• Title/Summary/Keyword: 출동배치

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A Spatial Analysis about Arrival Delay and Dispatch Distribution of the 119 Rescue-Aid Service utilizing GIS - Gyeongsangbuk-Do Case Study - (GIS를 활용한 119 구조구급서비스의 도착지체 및 출동배치에 대한 공간분석 - 경상북도 사례 연구 -)

  • Oh, Chang-Seok;Lee, Seungwon;Lee, Inmook;Kho, Seung-Young
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.1D
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2012
  • The 119 emergency rescue-aid service operated by Korean government is a very valuable in a society and its importance is growing in Korea as an aging society. Especially, the emergency vehicle's arrival time to accidents place is an important variable which affects initial emergency measure for patients and it depends on the road network attributes, such as emergency service station's location, accessibility to accidents place and so on. This study aims to analysis the emergency vehicles' arrival delay and the dispatch station in the viewpoint of efficiency utilizing the real rescue-aid activity data. We analyzed the dispatch distribution of the emergency rescue-aid service at first. And we analyzed high accident rate locations not involved in the fixed radius of rescue-aid service stations and display GIS map showing regions have been delayed. The input data of the road network speed is based on the KTDB (Korea Transportation Database) and historical rescue-aid data is from Gyeongsangbuk-do's fire service headquarters.

Optimal Decisions on the Quantity and Locations of Ambulances for the Timely Response to Emergency Requests (출동 응답 향상을 위한 적정 구급차 수량 및 배치 위치 결정 연구)

  • Jeong, Yonghun;Jeong, Heena;Ko, Jeonghan
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 2017
  • A sufficient number of ambulances are critical for preventing delayed vehicle dispatch for emergency patients. This study presents effective methodologies for evaluating the effects of ambulance quantities on availability. The statistical properties of the emergency requests and responses were analyzed for a city in Korea. The inter-request times were modeled by statistical distributions. The ambulance dispatch was modeled using simulation, reflecting the shared dispatch among the city districts. The simulation results revealed that the existing ambulance quantity could successfully meet the majority of the requests, but more vehicles were desirable for improvement. The locations of the additional vehicles were determined efficiently by simulations with a greedy approach. The simulations with added vehicles showed a significantly better coverage of the emergency calls. This research can help design improved emergency vehicle operations, and help save lives.

Improving Equipment Wear in Korean Police Crime (한국 경찰 범죄현장 출동 시 장비착용 개선방안)

  • Jeong, Ji-Deok;Kim, Young-Hyun;Kim, Sung-Chul
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Disaster Information Conference
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    • 2017.11a
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    • pp.305-306
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    • 2017
  • 한국도 더 이상 총기안전지대가 아니며, 강력범죄도 지속적으로 증가하고 있는 상황에서 경찰관의 신체 생명을 적극적으로 보호하면서 무기 사용을 최소화 할 수 있도록 경찰관 장비에 대한 개선점이 필요하다. 장비에 대한 지급이 미흡한 시점에서 경찰관의 안전과 치안유지를 담당하기 위해서는 장비에 대한 보급과 착용이 우선적으로 진행되어야 하며, 경찰 출동차량에 반드시 방탄복, 방검복, 방검장갑, 안전헬멧 등을 필수 배치해서 범죄현장에 대처해야 한다.

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A Study on the Protection of Criminal Victims by Police (경찰의 범죄피해자 보호에 관한 고찰)

  • Jeong, byeong-gon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.219-220
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    • 2018
  • 경찰은 2015년 '범죄피해자 보호 원년'을 선포하고 전국 경찰서에 피해자전담경찰관을 배치하는 등 지속적인 보호조치를 실시하였고, 2018년에는 경찰법과 경찰관직무집행법의 경찰 임무와 경찰관 직무 범위에 '범죄피해자 보호'를 명시해서 범죄피해자 보호를 강화하고 있지만, 강력사건에 피해자전담경찰관이 현장 출동자와 동행하도록하는 등 현재보다 경찰의 범죄피해자 보호제도가 더 확충되어야 하며, 사건의 가해자에 대한 철저한 수사도 필요하다. 경찰은 범죄가 발생하지 않도록 예방하여야 하고, 범죄가 발생한 경우에는 수사 전과정에서 범죄피해자 보호중심으로 수사하여야 국민의 신뢰도 얻고 실체진실발견에도 도움이 될 것이다.

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The Regional Characteristics of 119 Ambulance Dispatch, the Distance and Response Time to the Scene (119 구급서비스 지역별 출동특성 및 출동거리와 현장도착시간과의 관계)

  • Lee, Kyoung-youl;Moon, Jun-dong;Choi, Eun-sook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.482-492
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    • 2016
  • Purpose This study is to investigate regional characteristics of 119 ambulance dispatch and the relationship between the distance and response time to the scene. Methods This study was retrospectively conducted 119 running sheets with 1,321 patients who had been transferred to the hospital by 119 ambulance during ambulance attendant training. The training was performed at two, five and three fire station in Seoul, Daejeon and Chungnam respectively, from June 24, 2013 to July 19, 2014. Results Almost the emergency medical services provided were no more than basic first aid in all regions. The patients transferred by 119 ambulance in Seoul were more than other region. The time of call to scene and scene to hospital were the slowest in Chungnam. The major reason of call 119 was due to disease in Seoul and Daejeon, however due to injury in Chungnam. Conclusion Our study suggests that learning from ambulance attendant training course could diverse from region to region. It is, therefore, needed that standardization of ambulance attendant training course, appropriate logistics and resource allocation for providing universal quality of emergency medical services.

Unconstitutionality of Call to Arms for Police Action (치안활동을 위한 군병력동원의 위헌여부에 관한 고찰)

  • Cho, Sung-Je
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.419-427
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    • 2011
  • As for the anti-terrorism bills, which were submitted to the National Assembly, the mobilization of anti-terrorism commando, which was designated or established by the National Defense Minister, is mobilized the military troops without being based on marital law in light of the constitutional law, thereby possibly violating the constitution, first of all, with regards to mobilization of anti-terrorism commando, which was formed with military troops. The anti-terrorism commando is the military force, which was trained professionally for the anti-terrorism activity. Thus, the violation of human rights may be greatly reduced rather than what general soldiers are putted in the public-order activity such as anti-terrorism. However, it is thought to be desirable to make it possible for the input of special forces, which were trained professionally in relation to anti-terrorism activity, through constitutionally revising the constitutional law. As for the provision of 'support for military troops' in the anti-terrorism bill, what is a case that the nation's important facilities and multi-use facilities are difficult to be protected from terror with the anti-terrorism commando and police force needs to be constitutionally regarded as resulting in reaching the level enough to correspond to 'a state of national emergency equivalent to wartime incident.' Thus, enacting the future anti-terrorism law, it is thought to be unnecessary for having the provision of 'support for military troops' with receiving criticism obstinately for possibly violating the constitution.

The propriety of Spatial Arrangement Condition of 119 Emergency Medical Service - Mainly Around H Town Area, Countrysid of Y city - (119지역대의 공간적 배치 현황의 적절성 -Y시 H면 지역을 중심으로-)

  • Yun, Jong-Geun;Choi, Kyu-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.374-380
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    • 2017
  • In this study, we analyzed the situation of the 119 emergency medical service zone of H town, countryside of Y city from January 1st, 2015 to December 31st, 2016 and then, on the basis of this analysis, we investigated the present condition of the patient-transportation service of the 119 emergency medical service to provide the basic data in order for patients to use the emergency medical service more efficiently. We analyzed the data with SPSS 21.0 using frequency analysis and, after positioning the virtual 119 emergency medical service, we analyzed the data of the transportation time and transportation distance by using GIS. The results of this study show that the use of the 119 emergency medical service for people over 65 years old represents approximately 57% of the total number of patients transported, The average distance and time of the real moving reaction are 6.41 km and 11.86 min, respectively. The distance and time from the pick-up location to the hospital are 18.24 km and 21.52 min, respectively. Given the present position of the 119 emergency medical service, the results of this analysis using GPS show that the (average) distance and time from the 119 emergency medical service to Jang * Ri town are 9.12 km and 12 min, and the (average) total distance and time to arrive at the hospital after the emergency medical service picks up the patient are 36.83 km and 62 min, respectively. In the case of the virtual emergency medical service, the total distance and time required to arrive at the hospital after the emergency medical service picks up the patient are 27.71km and 50min, respectively. The results of this study showed that the present position of the 119 emergency service does not provide the optimum distance and time from the patient's location to the hospital. Therefore, we consider that the repositioning of the 119 emergency medical center is necessary, in order to reduce the time required for the emergency medical service to move to the patient's location and then bring the patient to the hospital.

Analysis of the Situation of the Volunteer Fire Brigade in Japan (일본 의용소방대 실태의 분석)

  • Lee, Eui-Pyeong
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.44-50
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    • 2011
  • Japan has a very advanced volunteer fire brigade system as an interdependent organization by local residents due to frequent natural disasters. Japan has fostered and developed the volunteer fire brigade in the national level to response rapidly and appropriately to earthquake or natural disasters even in the urban area that has sufficient fire stations and fire officers. This study analyzes the situation of operating the volunteer fire brigade in Japan in detail and compares the result with Korean situation. Finally, this study suggests policies which can be introduced to activate the volunteer fire brigade in Korea.

A study on the developmental plan of Alarm Monitoring Service (기계경비의 발전적 대응방안에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Tae-Hwang;So, Seung-Young
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.22
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    • pp.145-168
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    • 2010
  • Since Alarm Monitoring Service was introduced in Korea in 1981, the market has been increasing and is expected to increase continually. Some factors such as the increase of social security need and the change of safety consciousness, increase of persons who live alone could be affected positively on Alarm Monitoring Service industry. As Alarm Monitoring Service come into wide use, the understanding of electronic security service is spread and consumer's demand is difficult, so consideration about new developmental plan is need to respond to the change actively. Electronic security system is consist of various kinds of element, so every element could do their role equally. Alarm Monitoring Service should satisfy consumer's various needs because it is not necessary commodity, also electronic security device could be easily operated and it's appearance has to have a good design. To solve the false alarm problem, detection sensor's improvement should be considered preferentially and development of new type of sensor that operate dissimilarly to replace former sensor is needed. On the other hand, to settle the matter that occurred by response time, security company could explain the limit on Alarm Monitoring System to consumer honestly and ask for an understanding. If consumer could be joined into security activity by security agent's explanation, better security service would be provided with mutual confidence. To save response time the consideration on the introduction of GIS(Global Information System) is needed rather than GPS(Global Positioning System). Although training program for security agents is important, several benefits for security agents should be considered together. The development of new business model is required for preparation against market stagnation and the development of new commodity to secure consumer for housing service rather than commercial facility service. for the purpose of those, new commodity related to home-network system and video surveillance system could be considered, also new added service with network between security company and consumer for a basis is to be considered.

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Study on performance improvement of electric-point machine monitoring system (전기선로전환기 모니터링시스템의 성능 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jae-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.4509-4514
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    • 2010
  • In this thesis, the effect of switch maintenance improvement is confirmed after testing and operating the switch monitoring system that were researched and developed originally in order to improve method of electric switch maintenance. However, as in an automatic interlocking station where a ground crew was not placed, repair and inspection could not be carried out until the maintenance person comes in case of switch problems or maintenance. In order to improve this issue, control module was installed in a monitoring system which can communicate through a data radio to a remote computer. Thus, the monitoring device can receive control information which a remote computer commands during the operation of switches. Afterward, it shows information on the real-time status of swith, in particular, anomaly situation through user interface after the switch is operated. By improving performance of the monitoring system in this way which can be managed and controled at a remote place, the prompt countermeasure system in case of disruption will be built and as a result, efficiency and convenience of maintenance improvement will be expected to increase.