• Title/Summary/Keyword: 퇴계

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Control of a Soft Recoil System for Recoil Force Reduction (사격충격력 저감을 위한 연식주퇴계의 제어)

  • Shin, Chul-Bong;Bae, Jae-Sung;Hwang, Jai-Hyuk;Kang, Kuk-Jeong;Ahn, Sang-Tae;Han, Tae-Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.764-774
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    • 2008
  • A fire-out-of-battery(FOOB) mechanism, which is a new recoil technology, can reduce dramatically the level of a recoil force compared to the conventional recoil system. The FOOB mechanism pre-accelerates the recoil parts in direction opposite of conventional recoil before ignition. This momentum of the recoil parts due to pre-acceleration can reduce the firing impulse. In this paper, the dynamics of the recoil system with this FOOB mechanism is formulated and simulated numerically. The results of the simulation show that the FOOB system can reduce the recoil force and stroke compared to the conventional system under normal condition. When the fault modes happen, the FOOB system may not perform well and may be damaged seriously due to excessive recoil force and stroke. Hence, the control of the fault modes is necessary to achieve the normal operation of the FOOB system. The results that an additional MR damper enables the FOOB system to perform well under all firing condition.

Toegye and Hsin-Cjing-fu-chu (퇴계와 심경부주)

  • 윤병태
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.5
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    • pp.67-89
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    • 1978
  • This study is the third partial study of the 'A Bibliographical Study of the Toegye.' The contents of the study is divided into three chapters as following : In the first chapter, the authorship of Hsin-ching-fu-chu(心經附註) is described Hsin-ching(心經) was edited by Chen-Te-Hsiu(眞德秀), a scholar of the Sung Dynasty (1178-1235A.D.). He selected several articles on Hsin Study(心學) from classics of ancient China, with the view of spreading of Hsin thought of ancestor. Hsin-ching-fu-chu is an annotated work of Hsin-ching, which was edited by $Ch'\^{e}ng-Min-Ch\^{e}ng$(程敏政). $Ch'\^{e}ng-Min-Ch\^{e}ng$ was a scholar of the Ming Dynasty (died 1499 A.D). His annotation of Hsin-ching was according to the edition of Tuan-Ping (端平) 1st (1234 A.D.). Hsin-ching-fu-chu which was first published in 1492 A.D., by his student, named Wang-Tsu(汪祚). In the second chapter, the editions of Hsin-ching-fu-chu which was published in Korea before 1566 A.D., when Toe-gye's postscript was written, are described. In Korea, three editions were published. The first was published before 1523 A.D. in, kwang-ju(光州), by the wooden plate block. The second was published ca 1564 A.D. in Pyeong-yang(平壤), by the wooden plate, too. These two editions have remained. The last was published ca 1564 A.D., in Hae-ju(海州), but the method of printing couldn't be found out because I have not been able to get the book itself and records on the printing. In the last chapter, facts on Hsin-ching-fu-chu related to Toegye are described. Toegye found Kwang-ju edition of Hsin-ching-fu-chu in 1533 A.D., at Seong-gyun-gwan(成均館) in Seoul. He acquired the book from his friend. He read and studied very hard and remembered all the text. Also, he taught the Hsin-ching-fu-chu to his pupils and guided the reading of Hsin-ching-fu-chu to his followers and student. He read many proof sheets of the new publication of Hsin-ching-fy-chu, correcting then on detail and making notes on them.

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An experimental study on discharge measurements according to the change of traverse direction sideline angle (횡단방향 측선각도 변화에 따른 유량측정성과에 대한 실험 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Hyug;Seok, Su-Won;Shim, Eun-Jeung;Kim, Sung-Hoon;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.330-334
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    • 2011
  • 자연하천의 유량값은 일반적으로 횡단면의 면적과 이를 통과하는 유속의 곱으로 산정된다. 유량측정 방법은 하천의 형태와 저 평수기 및 홍수기의 수위에 따라 도섭법, 교량법, 부자법 및 보트를 이용한 ADVM 측정법 등 다양한 방법으로 실시된다. 그러나 현장 여건에 따라 흐름에 직각이 아닌 사교에서 측정이 이루어지는 경우에는 단면적의 오차를 포함할 가능성이 크기 때문에 횡단면의 측선 각도에 따라 각보정을 실시해야 한다. 현재 사교에서 유량 측정을 실시하는 경우, 흐름의 직각을 기준으로 처짐각을 측량하여 각 측선에 $cos{\theta}$를 적용하여 단면적을 보정하고 있는데, 이 처짐의 정도가 유량의 참값에서 어느 정도의 영향을 미치는지에 대한 검토가 요구된다. 본 연구에서는 한강수계 왕숙천에 위치한 퇴계원 지점에서 실시간 수위에 따른 유속을 측정하였으며, 횡단면에 직각인 측선을 기준값으로 제시하고, 처짐각의 정도를 $10^{\circ}$, $20^{\circ}$, $30^{\circ}$, $40^{\circ}$, $50^{\circ}$까지 늘려 산정된 유량값을 기준값과 비교 분석하였다. 본 연구에 쓰인 측정기기는 Price AA 유속계이고, 측정방법으로는 유량의 흐름 방향을 기준하여 직각으로 수면에서 0.6d 지점의 유량측정방법(1점법)을 적용하였다. 그 결과 유량의 흐름 방향을 기준하여 직각인 경우 $1.39m^3/s$의 유량에서 보정 전 각 $10^{\circ}$의 유량 $1.36m^3/s$, $30^{\circ}$의 유량 $1.49m^3/s$, $50^{\circ}$의 유량 $2.25m^3/s$로 각이 클수록 단면적이 크게 나타나며 유량 역시도 과대 산정됨을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 도섭법을 이용한 유량측정이나 사교에서의 교량법 등을 적용하여 유량측정을 실시할 경우 유량의 흐름방향을 기준으로 직각으로 유량측정을 실시하여 유량을 산정하되 부득이한 경우로 사교에서의 측정이 이루어 졌을 시 흐름 방향을 기준으로 각도를 측정하여 크게 나타나는 단면적에 처짐각을 보정하여 유량을 산정함이 오차를 줄일 수 있으며, 신뢰성 있는 유량자료 생산의 방법이 라 할 수 있겠다.

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A Study on the Yube Literature of Mi-Am Yu hi-chun (미암 유희춘의 유배기 문학 연구)

  • Lee, Yeon-Soon
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.32
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2008
  • Mi-Am Yu hi-chun(眉巖 柳希春, 1513~1577) was one of the Honam Sarim(湖南士林) with Ha-Sue Kim In-Hoo(하서 김인후) and Go-Bong Ki Dae-Seuing(고봉 기대승) in 16C. But He was condemned to exile and spend 19 years in Jong-Sung, with enthronement of King Sun-jo, was appointed as a gyeong'yeongwan(經筵官), one of the Eulsa sarim(乙巳士林). And at that time, he publicated Jujaeoryu munjip juhae(주자어류문집주해), which is a match for Toegye(퇴계). But due to the shortage of existing work, the study of his learning was not accomplish in depth. Then this article made clear his learning with Mi-Am ilgi (미암일기), which was written for ten years before he die. But a period of yubae literature did not studied. This article present this matter and established the feature.

Soil Salinity and Vegetation Distribution at Four Tidal Reclamation Project Areas (4개 간척 지구에 분포하는 식생과 토양 염류농도)

  • Lee, Seung-Heon;Ji, Kwang-Jae;An, Yeoul;Ro, Hee-Myong
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2003
  • This research was conducted to present reference data to be used as newly reclaimed tidal land management. We investigated vegetation succession at 4 reclaimed/reclaiming project areas and discussed relationship with soil and vegetation trhrough investigation and analysis soil chemical characteristics at 2 areas. 14 families 58 kinds were investigated. Vegetation were variou at Dea-Ho conservation polt and Seok-Mun National Industrial Area which are maintaining naturally. Vegetation were simple at Hong-Bo and Dongjin and MinKyong river areas which effected sea water. Common species that were investigated at 9 sites were Suaeda asparagoides, Aster tripolium, Phragmites australis, Suaeda maritima, Suaeda japonica, Carex scabrifolis. As soil desalinization progressing, soil classified at first saline-soidc soil, the nest saline soil and then normal soil. Chenopodiaceae revealed at about 30 dS/m of soil ECe and existed to 10 dS/m of soil ECe. At about 20 dS/m of soil ECe. Aster tripolium, Calamagrostis epigeios, and Sonchus brachyotus revealed and then non-halophytes and common plants at inland revealed at low soil ECe of about 10 dS/m. However it was not to progress vegetation sucdession and soil desalinization at the same time, owing to input of seeds or plants ect from out-ecosystem. So for promotion of vegetation at newly reclaimed tidal land, we proposed that it was very effective to plant artificially halophytes or suitable species through soil test.

Confucian Cultivation of Mind and Meditation - The Care Model of Cultivation Applied by Toe-gye' 『The Method on Preservation of Human mind (活人心方)』 (유가 공부론과 명상 - 퇴계 활인심방(活人心方)을 응용한 수양치료 모형 -)

  • Lee, Yun-do
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.28
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    • pp.363-386
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between theory of Confucian moral cultivation and meditation. Recently our community is more interested in 'a disease of mind'. A view of world, life, values which derived from the distorted perception of 'a disease of mind' can not be treated by psychiatric methods. In this sense, 'a disease of mind' is different from psychiatric illness. In this reason, alternative therapies applying philosophy, literature, arts, and humanities are attracting attention. Meditation is also one of them. In general, Meditation has been developed in Buddhism, but its method is closely related with Confucianism. Buddhist meditation has a pessimistic view of the reality in human life, but that of Confucian philosophy has laid stress on the reality and ego in human life. At this point, the Confucian meditation could provide a clue of solution for us in treatment of a disease of human mind. So Confucian moral cultivation and meditation have a great significance for the treatment of this disease as a methodology. In general, mental healing or psychotherapy has been proceeded by way of dialogue. 'Talking Cure' was conceived to let clients themselves recognize their current situation and find out the problem: "what happened and what's wrong" in their minds. But it does not have a high possibility of successful cure for subjects who are in the state of frustration, confusion, and lost of value. And also it is very difficult to apply to special institutions such as correctional institutions and military soldier who are targeted by current application of Humanities therapy. On this sense, it seems to be valuable to apply Confucian cultivation of mind and meditation which have emphasized the importance of mind-control for this. This study tries to examine theoretically how to relate the Confucian cultivation of mind with meditation, and to suggest a model of Humanities therapy that could be applied by Toe-gye's 『The Method on Preservation of Human mind(活人心方)』. Although Confucian cultivation of mind could present a meaningful theory for curing the disease of mind, it is very difficult to put the theory into practice. It is because Confucian cultivation of mind in itself is a kind of instruction that you need to do in all of your life, and essentially it is difficult to expect a temporary effect by performance or practice. So a cure model of Confucian cultivation of mind will be suggested on this assumption and limitations. This model is attempted on the main purpose of Humanities therapy in accordance with the development of a Korean model.

Woo-dam(愚潭) and Nok-mun(鹿門)'s understanding about the ground of universality in the pure goodness and its bases on the realization - Focusing on the analysis of Yul-gok(栗谷)'s all penetrating Li and defining Ch'i (선(善)의 보편성(普遍性)과 실현근거 관한 우담(愚潭)과 녹문(鹿門)의 이해 - 리통기국(理通氣局)에 대한 해석을 중심으로 -)

  • Son, Heung-chul
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.28
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    • pp.267-296
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    • 2010
  • There exists various advantages and disadvantages with various thoughts in human beings. Therefore, it causes very complicated conflict by these diversity. It would be impossible if there would not be solved in classes, areas, schools, cultures whether it is simple or complicated. The proposition which totally shows these logic are Cheng-Yi(程頤, 1033-1107)'s principle is one but its manifestations are many(理一分殊) and Yul-gok(栗谷, 1536-1584)'s all penetrating Li and defining Ch'i. The main concern is how to realize concretly the pure goodness in theory of principal and vital force. There are opinion which Li shows it's pure goodness initiatively and it only has to be shown through Ch'i. Toi-gyeo(退溪, 1501-1570)and Woo-dam(愚潭, 1625-1707) thought the subjectivity lies on Li which shows itself even though Li can't shows itself. On the while, Yul-gok thought it realize through Ch'i, and Li has the superintendence which Li shows itself through Ch'i. Regardless with above, Nok-mun(鹿門, 1711-1788) had the point of view which pure goodness come to realize by the coincidence of Li and Ch'i, on the same time, it didn't matter whether the subjectivity lay on Li or Ch'i, Li showed by nature while Ch'i did by vital energy controlled and worked together. While Yul-gok established his theoretical ground of universality in the best pure good and its bases on the realization, Woo-dam put an emphasis on the practice and realization of goodness to endow with its positive meaning. On the contrary of it, Nok-mun emphasised vital enerty, that is, enabled to realize goodness which premised Li and Ch'i are reciprocally related to other in non-segregated condition(理氣不相離). Still however, the most important thing is how the rightness can be concreately explained which human have to practice its pure goodness. It is not restricted on the Sung Confucianism, it is the material question in philosophy.

The style of life shown by Elder Lee Sang-dong through the encounter between Confucianism and early Protestantism (이상동 장로가 유교와 초기 개신교 만남으로 보여준 삶의 양식)

  • Kwang Deok Ahn
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.78
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    • pp.153-189
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    • 2024
  • This study sought to find the characteristics of the Protestant faith that emerged during the early missionary work of Korean Protestants in the Andong region of Gyeongsang Province, where Confucianism was developed. In the early days of Korean Protestantism (1905-1935), it focused on the life and lifestyle of Elder Lee Sang-dong, a nobleman with a background in Toegye Confucianism, who converted from Confucianism. Elder Sang-dong Lee's life and journey of faith can be illuminated and the implications can be connected through the theology of the faith community by Christian education scholar J. h. Westerhoff III. Westerhoff viewed Christian education as forming the values and worldview of individuals in the community while the faith community adapts to society and culture. Westerhoff's view of Christian education is that these values appear as a way of life within social and cultural processes, and this life helps to reveal various aspects of life based on different environments. As Sang-dong Lee began reading the Bible, he came to believe in Jesus and accepted the worldview of the Bible. The values o f the Bible accepted in this way opened up a world view shown by the Christian Bible rather than Confucian Toegye Neo-Confucianism in the encounter between Confucianism in the late Joseon Dynasty and early Protestant church history. Thus, he lived the lifestyle of a believer who put the words of the Bible into practice in the life of a Confucianism nobleman. He founded the Posan-dong Church and started a church with a martyrdom faith community. He was the first in Andong to sing the March 1st Independence Movement on his own, advocated the Korean Independence Movement, liberated slaves and demonstrated the equality movement, and established new education at DeoksinSeosuk. By implementing it, it faithfully fulfilled its role as a teacher of the enlightenment movement and catechesis. In the early days of Korean Protestantism, Lee Sang-dong, a layman who held the office of elder rather than a minister in an institutional church, is a practical example of the values and lifestyle shown through the encounter between Confucianism and Protestantism in the Andong region, the stronghold of Confucianism. It can be seen as providing deep insight in modern church history and from the perspective of Christian education.

Analyzing Land Use Patterns of C.B.D. Using Special Quotients - The Case of Downtown Seoul - (특화도 분석에 따른 도심공간의 토지이용 패턴 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Ho;Yuh, Hong-Koo
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.69-82
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to identify structural properties of C.B.D and to provide direction that required for the plan and its development by analyzing land use patterns and its characteristics in the center of the city. In this study, the future planning elements and detailed land use of Seoul was analyzed, in regard to the spatial structural hierarchy and the function of downtown, by investigation of its current urban spatial structure. First, the characteristic of the land-use for merchandising facilities is that it is developed from west to east along the Jong-ro, Myungdong and Namdaemun, it shows high rate of the facilities along the horizontal axis. The large market area on this district would be the reason to the high rate of mechandising facilities. Second, the characteristic of the land-use for business facilities is that it is highly rated on the area passing through the Sejong-ro and Seoul station. The analysis result of our investigation is that the projects executed by Seoul city such as 'downtown maintenance planning' and 'downtown recreation program' strengthened functions of business and merchandising and promoted downtown shopping, leisure, tourism functions resulting activation of nearby market place and evaluated as maintaing the centrality of downtown Seoul well.

Analysis of Open Toll Segments in Urban Freeways (개방식고속도로 통행특성과 영업체계 전환분석)

  • Nam, Du-Hui
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2007
  • Two variations of toll roads exist: mainline toll plazas and entry/exit tolls. On a mainline toll system(open toll scheme), all vehicles stop at various locations along the highway to pay a toll. While this may save money from the lack of need to construct tolls at every exit, it can cause lots of traffic congestion, and drivers could evade tolls by going around them. With entry/exit tolls, vehicles collect a ticket when entering the highway, which displays the fares it will pay when it exits, increasing in cost for distance travelled. Upon exit, the driver will pay the amount listed for the given exit. The pressures on the Seoul ring roadway network have been changing over time. In the past, the emphasis was on mobility and maintenance of the road network to provide an efficient transportation network, but recently, road use has outstripped the network's ability to extend and expand the road network and hence the policy emphasis has moved towards reducing free riders rather than mitigating its effects. In addition to this pressure is an incidental pressure, which argues that provision of free ride segments generates further traffic in isolation of other factors. This paper is examining policies to reduce the burden of traffic congestion in Seoul ring roadway which is used open toll scheme for decades. One key mechanism to achieve this policy aim is automatic charging mechanism on freeway, but if a nation-wide electronic toll collection is to be implemented successfully, there are a number of prerequisites which must be place.