• Title/Summary/Keyword: 진단인력 교육훈련 제도

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Analysis of Organizational Performance of Employees of the Work-Learning Dual System Training Center (일학습병행 공동훈련센터 전담인력 조직성과 진단 및 분석 )

  • Tae-Seong Kim;Jun-Ki Min
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.199-208
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    • 2023
  • Performance analysis for work-learning dual system has been mainly conducted from the perspective of diagnosing the effectiveness of policies at the macro level. This study aims to analyze issues in organizational management of the work-learning dual system training center by conducting an analysis focusing on the organizational performance of the work-learning dual system training center's employees. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that the perception and attitude of employees toward the work-learning dual training center differed depending on the type of work-learning dual system and the type of employment contract. Among the types of work-learning dual system, overall, in the case of IPP, the organizational performance of employees was low, while the apprenticeship was relatively high. As for the type of employment contract, the need for institutional improvement has been derived, especially for the project contract workers.

A Study on Propose of Maritime Audit Personnel Education & Training System (기술논문 - 해상교통안전진단인력 교육훈련 방안 제안)

  • Jang, Woon-Jae;Cho, Ik-Soon;Jeong, Jae-Yong;Kim, Chel-Seung;Park, Young-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Ship Safrty Technology Authority
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    • s.32
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    • pp.57-71
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    • 2012
  • Recently, the navigation risk is increasing significantly with growing of vessels' volume and propelling marine facilities, water bridges and port development etc. At this point of time, the Ministry of Land, Transport, and Maritime Affairs introduced the Maritime Safety Audit(MSA) in amendment of the Korea Marine Traffic Law. audit results were survey for the last two years. As a result, appropriate certificate appears 11% among audit report, is an urgent need for improved quality of audit reports. This study is aimed to propose about Audit Personnel Education & Training System. To these solve, this paper analyzed the tendency of Audit Personnel Training. And also the opinions of user and experts were investigated and analyzed using Questionnaire survey methods. As a result, this paper was suggested, the construction of Audit Personnel Training System and the curriculum and training contents for 5-days of basic course, 2-days of expert course, 3-days of Qualification Maintain course.

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A Study on Improvement of Refresher Training for a Minority of Training Occupations (훈련교·강사 보수교육 의무화를 위한 소수훈련직종 보수교육 인정 제도 적용방안 연구)

  • Kim, Mi Hwa;Kim, Woocheol;Kim, Jiyoung;Woo, Heajung;Song, Haelim;Ok, Yeongjeen;Park, Jiwon
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.545-558
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    • 2021
  • As the "Partial Amendment to the Vocational Competency Development Act" was passed, and the mandatory refresher training was legislated in March 2020, HRD education institutions has prepared a plan for the improved refresher training to strengthen the competency of vocational training teachers and to improve the quality of refresher training. However, as demand for refresher training is concentrated in partial occupations, it is necessary prepare a separate plan to recognize personal learning as a refresher training for a minority of teachers who are not provided with a training. Therefore, this study aims to identify areas of a minor training occupations that don't exist many participants for a refresher training and to derive ways to recognize their multiple education experiences and participations instead of attending a refresher training. To this end, literature review, analysis of current situation, consultation with stakeholders, and written interviews with experts were conducted. As a result, a minority of training occupations was defined as type 1 and type 2 and ways of the recognition of refresher training for minority of training occupations which embrace various educational types were derived. Lastly, discussions and suggestions on the expansion of the scope of the recognition of refresher training for minority of training occupations were provided.

A Study on Changes in Seafarers Functions and Manpower Training by the Introduction of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (자율운항선박 도입에 따른 선원직능 변화와 인력양성에 관한 연구)

  • Sung-Ju Lim;Yong-John Shin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2021.11a
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    • pp.78-80
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    • 2021
  • This study is based on Degree of Recognition and AHP surveys for experts, this study investigates changes in the demand of seafarers in response to changes in the shipping industry environment in which Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships(MASS) emerge according to the application of the fourth industrial revolution technology to ships, and it looks into changes in seafarers' skills. It also analyzes and proposes a plan for cultivating seafarers accordingly. As a result of Degree of Recognition and AHP analysis, it is analyzed that a new training system is required because the current training and education system may cover the job competencies of emergency response, caution and danger navigation, general sailing, cargo handling, seaworthiness maintenance, emergency response, and ship maintenance and management, but jobs such as remote control, monitoring diagnosis, device management capability, and big data analysis require competency for unmanned and shore based control.By evaluating the importance of change factors in the duties of seafarers in Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships, this study provides information on seafarers educational institutions response strategies for nurturing seafarers and prioritization of resource allocation, etc. The importance of factors was compared and evaluated to suggest changes in the duties of seafarers and methods of nurturing seafarers according to the introduction of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships.It is expected that this study is meaningful as it systematically derived the duties and competency factors of seafarers of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships from a practical point of view and analyzed the perception level of each relevant expert to diagnose expert-level responses to the introduction of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships.

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A Study on the Changes in Functions of Ship Officer and Manpower Training by the Introduction of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (자율운항선박 도입에 따른 해기사 직능 변화와 인력양성에 관한연구)

  • Lim, Sung-Ju;Shin, Yong-John
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to investigate changes in the demand for ship officers in response to changes in the shipping industry environment in which Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) emerge according to the application of the fourth industrial revolution technology to ships, and it looks into changes in the skill of ship officer. It also analyzes and proposes a plan for nurturing ship officers accordingly. As a result of the degree of recognition and AHP analysis, this study suggests that a new training system is required because the current training and education system may cover the job competencies of emergency response, caution and danger navigation, general sailing, cargo handling, seaworthiness maintenance, emergency response, and ship maintenance and management, but tasks such as remote control, monitoring diagnosis, device management capability, and big data analysis require competency for unmanned and shore-based control. By evaluating the importance of change factors in the duties of ship officers in Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships, this study provides information on ship officer educational institutions' response strategies for nurturing ship officers and prioritization of resource allocation, etc. The importance of these factors was compared and evaluated to suggest changes in the duties of ship officers and methods of nurturing ship officers according to the introduction of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships. It is expected that the findings of this study will be meaningful as it systematically derives the duties and competency factors of ship officers of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships from a practical point of view and analyzed the perception level of each relevant expert to diagnose expert-level responses to the introduction of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships.

Analysis of Critical Control Points through Field Assessment of Sanitation Management Practices in Foodservice Establishments (현장실사를 통한 급식유헝별 위생관리실태 분석)

  • Kwak Tong-Kyung;Lee Kyung-Mi;Chang Hye-Ja;Kang Yong-Jae;Hong Wan-Soo;Moon Hye-Kyung
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.21 no.3 s.87
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    • pp.290-300
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    • 2005
  • Increased sanitation management of foodservice establishments is required because most of the reported foodborne-disease outbreaks were in the foodservice industry. The purpose of this study was to determine the important control points for good sanitation. In this study, we inspected twenty foodservice establishments in Seoul, Kyunggi, Kyungnam with a self-developed monitoring tool. These foodservice establishments included secondary schools, universities, and industries. Six of them had appointed as the HACCP-certified establishments from the Korea Food and Drug Administration. The inspection was conducted from June to August in 2002. The inspection tool consisted of nine dimensions and sixty-five items. The dimensions were 'personal sanitation', 'supply of raw food', 'food storage', 'handling of raw food and ready-to-eat', 'cleaning and sterilization', 'waste control', 'pest control', and 'control of establishment and equipment' The highest possible score of this inspection tool is 105 points. Statistical data analysis was completed using the SPSS Package(11.0) for descriptive analysis Kruskal-Wallis. The score for the secondary schools (83.6 points) was higher than for the others and number of in compliance item was 50.9 on average. Therefore, we concluded that the secondary schools' sanitation condition was good. The foodservice establishments acquired HACCP certification was 89.7 points, which was significantly higher than that of establishments not applying foodservices in total score. Instituting the HACCP system in a foodservice is very effective for sanitation management. Many out of the compliance observations were found in the dimensions of 'waste control', 'control of establishment and equipment', and 'supply of raw food' 'Clean condition of refrigerator' item was $65\%$ out of the compliance that was the highest percent in this study. 'Notify and observance of heating/reheating temperature' was $45\%$ out of compliance. Items which were over $30\%$ out of compliance were 'sterilization of knifes and chopping boards in cooking', 'education of workers', 'maintain refrigerator temperature blow $5^{\circ}C$', and 'countermeasure of infection workers' In the results, most of the foodservice establishments were poorly managed in temperature control and cross-contamination. The important control points revealed in this study were preventing contamination, cooking temperature compliance, management of raw food and refrigerator. Therefore foodservice establishments should pay attention to education and training about important control points. The systematic sanitation management monitoring tool developed in this study can be effectively applied for conducting self-inspection and improving the sanitary conditions of their own foodservice operations.

Palliative Care Practitioners' Perception toward Pediatric Palliative Care in the Republic of Korea (소아완화의료에 대한 호스피스 완화의료 전문기관 종사자의 인식)

  • Moon, Yi Ji;Shin, Hee Young;Kim, Min Sun;Song, In Gyu;Kim, Cho Hee;Yu, Juyoun;Park, Hye Yoon
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study was performed to investigate the current status of pediatric palliative care provision and how it is perceived by the palliative care experts. Methods: A descriptive study was conducted with 61 hospice institutions. From September through October 2017, a questionnaire was completed by experts from the participating institutions. Data were analyzed using SPSS 21.0. Results: Among 61 institutions, palliative care is currently provided for pediatric cancer patients by 11 institutions (18.0%), all of which are concentrated in Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi and Gyengsang provinces; 85.2% of all do not plan to provide specialized pediatric palliative care in the future. According to the experts, the main barriers in providing pediatric palliative care were the insufficient number of trained specialists regardless of the delivery type. Experts said that it was appropriate to intervene when children were diagnosed with cancer that was less likely to be cured (33.7%) and to move to palliative care institutions when their conditions worsened (38.2%); and it was necessary to establish a specialized pediatric palliative care system, independent from the existing institutions for adult patients (73.8%). Conclusion: It is necessary to develop an education program to establish a nationwide pediatric palliative care centers. Pediatric palliative care intervention should be provided upon diagnosis rather than at the point of death. Patients should be transferred to palliative care institutions after intervention by their existing pediatric palliative care team at the hospital is started.