• Title/Summary/Keyword: 친환경 세정제

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Synthesis and Evaluation of Ecofriendly Nontoxic Cleaning Agents (무독성 친환경 세정제의 합성 및 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong Cheon;Ryu, Young;Hong, Yeon Heui;Kim, Seok Chan
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.548-551
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    • 2014
  • In order to reduce toxicity on the human body, four new cleaning agents (1-4) containing ester and ether functionalities have been invented. The synthesized cleaning agents's physical properties, biodegradabilities, and $LD_{50}$ values, which were conducted by Korea Testing Certification Institute by using standard method, showed excellent values. A specimen for cleaning ability was prepared by cutting in $60{\times}40mm$ size of stainless steel plate. The surface of the above specimens was treated with four different kinds of contaminants, such as cutting oil, anti-rust oil, drawing oil, and lubricating oil. Contaminated specimens were then immersed in compounds (1-4) for 1 to 5 minutes to dissolve oil in the cleaning agent. The data indicate that all compounds (1-4) exhibit good cleaning ability toward four contaminant oils. It is also confirmed that these compounds can be applicable to various industrial cleaning fields as nontoxic and biodegradable cleaning agents because of their excellent biodegradabilities and $LD_{50}$ values.

Preparation and Cleaning Properties of Environmental Friendly Semi-Solvent Cleaning Agents (친환경 준용매계 세정제의 제조와 그 세정 특성)

  • Kang, Doo Whan;Ha, Soonhyo;Han, Jongpil;Lee, Byoung Chul;Yeo, Hak Gue;Bae, Jang Soon;Yeum, Kou-Sul
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.188-193
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    • 2007
  • Semi-solvent type cleaning agents were prepared by mixing naphthenes, natural terpene oil, surfactant and water, and measured their physical properties. And also, cleaning efficiency for flux and grease was measured by gravimetric method. By measuring the physical properties, pH for cleaning agents were 6.0~6.7, surface tension, 27.4~28.4 dyne/cm, and wetting index, 8.65~12.46 (with water), 11.99~17.43 (without water). The cleaning agent composed of naphthene, 30 wt%, natural terpene oil, 45 wt%, surfactant, 13 wt%, co-surfactant, 12 wt%, and water, 0 wt% had the largest wetting index, and shown the most effective cleaning properties for flux (98.66%) and grease (93.44%). The conductivity with $0.5{\sim}0.9{\mu}s/cm$ to the cleaning agent containing small amount of water was found to form W/O type microemulsion.

Development of Environmental-friendly Cleaning Agents Utilizing Organic Acids for Removal of Scale on the Wall of Cleaning Beds and Distribution Reservoirs in the Waterworks (유기산을 이용한 상수도 정수장 및 배수지 벽면 스케일 세척용 친환경 세정제 개발)

  • Lee, Jae-Ryoung;Yoon, Hee-Keun;Bae, Jae-Heum;Shin, Hyun-Duk
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.272-279
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    • 2012
  • In this study, an environmental-friendly cleaning agent utilizing organic acids and various additives has been developed and applied to the field for removal of scale deposited on the cleaning beds or distribution reservoirs of the waterworks. As an analytical result of scale on the cleaning beds, we found that it consists of mainly metallic oxides such as $SiO_2$, $Al_2O_3$, $Fe_2O_3$, and MnO. Malic acid, malonic acid, and citric acid showed relatively better solvency on $Al_2O_3$, $Fe_2O_3$, and MnO except $SiO_2$ among various organic acids. Mixed organic acid solutions of malic acid, malonic acid, and citric acid were prepared with certain weight ratios and their solvencies on mixed metal oxides of $Al_2O_3$, $Fe_2O_3$, and MnO were investigated. The experimental results showed that an 10% mixed organic acid solution prepared with weight ratio of malic acid : malonic acid : citric acid = 6 : 2 : 2 were found to have best scale solvency power of about 29%. The formulated cleaning agents with a small amount of nonionic surfactant showed much better solvency on mixed oxides than mixed organic solution alone. Especially, the formulated cleaning agent with 0.2 wt% LA-7 surfactant appeared to have best scale removal efficiency of about 35%. However, the formulated cleaning agent with disinfectants such as NaClO, $H_2O_2$ and $Ca(ClO)_2$ showed poor solvency on mixed oxides. It is inferred that surfactants are able to improve scale removal efficiency due to their capability of emulsification, and disinfectants cause to degrade scale solvency in water because of their oxidation. Based on these basic experimental results, formulated cleaning agents have been prepared with mixed organic acid solution, nonionic surfactants, and disinfectants and successfully applied to removal of scales on the cleaning beds and distribution reservoir at city D waterworks.

A Study on Rust Cleaning of Various Industrial Equipment Using Cosmetic and Food Materials (화장품과 식품 재료를 이용한 각종 산업장비 녹(rust) 세정에 관한 연구)

  • Yeom, Seok-Jae;Jung, Sundo;Oh, Eunha
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2021
  • Corrosion is the degradation of metals by reaction with the environment. It is difficult to completely remove. Corrosion proceeds rapidly after the protective barrier is destroyed, and several reactions occur that alter the composition and properties of the metal surface and local environments, such as diffusion of metal cations into the matrix, the formation of oxides, and local pH changes. The study of corrosion of steel and iron is of theoretical and practical interest and is receiving considerable attention. Acid solutions, which are widely used in industrial pickling, acid descaling, cleaning and acidification of oil wells, require the use of corrosion inhibitors to suppress corrosion attacks on metallic materials. Physical removal of rust requires expensive special equipment, and chemical removal of it can cause corrosion or shorten the life of the metal. In this study, an eco-friendly rust cleaner was developed using cosmetics and food materials by applying the concept of perm reducing agent and chelate, and applied to remove rust from industrial and hot water pipes and various industrial devices. As a result, it was found that rust cleaners remove rust more effectively and safely compared to conventional treatment methods. At the same time, the rust removal efficiency was 1.75 to 2.5 times better for industrial piping and 1.56 to 2.2 times better for boiler hot water than conventional methods.

Development and Effectiveness Evaluation of Teaching/Learning Plan for Clothing Safety Education in Home Economics Based on the Health Belief Model (건강신념모델을 적용한 의생활 안전교육 교수·학습 과정안 개발 및 효과평가)

  • Kim, Ryu-Gyeong;Shim, Huen-Sup
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.127-143
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to develop the clothing safety teaching/learning plan in Home Economics based on the health belief model and to examine the effects of the course using the developed teaching/learning plan on the health belief. Based on ADDIE model, 6 clothing safety teaching/learning plans were developed by applying the health belief model. They consisted of three learning factors of 'harmful substances that can be exposed during the production, wear, wash, and storage of clothes and textile products', 'environment friendly fibers' and 'natural detergents'. Then they were implemented on 7 classes in middle school located in Gyeonggi-do Province from August 20 to September 7 in 2018. The health beliefs data collected before and after the course were analyzed with paired t-test with SPSS/win. As a result, the perceived threat(combination of perceived severity and perceived susceptibility), the perceived benefit, and the self-efficacy were significantly improved. And the perceived barrier was significantly reduced. In conclusion, the home economics clothing safety education course using the health belief model was meaningful as the safety education to enable middle school students to practice safe clothing life from harmful substances. The results of this study are expected to be helpful for activating safety education in home economics.