• Title/Summary/Keyword: 타당성 종합평가

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Development of a Policy Assessment Mothed for Structural Flood Defensive Alternatives (구조적 홍수방어 대안의 정책성 평가 방법 개발)

  • Byeon, Sung-Ho;Lee, Jeong-Ho;Ahn, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • 한국방재학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02a
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    • pp.703-706
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    • 2008
  • Structural flood defensive alternatives have been evaluated based on economic feasibility, riskiness of safety and sustainability. Social problems associated with structural flood defensive alternatives such as dams, flood control channels, etc. are currently issued. The evaluation items of policy presented in KDI(2001) are should be modified in order to resolve the social problems. Hence, this study conducted a questionnaire survey of public servants, researchers, and engineers to obtain how to determine evaluation items for policy assessment and to compute their weights in the analytic hierarchy process. This study also compared the weights of the items in KDI(2000) with the weights from the survey in this study. The policy assessment weight was estimated higher than KDI(2000). This result suggests that social awareness increases and the analysis of policy becomes important for selecting optimal structural defensive alternatives.

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A Study on the Improvement of Teacher Librarians' Evaluation Indicators in Korea (교원능력개발평가의 사서교사 평가지표 개선방향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hyen;Lee, Byeong-Ki;Shu, Kyung-Un;Kim, Sung-Jun
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.133-154
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    • 2010
  • With the introduction of new teacher evaluation system, teacher librarians' evaluation indicators and questions were presented for the first time. The purpose of this study is to review the validity of current indicators and questions and to develop new one, based on it. The result is as follows : Current indicators mainly focus on the management of school library facility and collection, not on teacher librarians' educational activities and have the low validity to evaluate the expertise of teacher librarians. As a result, this study will suggest new evaluation indicators and questions to evaluate their expertise appropriately.

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Evaluating Teacher Policy of Park Geun-hye Government (박근혜정부의 교원정책 평가)

  • Shin, Hyun-Seok;Yonn, Ji Hee
    • (The)Korea Educational Review
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.101-133
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    • 2017
  • This Study aims to evaluate teacher policy in the Park Administration and to suggest tasks based on the results. To attain the aim, it describes overall teacher policy process in Park Administration and evaluates teacher policy based on the criteria which was driven from the CIPP model. The conclusions are summarized as follows. First, the environmental suitability of the situation assessment was met in general. The reason for this was that the teacher policy of the Park Geun-hye government was introduced reflecting changes in the environment and demands of policy stakeholders. The validity and feasibility of the policy objective of the input evaluation were not satisfied. There were deficiencies in the objectives of the policy measures. The objectives of the measures were not linked to the policy objectives. The budget necessary for policy enforcement were not secured. In future policy design, efforts should be made to examine whether the policy goals are valid, to secure resources necessary for policy implementation and to increase the feasibility of policies. The procedural rationality of the process evaluation and the suitability of the means were not met. Discussion with the interest group was omitted, it was not clear whether the implementation of the policy was linked to the policy goal. In the future, it will be necessary to focus on procedures such as communication and collaboration with stakeholders, to make immediate revisions in case of problems. The effectiveness and satisfaction of the output evaluation were low. Because the validity of the policy objectives, the suitability of the means, and procedural rationality were not satisfied. In the future, it will be necessary to systematically design policies and communicate with stakeholders in the execution process to prevent policy failures and actively.

A Feasibility Study for the Multi-Utility Tunnel by City Scale (Area) (기존시가지의 규모(면적)에 따른 공동구 설치 타당성에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Won Joon;Na, Gwi Tae;Cho, Choong yeun;Lee, Min Jae
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.903-911
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    • 2019
  • The multi-utility tunnel is one of the essential social infrastructures, but it is difficult to establish the multi-utility tunnel due to the scale of the National Land Planning and Utilization Act (2 million square meters). In this paper, we analyze the feasibility of establishing the multi-utility tunnel in the existing city in order to activate the multi-utility tunnel installation. For the feasibility analysis, the scale was classified into four categories based on related laws, and related indicators were selected and evaluated using feasibility and economic analysis. Three kinds/four kinds of suitable multi-utility tunnel for the scale of the existing city were shown, and five kinds of multi-utility tunnel were considered suitable for the new city over 2 million square meters. The results of the overall score evaluation of the tunnel type of the existing city and the open type of the new city of 2 million square meters or more, which is the obligation to install the multi-utility tunnel, do not show much difference and suggest the validity of the installation of the multi-utility tunnel in various scale of the existing city.

A Study on Evaluation of Usefulness of the Automated Cataloging Systems (편목시스템의 유용성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, You-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.77-94
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study intends to evaluate the usefulness of the automated cataloging systems. For the purpose. this study investigated theoretical methods for the quality criteria and developed 4 evaluation criteria. Also developed were indicators to measure the value of each criteria And the catalogers of academic libraries using three major LAS were carefully chosen to conduct the usefulness tests. The proposed model was verified reliability and validity. This study is suggested guidelines to evaluate and improve the automated cataloging systems.

The study of comprehensive index development for flood risk assessment (홍수 위험도 평가를 위한 종합적 지수 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Daeho;Kim, Young-Oh;Jee, Hee Won;Kang, Tae-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.395-395
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    • 2019
  • 대한민국에서 홍수는 매해 여름 발생하는 자연재해로 인명, 재산, 사회 기반시설에 심각한 피해를 일으키고 있으며, 기후변화로 인해 홍수 사상이 과거와는 다른 형태이다. 이를 대비하기 위해서는 기후변화를 고려한 홍수 위험도(flood risk)를 평가를 통해 적절한 대비책을 수립하여야 한다. 이에 본 연구는 전국의 홍수위험도를 중권역 별로 평가하는 홍수위험지수(Flood Risk Index, FRI)를 새로이 개발하였다. FRI는 세 가지 세부 지표인 위협도, 노출도, 대응능력(Hazard, Exposure, Capacity)의 결합으로 산정된다. 위협도는 직접적인 홍수의 원인이 되는 기상학적 요인인 강수에 대한 정보이고, 노출도는 홍수로부터 피해를 입을 수 있는 인명 및 재산에 대한 요소이다. 대응능력은 자연 환경과 인간의 중장기 전략을 고려한 적응능력(adaptive capacity)과 홍수 발생 시 조치능력(coping capacity)으로 나눠져 평가된다. 즉 위협도와 노출도가 높을수록 홍수 위험도가 커지며, 대응능력이 뛰어날수록 홍수 위험도는 줄어든다. 인자들은 특정 유형의 위험도에만 초점이 맞춰지지 않고 다양한 방면을 포괄적으로 평가할 수 있도록 선정되었으며, 통계 기법을 활용해 FRI를 산정하였다. 크론바흐 알파 계수(Cronbach's ${\alpha}$)를 통해 FRI의 타당성을 진단하였으며, 홍수피해금액간의 스피어만(Spearman) 상관계수를 통해 FRI의 설명력을 검증해 신뢰도를 제고했다. 최종적으로 환경부로부터 제공받은 미래 기후 시나리오를 사용하여 FRI를 산출해 미래의 세 시점(2030년대, 2050년대, 2080년대)의 전국 홍수위험도 평가를 진행하였다.

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A Comparison on the Characteristics of Water Resources Development Planning in Asian Developing Countries (아시아 개발도상국의 수자원개발 계획 특성 비교)

  • Heo, Jae-Young;So, Jae-Min;Bae, Deg-Hyo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.237-237
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    • 2016
  • 전세계적으로 기후변화에 따른 가용 수자원의 부족과 물 재해가 증가하고 있으며, 이에 따른 수자원 및 물산업의 중요성이 강조되고 있다. 또한 세계 수자원 시장이 점차 확대될 것으로 전망되어 공공기관 및 국내기업은 해외 시장 진출을 위한 다양한 사업을 진행하고 있다. 해외 수자원산업의 진출을 위해서는 해당 국가의 수자원 현황파악과 수자원개발 계획에 대한 면밀한 분석이 필요하며, 물수지 영향을 검토하기 위한 타당성 조사가 요구된다. 본 연구에서는 아시아 개발도상국의 수자원개발 계획과 특성을 비교하고 물수지 분석을 위한 자료의 가용성을 평가하고자 한다. 대상지역은 아시아 개발도상국인 3개 국가(베트남, 이란, 파키스탄)를 선정하였으며, 각 국가의 수자원개발 계획의 특징을 분석하였다. 우리나라 사례와 비교하기 위해 국가수자원 장기종합계획과 국가 간 이수 및 치수부문별 계획의 차이점과 특성을 분석하였으며, 국가별 수자원계획에 활용한 수요 및 공급부문별 자료 특성을 비교하였다. 본 연구결과는 해외 수자원산업 진출을 위한 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대되며, 물수지 분석 및 평가를 통해 수자원개발 가능성을 정량적으로 제시하고자 한다.

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Radiation Dose Assessment of ACP Hotcell for Spent Fuel Treatment in Normal Operation & Accident Case (사용후핵연료 처리를 위한 ACP 핫셀의 정상운영 및 사고시 방사선 환경영향평가)

  • 국동학;정원명;구정회;조일제;이은표;유길성
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2004
  • Advanced spent fuel Conditioning Process(ACP) project which is under development for efficient spent fuel management has finished process feasibility study and is preparing $\alpha$-${\gamma}$ type hot cell construction for process experimentation. Radiation dose evaluation for the radioactive nuclides were preliminarily performed for normal operation and accident case with the basic concept design report, the meteorological data and the recent site specific data. According to the production and release rate of nuclides, dose evaluations for residents around facility were performed. The evaluation result shows a safe margin for regulation limits and SAR(Safety Analysis Report) limit of IMEF(Irradiated Material Examination Facility) where this facility will be constructed.

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An Analysis on the Unified Policy of the Administrative System for the Public Library: Focusing on the First and the Second Comprehensive Library Advancement Plan (도서관 행정체계 일원화 정책 분석 연구 - 제1, 2차 도서관발전종합계획을 중심으로 -)

  • Cha, Sung-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.241-266
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the importance and validity of the unified policy of the administrative system for the public library through the analysis and evaluation of the outcomes and plans about the policy on the first and second Comprehensive Library Advancement Plan. In addition, this study seeks to the strategies for the public library administrative system unification by reviewing the issue details of the unification strategies. The first Comprehensive Library Advancement Plan was found to be just proclamatory without concrete and practical results through its performance analysis. The policy tasks were evaluated to lack in feasibility and specificity in the second Comprehensive Library Advancement Plan which was performed on a group of library professionals. Policy decision to determine who would be responsible for the unification into the local government was found to be valid by the results of previous research findings, policy evaluation by experts and in-depth interview survey for field practitioners. Substantial and detailed action-oriented strategy rather than bluffing and macro policy is necessary for the unification of the library administrative system. It is because we have found there exist significant issues in terms of unified approach, structure of the organization, personnel transfer and grade adjustment, property transfer, etc. through the analysis.

A method for selecting the evaluation index of defence R&D project by AHP (계층분석법에 의한 국방연구개발 평가지표 선정에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Seong;Hong, Yeon-Woong;Na, Joong-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.961-970
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    • 2012
  • To evaluate companies that participated in the defense R&D project, 27 variables are chosen through literature survey, feature analysis of defense R&D and interviews with military experts. 17 variables are selected after factor analysis which is applied to reduce the number of variables and to detect structure in the relationships among variables, that is to classify variables using Likert-type scales. And then 17 variables are prioritized by AHP (analytic hierarchy process) method. It is shown that communication skill & cooperation strategy, level of technology, possession of needs technology have high priorities. However, protection plan of technology leakage, expertise of subcontractors, software development plan have low priorities.