• Title/Summary/Keyword: 직무 관련성

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The Effect of Job Stress and Burnout by Job Environment of Care-givers on Job Satisfaction (요양보호사의 직무환경에 따른 직무스트레스와 소진이 직무만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Yun-Mo;Kang, Young-Sig
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.3688-3699
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to understand attributes, stress and burnout related to job environment of healthcare facilities workers for the aged, care-givers, analyze the effect of these factors on job satisfaction, and improve their organizational task to help advance the quality of life and the healthcare facilities for the aged. A survey was made on 129 care-givers working in the healthcare facilities for the aged(care facilities, in-home facilities for the aged) located in Jeonbuk Gunsan area. This study showed that sub-factors of care-givers' job environment such as human environment, compensation system and job expertise have a significant effect on the job burnout, stress and satisfaction. This means that a well-organized compensation system, which is proportionate to the job expertise and ability for human environment, and achievement of innovative thinking, will make a positive relationship, reduce the job burnout and stress, and improve the job satisfaction at the same time. Compared to the rapid increase of old aged patients for long-term care and care-givers' real role and job in the facilities, the job specialization has to be guaranteed to improve job environment of care-givers as various beneficial workers for welfare - professional workers - and the compensation system needs to be properly systematized according to their job capacity. Consequently, the production and participation of professionals with high self-esteem may raise organizational commitment through the maximization of job satisfaction by the participation and devotion to the organization of more professionals by removing factors, which can reduce the frequent job burn-out and stress of care-givers.

Health Status and Affecting Factors related to Job among Korean Women Employees (한국 여성근로자의 직업관련 건강상태와 영향요인)

  • Hong, Eun-Young;Kim, Sang-Dol
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.4107-4118
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    • 2012
  • This is a descriptive correlation study to identify health status and affecting factors related to job among Korean women employees. Data were obtained from women employees aged 20 to 64 using the Korean Working Conditions Survey 2006(KWCS). Stepwise multiple regression analysis using SAS version 9.1 was performed to identify affecting factors on physical and psychological health status related to job among Korean women employees. Musculoskeletal work-load was the most significant factor affecting on both physical and psychological health status. Modification of work environment to relieve musculoskeletal work-load, systemic health management and health education needs to be given to women employees who were exposed to high musculoskeletal work-load.

Research Administration Efficiency of Science & Technology Research Institutes: Advancing Computer Systems and Burnout (과학기술 공공연구조직의 연구행정 효율성: 전산시스템 고도화와 직무소진에 대한 탐색적 이해)

  • Hwang, Kwang Seon
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.83-99
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    • 2024
  • This study seeks to shed light on the importance of "advancing administrative computer systems" for research administration efficiency, building upon prior literature, and aims at extending the scholarly discussion on the efficiency of research administration itself. To this end, two research questions were addressed. First, this research explores how research administrators perceive the advocated "advancement of administrative computer systems" in achieving research administration efficiency. Second, it investigates how external bureaucratic control affects burnout among administrative personnel engaged in research administration, and how burnout impacts the research-administration relationship, trust, and ultimately performance. The analysis of interviews and surveys yielded several results. For one, through the analysis of interviews conducted in the field of government-funded research institutions, it was found that "advancing computer systems" is met with practical concerns and skepticism, while also recognized as having the potential to contribute to the efficiency of research administration. Furthermore, it became evident that complex issues are intertwined. From a contrasting standpoint opposing computer advancement, the view that institutional regulations and cultural efficiency should take precedence over technology appears valid and raises a crucial point for consideration. On the other hand, regression analysis related to burnout shows empirical evidence that increased control by central government bureaucrats over administrative staff in government-funded research institutions leads to higher levels of burnout. Such elevated burnout is shown to have detrimental effects on trust between researchers and administrative personnel, as well as on overall performance. Through these discussions, we aim to stimulate academic and government interest in research administration efficiency.

Factors influencing Turnover Intention of Customized Home Health Care Nurse (보건소 방문간호사의 이직의도와 관련요인)

  • Park, Jeongsook;Oh, Yunjung
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.94-103
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    • 2014
  • Objective: The purpose of this research was to define the factors influencing turnover intention of customized home health care nurses. Methods: Research participants were 237 nurses who worked in the customized home health care of 33 public health centers in Daegu city and Gyeong-Buk Province. The data were collected by self report questionnaires from July, 1 to August, 30, 2011. The data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, correlation coefficient, multiple stepwise regression using the SPSS program. Results: The average score for turnover intention was 3.12 (5 score) and job satisfaction was 2.41 (4 score). The scores for sub-categories of job satisfaction were operational factors, 1.99, personnel factors, 2.03, work factors, 2.64 and relationship factors, 3.04. Marital status, religion, visiting nurses career, employment status, work area were the significant factors related to turnover intention in these subjects. There was a significant negative correlation between job satisfaction and turnover intention (r=-0.354, p<0.001). Significant factors were job satisfaction, marital status, employment status (Cum $R^2$=0.198, F=17.179, p<0.001) that explained 19.8% of turnover intention. Conclusions: Customized home health care nurses management policy which includes job satisfaction and general characteristics of visiting nurses should be established to enhance of quality of customized home health care service.

A study on the Participation Motivation of Clinical Nurses in Job Training (임상간호사의 융복합적 직무교육 참여동기에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hyun Hee;Lee, Kwang-Ok;Kim, Soon-Ok
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.319-329
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    • 2016
  • This study aimed to identify nurses' participation motivation, its influence factors, and their job training need. A survey was conducted on 345 nurses of general hospitals in Gyeonggi-do. Data was collected from October 5th to 18th, 2016 and was analyzed through t-test, ANOVA, Bonferroni post-test, and multiple regressions using SPSS 21.0. Participation motivation was high in 'expertise capability improvement and development' and low in personal gain and job stability. Job training need was the highest in nosocomial infection management and CPR and was the lowest in hospice and rehabilitation nursing. Participation motivation had significant differences depending on age, marital status, educational level, and clinical experience, and was influenced by the job training need of professional nursing and medical knowledge for disease treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to plan medical educational programs to enhance job training effectiveness, establish a strategy to increase participation motivation; and expand various job training support.

A Review on the Legal rights and obligation from the legal status of registered security guard (청원경찰의 법적 지위에 따른 권한과 의무)

  • Han, seung;Kim, yong geun
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.44
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    • pp.251-278
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    • 2015
  • Registered security guards carry out police duties as civilian police who are in charge of security service, and so they have a two-fold status: a civilian in terms of a social standing and a policeman in the way that they execute the authority of security. The problem caused by this legal position is that their legal rights and obligation can be unclear in the task-action and working relationship. This paper attempts to study their functions, rights, and legal duties through the interpretation of the related positive law so as to reveal the problems that may spring from this ambiguous status of registered security guards. This endeavor illuminates their legal status specified in the positive law in and around the Act on the police assigned for special guard, observing their functions and the legal duties in the pursuit of their tasks, and ending up pointing out the problems of the positive law. As a result of research work, the most significant problems, even if multifarious, are the avoidance of the state reparation in the responsibility for the illegal behavior in connection with their operation; the unconstitutionality of the disciplinary punishment regulation originated from the entrust with full powers; the imperfection of the rules about the cooperative ties with the police; the possibility of human rights abuse caused by the ban on the labor dispute; the equality problems from the dual pay system; and the inadequacy of the codes about the recruitment qualification and method. This research is intended to help achieve the purpose of the security of national critical facilities through the smooth execute of duties as well as the protection of the guards' rights. Besides, the key focuses posed in this paper are worthy of being developed more accurately through the following researches.

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A Study on the Effects of Job Satisfaction and Job Performance of Disabled Workers in Social Enterprises (국내 사회적 기업 장애인 근로자의 직무만족과 직무성과의 영향요인 분석)

  • Oh, Dong-Rok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.314-324
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    • 2019
  • This study inspected 203 employees with disabilities who are working in social enterprises based in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do from March to June 2019 in order to find out the factors of self-efficacy, social support, wages and welfare, relationship with upper management and co-worker relationships which influence job Performance and job satisfaction of disabled workers. The implications of this research are as follows. First, the factors that positively affect work performance are self-efficacy and co-worker relationships. It was shown that trust and respect that disabled workers working in domestic social corporations perceive while diligently performing the work without any bias and getting from coworkers led to good work performance. Second, when the current wage was determined by the employee's perceived ability, skill and current workloads that fit to their ability, the workers expressed job satisfaction. Moreover, job satisfaction by the employees was followed by the perception of the possibility of living a more stable life with the current monthly income. Third, upper managements' care on personal issues, acknowledgment of autonomy and support through communication have led to job satisfaction among the employees. Lastly, considering the research result in which the social support that the disabled workers perceive does not show any positive effect on work performance or work satisfaction, it can be concluded that there is a need for a change in the social perception of disabled workers.

Relationship between job satisfaction of dental hygienists and patient safety cultural activities (치과위생사의 직무만족도와 환자안전문화 활동의 관련성)

  • Bo Young Park;Chae-Rin Kang;Yu-gyeong Byun;Eun-Seo Seong;Soo-Young Lee;Ji-Eun Lee;Yu-Jin Ham;Mi Sook Yoon
    • Journal of Korean Dental Hygiene Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.115-127
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    • 2023
  • Background: This study was conducted to determine the level of job satisfaction and patient safety cultural activities for dental hygienists and to determine the relationship between job satisfaction and patient safety cultural activities. Methods: A survey was conducted on 214 dental hygienists, and data from the final 180 were analyzed. Job satisfaction consisted of a total of 20 questions, and patient safety cultural activities included a total of 25 questions. The survey was conducted on a 5-point scale. Results: The average job satisfaction score of the study subjects was 3.44 points. Among patient safety cultural activities, infection control had the highest average score (4.12 points) and radiation safety management had the lowest average score (3.10 points). Patients with less than 3 years of clinical experience (4.01 points) had higher patient safety culture activity scores than those with 3 to 10 years of clinical experience (3.72 points) and those with more than 10 years of clinical experience (3.69 points). The level of patient safety cultural activities was statistically significantly higher as age, less clinical experience, and job satisfaction increased (p<0.05). Conclusion: In the case of dental hygienists, patient safety cultural activities must be carried out throughout the entire work, so an active will to practice patient safety cultural activities is necessary. In order to improve the performance of patient safety cultural activities, it is necessary to adjust the workload of dental hygienists to improve job satisfaction and create a work environment in which they can focus on patient safety cultural activities.

Effects of Social Support and Self-Regulation on Job Stress: Focused on Personal Assistants for the Disabled (사회적 지지와 자기조절이 직무스트레스에 미치는 영향: 활동보조인을 중심으로)

  • Chung, Myung-Sun;Lee, Kyong-Jun;Han, Gun-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.265-273
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to investigate the moderating effect of self-regulation on the impact of social support on job stress, by focusing on the relationship between these three variables in terms of their effects of on personal assistants for the disabled. We surveyed 330 personal assistants for the disabled and asked them what they thought about social support, self-regulation, and job stress. Among them, a total of 276 subjects were included in the analysis. Moderated multiple regression (MMS) through the simultaneous-entry method was employed for the analysis using SPSS (PASW) 18.0 and PROCESS Macro for SPSS. The main results were as follows. First, social support and self-regulation contributed to the decrease in job stress. Second, self-regulation turned out to have a moderating effect on the relationship between social support and job stress, and enhanced the effect of social support on the decrease of job stress. Lastly, the implications and limitations of this study, as well as suggestions for future research, are discussed. This study suggests that besides external resources such as social support, internal resources such as self-regulation are necessary in order to manage job stress in the field of personal assistance services for the disabled.

Analysis of the Influence of Human Nature Factors, Mental Health Factors and Fatigue on Occupational Stress among Hospital Administrative Staff Using a Structural Equation Model (구조방정식모형을 이용한 병원행정직의 인성, 정신건강 및 피로가 직무스트레스에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Bae, Sang-Yun;Kim, Seung-Hee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.221-229
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    • 2015
  • This study was performed to determine the occupational stress and its association with human nature factors, mental health factors and fatigue among some hospital administrative staff. The survey was administered to 189 staff in Jeonbuk area from June 1st to July 31th, 2014. The level of occupational stress was positively correlated with human nature, mental health and fatigue. The results of hierarchical multiple regression analysis show the following. The occupational stress of respondents turned out to be significantly higher in following groups: a group of female, a group that chance locus of control is higher, a group that external locus of control is lower, a group of the lower self-esteem, a group of higher situational fatigue, a group of higher psycho-social stress, and a group of higher depression. Their explanatory power was 60.4%. With the analysis of covariance structure, we could confirm relationship among the four factors such as human nature, mental health, fatigue and occupational stress. Also, the analysis showed that human nature factors were more influential on the occupational stress than mental health factors and fatigue.