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3-D Inversion of 3-D Synthetic DC Resistivity Data for Vein-type Ore Deposits (국내 맥상광체조사를 위한 3차원 전기비저항 모델링자료의 3차원 역산 해석)

  • Lee, Ho-Yong;Jung, Hyun-Key;Jeong, Woo-Don;Kwak, Na-Eun;Lee, Hyo-Sun;Min, Dong-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.699-708
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    • 2009
  • Recently as the interest in the development of domestic ore deposits has increased, we can easily find some studies on exploration geophysics-based ore-deposit survey in literature. Based on the fact that mineralized zone are generally more conductive than surrounding media, electrical resistivity survey among several geophysical surveys has been applied to investigate metallic ore deposits. Most of them are grounded on 2-D survey. However, 2-D inversion may lead to some misinterpretation for 3-D geological structures. In this study, we investigate the feasibility of the 3-D electrical resistivity survey to 3-D vein-type ore deposits. We first simulate 2-D dipole-dipole survey data for survey lines normal to the strike and 3-D pole-pole survey data, and then perform 3-D inversion. For 3-D ore-body structures, we assume a width-varying dyke, a wedge-shaped, and a fault model. The 3-D inversion results are compared to 2-D inversion results. By comparing 3-D inversion results for 2-D dipole-dipole survey data to 3-D inversion results for 3-D pole-pole survey data, we could note that the 2-D dipole-dipole survey data yield better inversion results than the 3-D pole-pole data, which is due to the main characteristic of the pole-pole array. From these results, we are convinced that if we have certain information on the direction of the strike, it would be desirable to apply 2-D dipole-diple survey for the survey lines normal to the strike. However, in most cases, we do not have any information on the direction of the strike, because we already developed the ore deposit with the outcrops and the remaining ore deposits are buried under the surface. In that case, performing 3-D pole-pole electrical resistivity survey would be a reasonable choice to obtain more accurate interpretation on ore body structure in spite of low resolution of pole-pole array.

The Comparison of ICSD and DSM-Ⅳ Diagnoses in Patients Referred for Sleep Disorders (정신과에 의뢰된 환자 중 수면장애에 대한 ICSD와 DSM-Ⅳ 진단 비교)

  • Lee, Bun-Hee;Kim, Leen;Suh, Kwang-Yoon
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2001
  • Background: Sleep disorders are prevalent in the general population and in medical practice. Three diagnostic classifications for sleep disorders have been developed recently: The International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD), The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th edition (DSM-IV) and The International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition (ICD-10). Few data have yet been published regarding how the diagnostic systems are related to each other. To address these issues, we evaluated the frequency of sleep disorder diagnoses by DSM-IV and ICSD and compared the DSM-IV with the ICSD diagnoses. Method: Two interviewers assessed 284 inpatients who had been referred for sleep problems in general units of Anam Hospital, holding an unstructured clinical interview with each patient and assigning clinical diagnoses using ICSD and DSM-IV classifications. Results: The most frequent DSM-IV primary diagnoses were "insomnia related to another mental disorder (61.1% of cases)" and "delirium due to general medical condition (26.8%)". "Sleep disorder associated with neurologic disorder (38.4% of cases)" was the most frequent ICSD primary diagnosis, followed by "sleep disorder associated with mental disorder (33.1%)". In comparing the DSM-IV diagnoses with the ICSD diagnoses, sleep disorder unrelated with general medical condition or another mental disorder in DSM-IV categories corresponded with these in ICSD categories. But DSM-IV "primary insomnia" fell into two major categories of ICSD, "psychophysiologic insomni" and "inadequate sleep hygiene". Of 269 subjects, 62 diagnosed with DSM-IV sleep disorder related to general medical condition or another mental disorder disagreed with ICSD diagnoses, which were sleep disorders not associated with general medical condition or mental disorder, i. e., "inadequate sleep hygiene", "environmental sleep disorder", "adjustment sleep disorder" and "insufficient sleep disorder". Conclusion: In this study, we found not only a similar pattern between DSM-IV and ICSD diagnoses but also disagreements, which should not be overlooked by clinicians and resulted from various degrees of understanding of the pathophysiology of the sleep disorders among clinicians. Non-diagnosis or mis-diagnosis leas to inappropriate treatment, therefore the clinicians' understanding of the classification and pathophysiology of sleep disorders is important.

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Feasibility Study for the Reconstruction of Jangan Primary School Building (서울 장안초등학교 재건축 계획 설계 연구 요약)

  • Kim, Seung-Je
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 1996
  • 장안초등학교는 한국전쟁 이후인 1955년에 개교된 초등학교이다. 처음에는 8학급의 가교사시설에 18학급으로 편성되어 초기부터 시설이 양적으로 부족하였다. 또한 이 지역의 학생수 증가로 거의 매년에 걸쳐 학급수의 증가와 교실증축이 함께 이루어 졌다. 현재 건물의 건립년도를 살펴보면 1965년 6월에 처음 신관 1층 부분이 건설되어 70년대와 80년대에 걸쳐 꾸준히 증축되어 왔으며, 대지 동측의 별관은 1993년 12월에 건설된 새건물로, 학교교사 건물이 30년된 건물과 최근의 건물이 함께 공존하고 있다. 철근콘크리트 건물이 구조적으로는 100년도 견딘다 하지만 실제로는 약 30년이면 콘크리트의 산성화가 가속화되면서 구조적으로 안전하지 못하다는 학설이 인정되어, 최근 30년이 경과된 학교 건축의 재건축이 사회적 문제로 대두되고 있다. 실제로는 25년이상 경과된 건물에서도 구조적인 하자가 발생하는 예 가 많아 교육부에서는 대체로 25년이상 경과된 건물에 대하여 재건축을 실시하고 있다. 장안초등학교는 20년에서 30년 경과된 건물이 많은 부분을 차지하는 관계로 재건축이 실시되는 예이다. 아직까지 사용이 가능하다고 판단되는 건물은 본관의 남측부분의 교사(1983년 증축)과 신관의 우측부분(1985년 9월 23일 증축)과 별관(1993년 12월 14일 신축)교사동을 들수 있다. 때문에 이 부분에 대하여 철거할 것인가 혹은 그대로 사용할 것인가에 대한 의견이 있어, 최종적으로 별관은 그대로 사용하는 것을 원칙으로 하고 본관 남측부분은 가장 마지막 건설시기에 철거하고 신관 우측부분은 규모가 작아 철거하기로 하였다. 학교건축은 다른 일반건물과는 달리 교육이라는 기능을 충분히 발휘할수 있는 공간구성이 필수적이라 할수 있다. 여기서 말하는 교육이란 예전의 주입식 교육이 아니라 21세기를 바라보는 정보화 세계화를 지향하는 교육으로 학생 개개인의 창의성과 자주성을 발휘시킬수 있는 교육이라는 점에 대하여 의견은 없을 것이다. 이러한 교육이란 다양한 교육방법을 전제로 하며 하나의 학년을 하나의 학습그룹으로 생각하는 것은 중요한 출발점이 될 것이다. 한 학년의 그룹을 교대상의 기본으로하여 이러한 그룹에 대하여 일제학습, 그룹학습, 팀티칭, 개별학습이 이루어 질수 있는 공간을 제공하는 점을 본 장안초등학교 기본계획에서 출발점으로 하였다. 물론 학교전체 학생을 콘트롤할 수 있는 교육방법도 존재한다. 선진 외국의 예를 살펴보면 아동의 능력별 교육을 위하여 무학년제(Non-Grade)를 도입하는 경우도 있지만 아직 우리나라에서는 학급단위가 중요시되고 있다. 이 학급단위는 교육단위이면서 생활지도 단위이기도 하다. 이러한 점을 인식하여 학교건축의 간장 기본 단위가 되는 보통교실 계획을 보통교실과 오픈스페이스를 연속시킨 유니트로 계획하여 일제학습, 그룹학습, 팀티칭, 개별학습 등이 이루어 질수 있도록 하였다. 실제로는 36학급을 계획할 경우, 한학년의 6개 학급이 하나의 공통된 공간내에 그룹핑 되는 것이 바람직하지만(제3안의 배치에서 제안하여 보았지만 북측교실, 오픈스페이스의 통로화등의 문제점이 있었다), 그 규모가 너무 커서 3개학급을 하나의 유니트로 하였다. 물론 한학년이 동일한 층에 배치시켜 서로의 관련성을 높게 하였다. 특별교실 계획은 보통교실과의 관련성과 장래 지역개방의 역할을 고려하여 계획하여야 할 것이다. 장안 초등학교의 경우는 별관을 그대로 사용 한다는 조건이 있기 때문에 기존의 편복도 형식의 교실에서는 보통교실 계획의 어려움이 있어 특별 교실동으로 고려하였다. 때문에 지역개방에 대해서는 문제점을 안고 있다. 체육관은 기준령에는 권장시설로 되어 있지만 학교시설에 필수적인 시설이라 생각한다. 체육은 국민건강에 직결되기 때문이다. 또한 체육관 건설은 실외체육 실내체육에 대응할 뿐 아니라 학교 행사등에 유용히 사용되기 때문에 더욱 필요시설이라 할수 있겠다. 또한 지역개방을 위하여 정문 혹은 후문 가까이에 배치시키는 것은 필수적이다. 별관, 체육관, 운동장, 후문측에 12학급용의 단독건물 등의 기본적인 제약조건을 고려하여 배치하자면 자연히 교실동들이 분산되는 결과를 낳게된다. 이러한 각각의 교사동을 A동을 중심으로 구름다리로 연결하여 동선의 불편함을 해소시켰다. 주차장은 후문 가까이에 약 10정도의 주차공간이 확보가능하다. 이외에는 운동장을 사용하는 방법과 체육관의 1층부분을 필로티로 하여 그곳에 20대 정도 주차시키는 방안이 있다. 주차는 많을수록 편리는 하겠지만 제한된 대지에 모두 만족 시켜주기는 불가능하다. 공공용의 주차와 소방에 필요한 동선이 요구된다. 특히 도심주차난을 생각할 때는 차라리 적극적으로 지하주차장을 계획하는 방안이 있을 것이다. 마지막으로 현재 67학급은 초대형 규모로 초등학교 규모로는 적합하지 못하다. 장래를 고려하여 48학급에서 최종적으로 36학급으로 계획하였으나 한동안은 67학급이 그대로 유지될 것으로 보인다. 신설 초등학교가 가까운 시기에 개교될 것을 기대한다.

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Annual biomass production and amount of organic carbon in Abies koreana forest of subalpine zone at Mt. Halla (한라산 아고산대 구상나무림에서 연간 물질생산과 유기탄소량 변화)

  • Jang, Rae-Ha;Cho, Kyu-Tae;You, Young-Han
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.627-633
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    • 2014
  • Annual biomass production and amount of organic carbon in Abies koreana forest at Mt. Halla were conducted as a part of Korea National Long-Term Ecological Research (KNLTER). We measured standing biomass change of litter, soil production and organic carbon amounts of the forest floor and soil layer of A. koreana forest in Mt. Halla from 2009 to 2013 in permanent plots. Standing biomass, which was determined by allometric method, was converted into $CO_2$. The standing biomass in A. koreana forest was 98.88, 106.42, 107.67, 108.31, $91.48ton\;ha^{-1}$ in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 year, respectively. The amount of annual carbon allocated to above ground was 35.95, 38.69, 38.96, 39.46, $33.2ton\;C\;ha^{-1}$ and below ground biomass was 8.54, 9.2, 9.49, 9.28, $7.97ton\;C\;ha^{-1}$ in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 year, respectively. Amount of organic carbon returned to the forest via litterfall was 1.09, 1.80, 1.32, 2.46 and $1.20ton\;C\;ha^{-1}$ in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Amount of organic carbon in annual litter layer on forest floor was 2.74, 2.43, 2.00 and $1.16ton\;C\;ha^{-1}$ in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 year, respectively. Amount of organic carbon within 20cm soil depth was 55.77, 54.9, 50.69, 44.42 and $41.87ton\;C\;ha^{-1}20cm^{-1}$ in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 year, respectively. Then standing biomass and organic carbon distribution increased steadily until 2012. But there declined in 2013 because of the typhoon Bolaven. Thus, standing biomass and organic carbon distribution of this subalpine forest were largely affected by natural disturbance factor.

Changes of Plant Growth, Leaf Morphology and Cell Elongation of Spinacia oleracea Grown under Different Light-Emitting Diodes (발광다이오드 광원에 따른 시금치 생육, 엽 형태형성 및 세포길이 변화)

  • Lee, Myungok;Park, Sangmin;Cho, Eunkyung;An, Jinhee;Choi, Eunyoung
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.222-230
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    • 2018
  • This study aimed to determine effects of light-emitting diodes on plant growth, leaf morphology and cell elongation of two cultivars ('World-star' and 'Sushiro') of Spinacia oleracea. Plants were grown in a NFT system for 25 days after transplanting (DAT) under the LEDs [White (W), Red and Blue (RB, ratio 2:1), Blue (B), Red (R) LED] under the same light intensity and photoperiod ($130{\mu}mol{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}s^{-1}$, 12 hours). The 'World-star' variety was significantly higher in shoot fresh and dry weights, leaf number, and leaf area than the 'Sushiro' variety. For the 'World-star' variety, the two treatments of mixed light (RB) and red light (R) showed a 35% higher shoot dry weight than that of blue light (B) and white light (W) at 25 DAT. In the 'Sushiro' variety, mixed light (RB) treatment, which had the highest shoot fresh and dry weights, showed 40% higher than the white light (W) treatment, which had the lowest shoot fresh and dry weights. Both varieties showed leaf epinasty symptom at 21 DAT only in both mixed light (RB) and red light (R), and red light (R) treatment showed significantly higher symptom than mixed light (RB), indicating the leaf epinasty is associated with red light. Microscopic observations of the cell size in the leaf center and edge parts showed that the cell density of leaf edge under the red light (R) was lower than that in leaf center, supporting previous reports that suggest an association of the cell size difference between the leaf center and edge with the leaf epinasty occurrence. Since the blue light (B) plays a role in alleviating the epinasty symptom caused by the red light (R), it seems necessary to identify the appropriate mixing ratio of the two light sources. In addition, the World-star variety seems to be more suitable for the cultivation of plant factory using LED light sources.

Effect of Flooding Treatment on the Desalting Efficiency and the Growth of Soiling and Forage Crops in a Sandy Soil of the Iweon Reclaimed Tidal Land in Korea (이원간척지 사질 염류토양의 담수제염처리가 제염효과와 녹비.사료작물의 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Sohn, Yong-Man;Kim, Hyun-Tea;Jeon, Geon-Yeong;Song, Jae-Do;Lee, Jae-Hwang;Park, Moo-Eon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.16-24
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    • 2010
  • Effect of flooding on the desalting efficiency and the growth of sudan grass, barnyard grass, sesbania and corn was studied in a sandy soil of the Iweon reclaimed tidal land. Flooding plots were treated by 400 (one time flooding), 800 (two times flooding), and 1,200 mm(three times flooding) of water, respectively, and then soil salinities of the treated plots were compared with salinity of the control plot (not flooded) for estimation of desalting effect. Desalting ratio of 1,200 mm treatment was 78.3% for depth 0-20 cm, 70.5% for depth 20-40 cm and 60.8% for depth 40-60 cm, and then the soil salinity reached at 3~6 dS $m^{-1}$. Consequently, it was considered that sandy saline soil was satisfactorily desalted for upland crops to be cultivated by 1,200 mm flooding, but insufficiently desalted by 400 mm and 800 mm flooding because of high salinity ranged 5~14 dS $m^{-1}$ even after flooding treatment. In addition, it was estimated that soil salinity should be controled lower than 7.7 dS $m^{-1}$ in order to obtain more than 80%of crop emergence when four crops are simultaneously cultivated by inter- or mixed cropping in a field. Dry matter yields (kg $10a^{-1}$) was 1,068 for sudan grass, 696for barnyard grass, 1,426 for sesbania, and 1,164 for corn by 1,200 mm flooding treatment, but only 46.8~74.3% by 800 mm flooding treatment and 2.9~25.5% by 400 mm flooding treatment. Therefore, it is concluded that the flooding treatment more than 1,200 mm is necessary for satisfactory desalinization in order for the low salt tolerance crops to be cultivated in the sandy reclaimed tidal land.

Effect of Sludge-Fertilizer on Growth of Horticultural Plants (스럿지비료(肥料)가 원예작물(園藝作物)의 생육(生育)에 미치는 효과(效果))

  • Ku, Ja Hyeong;Kim, Tae Ill;Ahn, Joo Won;Lee, Kyu Seung;Kim, Moon Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.16-27
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    • 1992
  • To determine a potential of new sludge fertilizer for horticultural crops, comparative studies between commercial fertilizers (Jandibiryo and Wonyebokbi) and sludge fertilizer (Sludgebiryo) were made through examining the growth responses on zoysiagrass (Zoysia japponica Steud.) and several horticultural plants. 1. The pH of new sludge fertilizer remained near 6.5 regardless the particle size. The solubility of elements was highest in phosphorus, followed by nitrogen and potassium in the order. Especially, desorption of potassium was continued up to 48 hrs after solubilization. 2. There was an increase in shoot number per plant, length of stolon and rhizome, and root weight as well as clipping yield of zoysiagrass in the treatment of large size Sludgebiryo compared to small one and Jandibiryo. 3. Regardless the size of fertilizers, Sludgebiryo increased flower numbers in salvia (Salvia officinalis L. 'Hatzazz') compared to Wonyebokbi, although the difference was not great, However, leaf area and fresh weight of plant were more increased in Wonyebokbi application. 4. Flower diameter of marigold (Tagetes erecta L. 'Inca') was slightly increased in Sludgebiryo application, but the average number of lateral shoots and fresh weight per plant were significantly increased in the treatment of Wonyebokbi application. 5. Sludgebiryo effectively increased the length of both main and lateral shoots, number of flowers and weight of shoot in vinca (Vinca rosea L. 'Little Linde'), but root growth of plant was higher in Wonyebokbi application. 6, No differences between Wonyebokbi and Sludgebiryo were found in promoting the growth of leaves of perilla (Perilla frutescens Hara 'Yubsil' ), but chlorophyll content and seed weight were slightly higher in the application of Wonyebokbi compared to Sludgebiryo. In conclusion, the effectiveness of Sludgebiryo for horticultural plants was almost equal to commercial fertilizers such as Jandibiryo or Wonyebokbi. Expecially, Sludgebiryo appeared to effective on the growth of zoysiagrass, and the increase of flower size and numbers in flower crops. Results indicate that new-made Sludgebiryo can be recommended for turfgrass culture, and the flower crops in which quality depends on flower number and flower size.

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The Extracts from Liriope platyphylla Significantly Stimulated Insulin Secretion in the HIT-T15 Pancreatic β-Cell Line (HIT-T15 췌장세포의 인슐린분비 촉진을 유도하는 맥문동(Liriope platyphylla) 추출물의 효능 및 독성분석)

  • Kim, Ji-Ha;Kim, Ji-Eun;Lee, Yoen-Kyung;Nam, So-Hee;Her, Youn-Kyung;Jee, Seoung-Wan;Kim, Sun-Guen;Park, Da-Jung;Choi, Young-Whan;Hwang, Dae-Youn
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.1027-1033
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    • 2010
  • Liriope platyphylla has traditionally been used in Korea and China as a therapeutic drug for the treatment of coughing, sputum, neurodegenerative disorders, obesity, and diabetes. In an effort to assess the functions of a novel extract from Liriope platyphylla in diabetes therapy, the insulin secretion abilities of 10 extracts were screened via measurements of insulin concentration in the culture supernatant using an Insulin ELISA kit. The results of this assay showed the highest levels of insulin in the LP9M80-H treated group, followed by the LP-H, LP-M, LP-E and LP9M80-C treated groups, whereas other extracts did not induce insulin secretion in the HIT-T15 cells. However, the extracts capable of stimulating insulin secretion simultaneously evidenced high apoptotic activity as compared with other extracts. Therefore, one of these extracts, LP9M80-H, was initially selected as the optimal candidate for a therapeutic drug and its optimal concentration was determined. The results of the ELISA and MTT assay demonstrated that a concentration of approximately 100-125 ug/ml of LP9M80-H was optimal with regards to cell viability and insulin secretion in the HIT-T15 cells. These results suggest that LP9M80-H could be considered as an excellent candidate for a diabetes-therapeutic drug that could induce insulin secretion in pancreatic $\beta$-cells.

Effects of Crown Diameter and Nitrogen Topdressing on Growth and Yield of Angelica gigas NAKAI (참당귀(當歸) 묘(苗) 근두직경(根頭直徑)과 질소추비수준(窒素追肥水準)에 따른 생육(生育) 및 수량(收量))

  • Lee, Seoung-Tack;Yu, Hong-Seob;Park, Chun-Geon;Yeon, Kyu-Bok
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.97-103
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    • 1993
  • Relationships between crown diameter divided into the small$(0.3{\sim}0.5cm)$, the medium$(0.5{\sim}0.7cm)$ and the large seedling$(0.7{\sim}0.9cm)$ by the size of crown diameter of Angelica gigas and topdressed nitrogen level of 0, 50, 70 and 100% were conducted to study on growth and yield of two year-planted A. gigas in Suwon. The larger of the crown diameter, the better of the dry weight of leaf and root of A. gigas. Growth of the plane was rapidly increased on June and August, but slowly increased on July and that of root was increased until October while decreasing the aerial stem growth from September. Lower top dressed nitrogen level in the larger seeding was greatly increased the bolting rate compared to the medium or small seedlings. Yields of dried root weight per 10a were 441kg for the large, 373kg for the medium, and 378kg for the small seedling, and weight of the higher nitrogen per 10a were more increased than that of the lower dressed nitrogen treatment.

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Selective Mechanism of Cyhalofop-butyl ester between Rice and Echinochloa crus-galli - I. Differential Response of Rice and Echinochloa crus-galli to Cyhalofop-butyl ester (제초제(除草劑) Cyhalofop-butyl ester의 벼와 피간(間) 선택성기작(選擇性機作) - I. 제초제(除草劑) Cyhalofop-butyl ester에 대한 벼와 피간(間)의 반응차이(反應差異))

  • Park, J.E.;Ryu, G.H.;Lee, I.Y.;Lee, H.K.;Shin, H.S.;Lee, J.O.;Kim, K.U.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.94-100
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    • 1994
  • This experiment was conducted to determine selective mechanism of cyhalofop-butyl ester ((((R-butyl 2-(4-(4-cyano-2-fluorophenoxy) phenoxy) propionate)) between rice and Echinochloa crus-galli. 100ppm of cyhalofop-butyl ester inhibited over 90% of seedling growth of E. crus-galli when applied at 3 leaf stage and complete inhibition was observed at 180ppm applied at the 4 leaf stage, but rice(Chucheongbyeo) was not inhibited by cyhalofop-butyl ester even at 230ppm, regardless of its growth stages(3, 4, 5 and 6 leaf stages). Cyhalofop-butyl ester applied through stem at 10 and 50ppm moved most rapidly to the meristem and resulted in the highest injury on plant height, root length and fresh weight of E. crus-galli. compared with root or leaf application. Seedlings of rice and E. crus-galli at 3 or 4 leaf stage were dipped in 180ppm of cyhalofop-butyl ester solution for 1 minute and aboveground parts of E. crus-galli and rice were removed immediataly after dipping treatment. Regrowth of E. crus-galli was inhibited by the herbicide by 41.7%, but no inhibition was observed in rice. Further, content of chlorophyll reduced to 18.7% of the untreated control, showing appearence of almost being killed, but no effect on chlorophyll content of rice was observed.

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