• Title/Summary/Keyword: 창조적 사고

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An Analysis on Abduction Type in the Activities Exploring 'Law of Large Numbers' ('큰 수의 법칙' 탐구 활동에서 나타난 가추법의 유형 분석)

  • Lee, Yoon-Kyung;Cho, Cheong-Soo
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.323-345
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    • 2015
  • This study examined the types of abduction appeared in the exploration activities of 'law of large numbers' in order to figure out relation between statistical reasoning and abduction. When the classroom discourse of students was analyzed by Peirce's abduction, Eco's abduction type and Toulmin's argument pattern, students used overcoded abduction the most in the discourse of abduction. However, there composed a low percent of undercoded abduction leading to various thinking, and creative abduction used to make new principles or theories. By the CAS calculators used in the process of reasoning, students were provided with empirical context to understand the concept of abstract probability, through which they actively participated in the argumentation centered on the reasoning. As a result, it was found that not only to understand the abduction, but to build statistical context with tools in the learning of statistical reasoning is important.

Effects of the synectics conception on the illustration education (시넥틱스(synectics)적 발상이 일러스트레이션 교육에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon, Cheol
    • Archives of design research
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    • no.16
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    • pp.213-223
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    • 1996
  • Illustration has been used as a means of human communication since the primitive age. And now it has become a way to express impliedly either the fragmentary or the psychological side of our life. Like it has been said in peter knock's Illustration magazine, an artist said "it was the best article ever read." Illustrator's task is to abstract and practically describe not our daily life, but every moment of the perception an object, whether it is define or indefine. It can inspire stronger perception than any other elegant language. Addition to that the practical use of illustration is increasing ever day. The target has now become various such as man, nature, art, science and so on. Therefore, at this point what illustration requires is creation, new and striking idea. It is because in order to get in to the general's living in the complicate and various society, it must show unique images and appearance. Therefore, now the illustration should induce the work which is based on synetics thoughts, not simple improving skill. Now we must restrain futional and diagrammatic illustration education and be able to thik of free and abundant characteristics. It will eventually help students to feel the value of human life and free themselves from the reality of present education which is getting machinized and instrumentalized.entalized.

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Feminist Expression Analysis of Modern Commercial Movies (Focusing on "Micro-habitat(2017)") (현대 상업영화의 페미니즘 표현분석연구 (영화 "소공녀(2017)"을 중심으로))

  • Lee, Tae-Hoon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.439-446
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    • 2019
  • Feminism on the theme of gender equality is emerging as an important issue in the overall Korean culture. Feminism is not only a level of claiming or advocating women's rights, but an essential subject of gaze and thought, not a distorted, artificially portrayed image of women distorted or typified in a story created by men in the past It is a film that explores the problem of the individual's life in society fundamentally. Jun Koeun's movie' 'micro-habitat'(2018) 'expresses a feminist theme that shows a strong self - selection and transcendental thinking in male - oriented stereotypes and inequal social structure. The film, which focuses on the public insight into society and the enhancement of the ideal human being from the viewpoint that the public film should lead the educated enlightenment character that raises the broad insight into the world and lead the mature social culture, I think it will play a big role.

A Case Study on the Christian Worldview Education Program through Maker Education Based Design Thinking at Christian University (기독 대학의 디자인사고 기반 메이커교육을 통한 기독교 세계관 교육 프로그램 운영 사례 연구)

  • Seongah Lee;Hyeajin Yoon
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.73
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    • pp.117-137
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    • 2023
  • This is a case study of an extra-curricular program that designed and implemented maker education based on design thinking to foster a Christian worldview. The program was designed at K university in the course of 10 sessions as following stages; tinkering, providing a special lecture for motivation, finding issues, empathizing, making, sharing and reflecting. A total of 15 students in 5 teams participated in the program, progressed through each stage in the process of solving the problems they found around them so that their neighbors and the creative world could become better. As a result of operating this program, the participants became concerned about their neighbors and community and reflected on the change of perspective of the world from a Christian worldview. As a suggestion for follow-up research and projects, to develop a model of maker education based on design thinking for cultivating a Christian view of the world is proposed in order to support to easy design and management of the program even if there is a lack of professional related knowledge and experience. In addition, it is needed to develop a manual and guide book including a facilitator's role and an assessment tool like a rubric that can give feedback on the performance of the program and make improvement.

A Study of Performance Measurement under New Environment of Firms (새로운 기업 환경에 요구되는 성과측정 방안)

  • Shin, Hyun-Dai
    • The Journal of Information Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.47-60
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    • 2004
  • The main purpose of the present study are as follows: First, through the extensive literature review, we tried to find out environmental changes in the management thoughts. Second, as we found a new paradigm on valuation-oriented management thoughts, we argued that cost/management accounting information should play key roles in creating values. Third, we pointed out that when firms used only financial performance measurements, problems could take places. Finally, especially to promote the organizational effectiveness and efficiency, we stressed that firms should use the balanced scorecard approach in performance measurements of its own organizations and personnels.

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A Study on Value-Oriented Performance Measurement (기업가치중심의 성과측정)

  • 신현대;유성용
    • The Journal of Information Technology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.49-63
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    • 1998
  • The main purpose of the present study are as follows: First, through the extensive literature review, we tried to find out environmental changes in the management thoughts. Second, as we found a new paradigm on valuation-oriented management thoughts, we argued that cost/management accounting information should play key roles in creating values. Third, we pointed out that when firms used only financial performance measurements, problems could take places. Finally, especially to promote the organizational effectiveness and efficiency, we stressed that firms should use the balanced scorecard approach in performance measurements of its own organizations and personnels.

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다차원 감시 정보자산 통합 및 지능형 경계체계 기술 소개

  • Park, Chan-Bong;Sim, Dong-Gyu
    • Information and Communications Magazine
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    • v.33 no.11
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    • pp.58-64
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    • 2016
  • 본고에서는 미래창조과학부, 정보통신기술진흥센터 (IITP)에서 2016년도 대학ICT연구센터(ITRC) 신규과제로 선정한 다차원 감시정찰 정보자산 통합, 지능형 경계체계 기술 및 지능형 국방 ICT연구센터에 대해 알아본다. 첫째, 다차원 감시정찰 정보자산 통합 기술은 시대의 발전과 함께 국가 안보에서 정보자산의 중요성은 날로 증가하고 있다. 현재 군에서 운영되고 있는 다차원적인 영상정보수집자산으로부터 수집되는 비정형의 고용량 영상데이터에 대한 자동화된 통합화 및 분석기술이 반영되어 있지 않아, 이를 자동화 처리하는 표준화된 플랫폼 개발이 시급한 실정이다. 둘째, 디지털화된 CCTV 영상은 여러 IT 정보 가운데 가장 복잡한 데이터 중 하나이며, 이상 징후를 사전에 파악하여 범죄와 사고를 예방하거나 저장된 영상 정보에서 특정한 사람을 자동으로 찾아내는 지능형 시스템으로 발전해 왔다. 최근에는 특히, 국방분야의 현 경계 및 관제 시스템에 대한 연구 필요성이 꾸준히 증가되고 있는 실정이다.

Rethinking Methodology of Regional Geography in the Korean Traditional Geographical Thoughts (한국 전통지리 사상에서의 지역지리 연구방법론의 재조명)

  • Park, Tae-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.161-169
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    • 2002
  • The traditional methodology of Korean regional studies had been shifted by geographic thoughts and philosophy as follows; Environmentalism or Environmental determinism stemming from geomancy were dominant methodology in the Korea era. An idiographic approach was introduced based on the encyclopedic description of geographic factors of villages for the centeralization of power in the Chosun era. A systematic geography that pursues scientific laws of regional differences which results from the interactions of human and nature had emerged through field works of some practical school in the later Chosun era.

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A Study on Christian Educational Implications for 6 Key Competencies of 2015 Revised National Curriculum (2015 개정 교육과정의 6개 핵심역량에 대한 기독교교육적 함의)

  • Seo, Mikyoung
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.63
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    • pp.221-253
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to define the key competency as Christian(in another word: Christian key competency) and to interpret the six key competencies of the 2015 revised curriculum in a Christian educational way. Also as an alternative to the key competencies model of the 2015 revised curriculum, this study aims to materialize the formation of a Christian key competencies model based on Christian faith. This study derived 'faith' from the key competencies as Christian throughout preceding research analysis. The 'faith' of the key competencies as Christian means the ability to know oneself, and to know the world and God within the knowledge of the Bible (knowledge of God) in the personal relationship with God, and also it is the ability to think, judge, and act with biblical values, Christian world view, and Christian self-identity. The key competency 'faith' could be the basis (standard) of motivation, attitude and the value of all competencies in cultivation and exercise. The model of Christian key competencies has the structure in which each six key competencies become to be cultivated based on the Christian key competency called "faith." Based on the structure, the six key competencies of the 2015 revised curriculum were interpreted and explained from the perspective of Christian education. In the self-management competency, self-identity can be correctly formed in relations with transcendent God. In aesthetic emotional competency, the empathic understanding of human beings comes from the understanding of the image of God, the supreme beauty, the source of beauty. About the community competency, human community is the source of God who created the universe, human and all of things. It is because a Christian community is a community within the relationship of Trinity God, Nature and others. Therefore regions, countries, and the world become one community. Communication competency first stem from good attitudes toward yourself and others with respectful mind. It comes from an understanding of Christian human beings. Also, there is a need of having a common language for communications. The common language is the Bible that given to us for our communicative companionship. Through the language of the Bible, God made us to know about God, human being and the creative world, and also made us to continue to communicate with God, others and the world. For having the knowledge-information processing competency, a standard of value for the processing and utilization of knowledge and information is required. The standard should be the basis of moral and ethical values for human respect. About creative thinking competency, the source of creativity is God who created the world. Human beings who have the image of God own creative potential. As well as, creativity has different expression forms depending on individual preferences and interests, and different approaches will be made depending on each individual's importance and achievement. Individual creativity can be found through education, and it can be embodied by converging knowledge, skills and experience.

A study on the Safe-Life Village Design for the Citizen Security (시민보호를 위한 생활안전 마을지도 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Tae Shik;Seok, Geum Cheol;Cho, Won Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2013
  • This paper focused on the continuing the citizen safety, the contributing the local economy's activation, and the improving the safe and the social walfare on the civil environment. Seoul metropolitan nominated the model village the Buggaja 2 dong of the Seodaemoon-gu for the making safe village in the 2013. It is designed the village map for the safe life, discovered the dangerous factor about the various and social facilities which is a road, a walking way, a school, a enjoy place for the children, a Thema place, the leasure place, facilities etc., and improved the model village for the incident's and accident's reduction education and training from 2011 to 2013. The results on the discovering and improving activities by the resilient safe monitoring activity, in the 2011 the village is reduced the 23 people from the 151 people to the 128 people in the dead number into the total citizen 34,000 during a year, is showed the excellent values, which the dead people reduced the 23 people in the village, which the safe-life result was over the 12.8% in the national average. For the making resilient city, for the supporting the visitors which it looks around the safe-life model village, the tracking road map is designed, and the tenth safe life factors is showed.