• Title/Summary/Keyword: 질적관리

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The Process of Occupational Socialization of the Court Security Team (법원경비관리대의 직업사회화 과정 분석)

  • Park, Ok-Cheol;Kwon, Tae-Il
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.276-286
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    • 2012
  • The purposes of this study are to investigate various experience factors of the court security team's occupational socialization process and suggest basic materials which are necessary to establish educational service strategies of preliminary court security and guard. Therefore, in-depth interview and ethnographic study were conducted for 4 court securities whose career is more than 3 years. As the result, the process of occupational socialization process of the court security was divided into preparation period, adaptation period, conflict period and maturity period. In the preparation period, vision of university departments, acquisition of certificates and information of the court security team are the factors of basic stage for becoming court securities. In the adaptation period, they adapt themselves for playing their own roles sincerely and become professional manpower after being court securities, through the university educational program useful for practical duties, certificates for practical duties and occupational satisfaction. In the conflict period, they aware conflicts of the company and job stress, that court securities should experience, and endure them. In the maturity period, they are grown by one more step as court securities, through the motivation, job professionalism, occupational prospect and efforts of self-development.

Destination Management Strategy Based on the Importance-Performance Analysis -A Case Study in Kangwon-do Province, Korea- (중요도-성취도 분석을 기초로 한 관광지 관리 방안에 관한 연구 -강원도 소재 관광지를 중심으로-)

  • 김정민
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.276-284
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to develop effective destination management strategies for three typical tourist destinations in Kangwon province based on the importance-performance analysis. The results show that overall performance levels of 21 management attributes in three destinations is relatively low, compared to the importance levels of the attributes. 6 attributes place in Concentrate Here, 4 attributes in Possible Overkill, 6 attributes in Keep Up Good Work, and 5 attributes in Low Priority. There is no significant difference in the importance level among three destinations, while performance levels are the lowest at Naksan & Kyungpo beaches, and highest at Ganhyun area. Findings of the survey expect to be used as fundamentals in management policy making process for each destinations.

Evaluation of Applicability of Food and Nutrition Standards for Child Care Setting in the Seoul Metropolitan Government (서울시 영유아 공공급식 식품영양관리 기준의 적용 가능성 평가)

  • Jeon, Hye-Min;Kim, Kirang;Yi, Hae-Yeon;Hwang, Ji-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.46 no.8
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    • pp.997-1011
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to evaluate the applicability of "food and nutrition standards for child care setting in the Seoul Metropolitan Government" using quantitative and qualitative surveys and lay the groundwork for future expansion. To evaluate the understanding and applicability of each item of the standards and utilize goodness of fit as an evaluation item to improve practicality of the child care center's health foodservice, we surveyed 82 child care centers, kindergartens, and community children centers in Seoul by e-mail through the Seoul Metropolitan Government in November 2015. Using focus group interviews with directors of child care centers and kindergartens as well as dieticians of child care support centers who had conducted public foodservice in Seoul, the appropriateness of each standard was finally reviewed, and amendments to extend this standard were derived. Results of the survey show an understanding of 86.9% and an applicability of 80.7%. Moreover, the applicability of the evaluation items for assessing improvement of health foodservice practices at the child care center was 82.6%. Qualitative evaluation of the applicability of standards through focus group interviews identified four factors for extended application: necessity of a guideline for separate food ingredient suppliers, conformity of the basis and purpose of the item, consideration of contextual situations, and necessity of establishing a Seoul-level foundation. Therefore, guidelines for the standards should be suggested for those providing public food services for children. Furthermore, separate guidelines categorized by items that food ingredient suppliers need to provide should be mandatory or recommended. Evaluation of the applicability of the standards suggests that revising and supplementing the guidelines in order to extend the standards can contribute to health promotion and a sustainable environment for children using public foodservice. Follow-up studies and supports are needed for sustainable food and nutrition management programs.

Development of Expert system for Plant Construction Project Management (플랜트 건설 공사를 위한 사업관리 전문가 시스템의 개발)

  • 김우주;최대우;김정수
    • Journal of Information Technology Application
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2000
  • Project management in the Construction field inherently has more uncertainty and more risks relative to ones from other area. This is the very reason for why project management is recognized as the important task to construction companies. For getting better performance in the project management, we need a system that keeps the consistencies in a automatic or semi-automatic manner through the project management stages like as project definition stage, project planning stage, project design and implementation stage. But since the early stages such as definition and planning stages has many unstructured features and also are dependent to unique expertise or experience of a specific company, we have difficulty providing systematic support for the task of these stages. This kind of problem becomes harder to solve especially in the plant construction domain that is our target domain. Therefore, in this paper, we propose and also implement a systematic approach to resolve the problem mentioned for the early project management stages in the plant construction domain. The results of our approach can be used not only for the purpose of the early project management stages but also can be used automatically as an input to commercial project management tools for the middle project management stages. Because of doing in this way, the construction project can be consistently managed from the definition to implementation stage in a seamless manner. For achieving this purpose, we adopt knowledge based inference, CBR, and neural network as major methodologies and we also applied our approach to two real world cases, power plant and drainage treatment plant cases from a leading construction company in Korea. Since these two application cases showed us very successful results, we can say our approach was validated successfully to the plant construction area. Finally, we believe our approach will contribute to many project management problems from more broader construction area.

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Management Policy and Safety Problem of School Food Services (학교급식 안전 문제와 대책)

  • Ha, Sang-Do
    • Safe Food
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2008
  • 우리나라 학교급식의 현재 성적표를 "양적 성공, 질적 실패"로 평가할 수 있다. 2003년 학교급식이 국가적 교육사업이 되어서 초 중 고 특수학교에서 전면급식이 이루어지고 10,343개교에서 704만명의 학생에게 급식을 제공하고 있다. 현재는 양질의 학교급식을 안전하고 저렴하게 공급하고, 국가식량정책과 연계하여 효율적으로 관리하여야 할 시기이다. 그러나 학교급식 소요경비 연 2조3천억원, 영양사 7,196명 등 63,145명이 종사하는 거대한 산업군이라는 규모에도 불구하고 전체 학교의 70%만이 식당시설을 갖추고 있고 급식 만족도가 학생이나 학부모의 기대에 미치지 못하고 있으며, 식중독 발생의 원흉이 되어 국민적 질책의 대상이 되고 있는 것이 현실이다. 이 문제는 1) 영양사 업무과중에 따른 시간부족, 영양사 지식정보 부족 등에 따른 식재료 및 위생관리 소홀, 2) 냉장, 냉동, 오염/비 오염 구획 등에 필요한 시설과 설비 부족, 3) 교육인적자원부의 급식위생관리의 전문성 부족과 담당 인력 및 정책적, 재정적 지원 부족을 원인으로 볼 수 있다. 학교급식 안전대책은 아래 20대 과제를 추진하여 확보하여야 할 것이다. 전략 1은 "우수한 식재료 위생관리"로서 "급식비 인상 및 현실화, 철저한 수입 농수축산물관리, 식재료 공급 및 전처리업 자유업에서 신고제, 허가제로 전환, GAP(우수농산물관리) 제도 도입, 생산이력제도(traceability) 도입, 급식원료 "품질인증 제도" 도입, 식품원료 전처리 시 세척, 소독프로그램 보급, 학교급식 식자재기준, 규격 설정, 과학적이고 쉬운 검수지침 개발 및 보급, 신속검사키트를 활용한 주기적인 미생물 검사 의무화, 위생 전문가에 의한 검수, 식재료별로 분산된 법령과 관리제도 정비(식품안전기본법), 급식식자재 공급 유통 과정의 감시 감독 강화" 등 13개 과제를 제안한다. 전략 2는 "급식위생 확보 인프라구측"으로서 "급식종사자 전문성 확보(조리/영양/위생), 급식전담기구(학교급식진흥원 /학교급식센터 등) 설치, 급식형태 다양화(위탁/직영 균형 발전), 학교급식법 재개정, 학교급식 HACCF제도 확대" 등 4개 과제를 제안한다. 전략 3은 "급식소 시설 설비 현대화 및 환경개선"으로서 "급식시설 설비 현대화 (전처리실, 냉장고, 온장고 구비 등), 급식소 환경 개선 (상수 사용 확대 및 안전강화, 지하수 소독 강화, 정화된 공기 공급 등)" 등 2개 과제를 제안한다. 전략4는 "급식위생제도 및 관리체계 개선"으로서 "전문적 단일기관 안전관리 (식품안전처)" 과제를 제안한다.

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The Health and Welfare Service Delivery System and It's Effectiveness: Operation of An Interdisciplinary Team Approach for Model Development (보건복지서비스 전달체계의 효율적 운영방안에 관한 연구 I: 모델 개발을 위한 사례관리 적용)

  • Kim, Jung-Woo;Woo, Ju-Yul;Um, Myung-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.35
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    • pp.107-131
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    • 1998
  • This study tried to formulate and operate an interdisciplinary case management team in Eun-Pyung Gu, Seoul. This was a part of an effort to promote efficiency of service delivery system for low-income elderly or the handicapped by linking. coordinating. and integrating various health and human services providers. In-depth qualitative analysis described the process of which the interdisciplinary case management team was formed, along with the process of the team operation. The interdisciplinary team consisted of home helpers, visiting nurses, and social workers from Health Center and Social Welfare Centers. Issues dealt with by the team include: 1) information exchange of clients' social, economic, and medical situations; 2) identification of types of service provision to clients; 3) clients' needs assessment and its prioritization; 4) assignment of a leading case manager for each case; 5) identification of problems and issues regarding integration of service delivery system The team approach to case management contributed to the systematic delivery of services to the elderly and the handicapped by avoiding service duplication and fragmentation. This study argued that public agency played a key role in constituting and operating the interdisciplinary case management team Suggestions for further studies were presented.

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기기냉각수 최저온도와 정지냉각계통 유량조절밸브 개도에 관한 설계분석

  • 김도현;이중섭;오종필;오광석
    • Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Conference
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    • 1995.10a
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    • pp.444-449
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    • 1995
  • 한국형 표준 원자력발전소의 정지냉각운전시 최대냉각율은 75$^{\circ}$F/hr(41.7$^{\circ}C$/hr)로 기술사양서에 규정되어 있다. 정지냉각운전 냉각율에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 2가지 중요한 변수는 정지냉각계통 열교환기를 지나는 원자로냉각재 유량과 기기냉각수의 온도다. 이중 열교환기를 지나는 원자로냉각재 유량은 butterfly형 정지냉각계통 유량조절밸브의 개도에 의하여 조절되는데 개도에 따른 throttle 능력이 중요한 인자다. 또 기기냉각수의 온도는 해수온도의 변화에 따라 편차가 발생하므로 유량조절밸브의 개도와 기기냉각수 온도의 상관관계에 따라 냉각능력이 달라진다. 본 논문에서는 현 울진 3&4호기 정지냉각계통 열 교환기 및 조절밸브 둥의 설비를 기준으로 기술사양서 상의 냉각율 75$^{\circ}$F/hr(41.7$^{\circ}C$/hr) 유지가 가능한 최저 기기냉각수의 온도를 찾아보았고, 아울러 기기냉각수의 온도와 조절밸브의 개도 사이의 관계를 조사하였다. 그 결과 현재의 울진 3&4호기 조절밸브를 최저개도로 조절할 때 약 57$^{\circ}$F(13.9$^{\circ}C$)의 기기냉각수가 공급되어도 냉각율 제한치를 넘지 않는 것으로 분석되었다. 한편, 최저조절가능 유량이 약 2000 gpm(7570 l/min)일 경우에는 낮은 기기냉각수가 공급될 경우 최대냉각율을 초과하므로 한 train을 정지시키고 한 train만으로 운전할 것을 고려하여야 할 것으로 보인다. 이 경우 최저 약 56.5$^{\circ}$F(13.6$^{\circ}C$)의 기기냉각수가 공급되어야 한다. 본 논문의 분석결과는 향후 기기설계사양서나 운전지침서 등에 반영되어 실제 발전소 설계 및 운전절차 수립에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.공감대의 형성이 요구된다. 질적 측면에서는 공원 녹지의 기능성의 회복이라는 측면과 시대에 부합되는 새로운 기능 및 가치의 부여가 필요하며, 이를 위해서는 공원의 매력, 공원의 시설기능 증진, 녹지의 질의 향상 및 녹지 가치의 증진에 대한 다양한 시책이 요구된다. 구성적 측면에서는 공원녹지의 개별적 존재보다는 공원 녹지를 상호간 유기적인 계통을 확보하여 공원 녹지의 네트워크를 형성하여 도시 속의 산재된 고립된 섬으로서의 공원 녹지가 아닌 시민생활에 늘 가까이 있는 생활 속의 공원녹지로 재편되어야 한다. 이러한 정책의 의제는 양적 측면에서 보전(CONSERVATION)과 창출(CREATION), 질적 측면에서 쇄신(RENOVATION)과 복구(RESTORATION), 그리고 구성적 측면에서 공원 녹지의 연결(CONNECTION)과 시민 참여에 의한 운동(MOVEMENT)이라는 정책 개념의 구현을 통해 가능하다. 이러한 정책 개념과 의제를 가지고 서울시 공원 녹지 정책을 구체화시키기 위해서 푸르름의 새로운 탄생이라는 기치 아래 풍요로운 서울, 사랑 받는 공원, 생활 속의 녹지의 3대 목표, 공원 녹지의 보전, 잠재 공원 녹지의 창출, 공원의 활성화, 녹지의 복구, 경관 보전 및 복구, 공원 녹지의 네트워크, 도시 녹화의 7대 과제를 설정하고 미시설 공원 녹지 집행, 개발 사업시 공원 녹지의 확보, 환경 녹지의 총량 보호 관리, 도시 소공원 개발, 역사 문화 공원 조성, 하천 공간 복원, 공원 시설 기능 개선, 이용 프로그램 개발, 공원 관리 개선, 환경 피해 녹지의 회복, 도시 환경 림 조성, 녹지 기능 증진, 도시 자연 경관 보전, 공원 녹지체계 구성, 공원 녹지 공급 균형, 주변 환경 녹화, 가로 녹화의 17개 시책을 제안하였다. 이러한 정책사업의 원활한 추진을 위해서는 기존의 관주도의 일방적인 공원 녹지 행정이 아닌 시민의 참여를 통한 시민이 함께 하는 정 책 사업의 추진이 요구되며, 특히 민간 부문의

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The Effect of Un-tact Emotional Schema Group Counseling Program on the Improvement of Emotional Ability of Unmarried Couples with Relationship Conflict Experiences (비대면 정서도식 커플 집단상담 프로그램이 관계갈등경험이 있는 미혼 커플의 정서능력 향상에 미치는 효과)

  • Jang, Sung-Ho;Park, Jae-Seo;Hwang, Boon-Hong;Shin, Sung-Man
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.373-383
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this research was to develop an un-tact group counseling program to deal with the conflicts in the relationship of unmarried couples and to verify the effect of the program for improving emotional cognition and emotion regulation of unmarried couples. The research procedure consisted of the program development step and the program verification step, and in detail, 8 steps of program development processes were established. The subjects of the research were 11 unmarried couples, and 4 group were organized. The group counseling program was conducted once a week (2 sessions), a total of 10 sessions for 5 weeks. The effect was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. As a result of quantitative analysis, the participant's relationship satisfaction was significantly improved and there was a significant change in some relationship emotional schemas of participants. As a result of qualitatively analysis through participant's program review, participant's emotional understanding and the couple relationship were improved, and the group effect of the couple group counseling was found. Finally, the significance and limitations of this study were presented.

Social Worker's Perceptions and Working Experiences of Older Adults Who Live Alone in Severe Social Isolation Based on the Case of 「Making Friends of Older Adults who Live Alone」 (「독거노인 친구만들기」를 통해 살펴본 '숨겨진 이웃', 사회적 고립이 심각한 노인 1인 가구에 대한 사회복지사의 인식과 경험에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yujin
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.1149-1171
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of the social intervention for severely isolated older adults who live alone and are in serious isolation as if they were 'hidden'. Through qualitative descriptive methods, it intends to describe how social workers in the "Making Friends of Older Adults who Live Alone" project have perceived older adults living alone in serious isolated situation, whether there have been changes in the perception of the elderly according to the progress of the project, and what kinds of experiences these social workers have had while providing case management to older adults. In-depth interviews with 40 social workers, case management records of 70 senior citizens, and research journals were collected and analyzed using qualitative content analysis methods. The results of data analysis were presented in two categories and four subcategories each. Based on the research findings, four kinds of implications were suggested.

A Study on the Experiences of Picture Book Bibliotherapy, Reading Habit Formation, and Intergenerational Interactions in a Book Club Between Middle-Aged and Young People (중년과 청년이 함께하는 독서모임의 그림책 치료, 독서습관 형성 및 세대교류 경험 연구)

  • Jiyoung Kim;SooJin Yoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.211-240
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    • 2024
  • This study focuses on an intergenerational book club with middle-aged and young people as a follow-up study on a book club with older people and young people. The book club program was designed to help people develop a reading habit and experience picture book bibliotherapy. The researcher hosted a picture book reading group between middle-aged and young participants, had individual interviews, and conducted a qualitative study to analyze research data and present implications. For middle-aged participants, the intergenerational book club was an opportunity to understand young people and their children and learn from the young people, and for young participants, it helped them understand middle-aged people and their parents and learn from the middle-aged people, allowing them to feel a sense of connection rather than a generation gap. In addition, positive effects of picture book bibliotherapy were seen while reducing stress and learning important lessons in life. The participants received help in forming a reading habit. This paper provides constructive suggestions for book clubs where different generations interact. It is hoped that through this study, intergenerational book clubs that can be used to understand other generations will be more popular and people will be able to discover the benefits of reading books including picture books and make reading a habit.