• Title/Summary/Keyword: 질량비례

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Estimation of Uncertainty in Critical Flow Function for Natural Gas (천연가스의 임계유동함수 불확도 평가)

  • Ha, Young-Cheol
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.38 no.7
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    • pp.625-638
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    • 2014
  • In this study, the uncertainties in the critical flow functions (CFFs) calculated by the AGA8-dc equation of state were estimated. To this end, the formulas for enthalpy, entropy, and speed of sound, which are used in calculating the CFF, were expressed in the form of dimensionless Helmholtz free energy and its derivatives, and the uncertainty in Helmholtz free energy was inferred. To consider the variations in the compressibility-dependent variables induced by the variation (i.e., uncertainty) in compressibility, the form of the AGA8-dc equation was modified to have a deviation equal to the uncertainty under each flow condition. For each independent uncertainty component of the CFF, a model for uncertainty contribution was developed. All these changes were applied to GASSOLVER, which is KOGAS's thermodynamic database. As a result, the uncertainties in the CFF were estimated to be 0.025, 0.055, and 0.112 % at 10, 50, and 100 bar, respectively, and are seen to increase with the increase in pressure. Furthermore, these results could explain the deviations in the CFFs across the different labs in which the CFF international comparison test was conducted under the ISO management in 1999.

Comparative Study of Performance of Switching Control and Synchronous Notch Filter Control for Active Magnetic Bearings (능동 자기 베어링을 위한 동기 노치필터 제어기와 스위칭 제어기의 성능 비교 연구)

  • Yoo, Seong Yeol;Noh, Myounggyu
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.511-519
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    • 2013
  • Switching controllers for active magnetic bearings are claimed to minimize the copper losses because they do not use bias currents. In this study, we compare the performances of the switching controller with those of the widely used proportional-derivative (PD) controller. The PD controller is combined with a synchronous notch filter to reduce the effect of the unbalance disturbance. For a fair and objective comparison, the PD controller is designed systematically. The switching controller is designed so that the dynamics of the two controllers are almost identical. A system model is developed. This model includes the flexible modes of the rotor and the dynamics of the sensors and amplifiers. The simulation results show that the switching controller indeed reduces the copper loss at lower speeds. However, it fails to operate around the speed close to the bending mode of the rotor.

Transverse Vibration Analysis of the Deploying Beam by Simulation and Experiment (시뮬레이션과 실험을 통한 전개하는 보의 횡 방향 진동 분석)

  • Kim, Jaewon;Zhu, Kefei;Chung, Jintai
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.25 no.12
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    • pp.866-873
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    • 2015
  • The transverse vibration of the deploying beam from rigid hub was analyzed by simulation and experiment. The linear governing equation of the deploying beam was obtained using the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. To discretize the governing equation, the Galerkin method was used. After transforming the governing equation into the weak form, the weak form was discretized. The discretized equation was expressed by the matrix-vector form, and then the Newmark method was applied to simulate. To consider the damping effect of the beam, we conducted the modal test with various beam length. The mass proportional damping was selected by the relation of the first and second damping ratio. The proportional damping coefficient was calculated using the acquired natural frequency and damping ratio through the modal test. The experiment was set up to measure the transverse vibration of the deploying beam. The fixed beam at the carriage of the linear actuator was moved by moving the carriage. The transverse vibration of the deploying beam was observed by the Eulerian description near the hub. The deploying or retraction motion of the beam had the constant velocity and the velocity profile with acceleration and deceleration. We compared the transverse vibration results by the simulation and experiment. The observed response by the Eulerian description were analyzed.

Ornithine Decarboxylase Activity in Porcine Reproductive Tissues (Gilt에 있어서 Tissue내에 함유되어 있는 Ornithine Decarboxylase의 활성)

  • ;J.R. Diehl
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.159-164
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    • 1993
  • The tissue levels of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) during the estrous cycle and pregnancy were investigated in the pig. Sexually mature female cycling pigs were used. One animal was sacrificed on estrous cycle days 3, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20 and during pregnancy on day 11. 12, B. 14, 18, 19, 20, 48, 50 and 52. Tissues from the hypothalamus, pituitary, uterus, ovary and skeletal muscle were removed. They were homogenized in buffer, and supernatants were used for measurement of protein concentration and ODC activity. The release of $^14$CO$_2$ from radiolabeled ornithine was proportional to the amout of protein added over the range of 0.125~4mg and to the incubation time. ODC appered to have some relationship with the biological functions of the pituitary, ovary and uterus during the reproductive period, especially on day 19 of the estrous cycle, while it showed no such activities in hypothalamus and skeletal muscle of mature pigs. Uterine tissues had significantly more ODC activity than other tissues tested(p < 0.05).

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The Effect of Organic Acids on Mineral Extraction from Chicken Thigh Bone Stock (유기산 첨가가 닭뼈(대퇴골) 스톡(stock)에 용출되는 무기질량에 미치는 영향)

  • 이승언;남출항구;대곡귀미자;최석현;한재숙
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.379-387
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    • 2002
  • The focus of this study was the influence of organic acids such as acetic, citric and malic acid on the dissolution of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and phosphorus (P) on chicken thigh bone. As the concentration (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4%) of acetic, citric, and malic acid increased, the resultant contents of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus were higher than that of the control. When the boiling time (2, 4, 6, 8, 12 hours) was increased, dissolved amounts of several minerals from the chicken thigh bone increased. Calcium dissolved the most when chicken stock was boiled for 12 hours with 4% of malic acid added. In addition to minerals, amino acids and proteins were further extracted by adding organic acids. The soup stock which contains minerals such as calcium, can be obtained by boiling the chicken thigh bone for 12 hours with an organic acid.

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Effect of Xylan on Production of Xylanolytic Activity from Penicillium verruculosum (Penicillium verruculosum의 Xylan분해활성도의 생성에 대한 Xylan의 영향)

  • 조남철;정두례;유영균
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.423-427
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    • 1992
  • During the cultivation of Penicillium verruculosum in the medium containing xylan as a sole carbon source for 26 days, xylanolytic activity and some changes were investigated. Protein content and xylanolytic activity, p-Nitrophenyl-$\beta$-D-xylopyranoside (PNPX), p-Nitrophenyl-$\beta$ -D-glucopyranoside (PNPG) hydrolytic activities were increased until 8 days but reducing sugar content was not correlated to protein content. When crude proteins from the culture broth were separated on SDS-PAGE, distribution of proteins was different from the culture broth of cellobiose octaacetate (COA) medium. The culture broth of xylan medium had high hydrolytic activity on xylan but not on cellulose. Furthermore, xylanolytic products were showed xylose, xylobiose and oligosaccharides on thin layer chromatography, and xylobiose was major product. Those result suggested that xylanolytic activity of culture broth was endo-type hydrolysis. Optimum temperatures of xylanolytic activity and PNPX hydrolytic activity of culture broth were 50~6$0^{\circ}C$ and 60~7$0^{\circ}C$, respectively and optimum pHs were 3.0~4.0 and 4.0~5.0, respectively.

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Growth and Production of Insecticidal Crystal Proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis as Affected by Carbon Sources (Bacillus thuringiensis 생장과 살충성 결정단백질 생성에 대한 탄소원의 영향)

  • Kim, Moo-Key;Ahn, Byung-Koo
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.177-182
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    • 1996
  • Effects of 14 carbohydrates supplied as carbon sources on cell growth and sporulation of, and the production of insecticidal crystal proteins by Bacillus thuringiensis strains were investigated in liquid cultures. Strains grew well in media containing any one of the 14 carbohydrates supplied, reaching maximum cell densities of $10^7{\sim}10^8\;cells/ml$ in 16.7 to 22 hours after inoculation depending on the strain. Spores first appeared in 16.7 to 24.7 hours after inoculation, and 80% sporulation was reached in 28 to 51.3 hours after inoculation depending on the strain. No change in pH of media was observed after cell multiplication. The production of total protein was highest when supplied with sucrose and was lowest with starch. More insecticidal crystal proteins were produced when supplied with glucose, lactose, maltose, or sucrose. The amount of insecticidal crystal proteins produced by the strains was proportional to that of the total protein. The relative amount of individual insecticidal crystal protein species produced by B.t. kurstaki and B.t. israelensis was not influenced by the carbohydrates supplied.

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A Study on the Modal Parameters for Cable System of Bridge (교량 케이블시스템의 모드변수에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyunchol;Jo, Yeong-hoon;Kim, Jinsoo;Park, Kyoungho
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.48-59
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    • 2019
  • In recent years, the type of bridge where cables such as suspension bridge and cable-stayed bridge are the main factors in the construction of long-range bridges has been soaring. The effects of cables on these structures are very large, and for structural analysis, it is necessary to study the cable and the structural changes according to the mode characteristics of the cables. In particular, cables are directly connected to camber adjustment, which conveys load effects on girders to tower, and are important components in the overall structure, and since the initial tension on the construction is compared with the tension over time, this study was conducted to help identify the condition of the bridge's aging and abnormalities. Therefore, in this study, the characteristics of the mode from the mode analysis through the impact hammer to the mass of the cable and the change in the length of the cable are analyzed.

The Extraction Method for the G-Sensitivity Scale-Factor Error of a MEMS Vibratory Gyroscope Using the Inertial Sensor Model (관성센서 오차 모델을 이용한 진동형 MEMS 자이로스코프 G-민감도 환산계수 오차 추출 기법)

  • Park, ByungSu;Han, KyungJun;Lee, SangWoo;Yu, MyeongJong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.438-445
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we present a new approach to extract the g-sensitivity scale-factor error for a MEMS gyroscope. MEMS gyroscopes, based on the use of both angular momentum and the Coriolis effect, have a g-sensitivity error due to mass unbalance. Generally, the g-sensitivity error is not considered in general use of gyroscopes, but it deserves our attention if we are to develop for tactical class performance and reliability. The g-sensitivity error during vehicle flight increases navigation error; so it must be analyzed and compensated for the use of MEMS IMU for high dynamics vehicle systems. Therefore, we analyzed how to extract the g-sensitivity scale-factor error from the inertial sensor error model. Furthermore we propose a new method to extract the g-sensitivity error using flight motion simulator. We verified our proposed method with experimental results.

Electrode Fabrication of MWCNT-PDMS Strain Sensors by Wet-etching (습식 식각을 이용한 MWCNT-PMDS 변형율 센서 전극 생성에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, La-Hee;Hwang, Hui-Yun
    • Composites Research
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.387-393
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    • 2021
  • This paper investigated the electrical properties of multiwall carbon nanotube reinforced polydimethylsiloxane (CNT-PDMS) strain sensors with copper electrodes on the wet-etched surface. MWCNT-PDMS strain sensors were fabricated according to the wt% of MWCNT. Surfaces on the electrode area were wet-etched with various etching duration and silver epoxy adhesives were spread on the wet-etched surface. Finally, we attached the copper electrodes to the MWCNT-PMDS strain sensors. We checked the electric conductivities by the two-probe method and sensing characteristics under the cyclic loading. We observed the electric conductivity of MWCNT-PDMS strain sensors increased sharply and the scattering of the measured data decreased when the surface of the electrode area was wet-etched. Initial resistances of MWCNT-PDMS strain sensors were inversely proportion to wt% of MWCNT and the etching duration. However, the resistance changing rates under 30% strain increased as wt% of MWCNT and the etching duration increased. Decreasing rate of the electric resistance change after 100 repetitions was smaller when wt% of MWCNT was larger and the etching duration was short. This was due to the low initial resistance of the MWCNT-PMDS strain sensors by the wet-etching.