• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지질 조사탐사

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Surface Wave Method: Focused on Active Method (표면파 탐사: 능동 탐사법을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Bitnarae;Cho, Ahyun;Cho, Sung Oh;Nam, Myung Jin;Pyun, Sukjoon;Hayashi, Koich
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.210-224
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    • 2019
  • Surface wave (SW) surveys, which have been applied to numerous application fields ranging from micro-scale ultrasonic analysis to geological scale analysis, are widely used to monitor near-surface stability. The survey method is basically made through analysis on dispersion of SW propagating along the earth surface, in order to delineate shear velocity structure of subsurface. SW survey data are inverted with assuming one-dimensional (1D) layered-earth in order to recover shear wave velocities of each layer, after being analyzed to make the dispersion curve that shows phase velocity of SW with respect to frequency. This study reviews surface wave surveys with explaining the basic theory including the characteristics of dispersion and the procedure of general data processing. Even though surface wave surveys can be categorized into active and passive methods, this paper focuses only on active surface wave methods which includes continuous SW (CSW), spectral analysis of SW (SASW) and multichannel analysis of SW (MASW). Passive method will be reviewed in the subsequent paper.

Geophysical survey around East Sea Research Institute (KORDI) using multi-beam and shallow seismic survey (다중빔 음향측심기 및 천부탄성파 탐사를 이용한 동해연구소 주변 지구물리조사)

  • Jeong, Eui-Young;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Lee, Seung-Hun;Kim, Ho;Park, Chan-Hong
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.185-190
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    • 2008
  • Geophysical survey were investigated in the offshore around East Sea Research Institute, Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute (Jukbyeon-myun, Uljin-gu, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea). The surveys were conducted aboard the R/V Jangmok in 2008 using a hull-mounted EM 3002 multi-beam echosounder. Precise bathymetry and seabed images were obtained using multi-beam and thicknesses of sedimentary layer were found through seismic survey. Submarine topography deepens parallel to the coastline to -60 m and rock mass distributed in the southeast of study area. By finding the thickness of sedimentary layer through seismic survey, a sedimentary thickness on the study area was established. Futhermore, monitoring data of bathymetry, substructure and sedimentary environment will be secured through successive geophysical investigation.

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Detection of Subsurface Ancient Remains in Sooseong Dang Area, Buan Using Ground Penetration Radar Technique (지하투과레이다 기법을 이용한 부안 수성당 지역의 지하 유적 탐사)

  • Lee, Hyoun-Jae;Jeon, Hang-Tak;Yun, Sul-Min;Hamm, Se-Yeong
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.553-563
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    • 2019
  • In order to survey archaeological sites, drilling and excavation are carried out at the final stage. However, at the preliminary stage, non-excavation geophysical prospection is used for assessing underground archaeological ruins. Among the geophysical prospecting techniques, Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) prospection has effectively been applied to historical sites due to its high resolution at shallow depths. In this study, the GPR prospection was conducted to find underground ruins near Suseong-Dang, the place of ancient rituals in Buan area, Korea. First, the GPR prospection was conducted at three sites (Site-1, 2, and 3), and subsequently, the GPR prospection was carried out at Site-3 in more detail. As a result of the prospection, the underground layered structure of the survey area consists of three layers, which are soil layer, weathered rock, and sound rock from the surface. And the GPR anomaly to the archaeological structure was clearly identified at around 100-cm depth showing est-west direction that is parallel to the long-axis array. This GPR anomaly of irregular geomorphological features and intermittent distribution may be related to the ritual remains found in Suseong Dang. The GPR prospection could be effectively used to detect archaeological sites or remains buried in the ground.

고준위 폐기물 지하처분연구시설 부지 특성에 관한 연구

  • 김건기;권상기;조원진;박정화
    • Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference
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    • 2004.06a
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    • pp.226-227
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    • 2004
  • 본 연구에서는 원자력 연구소 내에 건설할 고준위 폐기물 지하처분연구시설 부지에 관한 특성을 파악하고, 연구시설의 위치를 선정하기 위한 지질학적 연구를 실시하였다. 지표지질조사를 통하여 연구소 내에 분포하는 암석들의 분류와 선구조 분석을 실시하였고, 지구물리탐사와 시추조사를 통한 지하 암반의 분포양상과 연구시설 주변의 추정되는 파쇄대의 분포를 확인하였다. 지표지질조사결과 복운모화강암과 화강섬록암질 편마암이 점이적인 관계로 분포하고 있으며 (Fig.1, 3), 이들 화강암류 내에는 암맥상으로 중성 혹은 염기성 암맥들이 절리의 방향과 동일하게 관입 분포한다. 절리의 방향성은 N30E, N80W, NS방향으로 분포하고 있다(Fig. 2).(중략)

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Geochemical Exploration for Metallic Mineral Resources on the Pacitan District, East Java, Indonesia (인도네시아 빠찌딴지역 금속광물자원에 대한 지화학탐사)

  • Han, Jin-Kyun;Choi, Sang-Hoon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2011
  • The geology of the Pacitan district which occupies Southern mountain zone in the southwestern margin of East Java, Indonesia, consists of a pile of clastics and pyroclastics grading upwards into a series of sediments of Middle Miocene age which are intruded by a number of quartz porphyries and subvolcanic dacitic to andesitic bodies in after that time. The geochemical exploration in the Pacitan district to find out anomalous areas related with metallic mineral dispersion from the concealed ore deposits had been carried out using traditional exploration techniques of geological mapping, stream sediment, panned concentrate and outcrop sampling. The anomalous zones of each element were detected in the following areas: Gempol for Cu; Jompong for Au; Kasihan for Cu-Pb-Zn. The strongest Cu-Pb-Zn anomalous values are overlapped at the Kasihan area. The geochemical survey of soil was conducted with the geological survey at the Kasihan area. The statistical values were calculated by the statistical analysis method. The patterns for Cu, Pb and Zn are similar to the normal distribution. The anomalous values of copper-lead-zinc and/or copper and zinc are overlapped at five zones surrounding quartz porphyry at the central part of the Kasihan area. The area was interpreted and chosen as an anomalous zone related with stockwork and skam mineralization, extending to approximately NNW-SSE direction.

Development of a Drone Platform by KIGAM for Geological Surveys and Mineral Resource Exploration (지질조사 및 광물자원탐사를 위한 KIGAM 드론 플랫폼 구축)

  • Bang, Eun Seok;Son, Jeong-Sul;Kang, Woong;Yi, Huiuk;Kim, Changryol;Lee, Chang Won;Kim, Bona;Hwang, Seho;No, Sang-Gun;Son, Young-Sun;Cho, Seong-Jun
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2020
  • A drone platform built by Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM) is introduced. The platform consists of various drone systems developed at KIGAM for photogrammetry, remote exploration, physical exploration, field operation methods, a vehicle-based drone control center, as well as a drone data platform for data storage, sharing, analysis, and visualization of the acquired data. The performance of the drone platform is verified using results obtained with the various systems, which are tested individually and in various combined applications. Finally, the possibility of using the KIGAM drone platform for geological surveys and mineral resource exploration is discussed.

Geophysical Investigation of the change of geological environment of the Nanjido Landfill due to the Stabilization Process (난지도 매립장의 안정화에 따른 지질환경 변화 조사를 위한 지구물리 탐사)

  • Lee, Kie-Hwa;Kwon, Byung-Doo;Rim, Hyoung-Rae;Yang, Jun-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.113-126
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    • 2000
  • We have conducted multiple geophysical surveys to investigate the geoenvironmental change of the Nanjido Landfill due to the stabilization process. Geophyscial surveys are comprized of gravity, magnetic, dipole-dipole electrical and SP methods. Due to the field conditions, surveys were conducted on the top surface of the landfill no.2 and southern border areas in front of landfills. The gravity anomalies obtained on the top surface of the landfill no.2 in 1999 show that the gradient of the anomaly on the central area is decreasing in comparison with that observed four years ago. The complexity of magnetic anomaly pattern it also decreasing. These facts suggest that the stabilization work of the Nanjido landfill makes some progress by compaction process due to repetitive subsidence and refilling. The dipole-dipole electrical resistivity and SP data obtained on the outside of the waterproof wall at the landfill no.1 were severely affected by unsatisfactory surface conditions. On the other hand, the dipole-dipole electrical resistivity profiles obtained on the inside and outside parts of the waterproof wall at the landfill no.2 show the blocking effect of leachate flow by the waterproof wall. Few SP anomalies are observed on the top and side surfaces of the landfill no.2, but SP anomalies obtained on the base area inside the waterproof wall strongly reflect the effect of leachate collecting wells.

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Data Acquisition Method for Marine Geophysical Survey (해양물리탐사 자료취득 기법)

  • Han, Hyun-Chul;Park, Chan-Hong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.39 no.4 s.179
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    • pp.417-426
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    • 2006
  • Data acquisition is as important as data processing and interpretation in the field of marine geophysical exploration. Marine geophysicist, however, may not have enough information in this field because data acquisition method has been mainly developed by the commercial companies manufacturing the equipment. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to introduce the general data acquisition method and information to help to construct the systematic and effective survey plan. When a survey plan is set up, the most important thing is to select the seismic equipment based on required penetration depth and resolution, and then construct the survey line intervals. Although a line interval varies from the research purposes, it should be narrower than the expected subsurface structures. Also, if 100% coverage of multibeam data is required, line intervals need to be adjusted based on the equipment characteristics. In case of merging with the preexisting dataset like bathymetry, gravity and magnetic, cross-over errors occurred at the each cross point should be removed to avoid any kinds of misinterpretation.

Application of GPR to Prospect Archaeological Remains (유적발굴에 있어서 GPR탐사의 응용에 관한 연구)

  • 김소구;오현덕
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.475-490
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to apply one of the geophysical methods, GPR to archaeology. Time slice of analysis method was used to interpret archaeological feature before excavation. Study areas are Pubcheonri burial mound group in Wonju, Songhakdong no. 1 tomb, Gosung in Kyungsangnamdo, and Yoshinogari 2 rows of jar-coffins burial in Saga Prefecture, Japan. We found a stone tomb, spreaded and piled stones from spoiled tombs of the Baekje Dynasty as archaeological features in Pubchonri, Wonju. Songhakdong no. 1 tomb in Gosung was the unique keyhole-shaped tomb in Kyungsangnamdo as we know. But we found that the tomb consists of 3 tombs and there are lots of stone tombs according to the GPR and excavation. From the GPR exploration and excavation, it turned out not be a keyhole-shape tomb. We also found jar-coffins burial in Yoshinogari, Japan. As a result GPR was very helpful to detect archaeological features and pattern before excavation in advance.

A Study on the Shallow Marine Site Survey using Seismic Reflection and Refraction Method (탄성파 반사법 및 굴절법을 이용한 천해저 지반조사에 대한 연구)

  • Shin, Sung-Ryul;Kim, Chan-Su;Jo, Churl-Hyun
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.109-115
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    • 2008
  • It is very important to estimate the physical properties of survey area and delineate the geological basement in marine site survey for the design of offshore structures. For the purpose of providing high quality data by means of engineering site survey, it is necessary to apply several survey techniques and carry out the integrated interpretation to each other. In this study, we applied single channel seismic reflection method and OBC (Ocean Bottom Cable) type seismic refraction method at shallow marine. We used a dual boomer-single channel streamer as a source-receiver in seismic reflection survey and airgun source-the developed OBC type streamer in seismic refraction survey. We made 24 channels OBC type streamer which has 4m channel interval and each channel is composed of single hydrophone and preamplifier. We tested the field applicability of the proposed method and applied the typical seismic data processing methods to the obtained reflection data in order to enhance the data quality and image resolution. In order to estimate the geological velocity distribution from refraction data, seismic refraction tomography technique was applied. Therefore, we could successfully perform time-depth conversion using the velocity information as an integrated interpretation. The proposed method could provide reliable geologic information such as sediment layer thickness and 3D basement depth map.