• Title/Summary/Keyword: 직장만족도

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Consumer Characteristics Relating to Business Jacket Practices -Focus on Working Women in the U.S.- (미국 직장여성들의 비지니스 쟈켓 착용과 관련된 소비자 특성 분석)

  • Yoo, Seul-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.12 s.159
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    • pp.1649-1660
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    • 2006
  • IIn the United States, professional dress codes for working women have changed over time since the 1970s. Considering the changes, from conservative and traditional business uniforms in the 1970s, business casual in the late 1980s through 1990s, and the current revival of tailored business suits, this study investigated working women's business jacket practices and their association with personal, psycho-social, and physical characteristics. Working women's job satisfaction and corporate culture were also examined in relation to business jacket practices. Research data were collected by implementing mail surveys to 1,500 randomly selected working women in the United States. Of the 1,500 distributed questionnaires, a total of 312 were returned, of which 265 were deemed usable, yielding a 20.8% response rate. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, such as frequency, percentage distribution, mean scores, standard deviations, and Canonical Correlation were tabulated. The respondents ranged in age from 22 to 65. The mean age of the respondents was 44 years(SD=9.63). Most respondents were married(77.4%), working full-time(81.4%), career-oriented (77.2%), Caucasian(89.8%), had at least one child(78.9%), and had a professional job(75.9%). Working women's age, number of children, self-confidence in dressing, perceived importance of clothing, body frame size, and visibility to superiors and public were positively associated with business jacket practices, while age of first child, family size, dress size, and job satisfaction were negatively associated with business jacket practices.

A Study on the Relationship between Changes in Family Life due to COVID-19, Daily Stress, Work-Family Balance Conflict and Job Satisfaction of Married Working Women (기혼 직장여성의 코로나 19로 인한 가족생활 변화와 일상스트레스, 일-가정양립갈등 그리고 직무만족도 간의 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Hyo-Jin
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.251-260
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the relationships between changes in family life due to COVID-19, daily stress, work-family balance conflict and the job satisfaction of married working women. The subjects of this study were 1,934 married women wage workers who were extracted from the data of the 8th year of the female family panel survey surveyed in 2020. Path analysis was conducted to analyze the hypothesis using AMOS 21.0. The study results revealed that family life change doesn't directly affect work-family balance conflict, but increases job satisfaction. But family life change indrectly affects increasing work-family balance conflict and decreasing job satisfaction through daily stress. And daily stress affects increasing work-family balance conflict and decreasing job satisfaction. Additionally work-family balance conflict has an effect on reducing job satisfaction. Based on the results, practice and policy suggestions were made to reduce work-family balance conflict and increase job satisfaction of married working women.

Recognition and Satisfaction of National Oral Examination for Workers in Incheon and Daejeon (인천·대전지역 근로자의 직장구강검진 인식 및 만족도)

  • Jang, Hye-Mi;Hwang, Soo-Jeong
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.516-524
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    • 2014
  • Workers' oral health is important to guarantee workers' right of health and increase productivity. The aim of this study was to investigate recognition and satisfaction of national oral examination for workers in Incheon and Daejeon. Three hundred seventy-nine workers who were selected by convenience cluster sampling answered the questionnaire about experience, recognition and satisfaction of national health examination and oral examination by self recording type. A total of 76.0 percent of the subjects had national health examination, and 51.7% had national oral examination. A total of 64.9 percent had experienced notice about national health examination from the company, and 28.2% about national oral examination. The subjects had high positive score about intention of treatment, dental scaling, and change of toothbrushing method depending on oral examination, need of national health and oral examination, and usefulness to one's health through national health and oral examination. Office workers, regular workers, and the workers with monthly income more than 2 million won had more notice about national health and oral examination compared with sales and production workers, contract workers and the workers with monthly income less than 2 million won. We suggest institutional management of the notice about national oral examination be needed, especially for economically poor, or contract workers to increase the ratio to have national oral examination.

Save Energy - 시원한 직장생활의 필수, 또 하나의 여름 아이템 '쿨비즈'

  • 에너지절약전문기업협회
    • The Magazine for Energy Service Companies
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    • s.83
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    • pp.74-75
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    • 2013
  • 쿨비즈란 시원하다(cool)와 사업 업무(business)의 합성어로 여름철 넥타이를 매지 않고 재킷을 벗는 등 간편한 옷차림으로 근무하는 것을 뜻한다. 이것은 간편한 옷차림을 입도록 권장하고, 실내온도를 $28^{\circ}C$로 유지하도록 하는 에너지 절약 캠페인의 일환이다. 현재 직장인 88.7%는 직장에서 쿨비즈 캠페인을 시행 중이며 격식 간소화, 더위 스트레스 해소 등의 이유로 만족도도 높은 것으로 나타났다.

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Working Females' Perceptions and Evaluations on Employer-Supported Child Care Service: Centered on Professional Working Females (직장교육에 대한 인식 및 만족도에 관한 연구 -전문적 여성 종사자를 중심으로-)

  • Hwang, Hae-Shin
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of the present study was to examine how working females evaluated and perceived the employer-supported child care services, and how the evaluations and perceptions were different depending on their socio-demographic characteristics. A survey was administered to 164 working females, mostly, in professional jobs, to investigate their satisfaction to the employer-supported child care service and current child care policy. Major findings are as follows: Working females showed higher degrees of satisfaction on the employer-supported child care service and showed lower degrees of satisfaction on the current child care polidy. The more they work in professional jobs and the more they have high educational background, the more they showed satisfactions to the employer-supported child care services.

The Relationship between Personality Type, Self-Efficacy, Resilience and Workplace Bullying Experience in General Hospital Nurses (일 종합병원 간호사의 성격유형, 자기효능감, 회복 탄력성, 직장 내 괴롭힘 피해 경험의 관계)

  • Cho, Ae young
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.13-28
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to identify degree of the personality type, resilience, self-efficacy, and workplace bullying Experience among nurses at General Hospital, to ascertain the correlation between them and to ascertain factors that may affect workplace bullying. This study collected data from October 22, 2018 to October 26, 2018 through structured questionnaires from 260 nurses working at General Hospital in Seoul City, and the collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS / WIN 21.0. Analysis of differences in general characteristics showed that workplace bullying was significantly different according to witness of bullying, workplace satisfaction. Resilience was significantly different according to marital status, religion, final education, and workplace satisfaction. And self-efficacy was found to be different according to respondents' marital status, religion. The relationship between DISC personality type, workplace bullying, resilience and self-efficacy showed that workplace bullying had a negative correlation with resilience, and resilience showed a positive correlation with self-efficacy. As a result of the multiple regression analysis in order to identify the factors that, workplace satisfaction, witness of workplace bullying and the resilience was the factor affecting workplace bullying; workplace bullying was decreased as the resilience was higher.

Factors Influencing Job Involvement among Korean Female Office Workers by Marital Status (결혼 여부에 따른 직장여성의 직무몰입에 영향을 주는 요인)

  • Jeon, Hae Ok;Park, Min Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.4953-4961
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    • 2013
  • The purposes of this study were to compare work-family conflict, job satisfaction, job stress, psychological health, and job involvement of Korean female office workers by marital status and to identify the factors that influence job involvement. Data were collected through self reported structured questionnaire form 171 Korean female office workers by convenient sampling methods form May 20 to August 15, 2011. After adjusting for age, education level, family monthly income, working periods and turnover number, work-family conflict(${\beta}$=0.54, p<.001) and job satisfaction(${\beta}$=0.35, p=.002) were identified as significant predictors of job involvement in the married working women. In the unmarried working women, work-family conflict(${\beta}$=0.22, p=.042) and job stress(${\beta}$=-0.57, p=.001) were identified as significant predictors of job involvement. Therefore, as a strategy for improving job involvement of female office workers, psycho-social nursing intervention will be provided considering the differences by marital status.

The Effect on the Major Satisfaction and the Career Adaptabilityof Nursing Students by the Perception of Hospital Nurse's Workplace Bullying (간호대학생이 지각한 병원간호사의 직장 내 괴롭힘이 전공만족도와 진로적응성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hey-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.1045-1055
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect on the major satisfaction and the career adaptability of nursing students by the perception hospital nurse's workplace bullying. A survey was held to the university students in Seoul and Chungcheong cities from February 1 to April 15, 2020. 187 copies were in the final analysis for data analysis, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient and Multiple regression was used. As a result, the factors of affecting on the major satisfaction and career adaptability were followed by grade, motivation of the major, workplace bullying, major satisfaction, career adaptability, presence of bullying perceptual effects. The multiple regression explanatory power was 33.1percent of the total changes in major satisfaction. and the multiple regression explanatory power was 28.9percent of the total changes in career adaptability. Therefore, this study could be used as a basic data for the counseling and developing and activation education programs to improve awareness of bullying culture in the workplace.