• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지적장애 고등학생

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The Effect of Virtual Reality based Intervention Program on Communication Skills in Cafe and Class Attitudes of Students with Intellectual Disabilities (가상현실 기반 중재 프로그램이 지적장애학생의 카페에서의 의사소통 능력과 수업태도에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Taesu
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to verify effects of virtual reality based intervention program on communication skills in cafe and class attitudes of students with intellectual disabilities. To do this, 30 students with intellectual disabilities were participated in this study and placed an experimental group and a control group. An experimental group took part in the virtual reality based intervention program on communication skills in cafe and a control group joined in the traditional intervention program at summer vacation from July, 22 to August, 24. Intervention programs of an experimental group and an control group were conducted 5 times in a week for 4 weeks and a class time of each class was 50 minutes. Evaluations of two groups were carried out in pre-test and post-test and data of evaluation was analyzed by independent t-test. In Results of study, communication skills of experimental group were improved higher than control group's. Also, class attitudes of experimental group were changed more positive than control group's on job training class. We knew that virtual reality based intervention program was effectively utilized in transitional education for students with intellectual disabilities.

A Photovoice Study of Social Relationships among Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities (지적장애 청소년의 사회적 관계에 관한 포토보이스 연구)

  • Kim, Min Ah;Heo, Il Kwon;Jung, Sang Mi;Seo, Jung A
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.5-33
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    • 2017
  • This study explored challenges and desires related to social relationships among adolescents with intellectual disabilities, using the photovoice method. Six adolescents with intellectual disabilities (M = 18.33 years) who are attending a general high school participated in 7 sessions of a photovoice program. They selected themes related to social relationships through group discussions and shared their photos related to the themes with other participants. Our study yielded 15 subthemes within 5 social relationships (peers, teachers, boyfriends/girlfriends, parents, persons whom I need) from adolescents with intellectual disabilities as follows: relationships with peers (feeling lonely and left out, being teased and bullied by peers, making efforts to fix damaged relationships with friends), relationships with teachers (feeling appreciated by teachers who understand me, lacking interactions with teachers, wanting teachers to show they care about my school life), relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends (wanting to have a boyfriend/girlfriend, feeling worried and fearful about having a boyfriend/girlfriend, trying to attract a boyfriend/girlfriend), relationships with parents (being thankful to parents for their unconditioned love, enjoying time with parents, feeling bad because of not being close to father), persons whom I need (persons who enjoy spending time with me, persons who help me, persons who never give up on me). This study provides implications for social work practice, such as training for improving peer relationships and coping with peer conflict, education for fostering healthy romantic relationships, training for promoting social skills of adolescents with intellectual disabilities, and education for increasing awareness of the social needs of students with intellectual disabilities among peers without disabilities, teachers, and social workers.

The Influence of Self-determinative Motivation of Students without Disability about the Inclusive Physical Activity to Interaction with Students with disabilities (통합체육에 참여하는 비장애학생의 자기결정성 동기가 장애학생과의 상호작용행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Jun, So-Yong;Park, Jin-Woo;Lee, Hyun-Su
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.637-647
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    • 2016
  • This study examined the difference of self-determinative motivations of non-handicapped students about inclusive physical activity according to the social demographic characteristics. And this study also researched the influence of self-determinative motivation of non-handicapped student about the inclusive physical activity to interaction with handicapped student. In order to achieve the object of the study, the data collected from 674 students in included the intellectually handicapped students and inclusive physical activity. As a measuring tool, Choi (2008) and Lee (2006) questionnaire. Data was used SPSS 21.0, and the exploratory factor analysis, reliability verification, difference verification, and simple regression analysis were performed. The results are as follows. First, in terms of the data analysis of self-determinative motivation based on demographic characteristics (sex, grade, friend with disabilities, experiencing duration of inclusive physical activities), sex, friend with disabilities, experiencing duration of inclusive physical activities displayed statistically significant difference self-determinative motivation. Second, in terms of the effects of students with non disabilities self-determinative motivation on towards interaction of students with disabilities, motivation, external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation and intrinsic motivation among the sub-factors of self-determinative motivation affected significantly on interaction with students with disabilities.

Accessibility and Improvements for Flash E-learning Contents (플래시 이러닝 콘텐츠의 접근성 문제점 및 개선방안)

  • Hwang, Yun-Ja;Ahn, Mi-Lee
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.18A no.4
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 2011
  • E-learning in Korea supports different educational needs of diverse learners. E-learning became one of the major source of educational services for schools, higher education, lifelong learning, and for special education. Many e-learning contents offered by cyber universities use HTML, CSS, and Flash, and these are known to have limitations on accessibilities. People with disabilities or aged have problems accessing such contents. The purpose of this study is to evaluate accessibility of Flash e-learning contents offered by 9 cyber universities. AccChecker is used to assess accessibility of the contents. The result shows many errors and warning with Text Equivalents, Keyboard Navigation, Properties, Depth of Tree, and Structures that restrict access. In order to improve the quality and expansion of quality e-learning contents, we need aggressive measures to obtain accessibility of contents, and these should be designed at the planning phase rather than adjusted during the development stage. Furthermore, it is vital to train instructional designers, developers and the CEOs to realize the importance of accessibility and learn appropriate skills to increase accessibilities of e-learning contents.


  • Chin, Tae-Won;Kim, Sa-Jun;Lee, Heung-Pyo;Cho, Soo-Churl
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.163-174
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    • 1997
  • This study was to know the influence of familial environment and moral development on conduct disorder. Subjects were composed of 47 male and female patients with conduct disorder(patients group), 113 general male and female students(normal group), and 173 juvenile prisoners(JP group). The Korean Form of the Family Environment Scale(FES) was used to assess the family environment of the subjects and the Korean Defining Issues Test(DIT) was used to assess the moral development. Conduct disorder was diagnosed with the DSM-III-R criteria for conduct disorder. The influence of familial environment and moral development on conduct disorder was analyzed with ANOVA and the differences among groups were verified with Scheffe test. There was no difference in the socioeconomic status and the physical abuse by the parents among the three groups. But the rates of divorce or separation of the parents were significantly highest in the JP group and higher in the patients group than in the normal group. Especially the subjects of the JP group experienced the divorce or separation of their parents during the preschool or the elementary school periods. In regard to the family environment, there was no difference among the three groups in the Subscales of Expressiveness, Independence, Intellectual-cultural orientation, Moral-religious emphasis, Organization, and Control. ‘Cohesion Subscale’ was significantly higher in the normal group than in the JP group. ‘Conflict Subscale’ was significantly higher in the JP and patients groups than in the normal group. ‘Achievement orientation Subscale’ was significantly lower in the JP group than in the patients and normal groups. ‘Activerecreational orientation’ was significantly lower in the normal group than in the JP and patients groups. In gegard to the moral developmental stage, the lower moral developmental step was higher in the JP and patients groups than in the normal group. The higher steps were significantly higher in the normal group than in the JP group. There was no significant correlation between the degree of ‘Moral-religious emphasis Subscale’ and the moral development. The clinical implication and limitation of present study were listed and discussed.

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  • Lee, Jung-Bum;Cho, Soo-Churl
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.54-66
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    • 1998
  • Objectives:This study was to investigate the impact of parental psychiatric disorder on offspring's depression, anxiety, self concept, perception of familial relationship compared with offspring of normal control. In offsprings of parents with psychiatric disorder, this study explored whether their psychopathology, self concept, and perception of familial relationship were influenced by parent’s sex, onset time of parent’s psychiatric disorder and parent’s psychiatric diagnosis. Methods:52 offsprings aged 10-18 years of 39 psychiatric outpatient were surveyed from June, 1997 to April, 1998 and completed several questionnaaire, including Korean from of the Family Environment Scale, Korean form of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children, Korean form of Kovac’s Children’s Depression Inventory, and Korean form of Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale. Their score was compared with offsprings’ of normals. In offsprings of parents with psychiatric disorder, they were compared according to parent’s sex, onset time of parent's psychiatric disorder and parent’s psychiatric diagnosis. Results:The results were as follows:1) Offsprings of parents with psychiatric disorder reported higher level of state anxiety and lower level of the FES expressive subscale than offsprings of normals(p<0.05). But they reported higher level of PHCSCS intellectual & school status subscale and popularity subscale than normals(p<0.05). 2) There were no differences in anxiety, depression, self concept, and perception of familial relationship between patient’s sex. 3) Offsprings less than 3 years old when parent’s psychiatric disorder had developed showed higher level of trait anxiety and lower level of FES control subscale than offsprings more than 3 years old (p<0.05). 4) There were no diferences in anxiety, depression, self concept, and perception of familial relationship between patient’ diagnostic groups(schizophrenia spectrum disorder-mood disoderneurosis). Conclusion:The finding indicated that self reported scale of anxiety and depression showed no significant difference between offsprings of psychiatric patients and offsprings of normals. In offsprings of parents with psychiatric disorder, parent’s sex and psychiatiric diagnosis had no influence on offspring’s psychopathology. But the offspring’s age(before 3 years old) when the parent’s psychiatriric disorder developed had influence on higher level of offspring’s trait anxiety. For further high risk group study, direct interview and evaluation of parent-child agreement or teacher-child agreement will be needed in longitudinal study.

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  • Kim, Hun-Soo;Shin, Hwa-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.56-64
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    • 1995
  • Family is a primary unit of the major socialization processing for children. Parents among the family members are one of the most important figures from whom the child and adolescent acquire a wide variety of behavior patterns, attitudes, values and norms. An organization of family members product family structural functioning. Abnormal family structure is one of the most important reference models in the learning of antisocial patterns of behavior. Therefore incest and child sexual abuse including spouse abuse, elderly abuse, and neglect occurs in the abnormal family structural setting. In particular, incest, a specific form of sexual abuse, was once thought to be a phenomenon of great rarity, but our clinical experiences, especially over the past decade, have made us aware that incest and child sexual abuse is not rare case and on the increasing trend. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the family problem and dynamics of incest family, and character pattern of post-incest adolescent victim in Korea. A total of 1,838 adolescents from middle and high school(1,237) and juvenile correctional institute(601) were studied, sampled from Korean student population and adolescent delinquent population confined in juvenile correctional institutes, using proportional stratified random sampling method. The subjects' ages ranged from 12 to 21 years. Data were collected through questionnaire survey. Data analysis was done by IBM PC of Behavior Science Center at the Korea university, using SAS program. Statistical methods employed were Chi-square, principal component analysis and t-test etc. The results of this study were as follows ; 1) Of 1,071 subjects, 40(3.7%) reported incest experiences(sibling incest : 1.6% ; another type of incest : 2.1%) in their family setting. 2) The character pattern of post-incest adolescent victim was more socially maladjusted, immature, impulsive, rigid, anxious and dependent than non-incest adolescent. Also they showed some problem in academic performance and their assertiveness. 3) The other family members of incest family revealed more psychological and behavioral problem such as depression, alcoholism, psychotic disorder and criminal act than the non-incest family, even though there is no evidence of the context between them. 4) The family dynamics of incest family tended to be dysfunctional trend, as compared with non-incest family. It showed that the psychological instability of family member, parental rejection toward their children, coldness and indifference among family member and marital discordance between the parents had significant correlation with incest.

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