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피부 병변은 닭 마렉병 진단에 결정적 단서를 제공한다

  • 조경오;박남용
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Pathology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.101-104
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    • 2002
  • 닭의 전신장기에 림프종 발생이 특정인 마렉병(Marek's disease; MD)은 림프구성 백혈병(Lymphoid leukosis; LL)과 병리학적 소견이 매우 유사하여 감별이 요구된다. 마렉병 바이러스(Marek's disease virus; MDV)는 질병초기에서 후기에 이르기까지 모낭상피세포에 세포용해성 감염을 지속적으로 일으킨다. 세포용해성 감염이 있는 모낭상피세포는 변성내지 괴사되어 있고 핵내봉입체가 관찰된다. 또한 세포용해성 감염이 있는 모낭상피세포 바로 밑의 진피와 깃털 수질(feather pulp)내의 혈관주위에 림프구 침윤이 관찰된다. 이러한 피부병변은 MD의 특징적인 병변들로서 LL과 감별할 수 있는 결정적인 단서이다. 본 고에서는 MD에 관한 전반적인 것과 특히 MD 진단을 위한 피부병변의 유용성에 대해서 자세히 논하고자 한다. 양계산업에 문제를 야기하고 있는 림프구 증식성 종양은 크게 마렉병(Marek’s disease; MD)과 백혈병(Lymphoid leukosis; LL)이 있다. 이들 질환의 원인체들이 분리되기 전까지는 이들 질병들은 발병부위에 따라 질병명을 붙였다. 즉, 내부장기냐 근육에 발생한 것은 visceral lymphomatosis, 피부에 발생한 것은 skin leukosis, 말초신경의 병변은 poly­n neuritis, neuritis, neurolymphomatosis gallinarum, range paralyis로 불리었다. 또한 눈에 발생한 것은 blindness, gray eye, iritis, uveitis, ocular lymphomatosis라고 불리었다. 1961년에 Biggs는 이러한 림프구 증식성 질병을 마렉병과 백혈병 으로 분류하자는 제안을 하였고, 드디어 1960년대 중반에 림프구 증식성 병변 중의 일부에서 herpesvirus가 분리되어서 Biggs가 제안한 병명인 마렉병을 본격적으로 사용하게 되었다. MD는 마렉병 바이러스(Marek’s disease virus; MDV)가 원 인제로서 닭에 전염성이 강한 염증성에서 종양성의 병변을 내부장기, 피부, 근육, 안구, 중추신경계, 말초신경계 등에 일 으킨다. MDV는 림프종을 유발하기 때문에 처음에는 사람에서 림프종을 유발하는 Epstein-Bar 바이러스와 관련이 있을 것으로 생각되어 gamma-herpesvirus로 분류되었지만, MDV의 게놈 구조와 세포배양에서 빠르게 성장한다는 점 때문에 지금은 alpha-herpesvirus로 재분류 되었다. MDV는 바이러스 중화시험과 한천 겔 침강법에 의해서 3개의 혈청형으로 분류 된다. 혈청형 1은 종양원성 바이러스와 종양원성 바이러스의 계대배양에 의한 약독주가 있다. 혈청형 2는 자연적으로 발 생하는 비종양원성 닭의 MDV이고, 혈정형 3은 바종양원성 칠면조 herpesvirus (HVT)이다. 림프종을 유발하는 MDV 감염은 4개의 과정, 즉 초기 세포용해성 감염, 잠복감염, 후기 세포용해성 감염, 마지막으로 종양화로 나눌 수 있다. 감염의 경로를 보면, 흡입된 MDV는 폐의 대식세포에 감염한 후 전선 장기로 MDV를 전파 시킨다. 특히, 흉선, F냥, 비장 등의 림프구에 초기 세포용해성 감염을 일으키는데, B 림프구가 주로 감염된다. 세포용해성 감염음 방어하기 위해 몰려든 T 림프구가 활성화가 되면, T 세포도 감염되게 된다. 잠복감염은 여러 가지 사이토카인 등 을 포함한 면역반응에 의해서 일어나며, 이 때 잠복감염된 세포는 특히 혈중의 T 세포라고 한다. 혈중 MDV 감염세포 는 피부 모낭상피세포, 선장 등 상피세포 유래의 조직에 MDV를 전파 시켜서 이들 조직에서 후기 세포용해성 감염이 일어나게 한다. 후기 세포용해성 감염을 유발하는 것은 이러한 MDV가 감염된 혈중 림프구라는 증거는 혈중의 세포 외에는 감염성 바이러스가 없기 때문이다. 후기 세포용해성 감염이 있는 후 육안적 혹은 현미경적으로 검출이 가능한 림프종이 여러 장기에서 관찰된다. MDV가 감염되면 병변 발생부위에 따라서 다양한 임상증상이 발생한다. 즉 내부장기에 병변이 있을 경우는 침울, 체중감소, 산란율 저하 등이 발생하며, 신경계는 발생부위별 신경증상이 일어난다. 이러한 장기나 조직에서는 육안적으로 백색에서 회백색의 종양성 병변이 관찰된다. 말초신경에 병변이 발생한 경우에는 특히 좌골신경 및 신경총에서 호발하는데, 이들 조직은 편측성 혹은 양측성으로 종창되어 있다. 안구는 간혹 육안적으로 식별이 가능한 홍채 퇴색 및 증식 병변이 관찰된다. 피부형 MD는 특히 육용계에서 문제가 되고 있으며, 산란계의 내장형 MD가 발생한 경우에도 피부를 자세히 설펴보면 피부형 MD를 간혹 관찰할 수 있다. 피부형 MD는 모낭주위에 원형의 결절형태로 발생하는데, 이들 병변이 커지면 바로 옆의 병변과 융합 되어 큰 결절을 형성하기도 한다. (중략)

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Antioxidant Effect of Mul-kimchi on Hepatic Tissue of Rats Fed with High Cholesterol Diet (키토산-아스코베이트 첨가 물김치의 고콜레스테롤 식이 흰쥐 간 조직에 대한 항산화효과)

  • Beik, Kyung-Yeun;Kim, Mee-Jung;Kim, So-Ja;Yang, Jae-Ho;Kim, Soon-Dong
    • Journal of Marine Bioscience and Biotechnology
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.178-185
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    • 2006
  • This study was to investigate the effect of 0.1% chitosan-ascorbate (CA) prepared with different molecular weight (223, 746, 1,110 and 2,025 kDa) of chitosan on the changes in antioxidant activity of mul-kimchi during storage at $10^{\circ}C$ for 20 days. Animal experiments were divided to 5 groups; normal control group (NC), high cholesterol diet group (HC), high cholesterol diet mul-kimchi diet group (HCKC), high cholesterol diet and CA2025 containing mul-kimchi administrated group (HCCA), and high cholesterol diet and 1/2 concentrated CA containing mul-kimchi administrated group (HC2CA). Mul-kimchi juice was administered 0.5 mL per 100 g body weight once a day and fed for 5 weeks. Electron donating activity of the 20 days-stored mul-kimchi with 0.1% CA showed higher activity (84.74~89.13%) than those of control and ascorbic acid mul-kimchi (35.04 and 75.04%). Superoxide dismutase activities of the kimchijuice with CA were higher in the higher molecular of chitosan. In the animal experiments, the average body weight of the HCCA and HC2CA group were lower 6.9% and 8.4% than that of HC control group, respectively. Hepatic glutathione content in HCCA and HC2CA group was increased 22.5% and 9.1% as compared to HC group. Hepatic glutathione S-transferase activities were significantly increased in the HCCA (219.9%) and HC2CA group (153.8%) compared to NC group. Hepatic superoxide dismutase activity was highest in the HCCA group, and the activities in CA groups were higher than those of NC and HC group.

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Effect of Dietary Plant Extracts (Coxynil®, Growell®, Respowell®) in Broilers (사료 내 식물추출물 복합제(Coxynil®, Growell®, Respowell®) 첨가가 육계의 성장에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Sang-Beum;Kwon, Seung-Hyun;Lee, Jun-Hyeong;Lee, Yun-Jeong;Kang, Chang-Won;Paik, Hyun-Dong;Chang, Byung-Joon;Kim, Soo-Ki
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.1547-1552
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the supplementation effect of dietary natural plant extracts (NP: $Coxynil^{(R)}$, $Growell^{(R)}$ and $Respowell^{(R)}$) on broiler chickens. Forty thousand male broilers with 7 days adaptation after hatching were fed experiment diets for 34 days. The supplementation effects of NP on growth performance, blood parameters and biopsy were examined with twenty thousand broilers as the treatment group. Twenty thousand broilers for the control group (CON) were fed the diet with salinomycin-6, clopidol-25, enramycin-1, and BMD-2.5. In the diet of the treatment group, the antibiotics were replaced with 0.03%, 0.035% and 0.03% of $Coxynil^{(R)}$, $Growell^{(R)}$ and $Respowell^{(R)}$, respectively. The weight gain of the treatment group was increased but the feed intake was decreased, indicating that feed efficiency was increased compared to the CON. The mortality of the NP group was also lower compared to the CON group (1,008 birds to 1,693 birds), showing positive dietary effects from natural plant extracts. In the activity of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) and new cattle disease virus (NDV) antibodies, the NP showed lower antibody titer levels for both of IBDV and NDV compared to the CON. The levels of total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, globulin, and IgG in blood did not show significant differences between the groups. In the microscopic tissue analysis, no significant differences were detected. These results may suggest that a complex of three natural plant extracts can be used as alternative antibiotics in broilers.

Effects of Sasa coreana Nakai on the Lipid Compositions of Serum in High Cholesterol Diet Rats (신의대(Sasa coreana Nakai) 추출물이 고콜레스테롤 식이 투여 흰쥐의 혈청 지질에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jong-Ok;Jang, Hye-Won
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.1145-1151
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    • 2009
  • This study was performed to investigate the effects of Sineui-Dae (Sasa coreana Nakai, a kind of bamboo) extracts on the improvement of serum lipid composition by using rats fed a hypercholesterol diet for 4 weeks. The experiment animals were administered with the following diets; high cholesterol diet group (HC diet) as a control and three supplemented groups with high cholesterol diets (HCW, HCM or HCH diet). Three kinds of extracts were prepared by orderly extraction with hexane, methanol, and water. We measured free cholesterol, cholesteryl ester, total cholesterol LDL- and HDL-cholesterol triglyceride and phospholipid in the serum of rats in three experimental and control groups. There were no significant differences in body weights and feed intakes between the HC control group and the extract supplemented groups. The levels of total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol in the serum of extract supplemented groups were lower than that of the group fed with HC diet only. Serum HDL-cholesterol levet which is known as an antiatherosclerosis factor, was higher in all groups supplemented with bamboo extract by 17.2-21.9% compared to the HC control group. All groups supplemented with bamboo extracts showed the lowering effect of atherogenic index compared to the HC control group (HC group: 2.96${\pm}$0.08, HCM group: 1.48${\pm}$0.02, HCW group: 1.69${\pm}$0.04, HCH group: 1.84${\pm}$0.01). Furthermore, serum triglyceride and phospholipid decreased significantly in the HCM diet compared to the HC control diet. These results suggest that Sineui-Dae bamboo extract, especially methanol extract, has improving effects on hyperlipidemia of rats fed a high cholesterol diet.

Aerobic Capacity and Ventilatory Response During Incremental Exercise in Elite High School Cyclist (점진부하 운동에서 중고교 엘리트 사이클 선수들의 유산소능력과 폐환기 반응)

  • Lee, Dae-Taek;Bae, Yoon-Jung
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.437-443
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    • 2010
  • This study was designed to examine the aerobic capacity and ventilatory response during an incremental exercise in elite high school cyclists. Twelve boys ($17{\pm}1\;yr$, $175{\pm}5\;cm$, $70{\pm}9\;kg$) participated in anthropometric measurements, incremental exercise testing, and pulmonary function tests. During incremental exercise testing using a cycle ergometer, their maximal oxygen uptake ($VO_2max$), maximal power output, ventilation, ventilatory equivalents for oxygen ($V_E/VO_2$) and carbon dioxide ($V_E/VCO_2$), respiratory rate, and tidal volume were measured. Time variables such as inspiratory time (Ti), expiratory time (Te), breathing time (Tb), and inspiratory duty cycle (Ti/Tb), as well as inspiratory flow rate ($V_T$/Ti) were assessed. Pulmonary function of vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second ($FEV_1$), $FEV_1$/FVC, and peak expiratory flow were evaluated. Their $VO_2max$, maximal heart rate, and Wmax were $57.5{\pm}3.9\;ml{\cdot}kg^{-1}{\cdot}min^{-1}$, $194.1{\pm}8.6\;beat{\cdot}min^{-1}$, and 452 W, respectively. $VO_2max$ was not related to any anthropometric parameters. Most ventilatory variables progressively increased with exercise intensity. As intensity increased, Ti, Tb, Tb decreased while Ti/Tb was maintained. Below an intensity of 250 W, height, weight, body mass index, and body surface were highly correlated with $V_T$/Ti and Ti/Tb (p<0.05). Collectively, $VO_2max$ appeared to be lower than adult cyclists, suggesting a different pattern of ventilatory control as age advances. Morphological characteristics were not related to $VO_2max$ in the population. Time variables of ventilatory response seemed to be related only at an exercise intensity level of less than 250 W. $V_T$/Ti may be related to exercise endurance capacity, but Ti/Tb was similar to adult cyclists.

Anti-inflammatory Effects of Inhalation of Injured Starfish Extracts on Formaldehyde Exposure (손상된 불가사리 추출물 흡입이 포름알데히드 노출에 의한 항염증 작용에 미치는 효과)

  • Hwang, Kyung Hee;Chang, Su Chan;Park, Jong Seok;Wahid, Fazli;Kim, You Young
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.501-509
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    • 2013
  • Formaldehyde (FA) is widely used in industries, and it is an indoor and outdoor pollutant. Exposure to FA may cause inflammation and respiratory oxidative stress. Studies have demonstrated that FA can cause cancer in animal models. During the regeneration process of injured starfish (Asterina pectinifera), several changes have been observed in the expression of cytokines. In particular, higher TGF-${\beta}1$ expression has been detected in arm cut starfish extract after eight days. The current study was designed to elucidate the in-vitro and the in-vivo pharmacological effects of starfish extract on FA exposure. We investigated the protective effects of intact starfish extract and arm cut starfish extract on an IMR-90 cell line and on mouse lung injury in response to FA exposure. In the presence of FA, inhalation of the arm cut starfish extract was associated with more promising cell proliferation, TNF-${\alpha}$, NF-${\kappa}B$ decrement, and $I{\kappa}-B{\alpha}$ increment. In the experimental group, the pulmonary structure of the arm cut starfish extract-treated group in the presence of FA exposure was similar to the control group, whereas the FA exposure group showed damage to the pulmonary structure. Moreover, the arm cut starfish extracts was more effective than the intact starfish extracts in terms of the expression of TNF-${\alpha}$, NF-${\kappa}B$, $I{\kappa}-B{\alpha}$, and surfactant protein A. The results obtained in this study demonstrate that arm cut starfish extracts are more effective in protecting pulmonary structure and function against FA exposure than intact starfish extracts.

Effect of Zizyphus vulgaris Supplementation on Growth Performance, Blood Cortisol and Meat Quality Characteristics in Finishing Pig (비육돈 사료내 산조인(Zizyphus vulgaris)의 급여가 성장 혈액내 Cortisol 및 육질 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho Jin-Ho;Han Young-Geun;Kwon Oh-Suk;Min Byoung-Joon;Son Kyoung-Seung;Chen Ying-Jie;Kim In-Ho
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.20-25
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of Zizyphus vulgaris supplementation on growth performance, blood cortisol and meat quality characteristics in finishing pigs. The total of thirty-six [Duroc${\times}$Yorkshir${\times}$Landrace] pigs ($91{\pm}2.11$ kg average initial body weight) were used in a 30-days assay. Dietary treatments included 1) CON (basal diet), 2) T1 (basal diet for 15 days and 0.1 % Zizyphus vulgaris for 15 days) and 3) T2 (0.1 % Zizyphus vulgaris for 30 days). The ADG (Average daily gain), ADFI (Average daily feed intake) and ADG/ADFI during the feeding period were not significantly differences among the treatments (p>0.05). Backfat thickness of pigs fed CON was higher than those of T1 and T2 (p<0.05). The appearance rate of A or B carcass grade was in T1 (74%) and T2 (84%) was significantly higher than that in CON (58%) (p<0.05). Pigs fed Zizyphus vulgaris 0.1 % for 30 days tended to decrease on blood cortisol compared with pigs fed CON and T1. But, there was not significantly difference among the treatments (p>0.05). The Hunter's L/sup */ (lightness) value of loin in the pork fed CON was higher than that of loin in the pork fed T1 and T2 (p<0.05). After 7 days, the L/sup */ value of loin in the pigs fed T2 was higher increased than that of pigs fed T1 and CON (p<0.05). However, a/sup */ and b/sup */ values were not affected by dietary Zizyphus vulgaris (p>0.05). There were not found remarkable differences in sensory properties (marbling, firmness and color) among the treatments. The results from the present study suggest that Zizyphus vulgaris could be a effective feed additive to improve meat quality of pigs. However, further research is needed to investigate effects of carcass characteristics.

Changes of Physicochemical Properties of Conjugated Linoleic Acid(CLA) Accumulated Pork during Storage Time (Conjugated Linoleic Acid(CLA)가 축적된 돈육의 저장기간중 이화학적 특성변화)

  • 이정일;정재두;이진우;이제룡;정진연;양한술;주선태
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.236-249
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    • 2003
  • To investigate the effects of dietary conjugated linoleic acid 011 changes of physicochemical properties of pork. Twenty pigs were divided into 5 treatment groups and subjected to each experimental diet(0, 1.25% and 2.5% CLA for 2 weeks, 1.25% and 2.5% CLA for 4 weeks, as total fed diet before slaughtering(about 110 kg). Pork loin samples were aerobically packed and stored for 14 days at 4$^{\circ}C$. Samples were then analyzed for general compositions, physicochemical characteristics and sensory evaluation. pH value of CLA fed group pork was significantly increased than that of control group(p<0.05). Crude fat content of CLA treated group pork was significantly higher than the control pork(p<0.05), but there were no significant differences in crude protein, crude ash and total moisture contents between control and CLA treated groups. AU CLA fed group pork showed higher WHC value than control pork. Drip loss was significantly lower compared to those of control porks. No significant differences in lean meat and fat color(CIE L*, a*, b*) were observed between control and the CLA treated group porks. Meanwhile, CLA pork tended to be lower in content of total heme pigment compared to control pork. No remarkable differences were found in sensory properties(color and drip loss) among control and CLA diet-fed group porks. Marbling score and acceptability were significantly increased in CLA diet-fed pork compared to the control pork.

The Effects of the High Pressure Boiled Extracts (HPBE) of the Ogol Chicken with Herbs on the Hormones, Cytokine, Specific Antibody of Serum in the Rat (오골계 증탕액 급여가 흰쥐의 혈중 호르몬, Cytokine 및 특이항체에 미치는 영향)

  • Chae Hyun-Seok;Ahn Chong-Nam;Yoo Young-Mo;Ham Jun-Sang;Lee Jong-Moon;Yoon Sang-Ki;Choi Yang-Il
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.283-292
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to investigate feeding effects of the high pressure boiled extracts (HPBE) of the Ogol chicken with herbs on glucose, hormones and immunological response (cytokine, specific antibody) of serum in the rat which fed either with normal feed (T$_1$), normal feed + herb HPBE (T$_2$), normal feed + Ogol chicken HPBE (T$_3$), normal feed + mixture of cross-bred Ogol chicken HPBE (T$_4$) hydrolyzed with Flavourzyme 0.1% for 35 days. During experimental period, there was a weak trend to have a higher glucose content for the T$_4$ group with 102.27${\pm}$5.95 mg/dL, but it was not significantly higher than other treatments. For insulin level, T$_1$ group showed numerically a slightly higher level with 6.79${\pm}$4.64 ${\mu}$IU/mL, but the difference was not significant in statistic term due likely to a large variation in comparison with other treatments. The treatments did not significantly alter testosterone level in rat plasma with 1.09, 1.46, 0.98, 1.13 ng/mL in T$_1$, T$_2$, T$_3$ and T$_4$, respectively. T$_4$ treatment increased the aldosterone level to a significantly (p<0.05) higher level (273.33 ng/dL) than other treatments. The extract treated rat showed a tendency in the cortisol level of lower levels than the control group, particularly, it was significantly (p<0.05) lower in T$_3$ group than other groups. T$_3$ and T$_4$ groups showed higher levels for interlukin-4 (IL-4) and anti-BSA IgG in immune cells and plasma. T$_2$, T$_3$ and T$_4$ treatments showed a slightly higher levels in v-interferon (INF-r) than the control, with a greater effect for T4 treatments. These results suggested that HPBE of the cross-bred Ogol chicken hydrolyzed with Flavourzyme increased immunological activity and decreased the concentration of cortisol and aldosterone hormones.

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Children (소아연령에서의 2형 당뇨병의 임상적 고찰)

  • Park, Jee Min;Yoo, Eun Gyong;Kim, Duk Hee
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.646-653
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : The incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in children has been increasing worldwide recently, which is thought to be related to the increasing prevalence of obesity. We investigated to evaluate the incidence and the characteristics of type 2 diabetes mellitus in children and also analysed the relationship between intrauterine growth retardation and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods : We investigated 25 children diagnosed as type 2 diabetes mellitus between March 1990 and December 2000. The analysis was performed retrospectively with medical records based on the clinical characteristics and laborotory findings. Results : Incidence of type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus in children has been increasing since 1990. We demonstrated an increase in the percentage of type 2 diabetes mellitus children from 5.3% in 1990 to 21.0% in 2000. Sixty eight percent of patients(17/25) were classified as obese group. Initial symptoms at first visit were polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia 48%(12/25), asymptomatic glycosuria 40% (10/25), weight loss 8%(2/25) and obesity 4%(1/25). The mean age at diagnosis was $12.9{\pm}1.8$ years. 64%(16/25) of patients had positive family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Autoanti-bodies were positive in 18.1%(4/22) of patients. Twenty eight percent (7/25) of patients had an associated disease and two patients had fatty liver in association with obesity. Treatment consisted of diet, exercise, education and oral hypoglycemic agents. Three patients were treated with insulin as well as oral hypoglycemic agents because of poor blood glucose control. Long-term diabetic complications occurred in 4 patients. Intrauterine growth retardtion was found in 34.6%(9/25); 88.9% (8/9) of these patients were non-obese group. Conclusion : The increase in the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in children is thought to be related to the increasing prevalence of obesity. The non-obese group of patients might be associated with intrauterine growth retardation.