• Title/Summary/Keyword: 토양지도

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The Research of Condition for Mural Tomb in Goa-ri, Goryeong in Gaya period (대가야 시기 고령 고아리 벽화 고분의 보존 상태 연구)

  • Lee, Kyeong Min;Lee, Hwa Soo;Han, Kyeong Soon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.44-61
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    • 2015
  • Mural tomb in Goa-ri(Goryeong) built in the 6th Century Gaya period investigated precisely by the scientific method. They were used to optical equipments for investigation and made a damage map according to the damaging types. The mortar layer was mostly exfoliated from the rest of the wall except for the burial chamber ceiling and corridor ceiling. Also painting layers rarely not observed. Most of the paintings were damaged except lotus painting in burial chamber ceiling. Various damage types that exfoliation, earthen dirt, film coating were found in murals. Damage factors of mural were the porous characteristics of mortar layer and the movement of moisture in the murals. They were caused physical damage such as crack, exfoliation. It was getting worse and causing to secondary damage like earthen dirt, film coating.

Socio-eoconomic impacts on human-modified hydrological drought using Copula Bayesian networks : a case study of Chungju Dam basin (Copula Bayesian networks를 활용한 수문학적 가뭄에 대한 사회경제적 인자들의 영향 평가 : 충주댐 유역을 중심으로)

  • Shin, Ji Yae;Son, Ho Jun;Kwon, Hyun-Han;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.343-343
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    • 2021
  • 최근 국내외적으로 발생되는 대규모의 가뭄에 대하여 여러 과학자들은 자연적인 현상의 가뭄이 아니라 인간의 영향으로 변형된 유역 상황으로 증발산과 토양수분량 그리고 하천유량 등이 자연적인 상태와 다르게 변화되면서 지속된 가뭄으로 평가하고 있다. 우리나라는 대부분의 지역에서 댐과 저류지를 중심으로 수자원 관리가 이루어지고 있으며, 자연적인 수문과정에 의한 유출에 따른 수문학적 가뭄과는 차이가 존재한다. 사회경제적 인자(인구밀도, 농업 및 산업 경제규모 등)는 댐 및 저수지의 용수사용에 큰 영향을 미치며, 저류지의 저류량을 활용하여 판단한 인위적 용수사용이 고려된 수문학적 가뭄(인위적 수문학적 가뭄)과 자연 상태로의 수문학적 가뭄의 특성은 크게 다를 수 있다. 하지만, 사회경제적 인자들이 수문학적 가뭄에 미치는 영향에 대하여 비교한 연구는 상관성 분석을 토대로한 연구가 대부분이다. 본 연구에서는 인자들이 인위적 수문학적 가뭄에 미치는 정도를 정량적으로 비교하기 위하여 베이지안 네크워크 모형을 활용하여 사회경제적 인자와 인위적 수문학적 가뭄과의 관계를 분석하였다. 해당 관계를 바탕으로 코플라 함수를 활용함으로써 베이지안 네트워크 내의 결합확률을 산정하였다. 다양한 사회경제적 인자들에 중에서 인과지도를 바탕으로 활용 가능한 인자로 농업용수 사용량, 생공용수 사용량 자료를 구축하였으며, 기상학적 가뭄지수를 추가적으로 고려하여 한강유역 충주댐 유역에 적용하였다. 그 결과 기상학적 가뭄과 농업용수 사용량과 생공용수 사용량은 값이 증가함에 따라 인위적 수문학적 가뭄의 발생확률이 증가하였다. 사회경제적 인자 중에서는 생공용수 사용량(0.39~0.49)이 전반적으로 농업용수 사용량(0.36~0.48)보다 인위적 수문학적 가뭄에 보다 큰 영향을 미치고 있으며, 값이 적을수록 생공용수 사용량의 영향이 보다 더 크다는 것이 확인되었다. 이를 바탕으로 인위적 수문학적 가뭄의 대응을 위해서는 농업용수 사용량보다 생공용수 사용량의 감축이 우선적으로 이루어져야 그 효과가 클 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구에서 제시한 모형은 베이지안 네트워크를 기반으로 하므로, 둘 이상의 인자에 대하여 복합적으로 가뭄에 영향을 미치는 영향에 대한 추가적인 연구가 가능하다.

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Analysis of Landslide Hazard Area using Logistic Regression Analysis and AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) Approach (로지스틱 회귀분석 및 AHP 기법을 이용한 산사태 위험지역 분석)

  • Lee, Yong-jun;Park, Geun-Ae;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.5D
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    • pp.861-867
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this study is to analyze the landslide hazard areas by combining LRA (Lgistic Regression Analysis) and AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Program) methods with Remote Sensing and GIS data in Anseong-si. In order to classify landslide hazard areas of seven levels, six topographic factors (slope, aspect, elevation, soil drain, soil depth, and land use) were used as input factors of LRA and AHP methods. As results, high-risk areas for landslide (1 and 2 levels) by LRA and AHP of its own were classified as 46.1% and 48.7%, respectively. A new method by applying weighting factors to the results of LRA and AHP was suggested. High-risk areas for landslide (1 and 2 levels) form the new method was classified as 58.9%.

Evaluation of the Importance of Variables When Using a Random Forest Technique to Assess Landslide Damage: Focusing on Chungju Landslides (Random Forest를 활용한 산사태 피해 영향인자 평가: 충주시 산사태를 중심으로)

  • Jaeho Lee;Youjin Jeong;Junghae Choi
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.51-65
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    • 2024
  • Landslides are natural disasters that causes significant property damage worldwide every year. In Korea, damage due to landslides is increasing owing to the effects of climate change, and it is important to identify the factors that increase the prevalence of landslides in order to reduce the damage they cause. Therefore, this study used a random forest model to analyze the importance of 14 factors in influencing landslide damage in a specific area of Chungju, Chungcheongbuk-do province, Korea. The random forest model performed accurately with an AUC of 0.87 and the most-important factors were ranked in the order of aspect, slope, distance to valley, and elevation, suggesting that topographic factors such as aspect and slope more greatly influence landslide damage than geological or soil factors such as rock type and soil thickness. The results of this study are expected to provide a basis for mapping and predicting landslide damage, and for research focused on reducing landslide damage.

Estimation of Paddy Field Area in North Korea Using RapidEye Images (RapidEye 영상을 이용한 북한의 논 면적 산정)

  • Hong, Suk Young;Min, Byoung-Keol;Lee, Jee-Min;Kim, Yihyun;Lee, Kyungdo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.1194-1202
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    • 2012
  • Remotely sensed satellite images can be applied to monitor and obtain land surface information on inaccessible areas. We classified paddy field area in North Korea based on on-screen digitization with visual interpretation using 291 RapidEye satellite images covering the whole country. Criteria for paddy field classification based on RapidEye imagery acquired at different time of rice growth period was defined. Darker colored fields with regular shape in the images with false color composite from early May to late June were detected as rice fields. From early July to late September, it was hard to discriminate rice canopy from other type of vegetation including upland crops, grass, and forest in the image. Regular form of readjusted rice field in the plains and uniform texture when compared with surrounding vegetation. Paddy fields classified from RapidEye imagery were mapped and the areas were calculated by administrative district, province or city. Sixty six percent of paddy fields ($3,521km^2$) were distributed in the west coastal regions including Pyeongannam-do, Pyeonganbuk-do, and Hwanghaenam-do. The paddy field areas classified from RapidEye images showed less than 1% of difference from the paddy field areas of North Korea reported by FAO/WFP (Food and Agriculture Organization/World Food Programme).

Studies on the Herbicidal Properties of Pyrazolate (제초제(除草劑) Pyrazolate의 작용특성(作用特性)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Ryang, H.S.;Han, S.S.;Kim, K.H.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.174-189
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    • 1983
  • Experiments were conducted to evaluate the herbicidal characteristics of pyrazolate [4-(2,4-dichloro benzoyl)-1,3-dimethylpyrazol-5-yl-p-toluene-sulphonate] in greenhouse and lowland rice field. Pyrazolate controlled effectively most of annual weeds and such perennial weeds as Sagittaria pygmaea MIQ., Potamogeton distinctus A. BENN, Sagittaria trifolia L., Cyperus serotinus ROTTB, and Scirpus hotarui OHWI., whereas Eleocharis kuroguwai OHWI. was tolerent to pyrazolate. Although pyrazolate was applied at 2 to 10 days after transplanting, there was no difference in weed control The weeding effect was not influenced by percolation, depth of water and soil type. No difference in crop injury of rice was found with various levels of seedling age, transplanting depth, percolation, depth of water, soil type and time of application. When combined with butachlor, the mixture gave the same effect on rice phytotoxicity and weed control as pyrazolate alone did. Pyrazolate moved 1 to 2cm downward in lowland soil regardless of soil type and percolation. The herbicidal activity of pyrazolate persisted in soil for 60 to 90 days, depending on soil type, percolation and presence of soil microorganism.

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Scaling up of single fracture using a spectral analysis and computation of its permeability coefficient (스펙트럼 분석을 응용한 단일 균열 규모확장과 투수계수 산정)

  • 채병곤
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.29-46
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    • 2004
  • It is important to identify geometries of fracture that act as a conduit of fluid flow for characterization of ground water flow in fractured rock. Fracture geometries control hydraulic conductivity and stream lines in a rock mass. However, we have difficulties to acquire whole geometric data of fractures in a field scale because of discontinuous distribution of outcrops and impossibility of continuous collecting of subsurface data. Therefore, it is needed to develop a method to describe whole feature of a target fracture geometry. This study suggests a new approach to develop a method to characterize on the whole feature of a target fracture geometry based on the Fourier transform. After sampling of specimens along a target fracture from borehole cores, effective frequencies among roughness components were selected by the Fourier transform on each specimen. Then, the selected effective frequencies were averaged on each frequency. Because the averaged spectrum includes all the frequency profiles of each specimen, it shows the representative components of the fracture roughness of the target fracture. The inverse Fourier transform is conducted to reconstruct an averaged whole roughness feature after low pass filtering. The reconstructed roughness feature also shows the representative roughness of the target subsurface fracture including the geometrical characteristics of each specimen. It also means that overall roughness feature by scaling up of a fracture. In order to identify the characteristics of permeability coefficients along the target fracture, fracture models were constructed based on the reconstructed roughness feature. The computation of permeability coefficient was performed by the homogenization analysis that can calculate accurate permeability coefficients with full consideration of fracture geometry. The results show a range between $10^{-4}{\;}and{\;}10^{-3}{\;}cm/sec$, indicating reasonable values of permeability coefficient along a large fracture. This approach will be effectively applied to the analysis of permeability characteristics along a large fracture as well as identification of the whole feature of a fracture in a field scale.

The Suggestion for Classification of Biotope Type for Nationwide Application (전국적 적용을 위한 비오톱유형분류 제안)

  • Choi, Il-Ki;Oh, Choong-Hyeon;Lee, Eun-Heui
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.666-678
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    • 2008
  • The needs for drawing up of biotope map is rapidly spreaded over each local government recently in Korea, according as enhancing of interest about biotope, which is recognized to practical instrument for concretely being able to considering natural environment and ecosystem on all sorts of development plan. However, there are not yet the standard suggestion on biotope types and classification systems and biotope classification criteria. Therefore, each other methodologies are applied to each of local autonomies. First, under such critical mind the biotope types and classification systems were drafted by a review on biotope types, biotope classification systems, and biotope classification criteria of the preceded case studies until now at the inside and outside of the country. And then the purpose of this study is to derive biotope types and biotope classification systems applicable to the whole Korean region through continual feed back such as field surveys in selected representative areas and consultations. As a result of reviewing the case examples, first, the biotope classification systems were mixed two steps system with three steps system and those were composed mostly of the structure of two steps: large and small. Second, land-use, soil pavement ratio, green cover ratio, and vegetation usually were applied to the biotope classification criteria. This study suggests that the biotope classification system is consisted of four steps system: large(biotope class), medium(biotope group), small(biotope type) and detail(sub-biotope type), and the biotope types are classified into 13 types of large step, 45 types of medium step and 127 types of small step. However, this study suggests that the new biotope types on small step or detail step should be continually supplemented with the foundation of classification system proposed in this study because the biotope type classification should consider regional characteristics.

Influence of Site-specific Fertilizer Application Using GPS and Digital Fertility Map on Rice Yield and Quality (전자지도 이용 변량시비가 쌀 수량 및 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Chi, Jeong-Hyun;Lee, Jae-Hong;Kim, Hee-Oong;Choi, Byoung-Rourl;Park, Jung-Soo;Park, Kyung-Yeol;Jung, In-Gue
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.192-197
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of site-specific variable fertilization following digital fertility map generated from soil analysis on rice growth and yield. The site-specific application of fertilizer was implemented by using rice transplanter equipped with side dressing applicator and global positioning system (GPS). Coefficient of variation (C.V.) of soil nitrogen content was reduced after the experiment, and spatial variation of semivariogram was reduced. Rice growth from tillering to ripening stage, plant height, tiller and panicle number increased at site-specific variable fertilization treatment, and coefficient variation (C.V.) of each growth characteristics was lower than those of conventional fertilization treatment. As a result, fertility in the rice field was more uniform become of site-specific fertilizer application. Head rice yield of site-specific application plot increased by 9% (i.e., to from 450 kg/10a to 492 kg/10a of the control plot) and its CV was significantly reduced to 3.5 compared to 7.8 of the control plot. In addition, there was no significant difference in amylose, protein contents and whiteness of milled rice, but its CV was reduced.

Control of Chemical Residues in Animal Foods - Problems and their Countermesures - (동물성 식품에 대한 안전성 확보의 문제점과 대책)

  • 이문한;신광순
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.139-158
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    • 1990
  • Heavy resposibility is placed on the veterinarian and the livestock and aquatic animal producers to observe the period for withdrawal of a drug prior to marketing to assure that illegal concentrations of drug residues in meat, milk, egg, fish and other animal foods do not occur. This is essential from a public health standpoint because levels of residues in excess of those legalIy permitted in edible tissues may produce injurious effects when consumed over a long time span. With greater use of animal drugs of chemicals required in production of food crops, livestock and aquatic animals, the possibility of human being continuously exposed to drug and chemical residues for a life time is unequivocally evident. Korean authorities concerned Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery and Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, have recenly made their own regulations to control chemical residues in beef, pork and chicken independently. Consequently, inspection for the chemical residues also have been or will be carried out by the two authorities concerned without any cooperations. It is undoubtfulI to have a single regulation and national residue program for control residual chemicals in animal foods and that the tolerance levels should be established in milk, egg, and freshwater fish. Besides, we have no complete standard methods to analyze the residual chemicals and the methods have not been evaluated their efficiency, precise, accuracy and limit of detection. In this paper, the analytical methods and national residue programs in foreign countries are introduced and discussed and the status of animal food safety in this country is also reviewed.

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