
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.295-307
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    • 2022
  • We studied the Cretaceous Jeonggaksan Formation to determine depositional processes of pyroclastic density currents entering into the lacustrine environments. This formation is composed largely of sandstone-mudstone couplets and (tuffaceous) normally graded sandstones deposited in lacustrine environments, interbedded with two pyroclastic beds: welded massive lapilli tuff and normally graded lapilli tuff. The welded massive lapilli tuff (10 m thick) is composed of poorly sorted, structureless lapilli supported by a welded ash matrix. The normally graded lapilli tuff (4 m thick) is characterized by moderately to well sorted natures and multiple normally graded divisions in the lower part of the bed with internal boundaries. The contrasting depositional features between these lapilli tuff are suggestive of different physical characteristics and depositional processes of pyroclastic density currents in the lake. Overall poorly sorted and massive natures of the thick, welded massive lapilli tuff are interpreted to have been formed by rapid settling of pyroclastic sediments from highly concentrated and sustained pyroclastic density currents. In this case, the pyroclastic density currents were able to displace lake water from shoreline and the pyrolclastic density currents preserved their own heat except for frontal parts of the currents. As a result, welded textures can be formed despite entrance of pyroclastic density currents into the lake. The internal boundaries of the normally graded lapilli tuff reflect unsteady natures of the pyroclastic density currents at the time of the deposition and the pyroclastic density currents can not provide sufficient pressure to displace lake water. As a consequence, the pyroclastic density currents transformed into water-saturated turbidity currents, forming relatively well sorted, normally graded lapilli tuff.

Geochemical Composition of the Continental Crust in Korean Peninsula (한반도 지각암류의 지구화학적 특성)

  • Lee, Seung-Gu;Kim, Dong-Yeon
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.113-128
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    • 2012
  • The chemical composition of the continental crust play an important role in understanding of crustal formation and evolution and quantifying other processes taking place within continental crust. We summarized geochemical data reported in the previous literature for the crustal rocks in the Korean Peninsula and divided their chemical composition into geologic time scale. In the variation diagram normalized by average composition of the upper crustal rocks, the geochemical characteristics of the upper crust during Triassic period is different from those of the upper crustal rocks after Jurassic period or before Precambrian. However, the geochemical characteristics of the Jurassic and Precambrian period are similar each other. Our summarized data indicate that the source material of Triassic upper crust may be different from that of Jurassic or Precambrian upper crust.

경상분지 남동부 일광광산에 산출하는 전기석 기원과 그 중요성에 관한 예비연구

  • 장주연;양경희;이준동
    • Proceedings of the Mineralogical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.58-59
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    • 2001
  • 부산에서 북동쪽으로 대략 25km 떨어진 지점에 위치하고 있는 일광광산 부근의 지질은 백악기 화산암ㆍ퇴적암 그리고 이를 관입한 화강암류와 이 암주 내에 발달하는 구리-중석을 함유하고 있는 각력파이프광상으로 이루어져 있다. 일광광산의 화강암류는 거의 타원형으로 felsic한 중앙부와 mafic한 양상의 주변부로 나뉘어지며, 암주 내에 수직적인 원통형의 각력파이프가 광화대를 이루고 있고, 그 주변에는 모암변질대가 발달되어 있다. 각력파이프를 충진하고 있는 vein과 화강암의 중앙부에는 전기석이 풍부하게 산출되고 있다. 일광광산에서 산출되는 전기석은 야외 관찰시 각력파이프 중심에서부터 외곽부쪽으로 전기석의 풍부함이 감소하며 산출형태도 달라진다. 파이프에서 대략반경 150m내에서 전기석은 침상형 의 방사상 모양 내지 rosettes형으로 풍부하게 산출되며, 화강암내의 mafic한 암편을 치환한 형태로 산출되기도 한다. 암주의 중앙부 주변부에서는 거의 미세한 구상형으로 산재되어 나타나고 있다. 전기석은 복잡한 화학식 {(Na, Ca)(Fe, Mg)$_3$(Al, Li)$_{6}$(BO$_3$)$_3$Si$_{6}$O$_{18}$ (OH, F)$_4$}을 갖는 붕산 규산염광물이다. 이러 한 다양한 성분은 마그마의 진화과정, 모암의 특성, 온도, 압력, 성분과 같은 물리ㆍ화학적 성질에 따라 전기석의 성분이 체계적으로 변하기 때문에 모암과 전기석 기원과의 상관관계를 파악할 수 있다. 파이프 부근의 화강암류는 현미 경상에서 전기석이 석류석과 같이 풍부하게 나타나며 장석들은 변질받은 상태로 세리사이트, 녹렴석으로 나타나고, 흑운모와 각섬석은 녹니석화되어 변질된 상태를 보이고 있다. 파이프 중심에서 외곽부로 갈수록 전기석의 함량은 줄어들고 있고 장석들이 알바이트ㆍ칼스베드 쌍정을 보이며, 흑운모가 각섬석보다는 우세하게 나타나고 있다. 전기석은 주상 결정, 자형 내지 반자형의 입자로 다색성을 보이며, 결정 중심에서 가장자리로 갈수록 파란색과 황갈색의 광학적 누대구조를 관찰할 수 있다. 일광광산에서 산출되는 전기석에 대한 현미경 관찰은 열수기원임을 지시하고 있다. 야외조사와 현미경 관찰의 예비조사에 의하면 일광광산의 전기석이 형성된 환경은 다른2가지 화학적인 저장소의 혼합 효과의 결과로 생성되어진 것으로 예상된다. 일광의 화강암류를 만든 마그마는 전기석을 형성할 만큼의 Fe-Mg성분이 충분하지 않았을 것이다. 화강암 내에 흑운모와 각섬석의 결정작용에 의해 마그마의 Fe-Mg성분이 고갈되어지고 이로 인해 그 함량이 감소하며 상대적으로 마그마 내에 남은 붕소(B$_2$O$_3$)는 열수로 용리되고 흑운모, 각섬석과 평형을 유지하며 열수에 남아있게 된다. 잔류용융체에 남은 붕소의 함량은 전기석을 만들기에 충분함에도 불구하고, Fe-Mg 함량이 부족하여 마그마 기원의 전기석 결정을 만들 수가 없다가 광맥이 형성된 시기에 또 다른 열수가 공급되면서 이전의 평형이 깨지고 기존의 흑운모와 같은 염기성 광물이 붕소(B)를 함유한 새로운 열수와 반응하여 전기석을 형성한 것으로 예상한다. 앞으로 전암과 광물에 대해 지화학적 연구를 통해 화강암류와 전기석과의 지화학적 연관성, 주성분 원소와 열수의 특성과의 상관관계, 전기석의 기원(마그마 기원인지 열수기원인지)이 보다 정확하게 파악될 것이다. 마그마 진화에 따른 전기석의 성분변화와 기원을 이용하여 일광광산의 동광화대를 형성한 마그마 계에서 열수계로 이어지는 지질학적 과정을 이해할 수 있을 것이며, 암석 성인론적 지시자로서 어떠한 중요성을 갖는지 논의되어질 수 있다.

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Exploring the Characteristics of Scientific Observation of Gifted Middle-School Students in Rock Identification (암석 판별 탐구에서 중학교 영재들의 과학적 관찰의 특징 탐색)

  • Yu, Eun-Jeong;Jang, Sun Kyung;Ko, Sun Young
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.365-380
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to explore the characteristics of scientific observation and reasoning of gifted middle-school students in rock identification. Five rock samples that are considered important as per science textbooks, including igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks, were provided to 19 first-year middle-school students attending a gifted education center. Students were asked to infer the formation process, type, and name of each rock. The results showed that the characteristics of rocks that students primarily paid attention to included color, texture, and structure. Students immediately succeeded in identifying common rocks based on memory; however, meaningful inferences were not made. In case of rocks that students faced difficulty discriminating, significant reasoning processes were revealed through discourse. In addition, although scientific reasoning was properly constructed based on meaningful observations, there were cases wherein rock identification failed. These results will contribute to determining the current level of understanding of middle-school students in rock identification activities and finding ways to provide students with meaningful scientific observation and inference experiences through rock identification in the school field.

The Geomorphic Development of Angyae Basin (안계분지(安溪盆地)의 지형발달)

  • Bak, Byeong-Su;Son, Myoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 1997
  • In various places of drainage basins of major rivers in South Korea are distributed intermontane basins. Basin floor covered with fluvial deposits carried from the surrounding mountane area becomes alluvial plain. Its productivity is comparatively higher than anywhere else. Thus basin is a local administrative, economic, and cultural core area. Intermontane basin consists of backward mountane area, gentle hills, and alluvial lowland. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the morpogenetic processes and development age of Angae Basin located in the sedimentary rock region. Hills with the height of a.s.l. $80{\sim}100m$ distributed in Angae Basin are residual landforms, which are the remnants of dissection of the etchplain that results from the denudation of bedrock deeply weathered along tectolineaments under the warm and moist climate, and reflect lithological differentiation of bedrock. Those hills have been comparatively higher ridges since the initial stage of the original etchplain, and they have been immune from fluvial processes. The etchplain appeared as $80{\sim}100m$ hills. the high terrace distributed in upstream reach of Nakdong River drainage basin and the old meander-cut at Seoburi in Wicheon drainage basin, are formed at the same stage when riverbed of Wicheon Stream functioned as a local base level according as the fluvial system of Wichoen arrived at dynamic equilibrium.

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Seismic Traveltime Tomography in Anisotropic Black Shale (이방성 특성이 강한 흑색 셰일에서 탄성파 주시 토모그래피)

  • Kang, Jong-Seok;Cha, Young-Ho;Lee, Kwang-Bae;Jo, Churl-Hyun
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.393-398
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    • 2007
  • Seismic traveltime tomography technique was conducted at a site composed of black shale. It is well known that black shale has strong anisotropic property. Therefore, the anisotropic property of black shale has to be considered to obtain the appropriate subsurface velocity model by an inversion process. To estimate the anisotropic constant of the velocity of the black shale in the survey area, the relation between the velocity, which is calculated by the straight ray path and the first arrival time, and the angle of the ray propagation was examined. The elliptically shaped relation was found and it reveals that the black shale contains the anisotropic property of velocity. It was also noticed that the horizontal velocity is faster than the vertical velocity. When the estimated anisotropic constant was applied in the process of the velocity inversion for three sets of field data, we could obtain the appropriate velocity structures of the site that is consistent with the result of the geological survey.

Occurrence and Genesis of Zeolites from the Tertiary Volcanic Sediments in the Guryongpo Area, Korea (浦項 九龍浦 지역 第 3 紀 火山堆積岩 中의 沸石鑛物의 産出狀態와 成因)

  • Choi, Yun-Seung;Kim, Soo-Jin
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 1993
  • Clinoptilolite and mordenite are important constituents of the Nuldaeri Trachytic Tuff and Guryongpo Dacitic Tuff of the Tertiary Janggi Group which were deposited in a lacustrine environment. The diagenetic cystallization sequences of zeolites in different tuffaceous sediments and their chemical behaviors have been studied to know the process of their formation. The paragenetic sequence established from textural observations and chemical data : Ca-smectite ${\leftrightarrow}$(Ca, K)-clinoptilolite${\leftrightarrow}$(K, Na)-mordenite, indicates that the chemical activities of alkalic ions and Si/Al activity ratio in pore fluids changed systematically with diagenetic alteration. The chemical trend of zeolite formation is characterized by decreasing Ca and Mg, non-variable Na and increasing K in the Nuldaeri Trachytic Tuff and by decreasing Ca and Mg, non-variable Na and increasing-decreasing K in the Guryongpo Dacitic Tuff. The paragenesis from glass via smectite to alkali zeolites indicates a sequence of incongruent dissolution reactions and subsequent crystallization. Inhomogeneity in chemical composition of each zeolite may be attributed to such processes.

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Proposal of Educational Activities in Geosites for Geological Field Courses in Gunsan City, Jeonbuk, Korea (전북 군산시 일대 야외지질학습을 위한 지질명소와 교육적 활용 논의)

  • Jeong, Dong-Gwon;Cho, Kyu-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.464-479
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    • 2022
  • In this study, appropriate geosites for geological field trips were explored and measures for their effective utilization in education were discussed, focusing on Okseo-myeon, Sanbuk-dong, Bieung-do, Yami-do, Sinsi-do, and Seonyu-do areas in Gunsan City, Korea. To this end, we analyzed the geological learning elements of the curriculum that were revised in 2015 and selected 7 geosites through field work based on prior research on the study areas. These areas have immense potential as a rich source of information on the Mesozoic geology of the Korean Peninsula, including igneous rocks formed as a consequence of Jurassic and Cretaceous igneous activities, Cretaceous sedimentary rocks, dinosaur footprints, plant fossils, ripple marks, and folds. When the learning elements available at the geosites were compared to those of the curriculum, they contained essentials used in high grade of elementary school and high school, and in particular, they had most of the learning elements used in high school. Accordingly, educational activities that can be carried out in each of the geosites in Gunsan City were proposed.