• Title/Summary/Keyword: 탄소발생량

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Characteristics of Water-Based Magnetic Fluid Using Saturated Fatty Acids (포화지방산에 의한 수상자성유체의 분산특성)

  • Kim, Mahn;Oh, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Woo-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.241-246
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    • 1993
  • The water-based magentic fluids were successfully prepared with the synthesized ultrafine magnetite using saturated with fatty acids($C_{9}~C_{18}$) and SDBS as surfactants. The dispersion index of water-based fluids was about 85 % when the amounts of lauric acid and SDBS for the 27 g of magnetite were more than $2.66{\times}10^{-2}mol$ and 5 g($7.17{\times}10^{-2}mol$) respectively. As the solid content increased from 0.05 g/cc to 0.4 g/cc, saturated magnetization of magnetic fluids at 5 kOe increased from 2.07 emu/g to 9.31 emu/g and its viscosity increased from 1.20 cp to 3.95 cp. The stable pH region in which the magnetic fluids prepared with lauric acid and SDBS was range of 3.1 to 11.1. It was found that the water-based magnetic fluids was well dispersed as the carbon length of fatty acid increased, but the amount of scum of the magnetic fluids increased.

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Development of Green Drying System Using Waste Heat from Charcoal Kiln (폐열에너지를 활용한 친환경건조시스템 개발)

  • Kwon, Gu-Joong;Kwon, Sung-Min;Jang, Jae-Hyeok;Hwang, Won-Joung;Kim, Nam-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.512-520
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    • 2011
  • This study was preformed to investigate the characteristics of the green drying system for utilizing heat wasted during carbonization process. The green drying system utilizing waste heat is one of environment-friendly equipments because it needs no other energies from fossil fuel and etc. In this study, waste heat from three kilns was collected by stainless connection pipe, and in the green drying system the temperature and humidity was hardly changed. Charcoal charecteristics as fixed carbon, refining degree, hardness, pH, calorific value, and charcoal yield were analyzed to investigate kiln performance due to installation of green drying system. As a result, the green dry system installation hardly affected the characteristics of charcoal. In conclusion, the green drying system can be applied to maximize the profit of the farm household income and contribute to reduce fossil energy.

Property enhancement of lightweight aggregate by carbonation processing (인공경량골재의 탄산화 반응에 따른 물성향상에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Junyoung;Kim, Yootaek;Choi, Yunjae
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.254-259
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    • 2012
  • The mechanical property enhancement was studied using fly ash produced from fluidized bed type boiler in power plant, which contains a lot of Ca component being used to carbonate for $CO_2$ fixation in the lightweight aggregates made of cement and some portion of fly ash as a cement substitution under the supercritical condition. Specimens having various fly ash substitution rates and curing periods were carbonated under the supercritical condition at $40^{\circ}C$. The weight change rate, carbonation rate by TG/DTA analysis, 1% Phenolphthalein test, specific gravity and mechanical compression strength test were performed to observe the mechanical property enhancement of the cemented materials after carbonation under the supercritical condition and to make sure those could be classified as lightweight aggregates having specific gravity under 2.0.

Utilization of a Coal-preparation Refuse as a Raw Material for Clay Brick (점토벽돌 원료로서 선탄폐석의 활용)

  • Hyun Jong-Yeong;Jeong Soo-Bok;Chae Young-Bae
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.14 no.4 s.66
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    • pp.3-9
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    • 2005
  • In this study, the utilization possibility of coal-preparation refuse emitted from Hwasun coal mine in Korea as a raw material for ceramic body was investigated. The firing shrinkage ratio of ceramic specimen made from the coal-preparation refuse was reduced with increasing the addition amounts of that, while the compressive strength was slightly decreased. The weight of ceramic body was also reduced because carbon contained in the coal-preparation refuse was burn by fring. The water adsorption ratio of the ceramic specimen was under 10 wt%, and the compressive strength of that was over 21 MPa at over $1,150^{\circ}C$ for 2 hr. Therefore, it was possible to make the 1st garde clay brick of KS L 4201 from the coal-preparation refuse.

Evaluations of Swaging Process for Rotor Core of Induction Motors II (유도전동기 회전자 제작시 압입작업 평가 II)

  • Park, Sang-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.464-469
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    • 2017
  • This study evaluated the displacements of a Cu bar in the Y-direction and the relationship between swaging pressures and total contact forces to increase the productivity of the rotor core swaging process. Elastic-plastic numerical analyses of four different Cu bar shapes were performed with a constant swaging pressure to evaluate the displacements of the Cu bar in the Y-direction and the contact force distributions at the contact surfaces during the swaging process. Based on the numerical analysis results, the following conclusions were obtained. First, a simplified 2-dimensional cyclic symmetric analysis model was developed for the numerical analysis of the rotor core swaging process. Second, the final displacements of the Cu bar in the Y-direction were nearly the same as the change of the Cu bar size at a constant swaging pressure. Third, a linear relationship between the swaging pressures and the total contact forces, the so called resistance forces, was suggested.

Nitrite Accumulation and Nitrite Oxidation Efficiency of High-Concentration Ammonia Nitrogen by SRT change (SRT 변화를 통한 고농도 암모니아성 질소의 아질산성 질소 축적 및 아질산화 효율 평가)

  • Kim, Sungji;Gil, Kyungik
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.241-241
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    • 2020
  • 축산물의 수요가 증가함에 따라 가축의 사육규모 및 두수도 증가하여 가축분뇨의 발생량이 증가한다. 가축분뇨는 일반하수에 비해 고농도의 유기물, 질소, 인 등의 오염물질이 포함되어 있다. 적절한 처리 없이 하수처리장 및 수계로 유입될 경우 하수처리장 처리 효율에 영향을 미치거나 부영양화 등 다양한 문제를 야기 시킬 수 있다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 아질산화 반응을 이용하는 다양한 공정들이 연구되고 있다. 아질산화 반응은 완전 질산화 반응에 비해 질산화 단계에서 약 25%의 산소요구량이 절감되고, 탈질 단계에서 약 40%의 탄소원이 절감되는 경제적 장점이 있기 때문이다. 본 연구에서는 부피 8L의 실험실 규모 아질산화 반응조 원통형 아크릴로 제작되었고, 서울 A하수처리장 미생물을 채취하여 사용했다. 또한 SRT의 영향을 살펴보기 위하여 35℃ 동일 온도를 유지했다. 반응조 슬러지 반송 및 폐기가 없는 완전 혼합 반응조로 SRT와 HRT가 동일하게 운전하는 방법을 사용하여 SRT를 조절하는 방식으로 운전했다. SRT의 경우 8일, 6일, 4일, 2일의 변경조건을 통해서 차이를 살펴보았다. Ammonia Removal Rate(%)의 경우 각각 86%, 86%, 87%, 24%의 효율을 보였고, Nitrite Conversion Rate(%)의 경우 각각 10%, 45%, 80%, 41%의 효율을 보였다. 35℃ 실험실 규모 반응조에서 가축분뇨 유입 원수의 아질산화 반응을 유도하기 위해서는 SRT운전 조건은 4~8일, 고효율의 아질산화 반응을 유도하기 위해서는 SRT 4일 조건이 적합하다고 판단된다. 본 연구는 실제 가축분뇨 처리 효율 상승을 위해서 아질산화 공법을 도입할 경우 중요한 자료로 이용 가능할 것으로 판단된다.

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매실을 이용한 발효주 제조 연구

  • Jung, Ki-Tae;Joo, In-Ok;Ryu, Jung;Choi, Jung-Sik;Choi, Young-Geun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Postharvest Science and Technology of Agricultural Products Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.145.2-146
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    • 2003
  • 2002년 주류 소비량은 맥주 1,739,768㎘, 소주 793,854㎘, 청주 22,163㎘, 위스키 14,493㎘, 일반증류주 8,750㎘, 과실주 8,235㎘ 순으로 과실주의 소비량이 월등히 적다. 이와 같이 과실주의 소비량이 적은 이유는 여러 가지 원인이 있겠으나 과실주의 상품화가 미흡한 것도 하나의 원인이라 할 수 있다. 따라서 과실을 이용한 다양한 발효주를 제조 판매한다면 소비자의 선택의 폭도 넓힐 수 있고 소비량을 확대시키는 과실주 상품화에 기여하리라 본다. 매실은 우리나라의 전통과실로써 Ca와 K등 무기물의 함량이 매우 높은 알카리성 식품이고 구연산등 유기산 함량이 많아 피로회복에 매우 유용한 과실이다. 이러한 효능을 갖는 매실을 이용한 발효주를 제조하기 위하여 우수 균주를 선발하고 과즙제조방법 및 첨가량, 당 종류, 질소원 및 농도, 아황산 첨가 등 적정발효조건을 검토하였다. 우수 발효 균주는 알코올 생성량이 9.5% 이상이고 맛과 향이 우수한 SC 10과 SC 34를 선발하였다. 과육을 mixer로 파쇄한 과즙 전체를 첨가하는 방법이 알코을 발효에 좋았으며 적정 과즙첨가 농도는 50%이었다. 탄소원으로 꿀, 포도당, 설탕 중에서 설탕첨가가 알코올 생성량이 가장 많았다. 질소원은 (NH$_4$)$_2$SO$_4$이 가장 알코올 발효력이 우수하였으며 최적농도는 0.2%이었다. 아황산에 의한 살균효과는 인정되었으나 $Na_2$SO$_4$를 제외한 모든 처리에서 발효 효모까지 사멸되어 발효가 전혀 일어나지 않았고 $Na_2$SO$_4$ 처리는 열처리와 같은 알코올 발효력을 보였다. 상자에 담아 저장할 때 대비 저온저장고에서는 111일 동안에 11.7%의 중량감모가 발생하였으나, 신기술투입 저온저장고에서는 5.6%의 중량감모만이 발생하여 약 50%의 중량감모를 줄일 수 있었으며, 배의 색깔이나 경도도 대비구 보다 우수하였다. 4. 배를 비닐로 포장하여 대비 저온저장고에 저장한 경우와 비닐로 포장하지 않고 신기술투입 저온저장고에 저장한 경우를 비교할 때 11월~다음해 1월 까지는 중량감모, 과피색깔 및 경도에 큰 차이가 없었으나, 2월부터는 비닐로 포장하여 대비 저온저장고에 저장한 배의 품질변화가 급격히 증가되어 중량감모, 과피색깔 및 경도가 신기술 투입시 보다 급속하게 나빠졌다.를 저장 25일 경과시까지 유지하였다. 수확 시 높은 품온을 갖고 있는 과일을 산지에서 예냉 처리를 한 후 저온 냉장차를 이용하여 유통한다면 관행 유통 구조보다 고품질의 포도를 유통시킬 수 있는 것으로 사료되며 앞으로는 완숙된 고 당도(12.0~15.0Bx)$^{\circ}$ 포도를 수확 한 즉시 예냉 처리하고 저온 유통한다면 보다 신선한 과일을 소비자에게 전달 할 수 있을 것이다.갈변물질이 생성되었다. 이와 같은 결과로 볼 때, BAAG의 처리는 BAAC의 경우보다 가격은 저렴하면서도 항균력은 우수한 천연 항균복합제재로써 농산물 식품원료에 적용하여 선도유지 기간을 연장할 수 있는 효과를 기대할 수 있었다. 과일 등의 포장제로서 이용할 가능성을 확인하였다.로 [-wh] 겹의문사는 복수 의미를 지닐 수 없 다. 그러면 단수 의미는 어떻게 생성되는가\ulcorner 본 논문에서는 표면적 형태에도 불구하고 [-wh]의미의 겹의문사는 병렬적 관계의 합성어가 아니라 내부구조를 지니지 않은 단순한 단어(minimal

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Characteristics for Horizontal Displacement of Temporary Earth Retaining Wall on Marine Sediments (해성퇴적층 지반의 가시설토류벽 수평변위 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Younghun;Kim, Chanki;Choi, Sungyeol;Chun, Byungsik
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2010
  • In this study, the value of numerical analysis was compared to the measured value of horizontal displacement during construction. And also, the value was reviewed by comparing with numbers calculated by SUNEX program and EXCAV program. When comparing to suggested values of the maximum horizontal displacement in clayey layer, the displacement caused by the IPS system is larger than one by the Strut girder type system. When comparing the result of SUNEX program to that of EXCAV program, the SUNEX program interprets larger value. It could be concluded the result of SUNEX program is closer to the suggested value, 0.5%H, in clayey layer. The result also shows that the internal friction angle(${\Phi}$) is the key factor of developing horizontal displacement rather than type of supporting systems or materials. That means small horizontal displacement occurs in sandy layer having large value of the internal friction angle, whereas vice versa in clayey layer having small value of the internal friction angle. Therefore, the result of EXCAV program is larger in sandy layer and vice versa in clayey layer. When comparing the measured result during construction to the value of 0.5%H, the measured result is 1.4 times greater than the value of 0.5%H. In contrast, the result of SUNEX program is only 78.1% of the value of 0.5%H and the one of EXCAV program is just 18.1% of that. This result shows the calculated value by SUNEX or EXCAV program is smaller than the observed value by measuring during construction. In result, more careful attention is needed to determine the behavior of the ground. To better analyze the behavior of the ground, more precise finite element method is required.

Syngas Concentration and Efficiency in Heavy Residual Oil Gasification with 1 Ton/Day-Class Entrained-Bed Reactor (1톤/일급 분류층 가스화기에서 중질잔사유의 가스화 합성가스 조성 및 효율 변화)

  • 주지선;나혜령;윤용승
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.58-64
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    • 2003
  • With the 1 ton/day-class entrained-bed gasification system, heavy residual oil from local refinery was gasified at the operating conditions of 1,000~1,20$0^{\circ}C$ and 3 $kg_f$/$\textrm{cm}^2$ in order to determine the variation of syngas composition, carbon conversion, and cold gas efficiency. Produced syngas consists of mainly CO, H$_2$, $CO_2$, and the methane concentrations. Results yielded a maximum syngas composition of 45% H$_2$ and 26%, CO at the 31 kg/hr feeding condition. The maximum carbon conversion and cold gas efficiency were 87% and 68%, respectively at the feeding conditions of 20 kg/hr and oxygen/feed ratio of 1.2. When oxygen feeding amount that is one of the most important operating parameter in gasification was increased, concentration of hydrogen in the syngas is greatly increased comparing to the concentration of CO and $CO_2$. The temperature exhibited about 11$0^{\circ}C$ raise while oxygen/feed ratio changed from 0.6 to 1.2. Methane concentration showed enhanced dropping rate with increase in gasifier temperature and the useful relationship between the gasifier temperature and methane concentration existed such that it can be employed as an indirect measure of inside gasifier temperature.

Realization of Zero Waste Clean City to Low Carbon Green Growth (저탄소 녹색 성장을 위한 폐기물 제로 청정도시 구상)

  • Oh, Jeong-Ik;Ahn, Soo-Jeung;Kim, Jong-Yeob
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2010
  • Zero waste clean city was visualized by designing the environmental fundamental facilities such as automated waste collection and bio-energizing system of domestic waste, which was categorized into food and combustible waste from urban area. The biomass circulation position was applied to the domestic waste collection position combined with bio-energizing system in the zero waste clean city. Bio-energizing system consisted of bio-gasification, bio-fuel and bioenergy-circulation process. Food wastes were treated by bio-gasification with anaerobic digestion, and combustible wastes were made of bio-fuel with pyrolysis/drying. Biogas and bio-fuel was utilized into the electric generation or boiler heat in bioenergy-circulation process. The emission of carbon dioxide(CO2) and construction fee of the environmental fundamental facilities related with domestic waste was estimated in the existing city and zero waste clean city, assuming the amount of food waste 35 ton/day, combustible waste 20 ton/day from domestic area. Consequently, 2.7 times lower carbon dioxide emission and 15% construction fee of the environmental fundamental facilities related with domestic waste were obtained from the zero waste clean city by comparing with existing city.