• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지원요구

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Directions for More Effective County Extension Committees (군 농촌지도위원회의 효율적 운영 방안)

  • Martens, Daniel C.;Kim, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 1999
  • Minnesota state law requires County Extension Committees (CECs). The County Board of Commissioners appoints committee members. Extension Educators are responsible for using CECs to assure the value of Extension work in the County. This paper will explore underlying values, principles and practices that can effect the utilization of CECs in ways that benefit the work of Extension and make the process a good experience for CEC members and Extension Educator. The paper is based primarily on readings in the Journal of Extension, interviews with two Extension Educator, and information provided by the University of Minnesota Extension Service for CEC members.

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Analysis of Knowledge and Competency for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Based on Anderson's Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy: Focused on Achievement Standard in the 2015 revised Practical Arts(Technology·Home Economics) (Bloom의 신교육목표 분류체계에 기초한 4차 산업혁명 시대에 요구하는 지식과 역량 분석: 2015 개정 실과(기술·가정) 교육과정의 가정과 성취기준을 대상으로)

  • Yang, Ji Sun;Lee, Gyeong Suk
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.129-149
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    • 2018
  • This study has attempted to analyze the achievement standards in the 2015 revised curriculum, based on the revision of Bloom's Taxonomy and aims to identify the knowledge and required competencies in the fourth industrial era. The results of this study are as follows: First, the knowledge dimensions was the highest 'metacognitive knowledge' in middle school, while 'factual knowledge' was the highest in high school, and 'knowledge of specific details and elements' was the highest subtype of all of the knowledge dimensions. The dimensions of the cognitive process, such as the terms 'apply' and 'analyze' in middle school, as 'understand' and 'evaluate' in high school have been treated inattentively. Second, the knowledge dimension and the cognitive process dimension according to key concepts display the metacognitive knowledge and 'understand' in development, the conceptual knowledge and 'understand' in relationship. While the 'metacognitive knowledge' and 'apply' in life culture, the 'procedural knowledge' and 'evaluate' in safety, the 'factual knowledge' and 'apply' in management and the 'metacognitive knowledge' and 'understand' in life design were extremely high. Third, the verbs used in the achievement standards displayed as 'explore', 'understand', 'analyze', 'practice', 'suggest', 'recognize' and 'evaluate'. Since the statement of the action verb is the very basis for determining the performance process, specific competencies may be achieved by reflecting on the actual achievement standards. These standards should provide us with a effective cognitive process for to understand a learner's performance skills and support the direction of the education required, through a strategy that refines the connection between content elements and functions and develop their competences for the future.

A Study on Legal Comparison Review of the Pilot's License System of WIG Ship(surface-flying ship) and Pilot Certification System of Aircraft (수면비행선박 조종사 면허제도와 항공기 조종사 자격증명제도의 법적 비교 검토)

  • Park, Sang-Yong
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.95-126
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    • 2020
  • In 2017, the world's first WIG ship (WIG: Wing In-Ground) pilot's license written test was conducted in Korea. The WIG ship is a ship that combines the characteristics of ships and airplanes. Therefore, the pilot of the WIG ship was allowed to apply only for those who had the aircraft pilot's license and the 6th class marine nautical license. The WIG ship pilot's license system was first introduced by Korea, so there are no international standards for the license system, and the introduction of a domestic qualification system also requires institutional arrangements due to various restrictions such as pilot training. However, in order to become a valuable industry as a future growth engine for the ocean, several urgent problems need to be solved, and that is the training of manpower for WIG ships. Therefore, I reviewed the institutional issues related to pilot training as this subject. Since 2001, various countries around the world have been discussing this issue, centering on IMO, and Korea has continued to participate and cooperate in IMO meetings. And the national qualification test for surface flying ships was conducted in Korea from 2011. However, there are still problems to be solved, and I pointed out the advancement of the manpower training system, the education and training system, and the designated national educational institution system. As a solution to this, it was suggested through the improvement of the license system and the operation of designated educational institutions. Among these solutions, I believe that the best way is to entrust the operation of designated national educational institutions to private educational institutions. However, I propose a plan that the government entrusts to private educational institutions, but the government is responsible for licensing and supervision. WIG ship will be a new market for the aviation industry and aviation workers.

보건관리대행기관 산업간호사의 업무수행과 직무만족도에 관한 연구

  • Jo, Dong-Ran;Go, Bong-Ryeon
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.2
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    • pp.26-39
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    • 1992
  • 본 연구는 보건관리대행기관에 근무하는 산업간호사들의 보건관리업무실태 및 근무만족도와 이들간의 관계를 파악함으로써, 산업간호업무향상 및 효율적인 산업보건관리를 위한 기초자료로 제시하고자 시도되었다. 조사대상은 38개 보건관리대행기관중 24개 기관에 근무하는 산업간호사 118명중 97명을 대상으로 하였다. 연구기간은 '92년 5월부터 6월까지 설문조사를 실시하였으며 그중 89명이 설문에 응답하여 이를 분석 대상으로 하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 보건관리대행기관의 간호사는 산업간호사의 일반적 특성과 비교해볼 때 기존 산업간호사와 유사하였다. 그러나 법정휴가를 받는다는 간호사가 59.1%로 더 낮았다. 둘째, 보건관리대행기관 산업간호사의 담당사업장수는 법적으로 30개 사업장, 2,000명의 근로자를 담당하도록 되어있는데 조사결과 법적기준인 보건관리사업장의 수를 담당하는 간호사는 57.1%를 차지하였고, 담당 근로자 수로 볼때는 2,000명이하가 29.8%를 차지하여 많은 산업간호사가 법적인 기준을 초과하여 산업보건관리를 대행하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 보건관리대행의 방문방법으로 교통편은 대행 기관차량을 이용하며, 간호사 혼자 산업장을 방문하는 것이 대부분으로 나타났고, 방문횟수는 100인미만이 월1회, 100인이상이 월2회로 규정된 것과 비교해보면 규정을 따르는 곳이 100인 미만의 경우 97.4%, 100인이상의 경우 86.4%였다. 또한 의사나 위생사는 방문을 안하거나 년1-5회 방문하는 것으로 나타나 보건관리대행의 주제공자는 간호사인 것으로 냐타났다. 또한 사업장 방문시 업무수행장소는 휴게실이나 사무실이 87.5%, 현장이나 수위실에서 하는 곳이 70.5%나 되어 뚜렷이 업무를 수행할 장소가 마련되지 않은 실정을 나타냈다. 네째, 보건관리대행에 근무하는 산업간호사의 애로사항은 사업장내에서는 조직과 체계상의 문제, 간호사 역할에 대한 인식부족, 권한과 자율성 부족 등을 들었고, 사업장 방문시에는 사업주와 근로자의 인식부족이 우선적으로 지적되었다. 또한 산업간호사는 보건관리 대행업무에서 사업장의 참여유도, 사업장 순회점검 및 개선지도, 보건교육, 건강상담이 우선적으로 실시되어야 한다고 하였다. 다섯째, 보건관리대행기관 산업간호사의 업무수행정도는 건강검진이나 직업병관리, 보건교육, 환경위생관리업무를 비교적 많이 실시하는 것으로 나타났다. 여섯째, 보건관리대행기관 산업간호사의 직무만족도는 전문적 위치나 상호작용, 업무요구등은 높게 나타났으나 보수와 산업보건관계자와의 관계등은 만족도가 낮게 나타났다. 또한 직무만족도에 대한 총화점수는 사업장근무자가 240점중 143.8인데 비해 보건관리대행기관 근무자는 230점중 129.61점으로 더 낮게 나타났다. 일곱째, 일반적 특성별 보건관리대행 산업간호사의 직무수행정도는 연령별 30세이상군이, 결혼상태별로 기혼군이, 경력은 1년이상인 군이, 근무시간 8시간인군이, 급여수준은 50만원이상인군이, 법정휴가가 있는 군이, 자질향상교육을 받은군이 담당사업장수가 30개이하인 군이, 더 높게 나타났다. 또한 연령군이 20-24군과 30세이상인군 (p<0.05), 결혼상태별로 기혼군과 미혼군(p<0.01), 급여수준별로 50만원미만군과 이상인 군(p<0.05), 법정휴가가 있는 군과 없는군(p<0.05), 자질향상 교육을 받은군과 받지못한 군(p<0.01), 담당사업장수가 30이하인 군과 31인이상인 군(p<0.05) 간에 유의한 차이를 보였다. 즉 산업간호사중 나이가 많고, 기혼이며 급여수준이 높고 법정휴가와 교육을 받고, 담당사업장수가 30이하인 군이 보건관리대행업무를 잘 수행하는 것으로 나타났다. 여덟째, 일반적 특성별 보건관리대행 산업간호사의 직무만족도는 연령별 30세이상군이, 결혼상태별로 기혼군이 경력은 1년이상인 군이, 근무시간 8시간인군이, 급여수준은 50만원이상군이, 법정휴가가있는군이, 자질향상교육을 받은군이, 담당사업장수가 30개이하인 군이 더 높게 나타났다. 또한 결혼상태별로 기혼군과 미혼군(p<0.01), 근무시간별로 8시간군과 9시간 이상인 군(p<0.01), 급여수준별 50만원 미만군과 이상군(p<0.05), 자질향상교육을 받은군과 받지 않은군(p<0.05) 사이에 유의한 차이를 보였다. 즉 산업간호사중 기혼이고 근무시간은 8시간이며 급여수준이 높고 자질향상교육을 받은 군이 만족도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 아홉째, 보건관리대행기관 산업간호사의 업무수행정도와 직무만족도 사이의 상관관계를 보면 보수, 자율성, 업무요구가 높을수록 산업간호업무를 수행을 잘하는 것으로 나타났으며(상관관계 r>0.6, P>0.001), 전체적으로 총직무만족도와 업무수행정도와의 상관관계는 6346, P<0.001로서 만족도가 높을수록 업무수행정도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 토대로하여 보면, 보건관리대행기관에 근무하는 산업간호사는 그 특성을 고려하여 업무도 사업장 근무자와 다르게 규정되어야 하며, 담당업무의 명확한 한계를 정해 중소규모사업장의 산업보건관리업무를 책임있게 수행할 수 있도록 뒷받침이 필요하다. 더불어, 직무만족도를 높일수 있도록, 산업간호사에 대한 다방면의 지원이 필요하다고 하겠다. 또한 보건관리대행기관 산업간호사는 나이가 많고 기혼이며 경력있는 간호사를 채용하고 근로조건을 잘 개선하면 직무수행정도가 더 높아질 것으로 보인다. 좋은 근로조건의 형성과 직무만족도 등을 높여 산업간호사의 직무를 효율적으로 수행할 수 있도록 하기 위하여는 보건관리대행기관에 관한 규정이 강화 보완되어야 하겠으며, 민간단체와 의료기관 뿐아니라 공공기관에서도 중소규모사업장의 보건관리업무를 담당하는 방향으로 전환하는 방안을 모색해 보아야 할 것이다.

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Analysis of a Cross-cutting Issue, 'Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing' of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (생물다양성협약 당사국회의의 핵심논제인 '유전자원에 대한 접근과 이익의 공유'에 관한 고찰)

  • Park, Yong-Ha
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.41-60
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    • 2007
  • Attempts were made to define the elements of debates, impact of decisions of the Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing(ABS) of the Conference of the Parties(COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD) In Korea. Providing policy suggestions to cope with ABS, a cross-cutting issue of the meetings of the COP, was also undertaken. Meetings concerning ABS deal with several key matters such as an international regime, which is a legally binding implementation tool of the Bonn Guidelines, an international certificate of genetic resources' origin/source/legal provenance, and disclosure of origin of genetic resources, compliance measures with prior informed consent of the Contracting Parties providing such resources and with mutually agreed terms on which access was granted. Developing countries, rich in biodiversity and genetic resources, use the CBD as a major tool to maximize their national profits. They demand for national sovereign rights for the genetic resources and indigenous communities providing associated traditional knowledge. At the meetings of the COP, in addition, they requested that developed countries should transfer technologies and provide a financial mechanism for resource conservation to them. On the contrary, the developed countries argue that facilitating access to genetic resources is essential for scientific research and development, and that both Intellectual Property Rights and biotechnology using genetic resources should be protected to maximize their national benefits. Decisions of the COP concerning the Bonn Guidelines and compliance measures with ABS will affect on various socioeconomic fields of Korea, a country which is short of genetic resources. Especially, the importation of genetic resources and land development which might damage genetic resources will be limited seriously. Consequently, overall expenses will increase for the securing genetic resources from the foreign countries and developing biotechnology for conservation and sustainable uses of genetic resources. To minimize the adverse impacts, we endeavor to establish our clear standpoint and to lead the international trends, which are favorable for us. In order to achieve these objectives, government needs i) to proceed researches to lead the international ABS debates actively and to prepare the expected decisions of the future meetings of the COP, ii) to establish a national implementation plan to cope with the ABS and its related decisions, iii) to examine and improve the efficiencies of the national implementation plan with a proper monitoring system, and iv) cope with the other international meetings including the meetings of Trade Related Intellectual Properly Rights and International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture actively.

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A Study on the Interpretation of Cultural Heritage Sites for Public Education (대중교육을 위한 문화유적의 해석(Interpretation)에 관한 기본연구)

  • Han, Sang-U
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    • no.68
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    • pp.41-57
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to review educational value of cultural heritage sites first and then, to examine the importance of interpretation and interpretation methods and process briefly to utilize cultural heritage sites as important resources for public education and cultural tourism. The educational value of cultural heritage sites is not limited to provide visitors with various information on historical facts and events related to the cultural heritage site, but to provide the public with a new recognition of the importance of the preservation of cultural heritage sites by understanding the site well. In order to utilize the educational value of the cultural heritage site, interpretation must be emphasized as an important element of cultural heritage sites management and much attention should be given on the development and practice of interpretation programs in each cultural heritage site. In order to develop an interpretation program of the site, a specific target audience must be defined first to find most resonable scope and direction of an interpretation program and then, site specific interpretation themes (or a theme) should be developed from the interpretive topic. According to these defined elements, an interpretation program(s) is established by using various interpretation methods and techniques in order to provide visitors with useful information and knowledge on the site efficiently. Interpretation methods and techniques are various as defined by various ways and most effective methods or techniques are employed as a specific interpretation program is presented most effectively. The evaluation processes in planing stage, during developing stage, and after completion of interpretation program development are important processes to find out any problems of planed interpretation program and to revise or update the interpretation program. Conclusively, the direction of cultural heritage sites management in Korea has focused on the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage sites to preserve the original conditions of cultural heritage sites so far. This direction on current practice on cultural heritage sites management should he changed to more active utilization of the sites and interpretation of the sites is a way to accomplish the this goal.

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Preliminary Diagnosis of Fishing Ground Environment for Establishing the Management System in Fisheries Resources Protection Area (수산자원보호구역 관리체제 구축을 위한 어장환경 예비진단)

  • Lee, Dae-In;Park, Dal-Soo;Jeon, Kyeong-Am;Eom, Ki-Hyuk;Park, Jong-Soo;Kim, Gui-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2009
  • For preliminary diagnosis on current fishing ground environment and basic information for establishment of effective and rational management policy in fisheries resources protection area, water and sediment quality and changes of total area in the 10 marine protection areas designated for fisheries resources management in Korea were assessed. Results showed that environmental quality in these areas has been degraded by pollution sources, coastal utilization and development stress, etc. The pattern and degree of contamination differed by protection areas, suggesting that it is necessary for optimum environmental management plan considering the regional characteristics. The total designated area of protection areas in 2003 changed by $-22.9{\sim}2.4%$, on average -6.4%, compared with the first year of designation; Wando-Doam Bay showd the highest increase rate (2.4%), and Hansan Bay has the highest decrease rate (-22.9%) Decrease rate of land and sea in total area showd 6.1% and 6.6%. An integrated management of environmental data in protection areas is required for systematic assessment. Therefore, the suitable environmental and information management is needed specifically considering the environment characteristics such as development and utilization conditions of land and sea area Furthermore, bemuse urbanization and industrialization threats the junctions of the protection areas, authorized ministry (MIFAFF) should develope and establish monitoring and management procedures based on the related laws.

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Analysis of HACCP System Implementation on Productivity, Advantage and Disadvantage of Laying Hen Farm in Korea (산란계 농장의 HACCP 제도 적용에 따른 생산성과 장단점 분석)

  • Nam, In Sik;Kim, Hyung Sik;Seo, Kang Min;Ahn, Jong Ho
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.93-98
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to analysis the reason for implementing HACCP system, advantage and disadvantage of HACCP system implemented laying hen farm. The study was carried out by randomly selected fifteen laying hen farms located in all around Korea. All data were collected from fifteen laying hen farms before and after the implementation of HACCP system. The results were as follows: The egg production rate, livability rate and monthly used animal medicine fee did not changed after HACCP system implementation. However, monthly used disinfectant fee tended to be higher in HACCP farm compared to non-HACCP farm. 26.92% of the laying hen farmer responded enhancement of their farm competitiveness as the major propose for implementing HACCP system. The advantages of HACCP implemented laying hen farms were methodical farm management (22.39%), improvement of awareness (21.18%), improvement of the farm sanitation management level (15.30%), safety egg production (15.05%), productivity enhancement (7.29%), reduction of mortality rate (6.82%), and improvement of labor's welfare (5.89%). The disadvantages of HACCP implemented laying hen farms were HACCP recording (43.30%), alteration of consciousness (22.60%), HACCP monitoring (11.11%), HACCP education (9.97%), HACCP verification (6.90%), and A high turnover of labor (6.13%). In conclusion, implementation of HACCP system to laying hen farm did not affect on the productivity or the use of animal medicine. However, the HACCP system may enhance safety and sanitation of egg production for consumer.

The Study on the Measure to Improve the Event Place Guarding Operation System (행사장경호 운용시스템 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Chul;Kim, Tae-Min
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.11
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    • pp.203-226
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    • 2006
  • A highly sophisticated expertise and systematic and integrated management of security operation are essential for a crowded stadium. a special object of security guarding. Nonetheless, the recent incident in a singing concert hall reveals the overall problem like the lacking safety management system. lacking deployment of professional security personnel, absence of safety manuals and safety measures, as well as the lack of professionalism of private sector security companies. In this study, we presented three categories that needed improvement, like the legal and institutional improvement, improvement of policy and improvement of operation which are required to set up the model to operate the optimal private sector security duties. For the revision of law and institution for a better and more desirable method, we discussed the revision of related laws and regulations pursuant to the security operation at places where events are held, including the revision of law on security guarding work, regulation on common housing management, uniformity of security guarding, and law on performance. For the improvement of policies, we discussed the introduction of security consultants, strengthening the security instructor system, expansion of relevant organizations, establishment of mutual cooperation, privatization of profitable events, improvement of awareness about the security activities provided by private sector, policy for the professionalism of private security operation, expansion of security exhibition and seminar. For the improvement of operation. we discussed professional security techniques. such as the technique of security consulting, the application of CPTED technique, the technique for the integration of system, the method of operation, the establishment of a system to support public security operations and volunteers, establishment of a manual for security guarding performance, modernization and high tech-oriented equipment, organization of security guarding entity in which the industry, academic society and government participates together.

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Islamist Strategic Changes against U.S. International Security Initiative (미국(美國)의 대외안보전략(對外安保戰略)에 대응한 이슬람Terrorism의 전술적(戰術的) 진화(進化))

  • Choi, Kee-Nam
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.14
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    • pp.517-534
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    • 2007
  • Since the beginning of human society, there have always been struggles and competitions for survival and prosperity, terrorism is not a recent phenomenon, however in modern times it has progressed to reflect the advances in civilization and power structures. At the time of the 9.11 terrorist attacks in the U.S. A., a new world order was in the process of being established after the breakdown of the Cold War era. The attacks drove both the Western and the Islamic worlds into heightened fear of terrorism and war, which threatened the quality of life of the whole mankind. Through two war campaigns against the Islamic world, it seems the U.S. has been pushing its own militaristic security road map of the Greater Middle East democratic initiative, justifying it as a means to retaliate and eradicate the terrorist threats towards themselves. However, with its five-year lopsided victories that cost the nation almost four thousand military casualties, and the war expenses that could match the Vietnam war, the U.S. does not yet seem to be totally emancipated from the fears of terrorism. Terrorism, in itself, is a means of resisting forced rules a form of alternative competition by the weak against the strong, and a way of expressing a dismissive response against dictatorial ideas or orders which allow for no normal changes. Intrinsically, the nature of terrorism is a reaction opposing power logics. Confronted with the absolute military power of the U.S., the Islamic strategies of terrorism have begun to rapidly evolve into a new stage. The new strategies take advantage of their civilization and circumstances, they train and inspire their front-line fighters on the Internet, and issue their orders through the clandestine network of the Al Qaeda operatives. These spontaneously generated strategies have been gained speed among the second, and third Islamic generations, many of whom are now spread throughout western societies. This represents a failure of the power-driven, one-sided overseas security initiatives by the U.S., and is creating a culture of fear and distrust in western societies. It is feared that the U.S. war campaigns have made the clash of religions far worse than before, and may ever lead to global ethnic separations and large-scale population movements. Eventually, it may result in the terrorist groups, enlarged and secretly supported by the huge sums of oil money, driving all mankind into a series of irreparable catastrophes.

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