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Sensory and Rheological Properties of Jeungpyun made with various Additives (첨가재료에 따른 증편의 관능적.물성적 특성)

  • 최영희;전화숙;강미영
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.200-206
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    • 1996
  • This study was carried out in order to investigate the effect of additives on Jeungpyun (fermented and steamed rice cake) Preparation. Soy bean flour, whole milk Powder, skim milk Powder, egg yolk, egg white, and mugwort were added in the Preparation of Jeungpyun. There were not significantly difference in loaf volume between control and experimental groups addfd egg yolk, egg white and mugwort. In sensory evaluation, the hardness of Jeungpyun containing of soy bean flour, milk Powder, and egg were lower than control The Jeungpyun containing mugwort was more bitter and harder than the control. The rheological properties measured by texturometer were significantly different among the Jeungpyun added with different kinds of additives. The hardness was significantly lower in Jeungpyun containing whole milk Powder and soy bean flour and springiness was higher in mugwort Jeungpyun compared with the control. In 4C storage, retrogradation of Jeungpyun assessed from hardness measured by texturometer was delayed by addition of soy bean flour and whole milk powder.

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Fermentation Properties of Yogurt Added with Rice (쌀 분말 첨가량에 따른 요구르트의 발효 특성)

  • Paik, S.H.;Bae, H.C.;Nam, M.S.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.667-676
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    • 2004
  • Yogurt was prepared from skim milk added with 1, 2, 4 or 6% of rice- or skim milk powders and commercial lactic acid bacterial starters. Changes in pH, titratable acidity, viable cell counts, viscosity, organic acid contents and carbohydrates during fermentation were monitored and its sensory evaluation was also performed. The optimum level of additives such as rice- and skim milk powders for yogurt manufacture was selected. Fermentation properties of yogurt added with rice and skim milk powders were studied. The control yogurt reached pH 4.5 after 10 hours of fermentation, whereas the samples added with 4 or 6% rice powders reached pH 4.5 in 6 hours and those added with skim milk powder reached in 8 hours. After 4 hours of fermentation, the control yogurt reached a titratable acidity at 1.0 %, whereas other samples exceeded 1.0%. After 4 hours of fermentation, the viable cell counts in the samples added with 4% rice powders were the highest. At the level of 4% rice powders, the curd viscosity decreased. Except for the sample added with 6% skim milk powders, all the samples produced higher lactic acid during fermentation, and galactose level in yogurt was the highest when added with 4% rice powder or 6% skim milk powder. In overall sensory evaluation using 5 parameters, the sensory scores of all the yogurts were not significantly different. However, the sample added with 4% skim milk powders was the best for color and overall acceptability. The sample added with 4% rice powders was the best for the flavor and texture. From this experiment, the optimun level of additives such as rice or skim milk powders was selected to be 4%.

Studies on the Processing Adaptability of Hazel Nut - Separation of Protein from Defatted Hazel Nut Meal and Characterization of the Protein Isolates - (개암종실(種實)의 가공적성(加工適性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 개암종실(種實) 탈지박(脫脂粕)의 단백질(蛋白質) 분리(分離) 및 분리단백질(分離蛋白質)의 특성(特性)에 대하여)

  • Yoon, Han Kyo;Keum, Jong Wha;Lee, Jong Soo;Oh, Man Jin
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.231-237
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    • 1981
  • In order to obtain the basical data for utilization of protein in hazel nut, protein was extracted from defatted hazel nut meal with salt solutions and alkaline solutions, and precipitated by adjusting pH of extract to 5.5 or addition of organic solvents. Amino acid composition of the isolated protein and defatted hazel nut meal were analyzed, protein isolates were identified by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The results summarized were as follows. 1. Defatted hazel nut showed highly nutritional value as the content of 'protein was 53.6%. 2. Extractabilities of salt-soluble protein treated with 2.5M MgCl2, and 1M NaCl(pH 11.0) were 53.0%, 31.5%, respectively 3. Protein in hazel nut were contained 53% of salt-soluble globulin, 14% of water-soluble albumin, 29.5% of glutelin based on solubility. 4. At pH 5.5, 85% of the extracted protein was precipitated, and about 90% of the extracted protein was separated by addition of organic solvents such as acetone and ethanol at 60-70% concentration. 5. Proteins extracted from defatted hazel nut with water and 0.027N NaOH showed 3 and 6 hands by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, respectively. 6. Amino acids of defatted hazel nut and protein isolate were chiefly composed of glutamic acid, arginine and aspartic acid.

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Effects of a Carbohydrase Mixture, Ultrasound, and Irradiation Treatments on the Physical Properties of Defatted Mustard Meal-based Edible Films (탈지 겨자씨로 제조한 가식성 생고분자 필름의 물리적 특성에 대한 탄수화물 가수분해 효소 혼합체, 초음파, 그리고 방사선 처리의 효과)

  • Yang, Hee-Jae;Noh, Bong-Soo;Kim, Jae-Hun;Min, Sea-C.
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.30-38
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    • 2011
  • Effects of depolymerization treatments of a carbohydrase mixture (CM), ultrasound, and irradiation on the physical properties of defatted mustard meal-based edible films (DMM films) were investigated. DMM hydrocolloids were added to CM (0.42% (w/w solution)), treated by ultrasound (500-700 W, 10-30 min) or γ-ray (40-100 kGy) to prepare film-forming solutions. Films were formed by drying. The CM treatment at 0.42% (w/w), pH 5.5, and 40-50C with a 0.5 hr incubation time resulted in the highest colloidal stability in the film-forming solution. The depolymerization treatments did not dramatically change the water vapor permeability of the films. The solubility of the film decreased up to 53.1% by the CM treatment. The ultrasound treatment (700 W-30 min) decreased tensile strength and elongation. The ultrasound treatment (600 W-20 min) resulted in more compact and uniform structures of the films. Flavor profiles were differentiated by the power level and the time of the ultrasound treatment.

Studies on coagulation of cheese curd by immobilized Mucor spp L42 milk clotting enzyme (고정화 Mucor SPP L42 응유효소를 이용한 치즈커드 형성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jong Lae
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.6
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    • pp.157-162
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    • 1988
  • In order to study of practical purpose of immobilized Mucor spp L42 milk clotting enzyme on activated succimylamino-propyl glass beads with glutaraldehyde in continuous curd coagulation, acidified milk(pH5.6, 8C) was treated through reactor packed with immobilized beads, and warmed at 30C and allowed to coagulation for the determination of enzyme stability, deactivation of milk clotting ability by continuous reaction, the beads treatment conditions, and contact time of milk and beads in reactors. The results obtained were summarized as follow ; 1) After 3 month's storage, activity of immobilized Mucor spp L42 milk clotting enzyme in 0.2M phosphate buffer(pH 4.6) with 0.06% sodium azide was only 80% of initial activity. 2) Milk clotting activity of the beads was decreased by continuouse exposure on acidified skim milk. Nitrogen accumulation on the beads paralled loss of the activity in initial reaction stage. 3) After 6 hours continuous treatment of the beads at 60 sec/ml surface time, the milk-clotting activity of the beads was about 70% of initial activity. 4) Bead reactor and shaking bed reactor were more effective than column reactor on continuouse skim milk coagulation.

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Optimization of Hot-water Extraction Conditions of Polyphenolic Compounds from Lipid Extracted Microalgae (탈지미세조류로부터 폴리페놀 생산 증대를 위한 열수추출 조건 최적화)

  • Choi, Kanghoon;Lee, Jihyun;Jo, Jaemin;Shin, Seulgi;Kim, JinWoo
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.310-314
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    • 2016
  • The search for natural antioxidants as alternatives to synthetic products is growing. Microalgae have emerged as a source of natural antioxidants with significant and diverse health-promoting properties. In this study, the effects of hot-water extraction conditions on total polyphenol compounds (TPC) production were investigated for lipid extracted microalgae (LEA). In order to enhance the polyphenol productivity, the extraction variables including solvents, temperature, time and ethanol concentration were optimized. The results showed hot-water extraction provided a higher extraction efficiency than the organic solvents and extraction at high temperatures showed a better extraction efficiency. While hot-water extract showed a higher extraction efficiency compared to 98% ethanol extraction, the mixture of water and ethanol (40:60 v/v) showed the highest production of polyphenols. The maximum polyphenols of 3.35 mg GAE (gallic acid equivalent)/g DM were obtained at the optimized extraction time of 10 min, 100C and 40% ethanol, respectively. Although Tetraselmis KCTC 12236BP was preprocessed by hexane to remove lipid for bio-diesel production, the results showed LEA contains relatively high level of polyphenols compared to untreated microalgae which can be used in the production of value-added materials. The predictions obtained from the developed Peleg's model were compared with the experimental data under the same operating conditions. The predicted and experimental data were consistent, indicating the reliability of the model.

Effects of Pretreatment of Alkali-degreasing Solution for Cu Seed Layer (약알칼리탈지 용액에서의 구리 Seed 층의 전처리 효과)

  • Lee, Youn-Seoung;Kim, Sung-Soo;Rha, Sa-Kyun
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.6-11
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    • 2012
  • In order to understand a process of contaminants removal on surface of Cu seed layer (Cu seed/Ti/Si) by sputter deposition, we investigated the changed morphology and states of Cu seed surface after pretreatment in alkali degreasing Metex TS-40A solution according to dipping time. After TS-40A pretreatment, the surface morphology with clearer grains was observed by Field emission scanning electron microscope and the changed surface chemical states and impurities on surface of samples were checked by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Dipping time in TS-40A solution had very little effect on surface of Cu seed layer. After pretreatment, much carbons and little oxygens on surface of Cu seed were eliminated and the decrease of peaks corresponded to O=C and Cu(OH)2 was estimated. However, Si content (=silicate) was detected on sample surface. We think that the silicate impurity forms on Cu seed by chemical reaction of TS-40A solution included silicate component. By pretreatment of alkali degreasing Metex TS-40A solution, it showed an excellent effect in removal of O=C and Cu(OH)2 on Cu seed layer, but the silicate was formed on surface of Cu seed. Therefore, another cleaning process such as acid cleaning is required for removal of this silicate in use of this alkali degreasing.

Oviposition by the Adults of a Green Lacewing, Chrysopa formosa Brauer (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), Reared on Artificial Diets (인공식이물(人工食餌物)에 의한 갑오풀잠자리 성충(成蟲)의 산란(産卵))

  • Park, Seung-Chang;Woo, Kun-Suk
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.24 no.1 s.62
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    • pp.34-38
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    • 1985
  • Effects of some artificial diets containing pulverized silkworm pupae On the oviposition of a green lacewing, Chrysopa formosa, were studied. The pulverized silkworm pupae with honey seemed to be a good diet for the egg-laying activity of field-collected adults in the beginning of rearing, but their fecundity progressively decreased. Newly emerged adults. did. not lay eggs when fed the above diet, but they were able to lay eggs when the silkworm pupae were defatted and provided with honey. An adult female laid an average of 166.8, 110.2, 96.1, and 66.1 eggs after spending 5, 9, 9, and 11 days for the initiation of oviposition when supplied with various diets i.e. the cabbage aphid, defatted silkworm pupae with additive constituents, mixture of intact and defatted silkworm pupae with additive constituents, and defatted silkworm pupae with honey, respectively.

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Quality Characteristics of Defatted Rice Bran, Sansung Takju (Cloudy Korean Rice Wine) (탈지 미강 산성 탁주의 품질특성)

  • Seo, Bong-Hee;Hwang, Hyun-Ju;Sung, Ki-Hyup
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.119-129
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    • 2015
  • In this study, rice bran containing biologically active substances, including oryzanol and dietary fiber, Korean food industry was used in glutinous rice Takju(a cloudy Korean rice wine) fermentation. During fermented in rice wine, four different amounts of defatted rice bran(0, 3, 6, and 10g) were formulated in a recipe and fermentation characteristics, physicochemical properties, and sensory characteristics of product were analyzed. An increase in the amount of defatted rice bran was witnessed by heightened pH values in the fermentation period. The titratable acidity of sansung takju was increased with high levels of defatted rice bran. The titratable acidity of defatted rice bran takju during the fermentation period significantly was decreased, and then increased. FRAP radical-scavenging activity of TDT6 2.56 g/moL, compare with the control group, showed the highest reducing power. The results of the sensory evaluation showed that overall-acceptability had the highest scores in the sansung takju containing TDT3(3%) level of defatted rice bran. In conclusion, sansung takju added with TDT3(3%) of defatted rice bran is rated most prefrence in the four groups in this parts quality and acceptability.

Antioxidant Activity of Ethanol-Extracts of Defatted Soybean, Sesame, and Perilla Flours in a Soybean Oil-Water Emulsion System (탈지(脫脂) 콩, 참깨 및 들깨박(粕)의 에탄올 추출물(抽出物)의 콩기름-물 기질(基質)에서의 산화억제효과(酸化抑制效果))

  • Kim, Eun-Hee;Kim, Dong-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.283-288
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    • 1981
  • The antioxidant activity of ethanol-extracts of defatted soybean, sesame, and perilla flours was compared with that of 0.02% BHT in a soybean oil-water emulsion system. The emulsion substrates and control were stored at 46.0±0.5C for 25 days. The peroxide and TBA values of the substrates and control were determined regularly. The activity of the oilseed flour extracts and BHT was estimated by comparing the POV development of the substrates with that of the control. The POVs of the substrates containing the soybean, sesame, and perilla flour extracts and BHT and that of the control after 25 day storage were respectively 43.3±0.1,22.6±0.7,21.5±0.2,38.6±0.4,and80.1±0.8. The TBA values after 20 day storage were 0.91±0.05,0.67±0.02,0.68±0.01,0.38±0.01,and0.62±0.01 The soybean, sesame, and perilla flour extracts exhibited considerable antioxidant activity in the oil-water emulsion system. The activity of the sesame and perilla flour extracts was far stronger than that of 0.02% BHT in the emulsion system. The abnormally high TBA values of the oilseed flour extracts in the present study might be attributed to the interference of some carbonyl compounds in the extracts in the TBA value determination.

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